
Blue Angels Pensacola NAS Homecoming and Beach Airshows

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Blue Angels Pensacola NAS Homecoming and Beach Airshows
City: Pensacola
County: Escambia
State: Florida
ARTCC: Jacksonville

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Welcome to the Blue Angels Pensacola NAS Homecoming and Beach Airshows aviation article, the Naval Air Station located in Escambia County, Florida.
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Blue Angels Insignia.png

Local Show Information

Pensacola is proud to call itself home to the Blue Angels, officially known as the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron. The "Blues" perform two "official" shows per year in the Pensacola Area. The first during July and their final show of every season in November, known as their "Homecoming" show.

The 2015 Team
BA1 "BOSS" Flight Leader / Commanding Officer
BA2 "MATTY" Right Wing
BA3 "MUMBLES" Left Wing
BA4 "VILI" Slot
BA5 "IROC" Lead Solo
BA6 "DROOPY" Opposing Solo
BA7 "KOOCH" Narrator
BA8 Events Coordinator
The 2014 Team
BA1 "BOSS" Flight Leader / Commanding Officer
BA2 "J.K." Right Wing
BA3 "VILI" Left Wing
BA4 "S'UPP" Slot
BA5 "ELMO" Lead Solo
BA6 "IROC" Opposing Solo
BA7 "DROOPY" Narrator
BA8 Events Coordinator

2015 Official Pensacola Show Dates

  • July 11 - Pensacola Beach Air Show
  • November 6-7 - Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show

Public Practice Shows

See the full 2015 Practice Schedule here. (Adobe Reader required)(Schedule subject to change without notice.)

The Museum of Naval Aviation at NAS Pensacola has a viewing area for visitors to watch the team practice. The team visits the museum to answer questions and sign autographs after Wednesday practices.

At 11:30 a.m. on most Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during the March - November show season the Blues conduct full practice shows at NAS Pensacola, weather permitting. They have also been known to make surprise visits over Pensacola Beach at Casino Beach. So if you are going to the Naval Aviation Museum or Pensacola Beach don't forget to bring your scanner.

Off Season Practice

Within just a few days of the final, official, "homecoming" show at Pensacola, off season practice begins in the Blues R2908 Restricted Airspace just offshore of Fort Morgan and Gulf Shores Alabama. Weather permitting, daily practices are held in this airspace for familiarizing the newly arriving pilots, and the previous seasons team members into their new flight duties. These practices continue until the team departs for El Centro, California, for the full winter practice "season" in January. This space was also used extensively for re-qualifying the team during the 2011 season's safety stand down period.

Blue Angels Frequencies

237.8000 Solos and cross country Air/Air
251.6000 Air/Air nationwide and at NAS Pensacola
255.2000 Circle/arrivals discrete and cross country air/air
265.0000 Diamond formation secondary
275.3500 Diamond formation, cross country air/air and Pensacola squadron common
284.2500 Show box for diamond, solos, delta and cross country air/air
289.8000 Air refueling during cross country trips
305.5000 Fat Albert “Bert” primary, solo aircraft and maintenance officer
305.9000 Fat Albert “Bert” and solo aircraft
346.5000 “Checklist Freq” – Pre-show checklist, ground start/roll out and maintenance
390.2000 May no longer be active. Update if you hear something
250.9750 May no longer be active. Update if you hear something
264.5500 May no longer be active. Update if you hear something
139.8125 ComCart Ground maintenance crews and equipment checks [Bravo] NBFM PL 67.0 Hz
142.6125 ComCart Ground maintenance crews and equipment checks [Alpha] NBFM PL 67.0 Hz
141.5625 ComCart Not used at all shows
  • See the March 2017 issue of the Spectrum Monitor magazine

Pensacola Air Traffic Control Frequencies

Don't forget to program the frequencies for Pensacola Naval Air Station (NPA) and Pensacola Regional Airport (PNS).

Pensacola Naval Air Station (NPA)

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
121.70000  BM  CSQ  NPA Ground Sherman Ground  AM  Aircraft 
336.40000  BM  CSQ  NPA Ground Sherman Ground  AM  Aircraft 
120.70000  BM  CSQ  NPA Tower Sherman Tower  AM  Aircraft 
340.20000  BM  CSQ  NPA Tower Sherman Tower  AM  Aircraft 
134.10000  BM  CSQ  NPA Clrnce Clearance Delivery  AM  Aircraft 
268.70000  BM  CSQ  NPA Clrnce Clearance Delivery  AM  Aircraft 
312.10000  BM  CSQ  NPA Base Base Operations  AM  Aircraft 
359.60000  BM  CSQ  NPA PMSV Pilot to Metro Service  AM  Aircraft 
124.35000  BM  CSQ  NPA ATIS ATIS  AM  Aircraft 
266.80000  BM  CSQ  NPA ATIS ATIS  AM  Aircraft 

Pensacola Regional Airport (PNS)

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
122.95000  BM  CSQ  Unicom Unicom  AM  Aircraft 
121.25000  CSQ  ATIS ATIS  AM  Aircraft 
348.60000  BM  CSQ  Ground Ground  AM  Aircraft 
119.90000  BM  CSQ  CTAF CTAF  AM  Aircraft 
257.80000  BM  CSQ  Tower Tower  AM  Aircraft 
123.72500  BM  CSQ  Clearance Clearance Delivery  AM  Aircraft 
256.87500  BM  CSQ  Clearance Clearance Delivery  AM  Aircraft 
121.90000  BM  CSQ  Ground Ground  AM  Aircraft 

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