
Prince George's County Verified/Unverified Talkgroups

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Verified Police

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
001  PGPD A  Adam Sector-District 1-Hyattsville 
003  PGPD A Tac  Adam Sector Tac 
005  PGPD A SAT  Adam Sector Special Assignment Team 
007  PGPD B  Baker Sector-District 1-Hyattsville 
009  PGPD B Tac  Baker Sector Tac 
11  00b  PGPD B SAT  Baker Sector Special Assignment Team 
13  00d  PGPD D  David Sector-District 2-Bowie 
15  00f  PGPD D Tac  David Sector Tac 
17  011  PGPD D SAT  David Sector Special Assignment Team 
19  013  PGPD E  Edward Sector-District 2-Bowie 
21  015  PGPD E Tac  Edward Sector Tac 
23  017  PGPD E SAT  Edward Sector Special Assignment Team 
25  019  PGPD G  George Sector-District 3-Landover 
27  01b  PGPD G Tac  George Sector Tac 
29  01d  PGPD G SAT  George Sector Special Assignment Team 
31  01f  PGPD H  Henry Sector-District 8-Forestville 
33  021  PGPD H Tac  Henry Sector Tac 
35  023  PGPD H SAT  Henry Sector Special Assignment Team 
37  025  PGPD J  John Sector-District 4-Oxon Hill 
39  027  PGPD J Tac  John Sector Tac 
41  029  PGPD J SAT  John Sector Special Assignment Team 
43  02b  PGPD K  King Sector-District 4-Oxon Hill 
45  02d  PGPD K Tac  King Sector Tac 
47  02f  PGPD K SAT  King Sector Special Assignment Team 
49  031  PGPD F  Frank Sector-District 5-Clinton 
51  033  PGPD F Tac  Frank Sector Tac 
53  035  PGPD F SAT  Frank Sector Special Assignment Team 
55  037  PGPD C  Charlie Sector-District 6-Beltsville 
57  039  PGPD C Tac  Charlie Sector Tac 
59  03b  PGPD C SAT  Charlie Sector Special Assignment Team 
61  03d  PGPD W  William Sector-District 7-Ft. Washington 
77  04d  PGPD Trn 1  Training Op 1 
79  04f  PGPD Trn 2  Training Op 2 
81  051  PGPD Trn 3  Training Op 3 
83  053  PGPD Trn 4  Training Op 4 
121  079  PGPD 121  SWAT? 
185  0b9  PGPD D/E Surv  David/Edward Sector Surveillance 
265  109  PGPD MA 1N  Mutual Aid 1N 
267  10b  PGPD MA 2  Mutual Aid 2 
269  10d  PGPD MA 3  Mutual Aid 3 
293  125  PGPD A FDMA  Adam Sector (FDMA) 
295  127  PGPD B FDMA  Baker Sector (FDMA) 
297  129  PGPD D FDMA  David Sector (FDMA) 
299  12b  PGPD E FDMA  Edward Sector (FDMA) 
301  12d  PGPD G FDMA  George Sector (FDMA) 
303  12f  PGPD H FDMA  Henry Sector (FDMA) 
305  131  PGPD J FDMA  John Sector (FDMA) 
307  133  PGPD K FDMA  King Sector (FDMA) 
309  135  PGPD F FDMA  Frank Sector (FDMA) 
311  137  PGPD C FDMA  Charlie Sector (FDMA) 

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
199  0c7  Laurel PD  Laurel Police 
201  0c9  Laurl PD Tac  Laurel Police Tac 
203  0cb  Laurl PD SAT  Laurel Police Special Assignment Team 
205  0cd  HyattsvllePD  Hyattsville Police 
207  0cf  HyattsPD Tac  Hyattsville Police Tac 
209  0d1  HyattsPD SAT  Hyattsville Police Special Assignment Team 
211  0d3  Greenbelt PD  Greenbelt Police 
213  0d5  GrnbltPD Tac  Greenbelt Police Tac 
215  0d7  GrnbltPD SAT  Greenbelt Police Special Assignment Team 
217  0d9  RivrdlePk PD  Riverdale Park Police 
219  0db  RivPk PD Tac  Riverdale Park Police Tac 
221  0dd  RivPk PD SAT  Riverdale Police Special Assignment Team 
223  0df  Bbg/MR PD  Bladensburg/Mt. Ranier Police 
225  0e1  Bbg/MR PDTac  Bladensburg/Mt. Ranier Police Tac 
227  0e3  Bbg/MR PDSAT  Bladensburg/Mt. Ranier Police Special Assignment Team 
229  0e5  Bowie PD  Bowie Police 
231  0e7  Bowie PD Tac  Bowie Police Tac 
233  0e9  Bowie PD SAT  Bowie Police Special Assignment Team 
235  0eb  Municipal 4  Municipal Op 4 
237  0ed  Municipal 5  Municipal Op 5 
239  0ef  Municipal 6  Municipal Op 6 
241  0f1  Municipal 7  Municipal Op 7 
243  0f3  Municipal 8  Municipal Op 8 

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
175  0af  PGSO 1 Tac  1 Tac 
179  0b3  PGSO 1 Inv  1 Investigations 
180  0b4  PGSO Fug Warrnt  Fugitive Warrants 
181  0b5  PGSO 1 Disp  1 Dispatch 
315  13b  PGSO FDMA  Dispatch (FDMA) 

Local Government
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
247  0f7  MSP Forstvle  Forestville 
249  0f9  MSPForst Tac  Forestville Tac 
253  0fd  MSP Q/L  Barrack Q/L College Park/Forestville 
255  0ff  MSP Q/L Tac  Barrack Q/L College Park/Forestville Tac 

Unverified Police

  • 41 Unknown
  • 53 Unknown
  • 67 Talk Around
  • 69 Talk Around
  • 71 Talk Around
  • 85 Encrypted
  • 87 Encrypted
  • 91 Encrypted
  • 93 Encrypted
  • 95 Talk Around
  • 97 Unknown
  • 101 Unknown
  • 105 Encrypted
  • 107 Encrypted
  • 109 Encrypted
  • 113 Encrypted
  • 115 Encrypted
  • 119 Encrypted
  • 121 Encrypted
  • 125 Unknown
  • 127 Encrypted
  • 131 Encrypted
  • 133 Encrypted
  • 135 Encrypted
  • 137 Encrypted
  • 139 Encrypted
  • 141 Encrypted
  • 143 Encrypted
  • 149 Encrypted
  • 163 Encrypted
  • 165 Encrypted
  • 167 Encrypted
  • 185 Talk Around
  • 215 Unknown
  • 257 Unknown
  • 289 Encrypted
  • 291 Unknown
  • 321 Unknown

Verified Fire

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
1001  3e9  PGFD 8B10 Inc 10  8B10 Incident 10 
1003  3eb  PGFD 8B11 Inc 11  8B11 Incident 11 (EMS Hospital Clearances) 
1005  3ed  PGFD 8B12 Inc 12  8B12 Incident 12 
1007  3ef  PGFD 8B13 Cmd 10  8B13 Command 10 
1009  3f1  PGFD 8A13 Admin  8A13 Fire Admin 
1037  40d  PGFD 8A3 Inc 50  8A3 Incident 50 
1039  40f  PGFD 8A4 Inc 51  8A4 Incident 51 
1041  411  PGFD 8A5 Inc 52  8A5 Incident 52 
1043  413  PGFD 8A6 Cmd 50  8A6 Command 50 
1045  415  PGFD 8A7 Inc 60  8A7 Incident 60 
1047  417  PGFD 8A8 Inc 61  8A8 Incident 61 
1049  419  PGFD 8A9 Inc 62  8A9 Incident 62 
1051  41b  PGFD 8A10 Cmd 60  8A10 Command 60 
1053  41d  PGFD 8C3 Inc 70  8C3 Incident 70 
1055  41f  PGFD 8C4 Inc 71  8C4 Incident 71 
1057  421  PGFD 8C5 Inc 72  8C5 Incident 72 
1059  423  PGFD 8C6 Cmd 70  8C6 Command 70 
1061  425  PGFD 8C7 Inc 80  8C7 Incident 80 
1063  427  PGFD 8C8 Inc 81  8C8 Incident 81 
1065  429  PGFD 8C9 Inc 82  8C9 Incident 82 
1067  42b  PGFD 8C10 Cmd 80  8C10 Command 80 
1069  42d  PGFD 8A11 NAlm 1  8A11 North Street Alarm 1 
1071  42f  PGFD 8A12 NAlm 2  8A12 North Street Alarm 2 
1073  431  PGFD 8C11 SAlm 1  8C11 South Street Alarm 1 
1075  433  PGFD 8C12 SAlm 2  8C12 South Street Alarm 2 
1077  435  PGFD 8D3 Tac 10  8D3 Tactical 10 
1079  437  PGFD 8D4 Tac 11  8D4 Tactical 11 
1081  439  PGFD 8D5 Tac 12  8D5 Tactical 12 
1083  43b  PGFD 8D6 TCmd 10  8D6 Tactical Command 10 
1095  447  PGFD 8F5  8F5 Fire Operations Center 
1097  449  PGFD 8F6  8F6 1st Battalion 
1099  44b  PGFD 8F13  8F13 Training Academy Admin 
1107  453  PGFD 8F7  8F7 2nd Battalion Admin 
1113  459  PGFD 8B6 MedCall  8B6 EMRC Call 
1115  45b  PGFD 8B7 Med A  8B7 EMRC MED-A (Med 1) 
1117  45d  PGFD 8B8 Med B  8B8 EMRC MED-B (Med 2) 
1119  45f  PGFD 8B9 Med E  8B9 EMRC MED-E (Med 5) 
1121  461  PGFD 8E4 PGHC  8E4 Prince George's Hospital Center 
1123  463  PGFD 8E6 DCH  8E6 Doctors Community Hospital 
1125  465  PGFD 8E8 LRH  8E8 Laurel Regional Hospital 
1127  467  PGFD 8E5 SMH  8E5 Southern Maryland Hospital 
1129  469  PGFD 8E9 FWH  8E9 Fort Washington Medical Center 
1131  46b  PGFD 8E10 BHC  8E10 Bowie Health Center 
1133  46d  PGFD 8A1 Ops 1  8A1 Ops 1 
1135  46f  PGFD AVD 1135  Automated Voice Dispatching 
1137  471  PGFD AVD 1137  Automated Voice Dispatching 
1139  473  PGFD Trng 1139  Training 
1141  475  PGFD 8B5 Res 2  8B5 Rescue 2 
1143  477  PGFD 8B4 Res 1   8B4 Rescue 1 
1145  479  PGFD 8F9 Trng  8F9 Training 
1149  47d  PGFDTrng1149  Training 
1151  47f  PGFD 8A2 Disp  8A2 Dispatch 
1153  481  PGFD 8A1 Ops 1  8A1 Ops 1 (North) 
1155  483  PGFD 8C1 Ops 2  8C1 Ops 2 (South) 
9101  238d  PGFD Marine 1  Marine 1 
9103  238f  PGFD Marine 2  Marine 2 

Unverified Fire

  • 1105 Encrypted?
  • 1111 Encrypted?
  • XXXX 8A15/8C15 - "talk-around" (conventional / frequency TBD)

Verified Other

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
1085  43d  PG PW/Roads  Public Works/Roads (Snow Plows) 
2043  7fb  PG Corr Trns  Corrections - Transport 
2045  7fd  PG Hwy Ops 1  Highway Ops 1 
3001  bb9  PG PW  Public Works 
3003  bbb  PG PW Eng  Public Works - Engineer 
3005  bbd  PG PW D1  Public Works District 1 
3007  bbf  PG PW D1A  Public Works District 1A 
3009  bc1  PG PW D2  Public Works District 2 
3011  bc3  PG PW D3  Public Works District 3 
3013  bc5  PG PW D4  Public Works District 4 
3015  bc7  PG PW D5  Public Works District 5 
3017  bc9  PG PW D6  Public Works District 6 
3019  bcb  PG PW/Roads  Public Works/Roads (Snow Plows) 
3021  bcd  PG PW/Roads  Public Works/Roads 
3023  bcf  PW PW/Roads Plow  Public Works/Roads (Snow Plows) 
3025  bd1  PGTheBus3025  The Bus 
3029  bd5  PGTheBus3029  The Bus 
3031  bd7  PGTheBus3031  The Bus 
4001  fa1  PG AnimCntl  Animal Control 
4003  fa3  PG Bldg Insp  Building Inspector 
4005  fa5  PG RefuseCol  Refuse Collection 
4007  fa7  PG Refuse  Refuse 
4009  fa9  PG Sanitatn  Sanitation 
4011  fab  PG Recycling  Recycling 

Unverified Other

  • 2027 Talk Around
  • 2029 Unknown
  • 2051 Encrypted
  • 2057 Unknown
  • 2059 Unknown
  • 2065 Corrections ch.2?
  • 2067 Unknown
  • 4013 Unknown
  • 4015 Unknown
  • 4051 Unknown
  • 4055 Unknown
  • 5001 Unknown
  • 6005 Maintenance?
  • 9011 Surveillance
  • 9019 Encrypted
  • 10101 Encrypted

Other Terminology
  • "15" 8A15 FD TA (conventional talkaround)

thanks to troymail, baybum, slvbeard and others who wish to remain anonymous for this information

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