
Bayfield County (WI)

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Welcome to the Bayfield County Wisconsin collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.

Ashland and Bayfield county 911 centers are now merged into one facility.

Unit Numbers


- All communications are to be in clear text, but some still use the unit numbers which are shown in parenthesis.

  • Barnes Ambulance (EMS 21)
  • Bayfield Ambulance (EMS 31 and 32)
  • Great Divide Ambulance 1 and 2 (EMS 41 and 42) -- a one paramedic ALS service
  • Iron River Ambulance 1 and 2 (EMS 51 and 52)
  • Mason Ambulance 1 and 2 (EMS 61 and 62)
  • Red Cliff Ambulance (EMS 71)
  • South Shore Ambulance (EMS 81)
  • Washburn Ambulance 1, 2, and 3 (EMS 91, 92, and 93)
  • Ashland Fire Department provides intercepts for the BLS units and also covers a portion of the county. They identify with their normal Med callsigns, Med 2, Med 4....
  • Most personnel identify with their level of training and either last name, or initials such as:
First Responder Smith
  • Numbers within their respective decades are sometimes used for personnel, as in the case where EMS 54 is used by the Iron River ambulance director.

Fire Departments

  • The fire departments use only clear text. Dispatch internally views the departments as one entity so most communications take place such as "Iron River Fire to Dispatch, we are enroute." Intra- and inter-department communications may use the department name, the specific apparatus, or the individuals name.

Law Enforcement

  • 200's - Bayfield County Sheriff
  • 300's - Washburn Police
  • 400's - Bayfield Police
  • 500's - Iron River Police
  • 900's - Red Cliff Police
  • BR##'s - Reserve Sheriff Deputies
  • BC##'s - Town Constables


  • 800's and 250-299 - CCO's (Civilian Communications Operators), Jail Personnel, Coroner, Deputy Coroners, and Emergency Management
  • C-xxx's - Wisconsin DNR Conservation Wardens
  • GL-xx's - GLIFWC

Pager Tones

  • Standard timing of 1 sec, 3 sec

Fire and EMS

Barnes Amb/Fire 634.5 707.3
Wisconsin DNR 746.8 810.2
Bayfield Amb 746.8 600.9
Bayfield Fire 855.5 810.2
Cable Fire 569.1 483.5
Cornucopia Fire 669.9 788.5
Drummond Fire 569.1 510.5
Grandview Fire 746.8 788.5
Great Divide Ambulance 879.0 788.5
Iron River Fire/Amb 707.3 746.8
Mason Fire/Amb 767.4 688.3
Namakagon Fire 879.0 634.5
Port Wing Fire 810.2 457.9
Red Cliff Fire/Amb 457.9 767.4
South Shore Amb 810.2 433.7
Washburn Amb 600.9 688.3
Washburn Fire 746.8 855.5


Washburn Public Works 746.8 510.5

P25 Radio ID's

24600 patch from 154.980 to BAPAGE (TG 24505)
2X4503 La Pointe PD
4001XX Bayfield County SO mobiles
4002XX Bayfield County SO mobiles
4003XX Washburn PD mobiles
4004XX Bayfield PD mobiles
4005XX Iron River PD mobiles
4009XX Red Cliff PD mobiles
4011XX ???
4014XX Cornucopia FD/South Shore EMS mobiles
4015XX ???
4019XX Mason FD mobiles
4032XX Barnes FD/EMS mobiles
4034XX Great Divide EMS mobiles
4035XX Iron River FD/EMS mobiles
4036XX Mason Ambulance mobiles
4038XX Herbster FD mobiles
4040XX Bayfield County Highway Department
4101XX Bayfield County SO portables
4102XX Bayfield County SO portables
4103XX Washburn PD portables
4104XX Bayfield PD portables
4105XX Iron River PD portables
4109XX Red Cliff PD Portables
4111XX ???
4114XX Cornucopia FD portables
4115XX Barnes FD/EMS portables
4119XX Mason FD portables
4121XX ???
4134XX Great Divide EMS portables
413476 Great Divide EMS "Cable Base"
4135XX Iron River FD/EMS portables
4138XX Herbster FD portables
4139XX ???
43000X Bayfield County PSAP
43400X Bayfield County Highway Department bases
79011XX Mayo Clinic Ambulance
79013XX Life Link III helicopters
7961XXX Mayo Clinic Ambulance
81007XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios
81077XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios
81107XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables
81177XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables
81207XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios
81277XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios
81607XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables
81677XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables
82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR
9404XXX US Forest Service
9901110 National Weather Service-Duluth Weather Forecasting Office
??????? Bayfield EMS
??????? Bayfield FD
??????? Bayfield County Coroner
??????? Bayfield County Emergency Management
??????? Barnes PD
??????? Cable FD
??????? Drummond FD
??????? Grandview FD
??????? Namakagon FD
??????? National Park Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?)
??????? National Park Service-Bayfield Ranger Station/Visitor Center
??????? National Park Service-Little Sand Bay Ranger Station/Visitor Center
??????? Port Wing FD
??????? Red Cliff FD/EMS
??????? United States Coast Guard
??????? United States Coast Guard-Station Bayfield
??????? US Fish & Wildlife Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?)
??????? US Forest Service-Washburn Ranger Station
??????? Washburn EMS
??????? Washburn FD
??????? Wisconsin DNR Barnes Ranger Station
??????? Wisconsin DNR Bayfield Fish Hatchery
??????? Wisconsin DNR Bayfield Ranger Station
??????? Wisconsin DNR Big Bay State Park Office
??????? Wisconsin DNR Les Voight Fish Hatchery
??????? Wisconsin DNR Washburn Ranger Station


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