
OneVoice MAX Radio IDs

From The RadioReference Wiki

Confirmed Radio IDs (Collaborative Effort)

The following Radio IDs have been logged and confirmed on the system.
NOTE: Both tables are now sortable

Radio ID: Alpha Tag: Confirmation: Agency: Notes:
10077 ALEX TEST 1 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown Kenwood mobile
20008 WPD MOBILE Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Wappengers Falls PD
20009 PPD MOBILE Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Town Of Poughkipsse PD
20011 BASE Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Unknown PD Base, Hudson Valley NY
63051 4W22 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 NYC DEP Police
63052 DEP PD TEST 3 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 NYC DEP Police
63053 9W4 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 NYC DEP Police
4000000 Radio Maintenance Seagravebuff60, Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Motorola R7
10011061 CLEO BENCH Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10011066 CLEO BENCH 2 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10011072 Truck21NX5800 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10011075 TRUCK 41 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10011084 T3 NX MOBILE 4 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10013056 VITO Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10013095 Tyler Truck 56 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown Kenwood
10013096 David Truck Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown Kenwood
10013103 NX3300 P1 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown
10013108 PINTO Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 Goosetown

Unknown Radio IDs (Collaborative Effort)

The following Radio IDs have been logged on the system, but their use is unknown or unconfirmed.

Radio ID: Alpha Tag: Confirmation: Agency: Notes:
131 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Radio Tech
141 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown On 100001
10010 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Radio Tech, Portable Radio
10065 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Radio Tech
20003 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
20004 Portable Homer_LCPDFR Town of Poughkeepsie Police Testing on PD TG
20005 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
20006 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
20007 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
20010 Homer_LCPDFR Town of Poughkeepsie Police Testing on PD TG
20011 Homer_LCPDFR Town of Poughkeepsie Police Testing on PD TG
63050 Whiskey 8 Homer_LCPDFR Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 NYC DEP Police Testing on NYC DEP Police Dispatch
63053 W3 Homer_LCPDFR NYC DEP Police Testing on NYC DEP Police Dispatch
63054 Homer_LCPDFR, Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24 NYC DEP Police Testing on NYC DEP Police Dispatch
63055 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
1001161 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Testing on NYC DEP Police Dispatch
4000001 Seagravebuff60 Goosetown Goosetown Radio Tech?
4000004 blueseas Triangle Comm Radio Tech?
4000005 Seagravebuff60, Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Goosetown Radio Tech, Motorola 5000 Series
4000012 twister_2 Registration on Reeser's Summit
4000013 twister_2 Registration on Reeser's Summit
4000014 twister_2 Registration on Reeser's Summit
4000015 twister_2 Registration on Reeser's Summit
8002400 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown On 100001
8110243 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
8114912 Radio Maintenance Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Testing on NYC DEP Police Dispatch, POC device
8114912 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
8115004 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown SP5S+ King Connect
8116757 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown
8119361 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
8119362 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
8119363 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Testing on NYC DEP Police Dispatch
8119363 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10011070 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10011073 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10011080 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10011081 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10012936 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013008 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013027 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013045 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013053 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013073 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013094 Homer_LCPDFR Goosetown Goosetown Radio Tech
10013094 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013101 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013106 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013109 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013114 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24
10013116 Seagravebuff60 - 3/30/24

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