Turris Communications - PushPlus Network (UHF 201) Unknown Talkgroups
From The RadioReference Wiki
Unidentified TGIDs
- Ottawa Area tags
- 10 weekend
- 20 weekday
- 93
- 5510 (fr) weekday pm Techs?
- 5516 Techs?
- 5517 Techs?
- 5518
- 5519 Techs?
- 5521 (en) Techs? "20" (weekday)
- 8161
- 18248 "uid 5243298"
- 31731 (en) Directions to a new site off of highway 40, 416, 38 and 40
- 66139
- 66186
- 66434
- 69490
- 308194 weekday
- 308202 Weekday am
- 313713 Weekday
- 313635
- 313648 "Pack it out when ur done"
- 325665
- 325738
- 316452 "Help on the otherside" weekday pm
- 323218 (en/fr) Radio check and instructions in fr
- 331590 (fr) weekend
- 331947 (en/fr) Trucking
- 332922 TV/Radio Studio??
- 338414 Property Maintenance? ("house off of 4th line road")
- 338454
- 343480 (en) (weekday am)
- 526446 weekday pm
- 534044 weekday am
- 534387 "Library" "zamboni" "turn on the ac in the Visual arts room" Ottawa U??
- 534638 (en/en) Both sides of river Delivery/Courier
- 535937
- 536136
- 536499
- 536540
- 536651 weekend "uid 2354"
- 536838
- 537854 (en) business weekday
- 537992
- 538028 (en/fr) (weekend day) bored general conv
- 538160
- 538256
- 538291 - Testing on this TG using
- 538358
- 538673
- 539469
- 539472 (fr) weekday am
- 5319062 Weekday am
- 5338889 weekday am
- 5338952 GG Residence?? Skating Rink Control - "rink ready to receive"+ has an "emergency phone" camp activity
- 5345951
- 5350097 -uid 902-
- 5367701
- 5372273 (related to 5372271??)
- 5372482
- 5379601
- 5372271 (en) Business/City staff??
- 5379601
- 5380231
- 5397361 weekend "uid 2404"
- 13083672
- 13319062 (fr) Team 4 to control -event coms?
French Only Language Users
- 66062 (fr) Unknown speaker
- 66186 (fr)
- 66296 (fr)
- 66475 (fr) on the road traffic talk
- 320402 (fr)
- 334871 (fr) (weekend-day)
- 535699 (fr)
- Eastern Ontario Unknown
- 66434
- 69490
- 313635
- 317731
- 320435
- 320505
- 325665
- 332922
- 535937
- 536136
- 536499
- 536838
- 3319062
- 5367701
- 5370031
- 5372482
- 13083672
Could the following TGs be connected??
Group 1
- 5345951
- 5362962
- 5362963
Group 2
- 5368481
- 5368482
Group 3
- 5368961
- 5368962
Group 4
- 5372271
- 5372272
TGIDs that are questionable:
- 11000011
- 11000037
- 11000039 Probably not on here
- 11000104