
Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network (APPSN)

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Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network (APPSN) TRS
System Name Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network (APPSN)
System Type APCO Project 25
System ID 687
Connect Tone
Wide Area Communications Network BEE00
Network Access Code
TRBO Color Code
Band 700
Ownership Bell Mobility
City Atlantic Canada Wide
County Atlantic Canada Wide
Province Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland/Labrador

Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network (APPSN) System DB Entry
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Wiki HomeCollaboration Gateway → Canada → Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland/Labrador → Atlantic Canada Wide County → Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network (APPSN) TRS

Welcome to the Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network (APPSN) collaboration article, a Trunked Radio System located in Atlantic Canada Wide County, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland/Labrador.
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The Atlantic Provinces Public Safety Network is a 218 site, 700 MHz Project 25 trunking system covering the provinces of Nova Scotia (NS), Prince Edward Island (PE), New Brunswick (NB) and Newfoundland/Labrador (NFLD).

It replaces the 800 MHz Motorola trunking systems, the Aliant Trunked Mobile Radio System (Motorola 800MHz) in NS and Fredericton, NB, the Provincial Integrated Communications System (PICS) in PEI, the Moncton Public Safety and Saint John Public Safety in NB, as well as numerous conventional VHF and UHF systems across the region. Unlike the 800 MHz systems, commercial users such as delivery companies or waste collection, are not be permitted on the P25 system; it is restricted to emergency services and government operations only.


Nova Scotia:

New Brunswick:

  • Ambulance New Brunswick
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Fredericton Fire
  • Fredericton Police
  • Federal departments such as National Defense, Fisheries and Oceans, and Canada Border Services Agency


  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Encrypted
  • Island EMS (and hospitals) - Encrypted
  • PEI Red Cross
  • Rural Fire Departments
  • Government of PEI, including Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal and Natural Resources
  • Fisheries and Oceans - Encrypted
  • PEI School Boards (School Buses)
  • PEI Emergency Measures Organization
  • Highway Safety - Encrypted

NS Fire services

The province has provided a number of TMR-2 radios to all volunteer fire departments (VFDs) across the province, to enhance interoperability. In addition, the TMR-2 VFD fleetmap has been significantly expanded (compared to the TMR-1 VFD fleetmap) and now features 56 operations talkgroups and 8 dispatching talkgroups. The usage of these talkgroups is explained below. Please see the database for talkgroup IDs.

Note that Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency has their own fleetmap separate from this, however they do have some of the ops channels in their radios for mutual aid purposes

The VFD fleetmap is divided into four regions; south, west, north and east. Each region has two dispatch talkgroups, A and B, which are assigned as follows:

  • SOUTH-DISPATCH-A - (Lunenburg and Queens counties)
  • SOUTH-DISPATCH-B - (Shelburne and Yarmouth counties)
  • WEST-DISPATCH-A - (Annapolis, Kings and west Hants counties)
  • WEST-DISPATCH-B - (Digby County)
  • NORTH-DISPATCH-A - (Cumberland, Colchester and east Hants counties)
  • NORTH-DISPATCH-B - (Pictou County)
  • EAST-DISPATCH-A - (Antigonish, Guysborough, Inverness, Victoria and Richmond counties)
  • EAST-DISPATCH-B - (Cape Breton Regional Municipality)

Operations talkgroups are assigned by the various private and government operatred dispatching centers across the province, with each dispatch center having "control" over certain ops talkgroups as follows:

  • Scotia Business Centre - OPS 1-5
  • Valley Dispatch - OPS 6, 8-10, 15-23, 29-35
  • Digby Dispatch - OPS 11-14, 25-28
  • Truro Fire - OPS 36
  • Amherst Fire - OPS 37
  • New Glasgow Police - OPS 38
  • Stellarton Police - OPS 41-42
  • Canso Dispatch - OPS 43-48
  • Shubie Radio - OPS 49-50
  • Cape Breton Regional Municipality - OPS 52-56
  • Halifax Regional Fire (for mutual aid only) - OPS 7, 24, 39-40, 51

The four "HFX-IES" talkgroups are so far only used by the two stations that are dispatched by HRM IES (fire dispatch) Enfield and Mount Uniacke fire departments, to contact IES.

Simplex Frequencies

PEI Simplex

Frequency Input Callsign Display Tone Description Mode Tag
866.37500 821.37500 VAU205 CONV RP1 293 NAC Conventional Repeater 1 P25 Multi-Tac
866.86250 821.86250 VAU205 CONV RP2 293 NAC Conventional Repeater 2 P25 Multi-Tac
866.56250 SX GPEI 293 NAC GPEI Simplex P25 Multi-Tac
866.01250 SX ALL 1 156.7 PL Simplex All 1 FM Multi-Tac
866.51250 SX ALL 2 156.7 PL Simplex All 2 FM Multi-Tac
867.01250 SX ALL 3 156.7 PL Simplex All 3 FM Multi-Tac
867.56250 SX IEMS 293 NAC Island EMS Simplex P25 EMS-Tac
868.06250 SXFOREST 156.7 PL Forestry Simplex FM Fire-Tac
867.31250 SX GSAR 293 NAC Ground Search & Rescue Simplex P25 Emergency Ops