
HF Modes List

From The RadioReference Wiki

Revision as of 12:59, 1 June 2015 by QDP2012 (talk | contribs) (updated links after target pages were renamed)

This is a list of modes as reported on the DigiFaq 5.3, along with a few that weren't known almost 20 years ago. The systems are, by no means, a complete list of every system used on HF. There are undoubtedly systems that simply haven't been discovered or identified yet.

Each article contains a description of the signal from the original document, a comment on when traffic was last noted using this mode (from log searches on the UDXF Yahoo group, as well as the Numbers and Oddities website), and, if known, decoders (software that is known to decode the mode), an audio sample and/or waveform of the signal and lastly, links to external sources of data such as the go2monitor and Wavecom online help, the Rivet wiki along with other relevant links.

For those that still have the Universal / Info-Tech / DES terminal units, we have a link in the HF Appendix to a PDF file that lists what modes they copy and other operational characteristics. Please refer to that to see if the mode you are interested in is copied by one of these units.

Note that the notation 'Hoka 300-32(P)' refers to both the 300-32 standalone package as well as the one that allows control via the popular (P)erseus SDR.

For links to the software, please see the Utility Monitoring Website software page, the link for which is in the HF Appendix.

It should be noted that utilities (and numbers stations) have sometimes used digital modes used in the Amateur Radio Service such as Olivia, PSK31 or MT63. These modes, along with many others, are defined in the Digital Amateur Radio article on this wiki.