
Sandusky County (OH)

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Sandusky County, Ohio
County Number 72
OSP District Bucyrus
OSP Post 72 (Fremont)
ODOT District 2 (Bowling Green)
MARCS Zone 2
NWS Office Cleveland
FIPS Code 39143

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Fire / EMS Pager Tones

Tones are listed Tone A/Tone B

Central (Fremont)  454.4750  DPL 331
East (Clyde)       460.6125  DPL 315
West (Woodville)   460.6375  DPL 315
Gibsonburg         453.4875  TPL 77.0

County All Call     979.9 /  726.8
Tornado Sirens      586   /  903.2
EMS-2(EMS Capt.)    979.9 /  810.2
EMS All Call        979.9 /  767.4
EC1 ?               651.9 /  726.8
Gibsonburg FD       979.9 /  602.8
Gibsonburg Siren    812   /  903.2
Helena Fire         978.2 /  570.8
Life Squad 14       810.2 /  726.8
Life Squad 15       582.1 /  726.8
Life Squad 17       617.4 /  726.8
Life Squad 18       651.9 /  726.8
Life Squad 19       688.3 /  726.8
Lindsey Fire        979.9 /  669.6
Sandusky Twp Fire   979.9 /  788.5
Ballville Twp Fire  979.9 /  707.3
Woodville FD        979.9 /  726.8
Fremont Fire        879.9 /  855.5
Woodville FD Siren  553.9 /  855.5
Sandusky Co. Hazmat 978   /  304.7
Unknown FD          617.4 /  855.5
Unknown FD          688.3 /  855.5
Unknown FD          726.8 /  855.5

Life Squad 13 - Bariatric Unit (LS18 Quarters)
Life Squad 14 - Gibsonburg
Life Squad 15 - Clyde
Life Squad 16 - Backup Squad (LS18 Quarters)
Life Squad 17 - Fremont West (Fremont Fire Central Station) 
Life Squad 18 - Fremont East (EMS HQ)
Life Squad 19 - Woodville (Woodville Fire Station)
EMS-01-03     - EMS Admin sprint units 
EMS-10        - Stationed with Lifesquad 18 (EMS Supervisor on duty)

Fire Units

B  - Bellevue Fire (Dispatched through Bellevue PD)
BT - Ballville Twp. Fire (dispatch 454.475, operations on MARCS-IP and 460.3875)
C  - Clyde Fire  (Dispatched through Clyde PD)
F  - Fremont Fire  (operations on MARCS-IP for EMS and 460.3125)
G  - Gibsonburg Fire  (dispatch 454.475, operations on MARCS-IP)
GS - Green Springs Fire (Dispatched through Seneca County Paging)
H  - Helena Fire (dispatch 454.475, operations on MARCS-IP)
K  - Kansas Fire (Dispatched through Seneca County Paging)
L  - Lindsey Fire (dispatch 454.475, operations on MARCS-IP)
O  - Old Fort Fire (Dispatched through Seneca County Paging)
S  - Sandusky Twp. Fire (dispatch 454.475, operations on MARCS-IP)
T  - Townsend Twp. Fire (dispatch 454.475, operations on 460.46250)
X  - Woodville Twp. Fire (dispatch 454.475, operations on MARCS-IP)

MARCS Unit Talkgroup IDs

7290256 - 7200 (EMS Dispatch)
7290257 - 7200 (Fire Dispatch)
7290239 - 7200 (Sheriff Dispatch)
9004778 - Post 72 Dispatch

7290044 - Lifesquad 14
7290191 - Lifesquad 14

7290357 - Lifesquad 15
7290043 - Lifesquad 15

7290045 - Lifesquad 17
7290034 - Lifesquad 17
7290035 - Lifesquad 17
7290047 - Lifesquad 17

7290358 - Lifesquad 18
7290036 - Lifesquad 18

7290048 - Lifesquad 19

7290085 - EMS-2
7290084 - EMS-2
7290353 - EMS-2
7290354 - EMS-2
7200253 - EMS-2

7290004 - Fremont Fire
7290005 - Fremont Fire

7290015 - Sandusky Twp. Fire
7290173 - Sandusky Twp. Fire
7290049 - Sandusky Twp. Fire
7290178 - Sandusky Twp. Fire
7290177 - Sandusky Twp. EMS
7290175 - Sandusky Twp. EMS
7290244 - Sandusky Twp. EMS

7290117 - Helena Fire
7290116 - Helena Fire
7290119 - Helena Fire
7290129 - Helena Fire
7290123 - Helena Fire
7290118 - Helena Fire
7290125 - Helena Fire

7290022 - Kansas Fire
7290031 - Kansas Fire

7290153 - Gibsonburg Fire
7290154 - Gibsonburg Fire
7290155 - Gibsonburg Fire
7290152 - Gibsonburg Fire

7290054 - Lindsey Fire
7290057 - Lindsey Fire
7290058 - Lindsey Fire
7290316 - Lindsey Fire
7290076 - Lindsey Fire
7290062 - Lindsey Fire
7290078 - Lindsey Fire
7290055 - Lindsey Fire
7290063 - Lindsey Fire
7290071 - Lindsey Fire
7290315 - Lindsey Fire
7290073 - Lindsey Fire
7290359 - Lindsey Fire
7290077 - Lindsey Fire
7290056 - Lindsey Fire
7290074 - Lindsey Fire
7290061 - Lindsey Fire
7290069 - Lindsey Fire
7290060 - Lindsey Fire

7290097 - Ballville Fire
7290094 - Ballville Fire
7290090 - Ballville Fire
7290100 - Ballville Fire
7290111 - Ballville Fire
7290091 - Ballville Fire
7290101 - Ballville Fire
7290109 - Ballville Fire
7290102 - Ballville Fire
7290107 - Ballville Fire
7290108 - Ballville Fire
7290106 - Ballville Fire

7290135 - Woodville Fire
7290137 - Woodville Fire
7290002 - Woodville Fire
7290143 - Woodville Fire
7290136 - Woodville Fire
7290141 - Woodville Fire
7290134 - Woodville Fire
7290133 - Woodville Fire
7290146 - Woodville Fire
7290144 - Woodville Fire
7290142 - Woodville Fire

North Central EMS Stations

Dispatched on MARCS-IP

Station 9 - Bellevue (Dispatched only by Bellevue PD)

Law Enforcement Dispatch

Unit# 7200 County Sheriff - Self-dispatched on MARCS-IP
Unit# 300 Clyde PD - Clyde PD Freq
Unit# 500 Park Rangers - Self-dispatched on MARCS-IP (No longer in service)
Unit# 600 & 700 Fremont PD - Fremont PD Freq
Unit# 4700 Gibsonburg PD - dispatched by SO on 460.4375
Unit# 8900 Woodville PD - dispatched by SO on 460.4375
Unit# GS## Green Springs PD - dispatched by SO on 460.4375

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