
Television Frequencies

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FCC Video Division Page

The audio channels should be monitored in Wideband FM (WFM) mode. Each audio channel uses 100 kHz bandwidth.

Channel Video Freq Audio Freq Lower Edge Upper Edge Pilot Freq
US Television Channels
2 55.25 59.75 54 60 54.31
3 61.25 65.75 60 66 60.31
4 67.25 71.75 66 72 66.31
5 77.25 81.75 76 82 76.31
6 83.25 87.75 82 88 82.31
7 175.25 179.75 174 180 174.31
8 181.25 185.75 180 186 180.31
9 187.25 191.75 186 192 186.31
10 193.25 197.75 192 198 192.31
11 199.25 203.75 198 204 198.31
12 205.25 209.75 204 120 204.31
13 211.25 215.75 210 216 210.31
14 471.25 475.75 470 476 1 (a b c g h i k) 470.31
15 477.25 481.75 476 482 1 (b c e i) 476.31
16 483.25 487.75 482 488 1 (a d e g i l) 482.31
17 489.25 493.75 488 494 1 (f l m) 488.31
18 495.25 499.75 494 500 1 (k m) 494.31
19 501.25 505.75 500 506 1 (j) 500.31
20 507.25 511.75 506 512 1 (g j) 506.31
21 513.25 517.75 512 518 512.31
22 519.25 523.75 518 524 518.31
23 525.25 529.75 524 530 524.31
24 531.25 535.75 530 536 530.31
25 537.25 541.75 536 542 536.31
26 543.25 547.75 542 548 542.31
27 549.25 553.75 548 554 548.31
28 555.25 559.75 554 560 554.31
29 561.25 565.75 560 566 560.31
30 567.25 571.75 566 572 566.31
31 573.25 577.75 572 578 572.31
32 579.25 583.75 578 584 578.31
33 585.25 589.75 584 590 584.31
34 591.25 595.75 590 596 590.31
35 597.25 601.75 596 602 596.31
36 603.25 607.75 602 608 602.31
37 609.25 613.75 608 614 2 608.31
38 615.25 619.75 614 620 614.31
39 621.25 625.75 620 626 620.31
40 627.25 631.75 626 632 626.31
41 633.25 637.75 632 638 632.31
42 639.25 643.75 638 644 638.31
43 645.25 649.75 644 650 644.31
44 651.25 655.75 650 656 650.31
45 657.25 661.75 656 662 656.31
46 663.25 667.75 662 668 662.31
47 669.25 673.75 668 674 668.31
48 675.25 679.75 674 680 674.31
49 681.25 685.75 680 686 680.31
50 687.25 691.75 686 692 686.31
51 693.25 697.75 692 698 692.31
52 699.25 703.75 698 704 698.31
53 705.25 709.75 704 710 704.31
54 711.25 715.75 710 716 710.31
55 717.25 721.75 716 722 716.31
56 723.25 727.75 722 728 722.31
57 729.25 733.75 728 734 728.31
58 735.25 739.75 734 740 734.31
59 741.25 745.75 740 746 740.31
60 747.25 751.75 746 752 3
61 753.25 757.75 752 758 3
62 759.25 763.75 758 764 3
63 765.25 769.75 764 770 3
64 771.25 775.75 770 776 3
65 777.25 781.75 776 782 3
66 783.25 787.75 782 788 3
67 789.25 793.75 788 794 3
68 795.25 799.75 794 800 3
69 801.25 805.75 800 806 3
70 807.25 811.75 806 812 4
71 813.25 817.75 812 818 4
72 819.25 823.75 818 824 4
73 825.25 829.75 824 830 4
74 831.25 835.75 830 836 4
75 837.25 841.75 836 842 4
76 843.25 847.75 842 848 4
77 849.25 853.75 848 854 4
78 855.25 859.75 854 860 4
79 861.25 865.75 860 866 4
80 867.25 871.75 866 872 4
81 873.25 877.75 872 878 4
82 879.25 883.75 878 884 4
83 885.25 889.75 884 890 4

  • (1) 470 - 512 MHz channels 14 - 20 are used for land mobile radio (UHF-T band) only in the following metropolitan areas:
    • (a) Boston, MA
    • (b) Chicago, IL
    • (c) Cleveland, OH
    • (d) Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
    • (e) Detroit, MI
    • (f) Houston, TX
    • (g) Los Angeles, CA
    • (h) Miami, FL
    • (i) New York, NY
    • (j) Philadelphia, PA
    • (k) Pittsburgh, PA
    • (l) San Francisco, CA
    • (m) Washington, DC
  • (2) 608 - 614 MHz channel 37 is reserved for radio astronomy.
  • (3) TV broadcasters will vacate 746 - 806 MHz channels 60 - 69 in 2009.
  • (4) 806 - 890 MHz channels 70 - 83 no longer used for TV broadcasting.
  • Some TV stations are offset + or - 10 kHz (.01 MHz) from the normal frequencies.
  • The video and audio carrier frequencies listed are for the NTSC analog standard and are not applicable to the new ATSC digital (DTV or HDTV) standard.
  • The 8-VSB modulation used in ATSC (DTV) has a pilot carrier approximately 310 KHz above the lower band edge.
  • Some DTV stations are offset slightly to reduce co-channel interference.