Coffee County (GA)
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Welcome to the Coffee County, Georgia collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.
Live Feeds
Coffee County Police, Sheriff, Fire, EMS, and GSP Douglas Police Dispatch
Brevity Codes
Sheriff's Office
- Go to 2 - directs an officer to switch to tactical channel
- Go to ghost - directs an officer to switch to tactical channel using digital
- 10-8, 10-41 - Beginning shift; clocking in
- 10-7, 10-42 - Ending shift; clocking out
- 10-8, 10-24 - Completed assignment, back in service
- 10-12 - Standby; sometimes used to designate a call where caller is standing by for an officer to escort them somewhere for safety, usually the caller's vehicle
- 10-28 check - Lookup vehicle tag information
- 10-27, 29 check - Lookup driver license information and check for warrants
- 10-50 -Traffic accident
- 10-50i - Traffic accident with injury
- REA - Regional electric authority
- LEC - Law enforcement center
- Go to 2 - Scramble communications
- Go to 3 - Switch to tactical channel
- Go to digital - Switch to digital tactical channel
- Stat # Stat codes are used by units to advise the dispatcher the outcome of a case such as a traffic stop
- Stat 1 Gone on arrival
- Stat 2 Unfound
- Stat 3 No action taken
- Stat 4 Misc. report
- Stat 5 Incident report
- Stat 6 Accident report
- Stat 7 Citation issued
- Stat 8 Warning issued
Coffee EMS
- 10-105, 106 - Patient refused service/treatment
- SO enroute - Sheriff's Office is enroute
- PD enroute - Police Department is enroute
Coffee Fire
- 10-70 - Fire
- 10-70 Brush - Brush fire
- 10-70 Structure - Structure fire; such as a house or building
- Fully involved - A fire is described as fully involved when the fire has reached a point where they cannot proceed inside until fire streams have been applied
- Notify forestry - Contact Georgia Forestry Commission to have them enroute to the fire
Unit Number Formats
Broxton Police Department
Format: 2##
- Broxton-200 (Police Chief)
Coffee County EMS
Format: 34-M#
- 101 (Support unit)
Coffee County Fire Department
Format: Truck #, Rescue #, Brush # Number corresponds to originating station
- 600 (Fire Chief)
- 601
- Station 6 (CCFD HQ)
- Station 7
- Station 8
- Station 9 (Green Acres)
- Station 10 (Broxton)
- Station 11
- Station 12
- Station 14
Coffee County Sheriff's Office
Format: Coffee-##
"J" preceding unit number indicates jailer
- Coffee-1 (Sheriff)
- Coffee-J17
- Coffee-J21
- Coffee-J59
Douglas Police Department
Patrol units: 5## (E.g. 580)
Nicholls Police Department
- 521-F
- 521-G
- 521-L
- 521-M
Georgia State Patrol
Format: ###
- GSP-149
- GSP-324
- GSP-569
- GSP-579
- GSP-599
- GSP-622
- GSP-708
- GSP-711
- GSP-717
- GSP-908
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