Summary of Oil Spill Response and Cleanup Frequencies for San Francisco Bay, California
This information is specific to Northern California and was parsed from an online USCG document
Oil Spill Response and Cleanup
The primary frequency during the initial
response is CLEMAR 154.9200, but is expected to shift at some point to CALCORD 156.0750 Mhz as
additional organizations join the MAC.
In central and northern California, OSPR wardens’ and biologists’ working
frequencies are 159.4350 Mhz(Tx) and 151.4150 Mhz (Rx). (CA Fish and Game)
CALCORD (VHF-FM 156.0750 Mhz) is the primary frequency for coordination among
state and local government agencies in a multi-agency response.
Local fire and emergency medical services agencies also use frequencies within
the FIRESCOPE system.
Local law enforcement agencies, county sheriffs, and the California Highway Patrol
CLEMAR system for inter-jurisdictional coordination.
Four primary VHF-FM frequencies and two primary UHF-FM
frequencies listed below for use in oil spill containment and cleanup operations.
1. 150.9800 Mhz VHF-FM
2. 154.5850 Mhz VHF-FM
3. 158.4450 Mhz VHF-FM
4. 159.4800 Mhz VHF-FM
5. 454.0000 Mhz UHF
6. 459.0000 Mhz UHF
Marine Channels in Use:
Marine ch6 156.3000 Safety Freq Also Gru San Fran Secondary Public Liaison
Marine ch12 156.6000 Intership Safety Also VTS San Fran Offshore Sector
Marine ch13 156.6500 Bridge to Bridge
Marine ch14 156.7000 VTS San Fran Inshore Sector
Marine ch16 156.8000 International Calling and Distress Only for hailing and distress
Marine ch21A 157.0500 Gru San Fran Primary, Gru Humboldt
Bay Secondary
Marine ch22A 157.1000 USCG only, Public Liaison, Safety Bcsts
Marine ch23A 157.0500 Sta Monterey Primary
Marine ch83A 157.1750 Group Humboldt Bay Primary
CLEMAR- US Fish & Wildlife, OSPR & Ca. Local
Govt. Primary
CALCORD- Local Govt. Secondary Ca. and Fed. Govt. only
VHF 150.9800 MSRC Primary [Not a Marine Band frequency]
UHF am 381.8000 CG Aircraft Primary
UHF 454.0000 Clean Bay Primary Clean Bay also can assign VHF-FM freqs as
required for working/liaison
UHF 459.0000 Clean Bay Secondary
U.S. Coast Guard working frequencies
Channel 81A (157.0750 Mhz) - Communication between U.S. Coast Guard units and
other Coast Guard personnel who are part of the OSC staff.
UHF 381.8000 - The primary working frequency between the Unified Command and U.
Coast Guard aircraft.
Channe21A - Primary working/SAR frequency of Group Humboldt Bay.
Channe83A - Primary working/SAR frequency of Group Humboldt Bay.
Channel 16 - (156.8000 Mhz) Designated under international convention for use for
ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore hailing and distress in international waters. ALL users
are required to use channel 16 for only these purposes and then switch to other
channels for subsequent communications. Oil spill response is no exception.
Channel 13 - (156.6500 Mhz) Designated bridge-to-bridge hailing and navigation
safety frequency in inland and offshore waters. It may be used only to establish
contact and make arrangements between vessels in crossing, meeting, or overtaking
situations in accordance with the International or Inland Navigation Rules.
Ch. 06 (156.3000 Mhz) Safety Frequency -
is designated as the frequency which may
be used by all parties for communication on matters involving human health and
safety. FCC regulations require all vessels equipped with VHF-FM capability to have
this channel. As there is expected to be little other traffic on this channel during an
oil spill response, this should be monitored by all involved units that have this
channel available, and regarded as a tertiary channel for the response.