North Dakota Statewide Interoperable Radio Network Talkgroup Information
From The RadioReference Wiki
Talkgroup ID Numbering Convention
For ease of identification and standardization, talkgroup IDs shall follow the SIRN Talkgroup ID Numbering Convention described below. A talkgroup ID consists of five (5) digits. Digits in positions 1, 2 and 3 will be used to represent counties and agency functions as follows.
- *00*000: The first two digits are used to identify agency or jurisdiction as follows:
- *00* represents State agencies
- *01* to *53* represents the 53 counties in alphabetical order
- *54* is assigned to Tribal Nations
- *56* is assigned to Federal Agencies
- *57* is assigned for Miscellaneous entities
- Other entities not directly affiliated to a federal, state, or local agency will be assigned the two-digit prefix on a case-by-case basis.
- 00*0*00: The third digit is used to identify the non-State agency’s function as follows:
- *1*: Law Enforcement and Corrections
- *2*: Fire
- *3*: Ambulance and EMS
- *4*: Emergency Management and local (county level) collaboration talkgroups
- *5*: Highway Departments
- *6*: Schools
- *7*: Public Works and Parks and Recreation
- *8*: Health/Hospitals
- *9*: Transit/Transportation
- Talkgroups for State agencies shall further be organized per the following ranges (last three digits):
- NDIT: *000-099*
- Mutual Aid: *100-199*
- HP: *200-299*
- BCI: *300-349*
- Game and Fish: *350-399*
- Hospitals: *400-499*
- State Radio: *500-549*
- DES: *550-599*
- P&R: *600-649*
- DOC: *650-699*
- NDFS: *700-749*
- DOH: *750-799*
- DOT: *800-899*
- NDNG: *950-999*
Ref: Configuration and Allocation: SIRN Radio ID & Talkgroup Allocation
Talkgroup Naming
All talkgroup names programmed in the system must be unique; there can be no duplicates. In addition, special characters are not permitted. Talkgroup names shall adhere to the following conventions:
- Talkgroup names are limited to fourteen characters
- All encrypted talkgroups must end with an “*E*”
- Talkgroups names shall identify the agency and purpose of the talkgroup per the naming convention guidance below.
- The talkgroup/multi-group name will be prefixed with a County and agency identification unique to that agency.
- Talkgroups shall follow *## AAA BBBB E* convention described below:
- *##*: the first two characters must indicate the County Number ranging from *01* to *53* (State agencies shall use *00*)
- *AAA*: two to four characters indicating the agency (e.g., BCSO, WFFD, HP, etc.)
- *BBBB*: the remaining characters are used to indicate the purpose or function of the talkgroup (e.g., Narcotics, Dispatch, Operations, Arson, etc.)
- *E*: Encrypted talkgroups shall have “*E*” as a suffix
- Regional interoperability talkgroups/multi-groups must be prefixed with "*ND*" and the appropriate two-character regional prefix, "*NW*" for Northwest, "*NE*" for Northeast, "*SW*" for Southwest, and "*SE*" for Southeast.
- Talkgroups and multi-groups that are not owned by an individual agency or region would not have an agency/region specific identifying prefix.
- Examples of these would be statewide mutual aid and interoperability talkgroups such as *ND MA 03 E*.
Ref: Configuration and Allocation: SIRN Talkgroup and Multi-group Naming
Regional & Statewide Interoperability Talkgroups
SIRN will maintain and operate 31 statewide mutual aid talkgroups (referred to as ND MA talkgroups) designed for multi-jurisdiction and multi-discipline command, coordination, and tactical communications. SIRN will additionally maintain and operate eight (8) regional mutual aid talkgroups (Regional MA) for each of the four Emergency Management Agency regions. These Regional MA Talkgroups are designed for multi-jurisdiction and multi-discipline command, coordination, and tactical communications.
ND Emergency Management Regions
All devices operating on SIRN as their primary two-way radio solution MUST be programmed with the ND MA talkgroups and all Regional MA talkgroups.
SIRN statewide MA talkgroups are categorized and will be assigned as follows:
- *ND MA HAIL*: Statewide Hailing channel
- *ND PURSUIT 1* and *ND PURSUIT 2*: Talkgroups for law enforcement use/coordination during pursuits
- *ND MA 03 E* – *ND MA 05 E*: General purpose secure talkgroups for law enforcement use per incident needs
- *ND MA 06* – *ND MA 30*: General purpose clear talkgroups assigned per incident needs
SIRN Regional MA talkgroups are categorized and will be assigned as follows:
- *ND (NW/NE/SW/SE) HAIL:* Region Hailing channel
- *ND (NW/NE/SW/SE) MA PURSUIT*: Encrypted talkgroups for law enforcement use/coordination during pursuits (Regional)
- *ND (NW/NE/SW/SE) MA 01 E*: General purpose encrypted talkgroups for law enforcement use per incident needs (Regional)
- *ND (NW/NE/SW/SE) MA 02* – *ND (NW/NE/SW/SE) MA 06*: General purpose clear talkgroups assigned per incident needs (Regional)
Ref: Interoperability Standards: SIRN Regional & Statewide Interoperability Talkgroups