
Yosemite National Park (CA)

From The RadioReference Wiki

Yosemite dispatch is located in the town of El Portal (pronounced el POOR tal) just off of highway 140. Dispatch is called "Yosemite."

Yosemite Fire Dispatch is called "Yosemite Fire."


YNP Radio Channels
Channel # Tone(s) Rx Freq Tx Freq Alpha Tag Description Notes Confirmation/ReConfirmation Date
01 172.7750 172.7750 YNP1 FireDir Yosemite NP CH1 Fire Net Direct
02 1-5,7 172.7750 166.3625 YNP2 FireRpt Yosemite NP CH2 Fire Net Repeater
03 172.6500 172.6500 YNP3 ParkDir Yosemite NP CH3 Park Net Direct
04 3 172.6500 171.6500 YNP4 ParkRpt Yosemite NP CH4 Park Net Mt. Hoffman Repeater
05 1,2 172.6500 172.0250 YNP5 ParkRpt Yosemite NP CH5 Park Net Repeater
06 166.3000 166.3000 YNP6 VllyDir Yosemite NP CH6 Valley Net Direct
07 1,2 166.3000 164.4250 YNP9 VllyRpt Yosemite NP CH7 Valley Net Repeater
08 168.3500 168.3500 YNP08 Common Yosemite NP CH8 Common Net
09 168.5625 168.5625 YNP9 Air-Grnd Yosemite NP CH9 Air-to-Ground (1)
10? 166.8500 166.8500 YNP10? LE Dir Yosemite NP CH10? Law Enforcement Net Direct (2)
11? 1-3,6 166.8500 171.8250 YNP11? LE Rpt Yosemite NP CH11? Law Enforcement Repeater (2)

(1) The park's air to ground frequency is also designated National Air to Ground 55. There is no record of AG 55 being assigned to any dispatch zone in the country. On a case by case basis, NIFC can assign it to extended attack incidents, but cannot do so if interference to Yosemite NP will result.

(2) Information on the channels the law enforcement net occupies is no longer available as Channels 10-16 are not shown on the documents obtained.

It is not known how use of the law enforcement net is determined as protection rangers are heard on the Park, Valley and Law Enforcement Nets. Based on listening it appears that most law enforcement and search and rescue communications in the Valley District use the law enforcement net. The bulk of the protection traffic in the remaining districts is carried on the park net.


YNP Repeater Tones
Tone # Site Tone Frequency Used on YNP Channel
1 Crane Flat 110.9 2, 5
1 Turtleback 110.9 7, 11
2 Signal Peak 123.0 2
2 Wawona 123.0 5, 11
2 Sentinel Dome 123.0 7
3 Mount Hoffman 131.8 2, 4, 11
4 North Mountain 136.5 2
5 Sentinel Dome 146.2 2
6 Sentinel Dome 156.7 11
7 Henness Ridge 167.9 2

Repeaters transmit the input tone on the output frequency.

Yosemite National Park Unit ID's

Dispatch ID: "Yosemite" Callsign "KMC719"

General Staff, mostly non-protection
100+ Superintendent's Office and Parkwide
100 Park Superintendent
101 Assistant Park Superintendent
103 Chief of Maintenance
104 Chief of Administration
105 Chief Ranger (Visitor & Resource Protection)
106 Chief of Interpretation
107 Chief of Resource Management
109 Pubic Affairs Officer
110+ HQ Law Enforcement Staff
120+ Resource Management
140+ Safety Management
145+ Youth Conservation Corps
150+ Maintenance
160+ Employee Housing
165+ Electronics Shop
170+ Solid Waste
200+ Mather Ranger District
250+ Tuolumne Maintenance
260+ Mather Roads-
270+ Tuolumne Utilities
290+ Hodgdon Forestry
300+ Valley Ranger District
345+ Valley District Interpretation
350+ Valley Machine Shop
355+ Valley Animal Packers
360+ Valley Roads
370+ Valley Electrical
380+ Valley Plumbing
390+ Valley Forestry
400+ Wawona Ranger District
430+ Wawona Interpretation
450+ Wawona Maintenance
460+ Wawona Roads
490+ Wawona Forestry
500+ Parkwide Fire
600+ Backcountry Unit
600 Backcountry Unit Supervisor
601+ Backcountry Rangers (non protection)
610+ Wilderness Permits & Trailheads
620+ Trail Crews
800 Research
900 Communications
Resource Resource Management
Ambulance + 1-Park Headquarters; 2-Tuolumne; 3-Valley; 4-Wawona
Bravo Backcountry Protection Rangers
Charlie Heard, but not identified
Delta Valley Ranger District Day Shift
Echo Valley Ranger District Evening Shift
Golf Possible Graveyard Shift, Valley Ranger District
Hotel Horse Patrol
Kilo Heard, but not identified
LYV Little Yosemite Valley
Mather Mather Ranger District Management
Mike Big Oak Flat Sub-District, Mather Ranger District
November Not heard, but believed to be the Valley Ranger District Night Shift
Rescue Heard, but not identified
Sierra Search and Rescue, Full Time Staff
Tango Tuolumne Sub-District, Mather Ranger District
Traffic Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Whiskey Wawona Ranger District
Fire Management Apparatus
El Portal Engine 31 (Type III), Engine 61 (Type VI)
Wawona Engine 32 (Type III), Water Tender 3 (Unknown Type)
Valley Engine 33 (Type III)
Hodgdon Engine 346 (Type III) Yosemite NP and Stanislaus NF shared vehicle/staff

This is the best of my notes. For any additions or suggestions, contact RR member Es93546.

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