
OneVoice MAX Sites

From The RadioReference Wiki

Unconfirmed Sites (Collaborative Effort)

The following sites have been logged on the system but have not been submitted to the database.
If you can confirm any of them, please submit the information and then remove them from this list, and add it to the confirmed list below.

TIII Non Standard
Site Number:
Site Name:
(Bold = Simulcast)
TIII Standard
Site Number:
County & State: Location: Neighbors:
(Bold = Not in DB)
Callsign: Radio Shop: Additonal Notes:
97 Exeter 13.2 Washington, RI 266 NOOSENECK HILL RD 96, 102, 103, 153 Goosetown 463.5625, LCN 1086, LSN 2173, CC7, Reported 2/9/25
103 Glastonbury 13.8 Hartford, CT Birch Hill Rd 96, 97, 101, 102, 151, 152 WQWN437 Goosetown 464.0375, LCN 1124, LCN 2249, CC7, Reported 2/9/25
123? North East 16.4 Dutchess, NY Silver Mtn Goosetown
124? Dover 16.5 Dutchess, NY East Mountian Goosetown
142? Saugerties 18.7 Ulster, NY Goat Hill Goosetown Possibly being replaced by Site 131 (Woodstock)
146? Depot Hill 19.3 Dutchess, NY Depot Hill (Beekman) Goosetown
162? Grahamsville 21.3 Sulivan, NY Goosetown
207 26.8 Berks, PA Triangle 501.5375 LCN 3777 LSN 7555 DCCx 6/21/24 Showing in the repeater map
210 Newport 27.3 Perry, PA Buffalo Mountain WQSK899 Triangle

Confirmed Sites

Once an "unknown" site has been confirmed and submitted to the database, Please add it to the list below.
While this list may not always be 100% Accurate, to find an accurate listing of confirmed sites, visit the Database
NOTE: For sites with only one frequency in use, one slot acts as the CC slot, and the other acts as the voice slot. Also, sites in bold are simulcasts

TIII Non Standard
Site Number
Site Name:
(Bold = Simulcast)
TIII Standard
Site Number
County & State: Location: Neighbors:
(Bold = Not in DB)
Callsign: Radio Shop: Additonal Notes:
20 West Orange 3.5 Essex, NJ IAO 416 Eagle Rock Road Goosetown 501.925 LCN3808 LSN7617 Reported. Added to the DB 10/29/24
96 Chopmist Hill 13.1 Providence, RI Chopmist Hill, Scituate WPPU889 Goosetown 472.2625 LCN1435 LSN2871 Reported. Site Added to the DB 12/16/24
101 Hartford 13.6 Hartford, CT Farmington (Rattlesnake Mtn) 112, 130, 151, 153 WPVI453 Goosetown Added to the DB 12/23/23
104 Bloomfeild 14.1 Hartford, CT Bloomfield Goosetown Shop WPVX206 Goosetown Added to the DB 8/26/23
111 Pomona/Mahwah Simulcast 14.8 Rockland, NY 2 Subsite Simulcast
  • Cheesecote Mtn (Pomona)
  • Stag Hill (Mahwah, NJ)
20, 112, 113, 121, 130 WPMF704, WPXS787 Goosetown Added to the DB 8/26/23, Updated 2/29/24
112 Valhalla 15.1 Westchester, NY Westchester Community College 111, 113, 114, 115, 121, 130 WQAF677, WQDG681 Goosetown Added to the DB 8/26/23
113 Alpine 15.2 Bergen, NJ Off US-9W 111, 112, 117 WPVX205, WQXF963 Goosetown Added to the DB 1/29/23
114 Beacon 15.3 Dutchess, NY Mount Beacon 111, 121, 130, 134 WPMP939 Goosetown Added to the DB 12/12/23
115 North Salem 15.4 Westchester, NY Crosby Rd 112, 130 WQKP365 Goosetown Added to the DB 6/17/24
117 Warwick 15.6 Orange, NY Off Brady Road 111, 113, 119, 121, 140 WQGX845, WQEP448 Goosetown Added to the DB 6/22/24
118 Glen Spey 15.7 Sullivan, NY 925 Proctor Rd, Glen Spey WQCD579 Goosetown Added to the DB 5/25/24
119 Westfall 15.8 Pike, PA Heater Hill Rd 118, 140 WQGX845, WQEP448 Goosetown Added to the DB 5/28/24
120 Liberty 16.1 Sulivan, NY 546 Elk Point Rd WPPC292 Goosetown Added to the DB 5/28/24
121 Schunnemunk Mtn 16.2 Orange, NY Schunnemunk Mtn 111, 112, 114, 130, 134, 140 WPJY934 Goosetown Added to the DB 12/04/23
125 Austerlitz 16.6 Columbia, NY AUSTERLITZ MTN 131,134,151 WPNQ593 Goosetown 464.0625 LCN1126 LSN2253 Reported. Added to the DB 12/15/24
130 Putnam Valley 17.3 Putnam, NY AT&T Long Lines site, NY-301 111, 112, 114, 115, 121 WRMZ587 Goosetown Added to the DB 8/26/23
131 Woodstock 17.4 Ulster, NY Overlook Mtn 114, 121, 134, 140, 143 WPXV511 Goosetown Added to the DB 8/26/23
134 Esopus/Highland Simulcast 17.7 Ulster, NY 2 Subsite Simulcast
  • Shaupeneak Ridge (Esopus)
  • Illinois Mtn (Highland)
114, 121, 130, 131 WPMP781, WPNY257 Goosetown Added to the DB 12/12/23 as Esopus, Updated 2/29/24
139 Randolph 18.4 Morris, NJ Mount Freedom 111, 113 WSEC597 Goosetown Added to the DB 12/16/24
140 Ellenville/Wurtsboro Simulcast 18.5 Ulster, NY
Sullivan, NY
2 Subsite Simulcast
  • Sams Point (Ellenville)
  • Off Mun Rd, Mamakating (Wurtsboro)
117, 119, 120, 121, 134 WQDU245, WPNZ266 Goosetown Referenced on air by tech (4/16/24), Added to the DB 4/16/24, Updated to Simulcast 8/3/24
143 Stamford 18.8 Delaware, NY Mount Utsayantha 131, 145 WQGG466 Goosetown Added to the DB 2/22/24
144 Shandaken/Shokan Simulcast 19.1 Ulster, NY 2 Subsite Simulcast
  • Belleayre Mountain (Shandaken)
  • South Mountain (Shokan)
WQJM476 Goosetown Showng in the Repeater Map 2/29/24, referenced on air by tech (4/16/24), Added to the DB 4/25/24
145 Walton 19.2 Delaware, NY Hauck Mtn WQFS599 Goosetown Added to the DB 2/22/24
151 Mount Tom 19.8 Hampden, MA Holyoke (Mount Tom) 101, 130 WPPH988 Goosetown Added to the DB 12/23/23
152 Paxton 20.1 Worcester, MA MT ASNEBUMSKIT WRTF201 Goosetown 470.5875 DCC7 No Neighbors at this time. Added to the DB 10/20/24
153 Barnstable/Cape Cod 20.2 Barnstable, MA Off Oak St, Barnstable WQZI757 Goosetown Techs mentioned the site is "good to go" 2/15/24, Added to the DB 5/1/24, Second Repeater Reported 7/29/24
192 Red Lion 25.1 York, PA End of Indian Springs Road 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198 WPVH421 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
193 York 25.2 York, PA Deininger Road 192, 194, 195, 197, 198, 203 WPVH212 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
194 Reesers Summit 25.3 York, PA Reesers Summit (Harrisburg, PA) 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 203 WPLY937 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
195 Sherman Mountain 25.4 Perry, PA Sherman Mtn 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198 WPVH211 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
196 Harrisburg 25.5 Dauphin, PA Harrisburg (WHP-TV site) WQKJ459 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
197 Hanover 25.6 York, PA Laurel Woods Dr 192, 193, 194, 196, 198 WPLY936 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
198 Cornwall 25.7 Lancaster, PA Furnace Hills (Cornwall Lookout/Penn Twp) 192, 193, 194, 196, 197 WNST294 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
199 New Holland (Welsh Mtn) 25.8 Lancaster, PA Ranck Rd (New Holland/Salisbury Twp) 194, 198, 200, 201, 203, 206 WPUD483, WNFF821 Triangle On Air 01/22/24 Added to the DB 01/23/24
200 Malvern (Exton) 26.1 Chester, PA Valley Hill Rd (Malvern) WPWG477 Triangle Added to the DB 01/24/24
201 Honey Brook 26.2 Chester, PA Telegraph Rd 198, 199, 200, 206 WPRJ813, KNAE286 Triangle 462.1250 CH1943 501.8625 CH7607 502.8875 CH7771
Previously Reported as 201 prior to 03/27/2024
Now reporting as 201 4/16/24
Added to the DB 4/25/24
202 Summit Station 26.3 Schuylkill, PA On Blue Mtn 1 mile east of PA Route 183 (Wayne Township) WPVF400 Triangle 454.25625 LCN 1221 LSN 2443 DCC1 01/23/2024 Tech mentioned site is online, Added to the DB 2/10/25
203 Quarryville 26.4 Lancaster, PA 877 Truce Road Holtwood (Rawlinsville/Truce) 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200 WPFU958 Triangle Added to the DB 11/27/23
205 Concordville 26.6 Delaware, PA Concord Industrial Park, Lacrue Ave WQUR609, WPLR257 Triangle 501.5375 CH7555 502.9125 CH7775 Reported
Possibly online 03/27/2024
Added to the DB 4/30/24
206 Mount Penn 26.7 Berks, PA Mt Penn 1.75 mi NE of Reading WPVF400 Triangle 454.24375 LCN 1220 LSN 2441 DCC1 On Air 02/04/24, Added to the DB 2/10/25
208 Philadelphia 27.1 Philadelphia, PA 329 Domino Ln 200, 201, 205, 206 WQTU646 Triangle Added to the DB 4/30/24
224 McConnellsburg 29.1 Fulton, PA Off Aughwick Road WRAA246 Triangle 464.0 LCN 1121 (LSN 2443/2444) DCC7 Reported 7/15/24
Added to the DB 7/19/24

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