
Support Help

From The RadioReference Wiki

Revision as of 14:51, 20 August 2021 by Ka3jjz (talk | contribs) (Removed help request from user - evidently doesn't know how to use the site)

Please Help Me!

Help with Programming and Equipment

If you are having a problem with programming your scanner, operating your radio, or using scanner programming software, please utilize our user forums for support:

Additionally, most issues can be addressed by folks that live local to you. Posting questions and issues in these forums are also strongly encouraged:

In addition, RadioReference strongly recommends the Scanner Master Corporation for:

  • personalized programming services for your radio using RadioReference data
  • top quality accessories for your equipment
  • scanner sales, services, and support

Their contact information is as follows:

Scanner Programming Software

There are numerous software packages that use the RadioReference Web import service, however we are not the developers of those applications. If you are experiencing issues any software application that uses the web import service, please first contact the developer/organization for help.

Important Tip: Make absolutely, positively sure that you are running the latest version of your software application. Most issues with scanner programming software are resolved by upgrading to the latest version. This includes login and disconnect problems.

Live Audio Broadcasts and Broadcasting

All support requests regarding live audio feeds and broadcasting should be sent to:

Everything Else

If you have exhausted all your options and you have no where else to turn to except a warm body for help, here is how can you proceed.

First, please be courteous and detailed in your support request. Providing us as much information as possible will help our crack team of support specialists do their best to address the issue as soon as humanly possible.

To contact us, send an email to:

If you haven't followed the above advice at the top of the page, expect your request to be delayed, and ultimately referred back to those resources.

Other than all that, we really are here to help and we'll do our best to make sure you have what you need.