
Brown County (OH)

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Brown County DB MediaWiki Quickref PDF Card Ohio Forum

Welcome to the Brown County Ohio collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.

Fire/EMS Stations

1 DAVID 10        Fayetteville Fire Department
1 GEORGE 10       Georgetown Fire Dept
1 MARY 10         Mt. Orab Fire Dept
1 ROBERT 10       Ripley Fire Dept
1 SAM 10          Sardinia Fire Dept
1 TOM 10          Russellville Fire Dept
1 HENRY           Hammervilles Fire Dept
1 Boy             Byrd Twp

5 HENRY           Hammersville Life Squad
5 DAVID 12        Fayetteville Life Squad
5 GEORGE 12       Georgetown Life Squad
5 MARY 12         Mt. Orab Life Squad
5 ROBERT 12       Ripley Life Squad Station 1
5 ROBERT 31       Ripley Life Squad Station 2
5 SAM 12          Sardinia Life Squad
5 TOM 12          Russellville Life Squad

Fire/EMS Tones


MT ORAB	        EMS		810.2	155.2650
GEORGETOWN	EMS		651.9	155.2650
RUSSELLVILLE	EMS		855.5	155.2650
SARDINIA	EMS		688.3	155.2650
FAYETTEVILLE	EMS		726.8	155.2650
HAMMERSVILLE	EMS		617.4	155.2650
RIPLEY	        EMS		584.8	155.2650
MT ORAB	        FD	553.9	810.2	154.190
GEORGETOWN	FD	1868	553.9	154.190
RUSSELLVILLE	FD	553.9	903.2	154.190
RIPLEY	        FD	569.1 	399.8	154.190
RIPLEY	        FD	321.7	422.1	154.190
SARDINIA        FD	553.9	688.3	154.190
HIGGINSPORT	FD	569.1	422.1	154.190
BYRD TWP     	FD	617.4	553.9	154.190
FAYETTEVILLE	FD	726.8	726.8	154.190
HAMMERSVILLE	FD	553.9	617.4	154.190

Bold text