
Wyoming County (WV)

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Welcome to the Wyoming County West Virginia collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.

Fire Department Station Numbers

150 Cyclone
200 Mullens
300 Oceana
400 Pineville
500 Upper Laurel
600 Brenton
700 Coal Mountain
800 Hanover

Fire Department Pager Tones

150 Cyclone     	746.8	569.1
200 Mullens     	321.7	339.6
300 Oceana      	634.5	600.9
400 Pineville   	569.1   600.9 
500 Upper Laurel 	707.3	669.9
600 Brenton     	600.9	634.5
700 Coal Mountain 	669.9	707.3
800 Hanover		

EMS Stations and tones

Jan Care Oceana 	457.9	1122.5
Jan Care Pineville		
Jan Care Mullens		
Stat 20  Mullens		
Stat 30  Oceana		
Stat 40  Pineville
Stat 50  Glen Fork		
Stat 80  Hanover

Law Enforcement

101-125 Wyoming County Sheriff Department
130-132 Wyoming County Animal Control
221-226 Mullens Police Department
331-336 Oceana Police Department
441-445 Pineville Police Department
881-883 Magistrates
4718-4719 Twin Falls Rangers