DuPage County (IL)
From The RadioReference Wiki
Return to DuPage County IL database page
- 2 Metropolitan Emergency Response and Investigative Team (MERIT)
- 3 DuPage County
- 4 DuPage County Fire/EMS
- 5 EMS Agencies and Hospitals
- 6 Townships and Districts
- 7 Consolidated Dispatch Centers
- 8 Municipalities and Districts
- 8.1 Addison (Village)
- 8.2 Bartlett (Village)
- 8.3 Bensenville (Village)
- 8.4 Bloomingdale Fire Protection District
- 8.5 Bloomingdale (Village)
- 8.6 Burr Ridge
- 8.7 Carol Stream (Village)
- 8.8 Clarendon Hills (Village)
- 8.9 Darien (City)
- 8.10 Downers Grove (Village)
- 8.11 Elmhurst (City)
- 8.12 Elmhurst Park District WEB FB MAP
- 8.13 Glen Ellyn (Village) WEB
- 8.14 Glendale Heights (Village) WEB
- 8.15 Glenbard Wastewater Authority
- 8.16 Hanover Park (Village)
- 8.17 Lisle (Village)
- 8.18 Naperville (City)
- 8.19 Oak Brook (Village)
- 8.20 Warrenville (City)
- 8.21 West Chicago (City)
- 8.22 Westmont (Village)
- 8.23 Wheaton (City)
- 8.24 Willowbrook (Village) WEB
- 8.25 Winfield (Village) WEB
- 8.26 Wood Dale (City)
- 8.27 Woodridge (Village)
- 8.28 York Center Fire Protection District
- 9 Codes and Unit Lists
- 10 Schools - Public
- 10.1 Addison School District 4 WEB FB
- 10.2 Bensenville School District 2
- 10.3 Bloomingdale School District 13
- 10.4 Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180
- 10.5 Butler School District 53 (Oak Brook)
- 10.6 Cass School District 63 (Darien)
- 10.7 Center Cass School District 66 (Downers Grove, Darien)
- 10.8 Community Consolidated School District 89 (Glen Ellyn / Wheaton)
- 10.9 Community Consolidated School District 181 (Clarendon Hills)
- 10.10 Community High School District #94 (West Chicago)
- 10.11 Community High School District 99 (Downers Grove)
- 10.12 Community School District 201 (Westmont)
- 10.13 Consolidated Community School District 93 (Bloomingdale, Carol Stream and Hanover Park)
- 10.14 Downers Grove District 58
- 10.15 Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 WEB
- 10.16 Glen Ellyn School District 41
- 10.17 Glenbard Township High School District 87
- 10.18 Gower School District 62 (Willowbrook/Burr Ridge)
- 10.19 Hinsdale Township High School District 86 (Hinsdale/Darien)
- 10.20 Indian Prairie School District 204 (Aurora / Naperville)
- 10.21 Itasca School District 10 WEB FB
- 10.22 Lisle CUSD 202
- 10.23 Lombard Elementary School District 44
- 10.24 Maercker School District 60 (Westmont)
- 10.25 Naperville Community Unit School District 203
- 10.26 Philip J. Rock Center and School (Glen Ellyn) WEB
- 10.27 Prairie School of DuPage (Wheaton)
- 10.28 Queen Bee School District 16 (Glendale Heights)
- 10.29 Roselle Schools
- 10.30 School District 45 (Villa Park, Lombard)
- 10.31 School District U-46
- 10.32 Technology Center of DuPage (Addison)
- 10.33 West Chicago Elementary School District 33
- 10.34 Wheaton-Warrenville Community Unit School District 200 WEB
- 10.35 Wood Dale School District 7
- 10.36 Woodridge School District 68
- 11 Schools - Private
- 11.1 All Saints Catholic Academy (Naperville)
- 11.2 Avery Coonley School (Downers Grove)
- 11.3 Clare Woods Academy (Wheaton)
- 11.4 Immaculate Conception Catholic Prep (Elmhurst)
- 11.5 Montini Catholic High School (Lombard) WEB FB
- 11.6 Prairie School of DuPage (Wheaton)
- 11.7 Saint Francis High School (Wheaton)
- 11.8 St Isaac Jogues School (Hinsdale)
- 11.9 St Joan of Arc Church and School (Lisle) WEB
- 11.10 St Joseph School (Downers Grove)
- 11.11 St Michael Parish School (Wheaton)
- 11.12 St. Petronille Catholic School (Glen Ellyn) WEB
- 11.13 St Raphael Church and School (Naperville)
- 11.14 Timothy Christian School (Elmhurst)
- 12 Colleges and Universities
- 13 School Bus Companies
- 14 Illinois State
- 15 Related Wiki Pages
The majority of DuPage police and fire agencies (except for Naperville) are on STARCOM21.
STARCOM21 Radio / User IDs (RIDs/UIDs) Please update information on the Statewide WIKI for Starcom21 (below)
Metropolitan Emergency Response and Investigative Team (MERIT)
County-wide task force charged with leading investigations into serious crimes, critical incidents and other law enforcement endeavors. Created in 2019, MERIT is a consolidation of law enforcement specialty teams including FIAT, IMAT, DuCART, the DuPage County Major Crimes Task Force and the DuPage County SWAT Team. MERIT consists of ten components, namely, SWAT, Crisis Negotiation Team, Canine Response Unit, Incident Management Assistance Team, Planned Events, Major Crash Reconstruction Team, Major Crimes Unit, Public Integrity Team, Forensics Investigation Unit and Digital Forensics Unit.
- It is believed that they use at least two encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroups (2642 and 2643). SWAT personnel were seen using what appeared to be (from the antennas) small VHF radios during an exercise in October of 2019. The SWAT team's predecessor (FIAT) was confirmed using 155.415 (146.2 PL) in the past.
DuPage County
DuPage County Sheriff
- Now dispatched by DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM). (5/1/24)
- 854.9625 (former DCSO F2) was heard in P25 mode with a NAC of $A3. Appeared to be police training operations, RIDs in the 417xx range observed. (8/23/14)
DuPage County Fire/EMS
- "Fireground Orange" 769.00625 (156.7 PL) analog simplex, aka 7FTAC1D, is programmed into STARCOM21 radios used by DuPage County fire departments.
DuPage Public Safety Communications / DUCOMM WEB
- DuPage Public Safety Communications is a 9-1-1 PSAP that utilizes the 4.9GHz spectrum to provide critical 9-1-1 communications to the forty-five (45) Police, Fire, and EMS agencies it serves.
- 1/25 FCC Application 0011405562 associated with WQCD418
- DuPage/Cook Counties - Multiple FXT, mobiles on 49xx frequencies; Emissions 4M50G7D (wireless radio which transfers data over a modulated wave using Two or more digital channels signal.)
DuPage County Government
DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM)
- DuPage OHSEM provides dial-up alert paging service to various local EMAs/ESDAs (including Bensenville, Warrenville, West Chicago and Winfield) on 154.965 (131.8 PL).
DuPage County Health Department
- 456.2375, 456.5125, 456.6125, 462.2875, 467.4125 (NFM, DMR). The license for their 453.2875 repeater at the county complex in Wheaton was also modified around the same time to include DMR modulation. WQXX321
DuPage County Highway Department
- No longer using their 37 MHz frequencies, currently using LTE (cellular) push-to-talk. (2020)
- 956.29375 Multiple Address System for DuPage County Public Works WQLY345
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
- 159.4200 is also licensed as a repeater output (Downers Grove), though it doesn't appear to be paired with a mobile input frequency. KNED362
- 451.1875 repeater/mobiles (Green Meadows Golf Club, Westmont), 464.0625 base/mobiles (Maple Meadows Golf Club, Wood Dale), 452.7250 repeater/mobiles (Oak Meadows Golf Club, Addison), portables on 466.3875, 466.3750, 466.3500, 466.3250, 466.3000 (voice) WQSS893
- Reported 154.47875 Data Link (No License)
Former Use
- 31.62000 KNED362 BM 97.4 PL DuP FPD Ops2 Operations FM
- 31.78000 KNED362 BM 97.4 PL Dup FPD Mnt1 Maintenance FM
- 31.82000 KNED362 BM 97.4 PL Dup FPD Mnt2 Maintenance FM
- 31.86000 KNED362 BM 97.4 PL Dup FPD Mnt3 Maintenance (Mobiles
- 151.25000 KNED362 M 94.8 PL DuP FPD MX-I Police Mobile Extenders (former, used with old EDACS system)
DuPage Water Commission
- 928.56875, 952.56875 12K0F2D Meter Data at Westchester WNTF892
- 953.9500 200KF9W WNTC233
- 957.5500 200KF9W WNTC232
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Edward Ambulance Service (Naperville)
- This is a joint venture between Edward Hospital and Community Emergency Medical Service, Inc. that provides non-911 ambulance transportation throughout Edward's service area in the west and southwest suburbs of Chicago. Parastar Inc., a national EMS management and consulting firm headquartered in Southfield, MI, manages the joint venture.
- 20-45W mobiles on 155.3400, 155.4000, 155.1600 (NFM) WSAZ777 Issued 2/24
Superior Ambulance (Elmhurst)
461.025 repeaters (Elmhurst, Ottawa), 461.0250, 466.0250 mobiles (NFM) KSX271
Townships and Districts
- (4/27/17) Lisle Woodridge and Darien Woodridge Fire Protection Districts have entered into a resource sharing agreement. As a result, Darien Woodridge's Station 88 will be closed. This pact will go through a trial period that ends December 31, 2018.
Downers Grove Sanitary District
- 462.2875, 467.2875 mobiles (data) WPYP242
Consolidated Dispatch Centers
Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC)
- POLICE: DuPage County Forest Preserve Police (FRANK) and Westmont PD (WHISKEY) are dispatched on talkgroup 2601 (ACDC Police 1). Addison (ADAM), Bensenville (BRAVO), Itasca (IDA) and Wood Dale (WILLIAM) PDs are dispatched on talkgroup 2602 (ACDC Police 2). Bloomingdale (LINCOLN) and Glendale Heights (DELTA) PDs are dispatched on talkgroup 2744 (ACDC Police 3). Talkgroup 2710 is ACDC 4. Talkgroup 2603 is ACDC Tac (encrypted?). In addition, each PD has their own 'local' talkgroup.
- FIRE: Westmont FD (180-series units), Pleasantview (150-series units) and Tri-State (120-series units) FPDs are dispatched on STARCOM21 talkgroup 2712 (ACDC Fire 1 - South), which is patched to 151.2725 (71.9 PL). Addison (71-74), Bensenville (107-109), Itasca (66-67) and Wood Dale (68-70) FPDs are dispatched on STARCOM21 talkgroup 2713 (ACDC Fire 2 - North), which is patched to 151.0850 (77.0 PL).
- (Village of Addison) 856.0375, 857.0375 repeaters in Addison, possible STARCOM21 conventional back-up repeaters? (NFM/P25) WRDG813
- OTHER AGENCIES: ACDC also dispatches the Canadian Pacific Rail Police in the Chicago area, possibly on STARCOM21 talkgroup 36516 (mostly encrypted). CP Rail Police also has access to STARCOM21 talkgroups 36517 and 36518. (January 2021)
- ACDC OPS channels 11, 12, 21, 22, 31 and 32 were mentioned in the October 2024 DU-COMM Fire Operations Subcommittee meeting minutes. Are these STARCOM21 FD OPS talkgroups?
- Village of Addison - 155.01 repeaters in Oak Brook, Darien, Addison and Itasca, repeating 151.055 (NFM). Reported as future fire dispatch use (2/2019), "used to coordinate activities" (11/24) WRCU496
- Village of Addison - 856.3625 conventional NFM & P25 repeaters (Addison, Itasca, Oak Brook, Darien): STARCOM21 back-up? (2/27/2018) WRAT773
DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM)
- Consolidated 9-1-1 PSAP serving 44 Sheriff/Police/Fire/EMS agencies, DU-COMM is a unit of local government and one to the largest consolidated 911 dispatch centers in IL. It is totally separate from the county sheriff, but as of 5/1/24 is dispatching for the Sheriff. DU-COMM answers 9-1-1 calls for and provides dispatch service to the following agencies on the STARCOM21 trunked system:
- POLICE: DuPage County Sheriff's Office (SHERIFF) talkgroup 2619, Bartlett (BRAVO) talkgroup 2609 "1 West", Burr Ridge (IDA) talkgroup 2631 "3 South", Carol Stream (CHARLIE) talkgroup 2609 "1 West", Clarendon Hills (FOXTROT) talkgroup 2631 "3 South", Darien (JOHN) talkgroup 2613 "1 South", Downers Grove (PAUL) talkgroup 2605 "7 South", Elmhurst (ECHO) talkgroup 2608 "3 East", Glen Ellyn (GOLF) talkgroup 2610 "3 West", Hanover Park (YANKEE) talkgroup 2612 "1 North", Hinsdale (HENRY) talkgroup 2631 "3 South", Lisle (ALPHA) talkgroup 2613 "1 South", Lombard (LINCOLN) talkgroup 2607 "1 East", Oak Brook (KING) talkgroup 2631 "3 South", Oakbrook Terrace (OCEAN) talkgroup 2608 "3 East", Roselle (ROBERT) talkgroup 2612 "1 North", Villa Park (VICTOR) talkgroup 2607 "1 East", Warrenville (DELTA) talkgroup 2611 "7 West", West Chicago (ZEBRA) talkgroup 2611 "7 West", Wheaton (TANGO) talkgroup 2610 "3 West", Willowbrook (XRAY) talkgroup 2631 "3 South", Winfield (WILLIAM) talkgroup 2611 "7 West" and Woodridge (SAM) talkgroup 2613 "1 South".
Refer to "Codes and Units List" (below) for DU-COMM Police radio ID formatting information and signal codes.
- FIRE: Bartlett FPD (1-4), Bloomingdale FPD (19-23), Carol Stream FPD (25-29), Clarendon Hills FD (86&87), Darien-Woodridge FPD (88-91), Downers Grove (101-105), Elmhurst FD (1-6), Glen Ellyn VFC(60-63), Glenside FPD (58-59), Hanover Park FD (350-371), Hinsdale FD (84&85), Lisle-Woodridge FPD (50-57), Lombard FD (44-47), Oak Brook FD (93-96), Oakbrook Terrace FPD (48&49), Roselle FD (64&65), Villa Park FD (81&82), Warrenville FPD (11&12), West Chicago FPD (5-8), Wheaton FD (37-39), Winfield FPD (30-33), and York Center FPD (77&78).
As of May, 2015, stations and apparatus have been renumbered for all DU-COMM fire agencies other than Elmhurst and Hanover Park. Frontline rigs use radio IDs that match their respective station numbers (i.e. Engine 38 is housed at Station 38, etc.). In addition, some departments have designated response areas which are outside of their city, village or district boundaries ("closest unit"). For example, Wheaton units will be responding to some areas of Winfield and Carol Stream and Winfield will be responding to some areas of Wheaton and Carol Stream, etc. More information on these changes will be posted at the "DuPage County Fire Station Numbering" heading (bottom of this page) as it becomes available.
- EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Elmhurst Emergency Management Agency (154.040 Elmhurst Public Works), Hanover Township Emergency Services (dispatched on 154.145 Fire West, operations on STARCOM21 talkgroup 36917. Located in Cook County).
- 857.6625 Glendale Heights (usage, if any, unknown) WQVU620
- 220.8075, 220.8125, 220.8225, 220.8275, 220.8375, 220.8425, 220.9025, 220.9075, 220.9175, 220.9225 repeaters (inputs +1 MHz) - future use? WPWG466
- 220.8475 Outdoor warning system control data. Fulton 6000 system. WPWG466
Municipalities and Districts
Addison (Village)
- Addison Police units have been noted making exclusive use of STARCOM21 talkgroup 2645 ENC (Fall 2020)
- Wastewater Data - FX) 451.9625 NFM Data WQTV407
Bartlett (Village)
- Partially located in Cook and Kane Counties
- 12/14 - delete 155.67 base, add 159.1275 repeater (assuming 155.67 input) (NFM) KTD767
- At last report, EMA was using 154.965 (131.8) - DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 'Main' KZF591
- Bartlett Hills Golf Club - 462.3125, 462.3625, 467.3125, 467.3625 portables (NFM, data) WSCY635
Bartlett Fire Protection District
- 20-30W mobiles on 155.16, 155.34, 155.4 (NFM) for Patient Reports WRZB529
Bensenville (Village)
- Emergency Management Agency dial-up voice paging is provided by DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on 154.9650.
- Bensenville Park District (White Pines Golf Course) - WQRU546 2 watt NFM and data on 457.5125, 467.3375, 456.9625, 466.5625, 466.7625
Bloomingdale Fire Protection District
- Serves the Village of Bloomingdale as well as parts of Addison, northern Glendale Heights, Hanover Park, Itasca, Medinah, Roselle and other portions of unincorporated DuPage County.
- Bloomingdale Fire Protection District has stated its intentions to switch from DU-COMM to ACDC, details are still pending.
Bloomingdale (Village)
Bloomingdale Park District Johnston Recreation Center WEB
- 172 S Circle Ave; Town-run event center for Sporting events, special events, weddings, banquets, graduation
- 451.5125, 452.3125, 452.7125, 462.2125, 467.2125 30-4W portables (NFM/DMR), WRBZ490
Burr Ridge
- Police officers and public works personnel are connected to FirstNet, providing public safety an interoperable platform to communicate with other agencies and jurisdictions in the area. (12/14/21) (There was a PDF online, but can not currently be found)
Carol Stream (Village)
- Water Treatment System - Mobiles 158.4275 (NFM Data) WQPP322
Clarendon Hills (Village)
- 956.43175 Invensys Meter Reader 12K WPVU400
Darien (City)
- Darien Park District - portables on 456.2875, 456.3875, 456.4375, 456.6125 and 457.1375 for use at the Darien Sportsplex (DMR) WQSL917
Downers Grove (Village)
- 452.4625, 457.8875 2w, utility reading data (9K66F1D digital) WROH572
- 173.3125 water distribution data WQJP320
- Central Station Services - 461.0125 Base/Mobiles NFM Data WQUA469
Downers Grove Park District
- 457.575, 457.6, 466.125, 466.15, 466.175, 466.2, 461.225, 461.25, 461.275 portables (NFM) - license expired 2013 WPXG205
- portables on 154.49 and 154.5150 (NFM) - Nature center ops at (and within 16 KMRA of) Lyman Woods & Interpretive Center WQSZ853
- portables on 451.6375 and 452.4125 (NFM) - Horticulture activities WQZY869
- 160.005, 160.035, 160.065 and 159.915 mobiles (NFM/DMR) WQQH512
Elmhurst (City)
- Licenses issued to the city for 453.45 repeater, WPMP527 and 455.55 fixed control, WGI862 appear to be used by Cottage Hill school bus company in Villa Park. See Cottage Hill Operating Company under 'School - Bus Companies' in the database.
Elmhurst Park District WEB FB MAP
- Plunkett Athletic Complex 462.9 Base/Pagers, 10-2W portables on 452.0875 (NFM Data) WSDN348 Issued 6/24
Glen Ellyn (Village) WEB
- 159.105 Repeater with 160.065 input (NFM/DMR) at Glen Ellyn Public Works (Other licenses on same frequencies.) WRWT438
- 451.6875, 452.5125, 456.4375, 456.6875, 467.3875 mobiles (NFM Voice/Data for Water Distribution Data) WRZN726
- 451.5125, 451.6875, 456.4375, 457.3875 fixed Water Distribution Data [Expired 6/13] FMN Data WPXU361
- 173.39625 WQLJ275 F GE Water Data 5 Water Distribution Data [Expired 6/13] FMN Data
- 151.4750 159.3900 WPBR393 RM 100.0 PL GE Park District Park District [Expired 2/23] FMN Public Works
- 458.0875, 458.6625 Mobiles Village Links Golf Course [No License] FM
Glendale Heights (Village) WEB
- Owns Glendale Lakes Golf Course, See Recreation and Attractions WIKI <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Glenbard Wastewater Authority
- The Villages of Glen Ellyn and Lombard jointly established the Glenbard Wastewater Authority through an intergovernmental agreement in 1977.
- 152.3075, 159.5475 Mobiles; 456.7375, 462.2625, 462.3625, 462.4125 Base/Mobiles Glenbard Wastewater Authority Ops 6 DMR WQUX487
Hanover Park (Village)
- 453.4250 repeater (DMR, NFM) KLK463
Lisle (Village)
- 156.195 Public Works repeater had been shown with an 88.5 PL, now hearing with a 136.5 PL (2/16/16)
- 156.195 Public Works repeater DMR testing, planned DMR use with full-time encryption (1/2021)
Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District WEB
- The district also covers the portion of Glen Ellyn that is south of Fawell Boulevard.
- Mobiles on 155.34 and 463/468 MHz MED channels (NFM) WRZQ493
Naperville (City)
- 155.61 Naperville Park District Police repeater also licensed for P25 (3/21) KQS779
- City of Naperville Utility Crews - 451.5375, 452.3125 portables (NFM) WQKM364
- Naperville Park District - 456.3250, 457.2875, 462.2875, 462.4125, 466.1000, 466.1750, 466.2000, 466.2250, 466.2500, 466.3000, 466.3250, 466.3500, 466.3750, 467.2875 portables (NFM analog and data) WRDQ844
- Naperville Public Library - 464.9, 469.9 mobiles (NFM) WPYN407
Oak Brook (Village)
- Fire Department has the ability to communicate with Oak Brook Center mall engineers and security on the mall's DMR repeaters (see database).
Warrenville (City)
- It was reported in December 2016 that the Fire Protection District was considering switching from DU-COMM to Naperville Emergency Communications for dispatch services.
- Emergency Management Agency dial-up voice paging is provided by DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on 154.965.
West Chicago (City)
- Emergency Management Agency dial-up voice paging is provided by DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on 154.965.
Westmont (Village)
- Public Works primarily uses Sprint push-to-talk but still retains their VHF radios as a back-up. (3/13)
- Casual police car-to-car traffic has been noted on interoperability channels VTAC 13 and VTAC 14 (previously known as VTAC 3 and VTAC 4). See for more information on these channels. (12/14)
Wheaton (City)
Wheaton Park District
- Arrowhead Golf Club - 2 W NFM/Data on 456.4125, 456.7625, 457.0875, 457.9875 WQRU545 and WQSU590
- Wheaton Park District (aquatic centers, golf courses, fitness centers, recreation centers) - Portables on 456.4625, 456.6375, 456.7125 (NFM) WRFJ536
Willowbrook (Village) WEB
- Utility Data Reading: 2200-2W on 451.3125, 456.5625 WSDY386 Issued 7/24
Winfield (Village) WEB
Emergency Management Agency
- Dial-up voice paging is provided by DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management on 154.965.
- EMA: 471.075 repeater (NFM/DMR/P25) WQNN818
Winfield Fire Protection District WEB
- new 9/23 155.34 1-60W mobile (16K) for Ambulance Service WRYT605
- (move to Unit IDs, is in the IDPH) 7 199 03 Medic 31 Red/White Box new Ford 2023 <<<<<<<UNIT IDs
Public Works
- Utility Reading - 25000-2W on 467.2125, 467.5125 (9K66F1D) Digital Data WRZN995 used with Aclara Technologies/Hubbell Power Systems
Wood Dale (City)
- Public Works? 160.035 4w mobiles, NFM Voice/Digital (8/13) WQSA296
- Wood Dale Park District - Salt Creek Golf Club (701 W Thorndale) - 5W Portables on 151.985, 195.525, 160.110 NFM (1/14) WQTB779
- 453.4125 repeater (utilities, maintenance & wastewater treatment facility), 453.4125 fixed base (city hall & police department) - NFM WQVK697
Woodridge (Village)
- License for 856.4625 expired in 2021. ComEd now licensed for this freq as part of their 800 MHz trunked system. (1/2024)
- See Lisle for Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District
York Center Fire Protection District
- York Center in an unincorporated area west of Oakbrook Terrace and south of Lombard.
Codes and Unit Lists
Downers Grove Fire Department
- 701 Fire Chief (SC21 RID 272701)
- 702 Fire Chief (SC21 RID 272702)
- 703 Fire Chief (SC21 RID 272703)
DU-COMM Police Agencies
Radio Identifiers are formatted as SHIFT+AGENCY+ASSIGNMENT (as in 1Tango1). 1Tango1 would be the dayshift Wheaton PD unit in beat 1. Some officers don't use the shift identifier (as in Tango 1). Units that have permanently assigned radios IDs (some CSO's, admin staff, detectives, etc.) just use the AGENCY+ASSIGNMENT format (example: Echo 71 is always the Elmhurst PD deputy chief or admin division commander, etc.).
The assignment numbers are generally as follows:
- 1-18 are beat cars (generally the odd numbers are north, even numbers south)
- 19 is the desk
- 20-29 are cover/citywide cars
- 30-39 are supervisors
- 40-49 are either traffic units or CSO's
- 50 is the detective commander
- 51-59 are detectives/investigators
- 60-69 are department defined (sometimes these are gang or tactical units)
- 70 is the chief
- 71-79 are command staff
- 80-89 are department defined (sometimes these are mall or college liaison unit)
- 90-99 are CSO's, parking, etc.
- 100+ are generally aux. police
DU-COMM "Signal" Codes
- 1 Meet Operator At ---
- 2 Pick Up/Drop Off Paper
- 3 Officer Needs Assistance
- Code 1 - Normal/routine response
- Code 2 - Expedited response
- Code 3 - Emergency response
- 4 Personal/Lunch break
- 5 Alarm (B-Bank, H-Holdup, R-Residential)
- 6 Confidential Information
- 7 Car Wash
- 8 Complaint Number
- 9 Traffic Stop
- 10 Auto Maintenance
- 11 Bomb Threat
DuPage County Sheriff's Office WEB FB
- SHERIFFxxx - Sheriff's Office
- 10xx - Citizen Volunteer Program
- PROBATION 20xx - Probation Officers
Naperville Police Unit IDs
- Shifts are: 1) 5am-5pm 2) 3pm-3am 3) 5pm-5am (shift numbers only used by P,R & S units)
- Paul: Patrol units (shift, P, beat; sometimes A follows to indicate second car in that beat; e.g. 1P1 and 1P1A)
- Tom: Traffic units (e.g T173)
- Charlie: Community Service (60s and 70s); Animal Control (80s?); Jailers (90s)
- David: Detail cars? (e.g. D202)
- Bravo: Bike units? (e.g. B205)
- Frank: Evidence techs (e.g. F212)
- Ida: Detectives? (investigators?)
- Robert: Roaming cars (no permanent beat) (e.g. 2R21)
- Sam: Sergeants (3S33)
- Lincoln: Lieutenants (L44)
- William: Naperville Park Police
- X-Ray: Police Explorers
- Zebra: Neighborhood Watch Civilians
DuPage County Fire Station Numbering (updated 6/23/23)
PLEASE NOTE: Bartlett and Elmhurst differentiate each other's numbering based on the in-station alerting system and DU-COMM's provided CAD software.
01 - Bartlett FPD Station 1 02 - Bartlett FPD Station 2 03 - Bartlett FPD Station 3 04 - Bartlett FPD (future) 1 - Elmhurst FD 2 - Elmhurst FD 3 - Elmhurst FD reserve (Station 1) 4 - Elmhurst FD reserve (Station 2) 05 - West Chicago FPD (former Station 2) 06 - West Chicago FPD (former Station 1) 07 - West Chicago FPD (former Station 3) 08 - West Chicago FPD (former Station 4, @ DuPage Airport) 09 - West Chicago FPD reserve 10 - 11 - Warrenville FPD (former Station 1) 12 - Warrenville FPD reserve 13 - Warrenville FPD reserve 14 - 15 - Hanover Park FD (former Station 1) 16 - Hanover Park FD (former Station 2) 17 - Hanover Park FD reserve (Station 15) 18 - Hanover Park FD reserve (Station 16) 19 - 20 - Bloomingdale FPD reserve 21 - Bloomingdale FPD (former Station 1) 22 - Bloomingdale FPD (former Station 2) 23 - Bloomingdale FPD (former Station 3) 24 - 25 - 26 - Carol Stream FPD reserve 27 - Carol Stream FPD (former Station 3) 28 - Carol Stream FPD (former Station 1) 29 - Carol Stream FPD (former Station 2) 30 - 31 - Winfield FPD (former Station 1) 32 - Winfield FPD (former Station 2) 33 - 34 - Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital (Mobile Stroke Unit MEDIC 34) 35 - 36 - Wheaton FD reserve 37 - Wheaton FD (former Station 3) 38 - Wheaton FD (former Station 1) 39 - Wheaton FD (former Station 2) 40 - reserved for Elmhurst FD? (current Station 1?) 41 - reserved for Elmhurst FD? (current Station 2?) 42 - Elmhurst FD 43 - 44 - Lombard FD (former Station 2) 45 - Lombard FD (former Station 1) 46 - Lombard FD reserve (Station 44, except for Battalion 46 @ Station 45) 47 - Lombard FD (Station 45) 48 - Oakbrook Terrace FPD reserve 49 - Oakbrook Terrace FPD 50 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD 51 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD (former Station 1) 52 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD (former Station 2) 53 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD (former Station 3) 54 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD (former Station 4) 55 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD (former Station 5) 56 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD reserve 57 - Lisle-Woodridge FPD 58 - Glenside FPD 59 - Glenside FPD reserve 60 - Glen Ellyn VFC reserve (Station 61) 61 - Glen Ellyn VFC (former Station 1) 62 - Glen Ellyn VFC (former Station 2) 63 - Glen Ellyn VFC reserve (Station 62) 64 - Roselle FD 65 - Roselle FD reserve 66 - Itasca FPD 67 - Itasca FPD reserve 68 - Wood Dale FPD (former Station 2) 69 - Wood Dale FPD (former Station 1) 70 - Wood Dale FPD (future) 71 - Addison FPD (former Station 1) 72 - Addison FPD (former Station 2, except for Deputy Chief 72 @ Station 71) 73 - Addison FPD (former Station 3) 74 - Addison FPD reserve 75 - Addison FPD reserve 76 - 77 - York Center FPD 78 - York Center FPD reserve 79 - 80 - Villa Park FD reserve 81 - Villa Park FD (former Station 3) 82 - Villa Park FD (former Station 2) 83 - 84 - Hinsdale FD 85 - Hinsdale FD reserve 86 - Clarendon Hills FD 87 - Clarendon Hills FD 88 - Darien-Woodridge FPD reserve 89 - Darien-Woodridge FPD (former Station 1) 90 - Darien-Woodridge FPD (former Station 3) 91 - Darien-Woodridge FPD 92 - 93 - Oak Brook FD (former Station 2) 94 - Oak Brook FD (former Station 1) 95 - Oak Brook FD reserve 96 - Oak Brook FD 97 - 98 - unknown, mentioned by two DuPage OHSEM units (5/25/16) - reference misunderstood? 99 - 100 - Downers Grove FD 101 - Downers Grove FD (former Station 1) 102 - Downers Grove FD (former Station 2) 103 - Downers Grove FD (former Station 3) 104 - Downers Grove FD reserve 105 - Downers Grove FD (former Station 5) 106 - 107 - Bensenville FPD # 2 (former Station 17) 108 - Bensenville FPD # 2 (former Station 18) 109 - Bensenville FPD # 2 reserve 110 - 111 - Argonne National Laboratory FD 112 - Argonne National Laboratory FD 113 - 114 - Argonne National Laboratory FD 115 - Argonne National Laboratory FD 116 - Argonne National Laboratory FD 117 - 118 - Argonne National Laboratory FD 119 - 120 - Tri-State FPD 121 - Tri-State FPD (former Station 1) 122 - Tri-State FPD (former Station 2) 123 - Tri-State FPD (former Station 3) 124 - Tri-State FPD (former Station 4) 125 - Tri-State FPD 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 - 133 - 134 - 135 - 136 - 137 - 138 - 139 - 140 - 141 - 142 - 143 - 144 - 145 - 146 - 147 - 148 - 149 - 150 - Pleasantview FPD 151 - Pleasantview FPD (former Station 1) 152 - Pleasantview FPD (former Station 2) 153 - Pleasantview FPD (former Station 3) 154 - Pleasantview FPD 155 - Pleasantview FPD reserve 156 - 157 - 158 - 159 - 160 - 161 - 162 - 163 - 164 - 165 - 166 - 167 - 168 - 169 - 170 - 171 - 172 - 173 - 174 - 175 - 176 - 177 - 178 - 179 - 180 - 181 - Westmont FD reserve (Station 182) 182 - Westmont FD (former Station 2) 183 - Westmont FD (former Station Headquarters) 184 - Westmont FD reserve (Station 183) |
Schools - Public
Addison School District 4 WEB FB
- Elementary district with 9 schools serving 4000 students, Early Childhood to 8th Grade.
- 465.0, 462.75 FBs (paging?), 452.1125 portables (NFM digital), Stone Elementary School WQZP586
- added DMR to 461.175 and 151.745, portables on 451.2875, 451.4375, 451.5875, 452.1125, 452.8375, 452.8875, 456.5875, 457.1125, 462.2125, 467.2125 (all DMR) (3/17); added 463.2125 repeater at Addison Trail Jr. High School (DMR, 4/23) WPOC481
- new 463.2125 20wt Repeater at 222 N Kennedy Drive (added 4/23) (DMR only)
Bensenville School District 2
- 10-4W portables on 452.0625, 452.3875, 4514875, 452.7875, 452.8125 (NFM)
- Tioga Elementary School: 461.4875 160W ERP repeater with 50-5W portables (NFM) added to WQQZ355 10/24
- 1 5W with 100 Pagers on 467.2125, 467.4125 (NFM Data for GPS Clock Transmitters) at Blackhawk Middle School, Bensenville Elementary School WSCQ852
Bloomingdale School District 13
- Portables on 457.6375, 462.3625, 462.3875, 467.3125, 467.3875, 451.2875, 456.1875, 456.2875, 456.5125, 457.6625 (NFM) WQVW214
Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180
- License for 155.295 expired/cancelled in 2014. Frequency still in use?
Butler School District 53 (Oak Brook)
- 463.375 repeater (Butler School), 464.3875 repeater (Brook Forest School); 451.6625, 452.5125, 456.7375, 457.9875 - NFM and DMR portables (3/22) WQSJ452
- Junior High School - 467.2125, 467.4375 mobiles - clock transmitters WSAW399
Cass School District 63 (Darien)
- 451.5625, 462.3125, 467.3125 portables (DMR) WRXD753
Center Cass School District 66 (Downers Grove, Darien)
- Prairieview Elementary School - 463.525 fixed base/mobiles, 462.425 repeater; Elizabeth Ide Elementary School - 464.4375 repeater; 451.6875, 452.1375, 452.4125, 456.3375, 456.6875 portables (NFM/DMR) WRWN266
Community Consolidated School District 89 (Glen Ellyn / Wheaton)
- 464.1125 (Briar Glen Elementary School), 464.1375 (Park View Elementary School), 464.1625 (Glen Crest Middle School), 464.2375 (District Offices), 464.2875 (Arbor View Elementary School) repeaters; 466.075(D065-Park View ES, D072-Glen Crest MS?), 466.3875, 466.050, 466.100, 466.250 portables (NFM/DMR) WQTU835
Community Consolidated School District 181 (Clarendon Hills)
- Serves Hinsdale and Clarendon Hills as well as parts of Burr Ridge, Oak Brook and Willowbrook.
- 464.175 repeater (Hinsdale Middle School, NFM/DMR), 451.1875, 451.4125, 451.7625, 456.1875, 456.4125 portables (NFM) WQHT712
- Portables and pagers on 467.2125, 467.2375 (NFM analog and digital), "Clock Transmitters". WRBY938
Community High School District #94 (West Chicago)
- 158.34 portables (NFM, DMR) WPWF932
Community High School District 99 (Downers Grove)
- Transportation provided by First Student (Westmont Yard) - 452.0, CC 1, SL 2, TG 21 (9/2018)
- Downers Grove North HS - 462.4625, 464.375, 464.775 portables (NFM) WPRU206
- Downers Grove South HS - 461.2, 463.5 repeaters; 464.7125, 464.8625, 467.4375, 467.7625 portables; 151.745 75-5W portable (all NFM) KXV793
- Downers Grove South HS - 463.425, 464.3125 repeaters (NFM, DMR) WRDU445
- Downers Grove South HS - 461.7125 (D506?) repeater (NFM) WQRS904
Community School District 201 (Westmont)
- 452.8125, 452.9875, 457.7125, 457.8125, 457.9875 (all NFM portables, 13km radius from 125 W Traube Ave.), 467.2125 (Manning Elementary School, Miller Elementary School, Westmont High School, Westmont Jr. High School, NFM and digital portables) WQWT290 -
Consolidated Community School District 93 (Bloomingdale, Carol Stream and Hanover Park)
- 466.150, 466.175, 466.200, 466.225, 466.250, 466.275, 466.300, 466.325, 466.350, 466.375 200-4W portables (NFM/DMR) WRZW829
- 467.2125 Mobile/Pagers (NFM) for Early Childhood Center WQTM663
Downers Grove District 58
- Transportation provided by First Student (Westmont Yard) - 452.000, CC 1, SL 2, TG 21 (9/2018)
Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 WEB
- 462.200 (York HS use?) portables (NFM) WPWB765 [expired 10/22]
- York Community High School GPS Based Clock System on 72.1, 72.18 WSDQ440 New 6/24
Glen Ellyn School District 41
- [ Website] [ Facebook]
- Approximately 3,600 students attend five schools within the eight square mile K-8 elementary school district
- 461.0125 (Hadley Jr. High), 464.2125 (Benjamin Franklin Elementary), 464.6625 (Abraham Lincoln Elementary), 464.7625 (District 41 office and/or Forest Glen Elementary) - DMR repeaters (IP Site Connect?); 466.025, 466.050, 466.075, 466.125 (D172 - Forest Glen Elementary?), 466.200, 466.250, 466.275, 466.300, 466.325 NFM/DMR portables WQLF754
- IP Site Connect Motorola Case Study
- Radios used by District Office Personnel, Administration, Teachers, Custodians, Bus Garage
- IP Site Connect using MOTOTRBO XPR™ 6550 portable radios, XPR™ 4550 mobile radios, XPR™ 8300 repeaters, control station (XPR™ 4550 mobile radios, desktop microphone, speakers, power supply with battery backup)
- The administration recommended the MOTOTRBO system, equipping each building with a desktop radio hardwired to an antenna and supported with battery backup. Installation of centrally located roof-mounted repeaters would extend signal range, making the system stronger and more reliable than their current analog two-way system and would allow communications among district buildings and with emergency personnel, providing coverage throughout the entire district.
- The radios, with dual analog-digital capability, allowed users to easily switch over to analog mode to seamlessly communicate with personnel still using the old analog radios, enabling a cost-effective migration to all-digital. Each of the schools, as well as the district office and the transportation office, were issued a MOTOTRBO digital portable radios, along with eight desk top control stations that are used by the schools’ administrative personnel.
- The radios also allow staff to increase efficiency through better coordination of school activities, such as assemblies, sporting events, school bus loading/unloading and cafeteria peak periods. Teachers, bus drivers, crossing guards and coaches can deter, or take immediate action as needed, when disturbances or emergencies occur.
- Our buses are operated by First Student Bus Transportation Services and we gave their coordinator one of our radios too. That allows us to maintain contact with the buses as well.”
Glenbard Township High School District 87
- 451.5 Repeater - Glenbard North (NFM/NXDN) WPWL640
- Glenbard South HS - 467.2125, 467.2875 GPS clock data WQOF433
- Glenbard North High School has been said to use 464.5 118.8 PL for Security (in the past)
Gower School District 62 (Willowbrook/Burr Ridge)
- add portables on 152.945, 159.675, 159.840, 160.140 and 160.185 (DMR) WQPX464
- 451.9625, 452.275, 461.050 portables (NFM) WQFY600
Hinsdale Township High School District 86 (Hinsdale/Darien)
- Transportation provided by First Student (Westmont Yard) - 452.000, CC 1, SL 2, TG 21 (9/2018)
- 151.805 (DMR, repeats 159.585?, Hinsdale Central?); 152.2925 (NFM, repeats 157.5525, license shows Hinsdale South in Darien, database shows Hinsdale Central) WQIH834
- 152.405 Repeater with 157.665 (NFM/DMR) WRVQ946
152.375 157.635 RM South High School (Darien) WPOX778 [Expired 6/24] FMN; 1/25 App 0011415218
Indian Prairie School District 204 (Aurora / Naperville)
- 452.350 Gombert Elementary School, Aurora; 452.150 Kendall Elementary School, Naperville; 451.35 and 452.325 D204 Administration Center, Aurora; 461.700 and 463.350 FB2s Waubonsie Valley High School, Aurora; 452.1, 461.55, 461.6 and 463.65 FB2s Neuqua Valley High School, Naperville; 468.400, 468.550 and 468.775 portables (all NFM/DMR) WPMR282
- 452.275 Welch Elementary School, Naperville; 452.475 Still Middle School, Aurora; 452.500 Builta Elementary School, Bolingbrook; 452.225 Young Elementary School, Aurora (all FB/MO, NFM/DMR) WPPA707
- 462.225 White Eagle Elementary School, Naperville; 462.3 Brookdale Elementary School, Naperville; 462.425 Brooks Elementary School, Aurora; 463.775 Clow Elementary School, Naperville; 462.4 Cowlishaw Elementary School, Naperville; 463.275 Georgetown Elementary School, Aurora (all FB/MO, NFM/DMR) WPRU248
- 464.200 Hill Middle School, Naperville; 461.575 Gregory Middle School, Naperville; 464.45 Graham Elementary School, Naperville; 461.3 Watts Elementary School, Naperville; 452.0125 and 461.150 FB2s, Wheatland Academy, Naperville (all FB/MO except Wheatland Academy, NFM/DMR) WPRU441
- 462.075 McCarty Elementary School, Aurora; 462.4 Steck Elementary School, Aurora; 461.900 Spring Brook Elementary School, Naperville: 464.4 Longwood Elementary School and Patterson Elementary School, Naperville (all FB/MO, NFM/DMR) WPRX231
- 461.3 Fischer Middle School, Aurora; 463.775 Neuqua Valley High School Freshmen Center (both FB/MO, NFM/DMR) WPRX494
- 464.650 FB/MO Matea Valley High School, Aurora (NFM) WQKL542
- Buses and Vans (First Student?) on Talkgroup 3001 - Comlink Wireles (9/2018)
- 463.7375 (136.5) - School bus operations for District 204. First Student? Callsign? (3/2016)
- Matea Valley High School - 464.0125, 464.2125, 464.4125 repeaters; 466.025, 466.1, 466.15, 466.175 portables (NFM/DMR) WQKM844
- 457.1625, 457.2875, 457.6625, 457.6875, 457.8125 NFM portables; 452.4875, 456.6625 NFM/DMR portables WQPY556
Itasca School District 10 WEB FB
- 467.2125, 467.2875, for clock transmitters (data), but covers narrowband voice mode as well. WQXG681
Lisle CUSD 202
- Lisle Elementary School: 462.1875 repeater (Lisle Senior High School); 452.5125 repeater (DMR only); 456.3375, 456.3875, 456.4375, 457.6375, 457.1375, 457.7125, 457.8375, 457.8875, 467.4875, 467.5125 portables (all NFM/DMR) WQUD978
- Westway Coach (Lemont Yard): Transportation 461.4375 (D047) WQNX650
Lombard Elementary School District 44
- Special needs bussing provided by Hopewell Transportation, Carol Stream yard on 453.0125 DMR CC9 TG109 (WRDB312)
- 451.725, 453.0125 repeaters - Glenn Westlake Middle School, Manor Hill Elementary School; 462.3125, 466.35, 466.5625, 467.2625 portables - 32km radius (DMR/NFM) WRDB312
- Use of 464.575 reported in the past (no license?)
- 451.725 456.725 RM CC 5 TG * SL 1 District-Wide (Ch 1) DMR WRDB312
- 451.725 456.725 RM CC 5 TG * SL 2 Buildings and Grounds (Ch 2) DMR WRDB312
Maercker School District 60 (Westmont)
- 466.300, 466.325, 466.350, 468.250, 468.875 portables (NXDN) WSAE599
Naperville Community Unit School District 203
- 155.205 Base/Mobiles (NFM) KXW915
- 467.7625, 467.8125, 467.825, 467.875 portables (NFM, expired 11/21) WQOL259
- 451.7125, 452.5125, 456.4625, 456.6125, 457.4125, 457.7625, 457.8125, 462.4625, 466.800, 467.5125 portables (NFM, 32 km radius of Naperville Central High School) WQRR918
Naperville Central High School
- 456.9375, 457.350, 466.825, 469.9625 portables (DMR) WRTE463
Naperville North High School
- 462.1625 repeater; 469.7125 portables (NFM/DMR for Maintenance/Security) WQPQ323
Prairie Elementary School
- Repeater on 452.550 (NFM voice) WQWX278
Philip J. Rock Center and School (Glen Ellyn) WEB
- Only publicly funded Residential School for students who are Deaf-Blind in the country. We service students from the age of three through their twenty-second birthday year.
Prairie School of DuPage (Wheaton)
- 1962 N Main, Wheaton
- 452.025, 452.100, 452.150, 452.400, 452.450, 457.05, 457.100, 457.200, 457.225, 457.250, 457.450, 466.150, 466.175, 466.350, 468.250 portables (NXDN) WROA593
Queen Bee School District 16 (Glendale Heights)
- 461.5875 repeater, mobiles on 451.4125, 451.5375, 452.1625, 452.5125 and 452.6875 (NFM) WQSC675
Roselle Schools
Roselle School District 12
- Spring Hills Elementary School - 452.4625 40W Repeater 456.775, 461.6125, 463.6125, 464.700, 468.6125 (HTs, 16 KMRA of repeater) (DMR) WQUV590
Lake Park High School West District 108 WEB
- Freshmen and sophomores attend East Campus, 600 South Medinah Road, while juniors and seniors attend West Campus, 500 West Bryn Mawr.
- 451.7625, 451.3125 repeaters - West Campus; 451.3875, 451.7375 repeaters- East Campus; 464.525, 468.800, 468.850, 468.950, 469.050 portables (all NFM)
Keeneyville School District 20 (Roselle / Hanover Park)
- Waterbury Elementary School - 40-4wt portables on 456.2875, 456.3875, 456.4875, 456.6125, 457.7875 (NFM)
School District 45 (Villa Park, Lombard)
- Regular bus transportation by First Student Villa Park Yard. Special needs transportation provided by Septran. (8/23)
- 452.0625, 457.0625, 461.225, 467.3875 portables - York Center Elementary School (Lombard); 462.075, 466.4625, 461.225, 467.3875 portables - North Elementary School (Villa Park); 452.4375, 457.4375, 463.6125, 468.375 portables - Schafer Elementary School (Lombard); 464.5875 portables - Ardmore School (Villa Park); 451.3625, 451.4125, 451.6125, 451.6625, 452.0625, 452.1125, 452.2875, 456.3125, 456.3625, 456.4125, 456.6125, 456.6625, 457.0625, 457.1125, 457.2875, 462.2875, 467.2875, 467.3625, 469.9375 portables (all DMR) WRJQ536
- 467.2125, 467.3375 clock transmitters WRPC849
- A roll-call net of all the schools is conducted by the district office on the administrative channel at 9am on the first Tuesday of each school month.
- District 45 also has UHF channels called "Emergency", "Local", and "Maintenance" as well as channels for the following schools: Ardmore, Jackson, Jefferson and North. The district has a total of eight schools - the other four schools might have their own channels as well.
School District U-46
- 452.675, 457.675 portables (NFM, DMR) - Bartlett High School? WPXB358
- 453.6875 CC6 TG1 SL? (Bartlett) and 460.6375 (West Dundee in Kane County) repeaters; for student transportation (DMR/NXDN) WREZ439
Technology Center of DuPage (Addison)
- Technology Center of DuPage offers DuPage County area high school juniors and seniors 20 career and technical education programs as part of their high school curriculum.
- 466.200, 466.225, 466.250, 466.275, 466.325 portables (DMR) WREP376
West Chicago Elementary School District 33
- 464.5875 (at Leman Middle School), 462.350 (at Indian Knoll Elementary School), 461.825 (at Wegner Elementary School) repeaters; 452.7125, 462.1875, 467.5125, 467.8125 portables (NFM/DMR) WQLH526
Wheaton-Warrenville Community Unit School District 200 WEB
- 461.4375 repeater (NFM/DMR at 2 Wheaton Center - ReNew Apartments) - possibly new district crisis channel? WRYW657
Wood Dale School District 7
- 40 portables on 466.175, 466.200, 466.225, 466.250, 466.275 (NFM) WQTM995
- 3kmra, 467.2125 Mobile/55 Pagers (NFM) WQGU650
Woodridge School District 68
- Transportation provided by First Student (Westmont Yard) - 452.000, CC 1, SL 2, TG 21 (9/2018)
Schools - Private
All Saints Catholic Academy (Naperville)
- Mobiles on 451.5125, 451.7375, 456.5125 (NFM, DMR) WRCA495
Avery Coonley School (Downers Grove)
- 451.2875, 452.1125, 452.2875 portables (NFM/DMR) WRER536
Clare Woods Academy (Wheaton)
- 451.6875, 452.0625, 456.6875, 457.0625, 467.4875 portables (NFM, DMR) WRCU265
Immaculate Conception Catholic Prep (Elmhurst)
- First Student Villa Park yard (854.4125 162.2) mentioned an "IC route" (9/18)
Montini Catholic High School (Lombard) WEB FB
- 451.2375, 452.1875, 452.4875, 457.1875, 457.4875 50-5W portables (DMR) WSEM857 Issued 9/24
Prairie School of DuPage (Wheaton)
- 457.050, 457.100, 457.200, 457.225, 457.450, 466.150, 466.175, 466.350, 468.250 portables (NXDN) WROA593
Saint Francis High School (Wheaton)
- 451.5125, 452.4125, 452.8125, 456.5875 WQTK416
St Isaac Jogues School (Hinsdale)
- 151.6475, 152.8925, 154.5475, 158.3475, 160.1025 portables (NFM) WQOM4589
St Joan of Arc Church and School (Lisle) WEB
- 456.325, 457.200, 457.450, 466.200, 466.275 portables (DMR) WSEW903
St Joseph School (Downers Grove)
- 100-4W portables on 457.2, 457.45, 466.025, 466.05, 457.8 (DMR) 4824/4832 Highland Ave for Ops WSAE429
St Michael Parish School (Wheaton)
- 461.675, 463.625, 463.875, 466.675, 468.625 portables (DMR) WRBL758
St. Petronille Catholic School (Glen Ellyn) WEB
- 425 Prospect Ave; Visiplex pagers for ? - 462.8 B/95 pagers (NFM data) [1] 1/25 FCC Application 0011407511
St Raphael Church and School (Naperville)
Timothy Christian School (Elmhurst)
- 467.2125, 467.2375 (HTs, NFM) WQZT612
- There may be other low-power UHF freqs in use at the school.
Colleges and Universities
Benedictine University (Lisle) WEB
- 5700 College Rd, but shows 3 different lat/long coordinates in the same area WSAP679 Issued 2/24
- Center building on the left - 464.6375 Repeater with 10 FX1
- Building in NE corner - 464.625 Repeater with 10 FX1
- Building in SE Corner - 463.3125, 463.925, 464.0625, 464.35, 464.4625, 464.6375, 464.7875, 464.8, 464.9375 all Base/Mobile,
College of DuPage (Glen Ellyn)
- Website Community College District 502
- Public two year community college. Repeaters located at the main campus.
Police Department Webpage Facebook
- 24-hour service/dispatch (on STARCOM21)
- Units: 100-120 Trades & Grounds; 120-140 Custodians; 150-170 Engineering; 200s Student Activities
- 461.8625 (athletics), 462.200 (event services) repeaters and simplex (DMR) WRDR892
- 452.3125 Fixed NFM Data (unknown use) WQME504
- Aramark -- 463.3125, 451.7875 repeaters
Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA)
- Operations; Community College District 502 Webpage
- 151.760, 154.5275, 151.700, 151.505, 151.625 statewide itinerant portables (NFM/P25) WSDN742
Elmhurst University
- 451.6375, 452.7125, 456.6375, 457.7125 (100 DMR simplex portables) WRAQ484
- 157.620, 159.705, 159.975, 160.125, (125 NFM simplex portables) WQPM754
Illinois Institute of Technology (Wheaton)
- School of Applied Technology - 462.75 Base/pagers (NFM Data) WQPZ877
Midwestern University (Downers Grove) WEB FB
- Current: 451.350 repeater (NFM only), adding DMR to 451.475 repeater, adding 452.8125 repeater to the license (NFM, DMR) FCC license modification 12/24, all at main campus WPPD638
- 466.9125, 467.0125, 467.0625, 467.1125, 467.1625 portables (NFM) WPPV498
- 464.475 base and mobiles (NFM) WNIV358
- Wireless Clocks: MO/FX on 72.1, 72.18, 72.38, 72.2. 72.12 (555 31st St and 3450 Lacey Rd) WSFS471
School Bus Companies
Cottage Hill Operating Company
- Cottage Hill Operating Company is a school bus company that serves a handful of DuPage County school districts. Included among these are DuPage High School District 88, Salt Creek School District 48, and Elmhurst District 205 Special Education.
First Student
- 477.3375, 477.825, 478.5875 repeaters - 97th St. and Rt. 59, Naperville (NFM, DMR, NXDN) WPWK635
- Westmont yard - 453.0 (DMR) - Time slot 1, talkgroup 16777215 (All Call) - 9/15
- Villa Park yard - Districts 45, 205 and Timothy Christian Schools. (8/23)
Illinois Central School Bus
- 461.8875 (NFM), 463.2625 (NFM, NXDN), 464.3625 (NFM) repeaters - Carol Stream WQMG699
Illinois State
Illinois Youth Center - Warrenville [K-??] WEB
- Opened: 1973, Capacity: 70, Level 1 Maximum Juvenile Female, Level 1 Medium Juvenile Male
Related Wiki Pages
- Businesses and Media
- Recreation and Attractions
- DuPage Sheriff Patrol (IL) Beat Sector Map 11/9/20 (pdf)
- Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association (CARMA)
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