Barron County (WI)
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Welcome to the Barron County Wisconsin collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.
Unit IDs
Law Enforcement Unit IDs
1xx Barron County Sheriff 3xx Barron County Sheriff 4xx St. Croix Tribal Police 600-609 Cameron Police 610-629 Chetek Police 630-639 Turtle Lake Police 650-669 Barron Police 670-679 Cumberland Police 681-683 Birchwood Police 696-698 Prairie Farm Police 7xx/77xx Wisconsin State Patrol 8xx Barron County Sheriff 9xx Rice Lake Police ME 1-3. County Coroner
Fire Department Unit IDs
320 Birchwood Fire 400-409 Almena Fire 410-419 Barron Fire 420-429 Cameron Fire 430-439 Chetek Fire 440-449 Cumberland Fire 450-459 Dallas Fire 460-469 Bear Lake/Haugen Fire 470-479 Prairie Farm Fire 480-489 Rice Lake Fire 490-499 Turtle Lake Fire
EMS Unit IDs
Birchwood Ambulance 120, 127 Cumberland Ambulance 210, 213, 215 Rice Lake Ambulance 220, 222, 225, 228, 230 Barron Ambulance 235, 240 Chetek Ambulance 245, 248 Dallas Ambulance 250 Clear Lake Ambulance 979
P25 Radio IDs
23510 BNSCAN patch 330000 Barron County PSAP 79011XX Mayo Clinic Ambulance 79012XX North Memorial Air Care 79013XX Life Link III 79113XX Life Link III 81007XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81077XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81107XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81177XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81207XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81277XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81607XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81677XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR 9901109 National Weather Service-Twin Cities/Chanhassen Weather Forecasting Office ??????? Almena FD ??????? Barron County Coroner ??????? Barron County Sheriff's Office ??????? Barron PD ??????? Barron EMS ??????? Barron-Maple Grove FD ??????? Bear Lake-Haugen FD ??????? Birchwood EMS ??????? Birchwood FD ??????? Birchwood PD ??????? Cameron FD ??????? Cameron PD ??????? Chetek EMS ??????? Chetek FD ??????? Chetek PD ??????? Cumberland EMS ??????? Cumberland FD ??????? Cumberland Memorial Hospital ??????? Cumberland PD ??????? Dallas EMS ??????? Dallas Sioux Creek FD ??????? Lakeview Medical Center ??????? Lakeview Medical Center EMS ??????? Mayo Clinic Health System-Northland ??????? Prairie Farm-Sheridan FD ??????? Prairie Farm PD ??????? Rice Lake FD ??????? Rice Lake PD ??????? Saint Croix Tribal Police ??????? Turtle Lake FD ??????? Turtle Lake PD ??????? US Fish & Wildlife Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?) ??????? Wisconsin DNR Barron Office
Pager Tones
- Standard timing 1 sec, 3 sec
Chetek Ambulance 410.8 368.5 Chetek First Responders 410.8 349.0 Cumberland Ambulance 726.8 767.4 Barron Gold Cross 788.5 569.1 Turtle Lake First Responders 1395.0 1153.4
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