Signals and Codes
Signal 1 - Weather
1A - Watch
1B - Warning
1C - Imminent Danger
Signal 2 - Ride Down
2A - Ride down occupied
2M - Down for Maintenance
2E - Ride Evacuation
2O - Down/Operational
2OC- Scheduled Costs
2D - Down/Weather
2S - Down/Staffing
Signal 3 - Ride Closing
3A - High Rides
3B - Medium Rides
3C - Low/Flat Rides
3D - Enclosed Rides
Signal 4 - Lost/Stolen Item from Guest
4D - Damaged/Vandalism to Guest Property
Signal 5 - Fight
5A - Assault
5B - Inactive Fight
Signal 6 - Theft or Robbery
6E - Illegal entry into park
6P - Season Pass issue
6S - Ticket Scalping
Signal 7 - Disorderly
7C - Code of Conduct violation
7S - Safety violation
Signal 8 - Sexual Misconduct
8A - Sexual Assault
Signal 9 - Vandalism/Damage
Signal 11 - Line Jumping
11E - Unauthorized Entry
Signal 12 - Lost Child
Signal 14 - Armed Person
14A - Armed with a Gun
Signal 15 - Intoxicated Person
15P - Possession of Alcohol/Drugs
Signal 16 - Supervisor Request
16I - Item Retrieval
Signal 17 - Guest Complaint
Signal 18 - Police Dept. Called
Signal 19 - Fire Dept. Called
Signal 20 - Ambulance Called
Signal 21 - First Aid Needed
21A - Ambulatory
21B - On scene treatment needed
21C - Critical
Signal 29 - Suspicious Activity
29V - Suspicious Vehicle
Signal 30 - Robbery/Alarm/Caution
Signal 33 - Fire
33A - Minimal
33B - Moderate
33C - Major
Signal 36 - Motor Vehicle Collison
36A - Minor Accident
36B - Moderate Accident w/injuries
36C - Major Accident, Multiple Injuries
Signal 40 - Vomit Cleanup
40BIO - Bio hazzard cleanup
Signal 41 - Park Services needed
Signal 90 - Suspicious Mail
Signal 91 - Suspicious Bag
Signal 99 - Channel Closed
99 Cancel - Channel Reopened
Signal 1000P - Partial Park Evacuation
Signal 1000T - Total Park Evacuation
Signal 2007 - Bomb Threat
10-01 Receiving Poorly
10-02 Receiving Well
10-04 Affirmative (OK)
10-05 Transport/Escort
10-06 Busy/Standby
10-07 Unit going out of Service
10-08 Unit going in Service
10-09 Repeat Last Transmission
10-10 Meet me at_____
10-17 Enroute
10-19 Call me at _____
10-20 What is your location?
10-22 Disregard
10-23 Arrived on scene
10-35 Confidential Information
10-36 Time
10-50 Hourly Count
10-97 How do you copy?
10-99 Break
Station 21 - First Aid
22 - Water Park First Aid
23 - Cash Control
24 - Security Office
26 - Loss Prevention Office
Unit Assignments
Safety/First Aid
- 570 - Safety Coordinator
- 571-579 - Safety unit assignments
- 580 - Safety Supervisor of the Day
- 581 - Water Park Safety unit
- 589 - Safety