United States Secret Service
From The RadioReference Wiki
The United States Secret Service protects the president and vice president, and their families. The Secret Service also protects foreign heads of state and heads of government when visiting the United States. Diplomats other than heads of state or government are protected by the Diplomatic Security Service.
United States Secret Service frequencies are in use nationwide. Usage may vary slightly depending on operational needs. Some areas of the Country are still analog using 103.5 Hz, yet other regions have converted to P25 using a NAC of $001 for Simplex/Repeater outputs. It is best to run OPEN Tone, or if you need to run tone, enter both, as Presidential and Vice-Presidential details are P25
Standard Channels
Channel | Frequency | Description | Type | Tone |
Baker | 165.7875 | Nationwide Commandpost | BM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Charlie | 165.3750 | Nationwide Primary/Commandpost | RM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Mike | 165.2125 | Foreign Heads of State | BM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Oscar | 164.8875 | President Protection | BM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Papa | 164.4000 | Technical Services Division | BM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Sierra | 166.5125 | Presidential Security | BM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Tango | 164.6500 | Vice President Protection | RM | 103.5 PL NAC 001 |
Other Frequencies (numerical order)
34.3500 VIP transport net
46.7000 Helicopter ops (secondary)
46.7500 Helicopter ops/transport (primary)
46.8000 Helicopter ops (alternate)
142.7500 Command post
162.6875 Airforce 1 Phone Patch Uplink
163.7375 Secret Service
164.1000 Presidential Protection
165.0875 Airforce 1 Communications
165.2250 Secret Service
165.5125 Whitehouse Staff/Pagers
165.6875 WHCA VP Staff/Garage
166.2000 Presidential Protection
166.2125 Presidential Protection
166.4000 'Xray' Repeater Input
166.4625 Treasury Common
166.5125 Escort and security
166.7000 Whitehouse Staff
167.0250 Paging - GOLAY format
167.8250 Phone Duplex
167.9000 WHCA VP Staff/Garage
168.7875 Phone Duplex
169.9250 WHCA vans/Phone Patch/Marine Service Detail
170.0000 Camp David Paging
171.2875 Airforce 1 Phone Patch Uplink
265.8000 Squadron common
361.6000 Airforce 1 Communications
375.0000 Transport
406.2625 Wireless body microphones
407.7500 WHCA-Uniformed division
407.8000 Secret Service
407.8250 Wireless body microphones
407.8500 Limousines
407.8500 Limousines (local-DC)(duplex)
407.8750 WHCA-Training division
407.8750 Wireless body microphones
407.9250 Presidential Protection
407.9750 Wireless body microphones
408.0000 F1 RF Alarm
408.4500 Limousines
408.4500 Limousines (local-DC)(duplex)
408.5000 F3 Tracker (F1)
408.9750 F4 Tracker (F2)
411.0000 F2 RF Alarm
414.6750 WHCA-Uniformed/Technical security divisions
414.8000 WHCA-Training/protective support divisions
414.8500 WHCA-Foreign Mission divisions
414.9500 WHCA-Executive protection division
414.9500 WHCA-Uniformed division
415.1000 WHCA-Training division
415.6500 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
415.6750 WHCA-Communications division
415.6750 WHCA-Executive protection division
415.7500 WHCA-Training division
415.8000 WHCA-Protective support division
415.8750 WHCA-Training division
415.9750 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
418.1500 WHCA-Uniformed/Technical security divisions
418.3250 WHCA-Training division
418.3500 WHCA-Uniformed division
418.7750 WHCA-Uniformed division
418.8000 WHCA-Uniformed division
419.0750 WHCA-Communications division
419.1000 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
419.7250 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
419.7250 WHCA-Technical security division
Other Frequencies (alpha order)
165.0875 Airforce 1 Communications
361.6000 Airforce 1 Communications
171.2875 Airforce 1 Phone Patch Uplink
162.6875 Airforce 1 Phone Patch Uplink
170.0000 Camp David Paging
142.7500 Command post
166.5125 Escort and security
408.0000 F1 RF Alarm
411.0000 F2 RF Alarm
408.5000 F3 Tracker (F1)
408.9750 F4 Tracker (F2)
46.8000 Helicopter ops (alternate)
46.7000 Helicopter ops (secondary)
46.7500 Helicopter ops/transport (primary)
407.8500 Limousines
408.4500 Limousines
407.8500 Limousines (local-DC)(duplex)
408.4500 Limousines (local-DC)(duplex)
167.0250 Paging - GOLAY format
168.7875 Phone Duplex
167.8250 Phone Duplex
166.2000 Presidential Protection
164.1000 Presidential Protection
166.2125 Presidential Protection
407.9250 Presidential Protection
163.7375 Secret Service
407.8000 Secret Service
165.2250 Secret Service
265.8000 Squadron common
375.0000 Transport
166.4625 Treasury Common
34.3500 VIP transport net
415.6750 WHCA-Communications division
419.0750 WHCA-Communications division
415.6750 WHCA-Executive protection division
414.9500 WHCA-Executive protection division
414.8500 WHCA-Foreign Mission divisions
419.7250 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
415.6500 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
419.1000 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
415.9750 WHCA-Foreign Mission/Uniformed divisions
415.8000 WHCA-Protective support division
419.7250 WHCA-Technical security division
415.8750 WHCA-Training division
418.3250 WHCA-Training division
415.1000 WHCA-Training division
407.8750 WHCA-Training division
415.7500 WHCA-Training division
414.8000 WHCA-Training/protective support divisions
418.8000 WHCA-Uniformed division
414.9500 WHCA-Uniformed division
407.7500 WHCA-Uniformed division
418.7750 WHCA-Uniformed division
418.3500 WHCA-Uniformed division
414.6750 WHCA-Uniformed/Technical security divisions
418.1500 WHCA-Uniformed/Technical security divisions
169.9250 WHCA vans/Phone Patch/Marine Service Detail
165.6875 WHCA VP Staff/Garage
167.9000 WHCA VP Staff/Garage
166.7000 Whitehouse Staff
165.5125 Whitehouse Staff/Pagers
407.9750 Wireless body microphones
407.8750 Wireless body microphones
406.2625 Wireless body microphones
407.8250 Wireless body microphones
166.4000 'Xray' Repeater Input
Portable Trunking Repeater
In the Sept 2004 edition of the 'Fed Files' in MT magazine, editor Chris Parris mentions a 400 Mhz portable trunk system that at the time was in a plain white RV and used a 50 foot pneumatic mast. This system appeared in Boston in May of 2009 with a SysID of C518
Supposedly this system could be trunked by using a base freq of 406.1000 [406.3000 Boston] and step 25; however the audio was all DES [P25 in Boston] . The freqs mentioned were;
- 406.4500
- 407.1250
- 407.8000
- 408.5250
- 408.9250
Related Links
- The Fed Files US Secret Service/WHCA Frequency list
Return to Wiki page: Common Frequencies