State Police (NJ)
From The RadioReference Wiki
New Jeresy State Police areas of responsibility
New Jersey State Police Disposition Codes
- 1 Report Written
- 2 Replaced by
- 20 series
- 3 Replaced by
- 20 series
- 4 Replaced by
- 20 series
- 5 No Enforcement
- 6 Assistance Rendered
- 7 Computer Entry
- 8 TOT Local Police
- 9 GOA
- 10 Unfounded
- 11 Warrant Arrest
- 13 Criminal Arrest
- 14 DWI Arrest
- 15 Administrative Entry
- 16 DWI and Criminal Arrest
- 17 MV Aid - Service
- 18 MV Aid - Self-aid / Own service
- 19 MV Aid - Abandoned
- 20a Summons - Moving violation
- 20b Summons - Non-moving violation
- 20c Written Warning - Moving violation
- 20d Written Warning - Non-moving violation
New Jersey State Police Radio Codes
- 1 Use Caution
- 2 Urgent
- 3 Routine
New Jersey State Police Radio Signals
- 1 Emergency-stand by
- 2 Robbery
- 3 Homicide
- 4 Aggravated assault
- 5 Breaking & entering
- 6 Escape
- 7 Drunk & disorderly
- 8 Domestic disturbance
- 9 Prowler
- 10 Burglar or bank alarm
- 11 Accident
- 12 Hit & run
- 13 Assist motorist
- 14 Intoxicated driver
- 15 Vehicle Look-up
- 16 NCIC record check
- 17 Suspicious car
- 18 Stolen car
- 19 Set up roadblock
- 20 Change location
- 21 Radio check
- 22 Out of service
- 23 In service
- 24 Investigation
- 25 Detail completed
- 26 Meet
- 27 Trooper needs help
- 28 Location
- 29 Phone
- 30 Go to barracks
- 31 Emergency at barracks
- 32 Escort
- 33 Attempt to locate
- 34 Bomb threat
- 35 Explosion
- 36 Sniper
- 37 Discontinue post
New Jersey State Police Roadway Abbreviations
- SNO - From the South headed Northbound on the Outer Roadway
- SNI - From the South headed Northbound on the Inner Roadway
- NSO - From the North headed Southbound on the Outer Roadway
- NSI - From the North headed Southbound on the Inner Roadway
- NOT - From North-bound Outer Roadway to Tolls
- NIT - From North-bound Inner Roadway to Tolls
- SOT - From South-bound Outer Roadway to Tolls
- SIT - From South-bound Inner Roadway to Tolls
- TNO - From Tolls to North-bound Outer Roadway
- TNI - From Tolls to North-bound Inner Roadway
- TSO - From Tolls to South-bound Outer Roadway
- TSI - From Tolls to Bouth-bound Inner Roadway
- SNL - From the South headed Northbound on Local Lanes
- SNX - From the South headed Northbound on Express Lanes
- NSL - From the North headed Southbound on Local Lanes
- NSX - From the North headed Southbound on Express Lanes
- SNE - From the South headed Northbound on Eastern Spur
- SNW - From the South headed Northbound on Western Spur
- NSE - From the North headed Southbound on Eastern Spur
- NSW - From the North headed Southbound on Western Spur
- HBE - On Hudson Bay Extension
- TS - Ramps from the Tolls to Southbound Lanes
- TN - Ramps from the Tolls to Northbound Lanes
- ST - Southbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls
- NT - Northbound Roadway Ramp to the Tolls Northern Terminus is known as the section of I-95 from the end of the TPK (milepost 118 where RT80/95 split in Ridgefield Park) to the George Washington Bridge in Ft Lee.
New Jersey State Police Unit IDs
State Police Commanding Officer and Patrol Unit Identifiers:
- Commanding Officer Unit Identifiers
- H-1 Superintendent (Col.)
- H-2 & H-3 Deputy Superintendents (Lt. Col.)
- H-4 to H-12 Section Commanders (Majors)
- (Letter=Troop, Number=Officer) (i.e.
- A-1, D-4, etc):
- Troop A South
- Troop B North
- Troop C Central
- Troop D Turnpike
- Troop E Parkway
- Troop F Marine
- 1 Commander (Captain)
- 2 Deputy Commander (Lieutenant)
- 3 Admin Chief (Lieutenant)
- 4-6 Additional Lieutenants
- New Jersey State Police Patrol Unit Identifiers
- 60 to 99 AC Expressway Troop Cars
- 101 to 999 Various Marked Troop Cars
- 1000 to 1999 Unmarked Units,
- Detectives, Special Units
- 2000 to 2999 Supervisors, Special Units
- New Jersey State Police Turnpike Identifiers
- 800 to 999 Marked and Unmarked Patrol Cars
- New Jersey State Police Parkway Patrol Identifiers
- 100 to 199 Marked Patrol Cars
- 200 to 299 Tactical Traffic Cars (TAC-PAC)
- New Jersey Other LP&S Identifiers
- 3000 to 3999 Division of Gaming Enforcement
- 4000 to 4999 Executive Protection Bureau
- 6000 to 6999 CERB Narcotics Investigators
- 8200 to 8399 Marine Bureau Vessels CJ Series Criminal Justice Units