
Parker County (P25) Radio IDs

From The RadioReference Wiki

Radio IDs

RID Numbering
    1## dispatch consoles
500#### DPS, state agencies
7090### Springtown?
750#### Parker County, Weatherford

Old Radio IDs

NOTE - In August 2015 the system was reconfigured and all radios have been reprogrammed with new RIDs that conform to the Texas Statewide Coordinated P25 Radio Unit Identification Plan. The information in this section is now obsolete.

There are over 700 radio IDs in the following blocks.

1000001-1000695 PCSO, PC Fire
1005004-1005338 PCSO, PC Fire
1010001-1010024 Consoles?
1015001-1015127 WPD, WFD
1020001-1020047 WPD, WFD
1025001-1025013 Consoles?
1030001-1030013 Hudson Oaks PD
1035001-1035006 Hudson Oaks PD
1050001-1050120 Various
1095001-1095002 Consoles
1100004-1100013 Lifecare EMS
1105001-1105034 Lifecare EMS
A Attack
B Brush
BC Battalion Chief
E Engine
M Fire Marshal
R Rescue
S Squad
T Tanker
RID Department Unit
1000299 Greenwood E41
1000342 Greenwood T41
1000379 Spring Creek BC344
1000394 La Junta Sta 51
1000547 Cool-Garner BC43
1000586 Springtown BC48
1000611 Poolville BC47
1000612 Poolville E47
1000623 Central BC55
1005119 Parker Co. Fire Marshal M233
1005121 Millsap T42
1005138 Parker Co. Fire Marshal M433
1005144 Weatherford FD T1 (radio 1?)
1005148 Cool-Garner T43
1005149 Cool-Garner E43
1005153 Hudson Oaks E36
1005155 Hudson Oaks T36
1005157 Hudson Oaks B236
1005162 Brock-Dennis E239
1005164 Brock-Dennis E39
1005165 Brock-Dennis B139
1005166 Brock-Dennis Sta 39
1005167 Brock-Dennis T39
1005180 Aledo E34
1005181 Aledo E234
1005182 Aledo T34
1005183 Aledo B34
1005188 Aledo B334
1005193 Poolville T47
1005195 Poolville R47
1005199 Millsap B242
1005200 Millsap BC242
1005204 Greenwood B241
1005208 Parker Co. Emerg. Mgmt.? S33
1005209 Cresson B30
1005213 Cresson E39
1005216 Peaster E46
1005218 Peaster B46
1005221 Peaster T46
1005222 Peaster B246
1005231 Willow Park E35
1005233 Central A55
1005234 Central T55
1005235 Central A255
1005236 Central B255
1005240 Spring Creek E44
1005243 Spring Creek T244
1005245 Spring Creek B44
1005247 La Junta A51
1005248 Silver Creek B254
1005249 Springtown E48
1005250 Silver Creek E254
1005253 Springtown T48
1005254 Springtown Sta 48
1005255 Springtown A48
1005256 La Junta B51
1005257 La Junta T51
1005258 La Junta E51
1005263 Silver Creek Sta 54
1005263 Silver Creek T54
1005264 Silver Creek E54
1005278 Greenwood B341
1005283 Aledo S34
1005298 Parker Co. ESD 1 Chief 1
1005299 Cresson T30
1005303 Spring Creek B244
1005305 Springtown S48
1005306 Parker Co. ESD 1 Chief 2
1005307 Parker Co. Fire Marshal M33
1005333 Aledo S234
1010001 Parker Co. Main dispatch console
1010002 Parker Co. W&W dispatch console
1010003 Parker Co. TAC-2 dispatch console
1010004 Parker Co. Fire dispatch console
1010012 Parker Co. Hudson Oaks PD dispatch console
1010013 Parker Co. Emerg. Mgmt. EOC Base
1010020 Springtown Fire dispatch console
1015001 Weatherford FD E2 ht
1015005 Weatherford FD BC1 ht
1015027 Weatherford FD T1 (radio 2?)
1015091 Weatherford FD M1
1020010 Weatherford FD E3
1020011 Weatherford FD B1
1020012 Weatherford FD B3
1020028 Weatherford FD B4
1020029 Weatherford FD E2
1020036 Weatherford FD BC2
1020042 Weatherford FD E4
1020043 Weatherford FD E1
1020046 Weatherford FD BC1 (radio 2)
1020047 Weatherford FD BC1 (radio 1)
1025001 Weatherford FD Sta 1
1025003 Weatherford PD Fire dispatch console
1025005 Parker Co. W&W dispatch console
1025007 Weatherford PD Main dispatch console
1050071 Tarrant Co. Fire Alarm Base
1095001 Parker Co. Fire Alarm Main dispatch console
1095002 Life Care EMS Main dispatch console
1100004 Life Care EMS Medic
1100005 Life Care EMS Medic
1100006 Life Care EMS Medic
1100007 Life Care EMS Medic
1100008 Life Care EMS Medic
1100010 Life Care EMS Medic
1100011 Life Care EMS Medic
1100012 Life Care EMS Medic
1100013 Life Care EMS Medic

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