State Police (OR)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Dispatch Centers and Headquarters
Most State Police units are dispatched from one of two regional command centers. The Northern Command Center is located in Salem, and the Southern Command Center is located in Central Point. The exception to this rule is the University Patrol Office, located on the Oregon State University campus in Corvallis. Dispatch services for this office are provided by the Oregon State University Dispatch Center, which State Police units share with OSU Public Safety personnel.
The Oregon State Police General Headquarters is located in Salem, across the street from the State Capital.
Radio Codes
- 12-1 - In Service
- 12-2 - Out of Service
- 12-3 - Return to Office
- 12-4 - Call Office or Other by Phone
- 12-5 - Repeat Message
- 12-6 - Contact Address or Complainant
- 12-7 - Motor Vehicle Registration Check
- 12-8 - Motor Vehicle Registration and Legal Owner Check
- 12-9 - Check PUC Status
- 12-10 - Check for Operator's License/Driving Status
- 12-10A - No Valid Operator's License
- 12-11 - Desire Description from Operator's License
- 12-12 - Unable to Copy, Change Location
- 12-13 - Stations and/or Cars Called, Prepare to Copy
- 12-14 - Relay Following to Station
- 12-15 - Locate for Emergency Message
- 12-16 - Motor Vehicle Accident
- 12-16A - Motor Vehicle Accident, Fatal
- 12-16B - Motor Vehicle Accident, Injuries, No Ambulance
- 12-17 - Motor Vehicle Accident, Ambulance Dispatched
- 12-18 - Dispatch Ambulance
- 12-19 - Dispatch Tow Vehicle
- 12-20 - Check Wanted/Stolen Status
- 12-20A - Can Subject Hear Radio? - Sensitive Information
- 12-20C - Concealed Handgun Permit
- 12-21 - No Record or Report on Subject
- 12-22 - Prior Misdemeanor Record - Not Wanted
- 12-23 - Prior Felony Record - Not Wanted
- 12-24A - Subject Wanted - Felony
- 12-24B - Subject Wanted - Misdemeanor
- 12-25 - Similar Subject Record, Added Info Required
- 12-26 - Base Station Going Out of Service
- 12-27 - Call by Radio on Arrival at Office
- 12-28 - Suspicious Person
- 12-29 - Disturbance
- 12-30 - Reckless Driver
- 12-31 - Intoxicated Driver
- 12-32 - Intoxicated Person
- 12-33 - Emergency - All Stations and Cars Remain Silent
- 12-34 - Resume Normal Operations and Traffic
- 12-35 - Abandoned Motor Vehicle
- 12-36 - Illegal Hunting - Vicinity
- 12-37 - Advise Road and Weather Vicinity
- 12-38 - Switch Radio Frequency
- 12-39 - Attention All Stations
- 12-40 - Standby
- 12-41 - Go Ahead with Your Traffic
- 12-42 - No Traffic
- 12-43 - Disregard Previous Transmission
- 12-44 - Accident or Spill - Hazardous Material
- 12-45 - Burglar Alarm
- 12-46 - What is the Telephone Number of Your Station
- 12-47 - Computer Files Temporarily Unavailable
- 12-48 - Computer Files Now Available
- 12-49 - Death Investigation
- 12-49A - Possible Homicide
- 12-50 - Message Not Radio Traffic, Handle by Phone
- 12-51 - Sex Offender
- 12-52 - Radio Technicians Enroute to Your Station
- 12-53 - Regular Power Out, Using Emergency Power
- 12-54 - Testing Station, Desire Report of Voice Quality
- 12-55 - Transmit an Equipment Test, Count 1 to 5
- 12-56 - No Help Immediately Available
- 12-57 - Disabled Motorist
- 12-58 - Narcotic Activity
- 12-59 - Late Return - Advise My Residence
- 12-60 - Mentally Ill Subject
- 12-65 - Roll Call of All Units
- 12-88 - Off Duty
- 12-94 - All Clear - No Assistance Needed
- 12-96 - Vehicle Stop - Location and License
- 12-97 - Radio Check Only - Location Optional (Commonly used to check unit status)
- 12-98 - Officer Needs Help - Non Emergency
- 12-99 - Officer Needs Help - Emergency
Disposition Codes
A disposition code is transmitted at the conclusion of every call.
- 1 - No Action Taken
- 2 - Citation Issued
- 3 - Warning Issued
- 4 - Lodged in Jail
- 5 - Report Taken
- 7 - Log Entry Only
- 8 - Unable To Locate/Gone On Arrival
- 9 - Field Interview
- 10 - Unfounded Complaint
- 11 - Referred Complaint to Outside Agency
- 13 - Civil Matter/No Action Taken
- 14 - No Patrol Available
- 15 - Follow-Up
- 16 - Info Obtained/Witness Interview
- 20 - Referred to ODOT
- 21 - Assistance Rendered
- 22 - Motorist Assist
- 24 - Outside Agency Assist
- 25 - Obstruction Moved
- 26 - Crash Investigation/Primary Unit
- 28 - Abandoned Vehicle Tagged
- 29 - Abandoned Vehicle Towed
- 31 - DRE Evaluation
- 32 - K-9 Search
- 33 - Hunting Enforcement
- 34 - Angling Enfocement
Clearance Codes
(No longer used - phased out approx 10 years ago due to being deemed discriminatory)
A 6-part clearance code is transmitted after the disposition code following a traffic stop. The letters indicate race, gender, age, reason for stop, and whether or not a search was conducted. The Oregon State Police collects this data along with other statistics for periodic reports.
1st position - Race
- A - Asian
- B - Black
- H - Hispanic
- N - Native American
- W - White
- M - Middle Eastern/East Indian
2nd position - Gender
- F - Female
- M - Male
3rd position - Age
- A - Adult
- J - Juvenile
4th position - Reason for Stop
- C - Criminal
- G - Fish/Wildlife Code
- T - Traffic/Vehicle Code
5th position - Search/Frisk
- N - No Search
- D - Search Requested/Denied
- 0 - Search, Nothing Found
- 1 - Search, Weapons Found
- 2 - Search, Drugs Found
- 3 - Search, Alcohol Found
- 4 - Search, Other Evidence Found
6th Position - Reason For Search (used only if a search was conducted)
- S1 - Consent Search
- S2 - Probable Cause Search
- S3 - Search Incident to Arrest
Unit Identifiers
OSP unit numbers are generally composed of 4 digits. The first and second digits indicate the station to which the unit is assigned and the third and fourth digits indicate the unit number within that station. Some specialized units replace the second digit with a letter, or add a letter between the third and fourth digit. A 7 as the 3rd digit indicates a Fish & Wildlife unit.
Station Commanders are usually xx10 and Assistant Station Commanders are usually xx11.
Station Numbers / Unit Numbers
- 10 - District 1 Headquarters (Portland)
- 11 - Portland
- 12 - Portland
- 13 - Astoria
- 14 - McMinnville
- 15 - St. Helens
- 16 - Tualatin
- 17 - Tillamook
- 18 - Banks
- 19 - Government Camp
- 20 - District 2 Headquarters (Salem)
- 21 - Salem (2160s Mill City)
- 22 - Capital Mall
- 23 - Albany (2330s Corvallis)
- 24 - University Patrol Office (Oregon State University campus and surrounding area) No longer part of OSP 12/31/2020.
- 25 - Springfield (2560s Oakridge)
- 26 - Newport (2650s Lincoln City)
- 29 - Florence
- 30 - District 3 Headquarters (Central Point)
- 31 - Central Point
- 33 - Coos Bay
- 34 - Gold Beach
- 35 - Grants Pass
- 36 - Klamath Falls
- 37 - Roseburg
- 38 - Lakeview
- 40 - District 4 Headquarters (Bend)
- 41 - Baker City
- 42 - Burns
- 43 - John Day
- 44 - Milton-Freewater
- 45 - Enterprise
- 46 - La Grande
- 47 - Ontario
- 48 - Pendleton
- 49 - Umatilla
- 51 - Bend
- 52 - La Pine
- 53 - The Dalles
- 54 - Prineville
- 55 - Madras
- 58 - Hood River
- 59 - Arlington (No longer staffed)
- 70 - BLM or USFS Officers (not part of OSP)
- 83 - ODF Fish and Wildlife
- 90 - Was previously SWAT (9050s, 9060s, 9070s)
- 92 - Accident Reconstruction Units
- 93 - Aircraft Pilots
- 94 - Radio Techs
- 95 - General Headquarters
- 95A - National Guard Mobile Command Post
- 95E - Emergency Operations Center - Capitol Building
- 96 - Crime Laboratories - (Throughout the State)
- 98 - Executive Security / Capitol Police
- 9X - Mobile Response Teams (MRT)
- 9Z - SWAT Teams
- Frank - Firearms Inspectors (ex 51-Frank-24 would be Bend Firearms certified inspector)
- King - K9 Officers (ex: 23-King-35 would be Corvallis K9 office)
- Lincoln - OLCC Inspectors (not part of OSP)
- Tom - Corrections Transports (not part of OSP)
- William - Weighmasters (seldom heard)
Specialized Units
- 8 William XX - Motor Carrier Enforcement
- 9 X-Ray XX - Mobile Response Team (Riot Team)
- 9 Zebra XX - SWAT Team