Fulton County (IL)
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- Fulton County Fire and EMS Scanner Page Facebook Live Scanner Feed on Broadcastify
- 1 County Government
- 2 EMS Agencies and Hospitals
- 3 Municipalities and Districts
- 4 Fire/EMS Unit Designators
- 4.1 Fulton County Emergency Medical Association Ambulance
- 4.2 200s - Hickory-Kerton Fire
- 4.3 300s - Limestone Township Fire
- 4.4 500s - Ipava Fire
- 4.5 600s - Lewistown Fire Protection District
- 4.6 700s - Smithfield Fire Protection District
- 4.7 800s - Cuba Fire Protection District
- 4.8 900s - Buckheart Township Fire Protection District (St David)
- 4.9 1100s - Farmington Community Fire Protection District
- 4.10 1500s - Copperas Creek Fire Protection District
- 4.11 Canton Fire
- 4.12 Astoria Fire Protection District
- 4.13 Fairview Fire
- 4.14 Table Grove Fire Protection District
- 4.15 Vermont Fire
- 5 Law Units
- 6 Schools and Colleges
- 7 Businesses
- 8 Related Wiki Pages
County Government
Fulton County Sheriff
9/24/06 - The Sheriff of Fulton County met with all of the Police Chiefs in that county last month. The Sheriff reported that his department will be changing out their communications that are currently running on UHF. He said that Motorola has pointed out that the Homeland Security Grants ( 90/10 % matching ) will only fund the STARCOM21. He asked the Chiefs to meet back with him after some questions were looked into. He said that if Farmington and Canton agreed to come on board, then County commo would most likely go to STARCOM21 ( or whatever solution was agreed on ) for primary communications barring the outcome of certain questions being looked into.
Fulton County 911 / ETSB
- 154.13 - Agencies heard paged: Fairview Fire (by Phone?), Fairview Rescue Squad (by Phone?)
- 154.13 CSQ Paging - Buckheart (Township) Fire, Fulton County Ambulance (10/13)
- 452.3/457.3 D054 - heard Astoria Rescue Squad paging to Havana area "Fulton PSAP" (3/14)
- 452.3 D023 - Lewistown Rescue, Fulton County Ambulance - tone-outs/dispatch (Lewistown) (12/14)
- 452.3 D026 - Cass-Putman Rescue, Fulton County Ambulance - tone-outs/dispatch (to Cuba) (12/14)
- 452.3 D064 - N Orient School Rd (2020)
- 452.3 D072 - Farmington Rescue, Fulton County Ambulance - tone-outs/dispatch (to Farmington) (12/14)
- 452.3 D114 - Buckheart Fire/Rescue - tone-outs/dispatch (to St David) (12/14)
- 457.3 D023 - heard EMS paging for Lewistown Rescue, Fulton County Ambulance (4/15)
- 460.625 D743 - heard mobile units in Lewistown to 911 (on VHF???) and also heard Dispatcher talking back (3/15)
- 465.625 D754 - Table Grove Fire (to Ipava) (3/15)
- 465.625 D754 - Lewistown Rescue, Fulton County Ambulance (4/15)
Fulton County EMA WEB [ FB]
- A new VHF Channel, that has a repeater based in Canton, will help emergency response agencies to communicate in numerous disaster/emergency response situations, helping remove the communication problems. Until this new channel was activated, communication was often difficult between Fulton County agencies, especially those in different disciplines. The new channel will also allow different agencies to communicate over long distances. News Article
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Fulton County Emergency Medical Association Ambulance FB
- ALS provider
- Also licensed for 155.22, heard in use in Canton (was Base/Mobile, now just mobile only), 167.9 PL. Was "operations" like school? WPCI726
Graham Hospital (Canton) WEB
- See Businesses - MOVE
Frequency Input License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag 152.450 157.710 WQCM886 RM 162.2 PL GHA Sec/Mntn Security / Maintenance [REPEATER] [Expires 4/25 * trunked] FMN Business 153.110 159.540 WQCM886 RM GHA Sec/Mnt A Security / Maintenance [Expires 4/25 * trunked] FMN Business 159.960 WPYK347 BM GHA Sec/Mnt1 Security / Maintenance [Expired 8/23, 3/25 app 0011484148] FMN Business 152.9975 159.9075 WQCM886 RM GHA Sec/Mnt B Security / Maintenance [Expires 4/25 * trunked] FMN Business 160.035 WPYK347 BM GHA Sec/Mnt2 Security / Maintenance [Expired 8/23, 3/25 app 0011484148] FMN Business 155.385 WNNG814 BM GrahamHosp EMS EMS: Dispatch [Expired 1/24] FMN EMS Dispatch 155.340 WNMW955 BM 173.8 PL MERCI1 Graham Patient Reports [Expired 11/23] FMN Hospital
Municipalities and Districts
- Police dispatched by Sheriff on 154.74R ???
Astoria Fire Protection District FB
Canton (City) WEB
- 155.31 Base/Mobiles, 153.92 mobiles Police FMN KSA920
- 451.4375 WDD has not been heard in use (2/13) no license known
- 154.965 heard in Lewistown, 167.9 data?, 146.2? (12/13)
- As of Dec 2011, the Police Department has disbanded. Now contracted to Sheriff's Department
Cuba Fire Protection District FB
- Serving Cuba, Fiatt, Weematuck; 99 sq miles; established in 1947
(Old: 158.8575 KWK442 Cuba Fire Protection District)
Copperas Creek Fire Protection District FB
- Serving 5000 people, 108sq miles with 2 stations
Fairview Fire Rescue WEB
Farmington Community Fire Protection District FB
- Water Data on 451.825, 456.825 WQYZ628
Lewistown Fire Protection District FB
- Responds to Dickson Mounds area, heard 463.95 203.5 tone-outs 1/13/15
London Mills
- Located in Knox and Fulton Counties
- Police by Sheriff, Fire by London Mills CFPD and Fairview FPD
London Mills Fire Protection District FB (old)
- Police by Sheriff's Department, Fire by Hickory-Kerton FPD
Saint David
Buckheart Township Fire Protection District FB
Smithfield Fire Protection District FB
- Serves Harris Township, Smithfield, Marietta, Bernadotte, Cuba, Cass Township and Harris Township
Table Grove (Village)
- Water Distribution data on 452.8 (FXO 4W NFM Digital) WRWD416
- Police by Sheriff's Department, Fire by Table Grove FPD
Vermont Fire Protection District
Fire/EMS Unit Designators
Fulton County Emergency Medical Association Ambulance
- Paramedic 1 - Ford white/maroon box 2 512 01
- Paramedic 3 - Ford white/maroon box 2 512 03 (2016)
- Paramedic 5 - Ford white/maroon box
200s - Hickory-Kerton Fire
- See Schuyler County
300s - Limestone Township Fire
500s - Ipava Fire
- 510 Firefighter
600s - Lewistown Fire Protection District
- 611 Squad - 2019? Ford F550 4dr (MABAS plate 53-611)
- 622 Dodge 4dr Pickup M 192 377
- 633 Brush? - Ford F350 ext-cab Pickup
- 644 Engine - International 7400
- 655 Engine - ALF?
- 6xx UTV
700s - Smithfield Fire Protection District
- 703 Old Chevy front mount pumper
- 705 Ford F350 Brush Truck, extended cab
- 706 International
- 711 Tender
800s - Cuba Fire Protection District
- 801 Engine
- 802 International?
- 805 Brush Truck - Ford
- 808 Chief - Chevy Tahoe whi/red (MABAS plate 53-808)
- 8?? Tender - International 7400
900s - Buckheart Township Fire Protection District (St David)
- 901 Engine (53-901)
- 902 Engine E902 (M 96 079)
- 903 Engine (M 192 142)
- 904 Chevy 2200 4dr Pickup - Brush? (53-904)
- 905 Rescue truck, white (M 118 889)
- 906 2019 Ford F550 E-One Light Rescue 4dr
- 907 Engine
- 908 International? Tender (53-908)
- 909 Dodge Ram 4dr Pickup (53-909)
- 920 Captain
- former 906 Chevy Rescue 2dr white 1X43 M 153 544
1100s - Farmington Community Fire Protection District
- 1100 Rescue - 2017 BLS Ambulance 1-X-16
- 1101 Engine - E-One Pumper/Rescue
- 1102 Engine - ALF?
- 1106 Brush - Ford older 4x4
- 1107 Rescue/Mini-Pumper - 2dr
- 1109 Tender/Tanker - Freightliner
- 11xx Polaris UTV
1500s - Copperas Creek Fire Protection District
- 1501 Engine/Pumper/Tender ?
- 1502 Engine
- 1504 Engine
- 1505 Rescue - Ford F550 4x4 4door Picup
- 1507 Brush: - Ford F350 2dr (was 1504?)
Canton Fire
- 1-X-?? 2 999 01 Canton Fire Ambulance International Box - Red/white
- E1 - Engine 1 - E-One
- E2 - Engine 2 - Pierce
- T1 - Tower 1 - Pierce 100ft Ladder
- Ford F350 4-door 4x4 pickup M 155 855
Astoria Fire Protection District
Fairview Fire
- Old Ambulance Box M 164 161
Table Grove Fire Protection District
Vermont Fire
Law Units
Schools and Colleges
Astoria CUSD1 WEB
- 155.205 Bases, at Astoria/Table Grove, with 36-25W mobiles KNAQ954
Canton Unit School District 66
- 155.625 Repeater with 153.815 input (2018) WPAJ631
- Portables on 151.505, 151.5125, 151.625, 151.7, 151.76, 158.4, 158.4075 High School Band Ops - Nationwide FMN WQLV866
Farmington Central School District 265
- 47.58 BM First Student Buses (Farmington) WPML203
Spoon River Valley School District 4 (London Mills)
- 154.055 repeater with 159.06 for Ops/Buses WPZT323
Unity Christian School (Fulton)
- 462.85 Base/95 pagers (NFM Digital) WRZD458
V i T Community Unit School District 2 (Table Grove) WEB WikiP
- Serves the communities of Vermont, Ipava, and Table Grove (V.I.T), and includes Junior High and Elementary and High Schools
- 159.1725 60W Repeater with 155.295 input (10-25W mobiles) (NFM, DMR) WSFQ416
155.295 BM Buses WPEV296 [Expired 5/24] FMN
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