
Collaboration Gateway

From The RadioReference Wiki

Welcome to the RadioReference Collaboration Gateway.

A Collaboration page is one that gathers unstructured content such as maps, 10-code lists, files, links, images, and news and information for entities (counties, states, trunked systems, agencies) in the RadioReference database. All RadioReference members are encouraged to add content to these pages. Please see the Collaboration Guidelines article for guidelines and tips on how to enter data into the wiki.

This article serves as an easy access point to all the state and province Collaboration articles in the wiki. To access a state or province, simply click on the name.

For other countries not listed here, see the Foreign Scanning Websites article
Data on the legal aspects of scanning by state can be found in the Scanner Laws article

United States and Possessions

* Alabama * Alaska * Arizona * Arkansas * California
* Colorado * Connecticut * Delaware * District of Columbia * Florida
* Georgia * Hawaii * Idaho * Illinois * Indiana
* Iowa * Kansas * Kentucky * Louisiana * Maine
* Maryland * Massachusetts * Michigan * Minnesota * Mississippi
* Missouri * Montana * Nebraska * Nevada * New Hampshire
* New Jersey * New Mexico * New York * North Carolina * North Dakota
* Ohio * Oklahoma * Oregon * Pennsylvania * Puerto Rico
* Rhode Island * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas
* Utah * Vermont * Virgin Islands * Virginia * Washington
* West Virginia * Wisconsin * Wyoming

Canadian Provinces

* Alberta * British Columbia * Manitoba * New Brunswick
* Newfoundland/Labrador * Northwest Territories * Nova Scotia * Nunavut
* Ontario * Prince Edward Island * Quebec * Saskatchewan
* Yukon

Caribbean Countries, Territories, and Islands

* Antigua * Aruba * Bahama
* Bermuda * Cayman Islands * Dominican Republic
* Haiti * Jamaica * Saint Kitts
* Virgin Islands

Australian States/Territories

* Australian Capital Territory * Australian Islands * New South Wales * Northern Territory
* Queensland * South Australia * Tasmania * Victoria
* Western Australia