
Perry County (MS)

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Welcome to the Perry County, Mississippi collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.

General Information

  • Most law enforcement agencies use the Mississippi Wireless Integrated Network (MSWIN) for primary communications. Perry County SO dispatches all agencies in the county on VHF analog. The analog VHF system is also linked to MSWIN, and most primary law enforcement units have, and use, MSWIN radios.
  • Primary Fire/EMS communications is VHF analog.

Mississippi Wireless Integrated Network (MSWIN)

003 (3) Oak Grove769.218750 769.468750a 769.718750a 769.968750c 772.756250

005 (5) New Augusta769.181250 769.431250a 769.681250a 769.931250c 771.456250

020 (14) Benndale773.581250 773.831250 774.081250a 774.331250a 774.581250a 774.831250c

Perry County Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
35943  8c67  56 SO 1  Sheriff 1 
35945  8c69  56 SO 2  Sheriff 2 

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Mississippi Counties