South Plains Electric Cooperative (IDAS) Unconfirmed Frequencies
From The RadioReference Wiki
Unconfirmed Sites and Frequencies
The following are unconfirmed and not in the database.
- Lubbock NE (Site 1?) WQNN963
462.0125 LCN ? 463.2625 LCN ? 463.8125 LCN ? 464.4125 LCN ? 464.7625 LCN ?
- Spur (Site 2) WQNN963
464.0125 LCN 3? (Does not appear to be used)
- Lubbock NW (Site 9?) WQWM939
462.2750 LCN 1 463.4750 LCN 2 464.8250 LCN 3
- Hale Center (Site ?) WQWM939
462.0125 LCN ? 462.3750 LCN ? 463.2625 LCN ?
- Lorenzo (Site ?) WQWM939
463.8125 LCN ? 464.4125 LCN ? 464.7625 LCN ?
- Buffalo Springs Lake (Site ?) WQWM939
451.2750 LCN ? 451.5750 LCN ? 451.9875 LCN ?
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