Peoria County (IL)
From The RadioReference Wiki
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- 1 Peoria/Stark Joint ETSB WEB
- 1.1 Peoria County Sheriff WEB [ FB]
- 1.2 Peoria County Fire/Rescue
- 1.3 Peoria County EMA
- 1.4 Akron-Princeville Ambulance (APA)
- 1.5 Brimfield-Yates City-Elmwood Ambulance (BYE)
- 1.6 Rescue 33 Ambulance, Ltd. (Chillicothe)
- 1.7 Caterpillar North Campus (Mossville) Ambulance
- 1.8 Advanced Medical Transport of Central Illinois - AMT (Peoria) WEB1 WEB2
- 2 Hospitals
- 3 Municipalities and Districts
- 3.1 Peoria (City)
- 3.2 Townships and Water Districts
- 3.3 Akron-Princeville
- 3.4 Bartonville (Village)
- 3.5 Brimfield
- 3.6 Chillicothe (City)
- 3.7 Dunlap (Village)
- 3.8 Elmwood (City)
- 3.9 Glassford (Village)
- 3.10 Logan-Trivoli Fire Protection District (Hanna City) WEB
- 3.11 Peoria Heights (Village)
- 3.12 Princeville (Village)
- 3.13 Timber-Hollis Fire Protection District (Glasford)
- 3.14 Tuscarora
- 3.15 West Peoria Fire Protection District
- 4 Schools
- 5 Colleges and Universities
- 6 Law/EMS/Fire Unit IDs
- 7 Fire/EMS Pager Tones
- 8 Illinois State
- 9 Federal
- 10 Airport
- 11 Related Wiki Pages
Peoria/Stark Joint ETSB WEB
- ISP PDF Info
- Stark County will no longer be the last county without Enhanced 911 Article See Stark County Wiki for more information
- Thanks to a partnership with Peoria County and a $2.4 million state grant, officials now provide that service in a new state-of-the-art emergency communications center constructed as an annex to the existing Stark County Sheriff’s Department in the heart of downtown Toulon.
Peoria County ETSB has built an 800 MHz P25 trunked radio system designed to provide countywide portable radio coverage. Public Safety users started officially migrating to the system on May 27, 2015. Some of the legacy VHF high band infrastructure will continue to be maintained for alerting, mutual aid (ISPERN, IREACH, IFERN, and MABAS frequencies), and backup. A group of 700 MHz channels have been licensed for use in Vehicular Repeaters. Portable and mobile radios have been programmed with statewide and nationwide mutual aid channels. There is a separate Wiki for this system listed under item 9, Other County Pages: Peoria County Illinois ETSB (P25)
The Two-County ETSB radio and telephone system has three Public Safety Answering Points: Bartonville, Peoria, and Toulon.
The AMTs had Motorola CP200 radios (VHF). They also had the 800 MHz Motorola MTX8250-LS. The AMT will start carrying Motorola TRBO radios soon.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.17500 | BM | 167.9 PL | PeoCo Firegrnd 3 | Fireground-Countywide [Ch 3] | FMN | Fire-Tac | ||
154.37000 | WQVI310 | BM | 167.9 PL | PeoCo Fire/EMS 1 | Fire/EMS: Dispatch-Countywide [Ch 1] <b>[Expired 2/25] | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
155.22000 | KSD295 | BM | 167.9 PL | PeoCo C-MED | EMS: C-MED EMS Dispatch <b>[Expires 4/25] | FMN | EMS Dispatch | |
462.97500 | 467.97500 | KSD295 | RM | 192.8 PL | PeoCo EMS F1 | EMS / County Fire [Ch 1, Simulcast of 154.37] <b>[Expires 4/25] |
FMN | EMS Dispatch |
- SG Conventional P25 for Mobiles / Mobile Extenders (assumed for use with P25 trunked system) WQRM379
-4/15 add 769.25625, 769.55625, 769.80625, 770.25625, 770.53125 - Mobile Extenders (Deleted - 771.70625, 772.35625, 772.98125, 774.40625, 774.90625) -770.89375, , 772.70625, 774.50625 (28-4wt Mobile Extenders) -, 772.70625, 774.94375, 774.99375, 801.70625, 802.70625 (28-4wt Mobile Extenders) -Input freq's (add 30 mHz) - 1024-2wt (NFM), 881-3wt (P25)
- ETSB - also 155.715 Repeater with 158.9325 input (155.715 is currently BM Peo Hts PW/PD2) WQVI310
- ETSB - 458.725 FX1 (current Peo city Bomb Robot) WQVI307
Peoria County Sheriff WEB [ FB]
- Serves approx. 184,000 people in 630 sq.mi.
- Formerly Operating on VHF w/ vehicular repeaters and specialty groups on UHF. (158.73 input of 153.8 was noted as 156.7 PL in 2014)
- They still have VHF radios in their cruisers for back-up. The VHF repeaters are still in service as a fallback to the TRS.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.73000 | 153.80000 | KSH226 | RM | 186.2 PL | Peo Sheriff | Sheriff: Dispatch [Ch 1/2] (Simulcast TG6701) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
158.79000 | 154.77000 | KSH226 | RM | 186.2 PL | Peo Sheriff F4/5 | Sheriff: Sheriff Operations [Ch 4/5] (94.8/186.2 in) | FMN | Law Tac |
460.02500 | 465.02500 | KSH226 | BM | 136.5 PL | Peo Courthouse | Courthouse Security / Mobile Command Post | FMN | Law Tac |
154.87500 | KSH226 | BM | 100.0 PL | Peo ISPERN 2 | Sheriff: ISPERN-2 (Peoria City - Warrants, etc) | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
155.59500 | KSH226 | BM | 186.2 PL | Peo Sheriff Cmnd | Sheriff: Command | FMN | Law Tac | |
460.12500 | 465.12500 | KNNS796 | RM | Peo Juv Det Cntr | Juvenile Detention Center (Bellevue) | DMR | Corrections | |
453.01250 | KNNS796 | M | 244 DPL | Peo Shrf Jail 1 | Sheriff/Jail/Courts/Warrants/Detention Center | FMN | Corrections | |
453.18750 | KNNS796 | M | Peo Shrf Jail 2 | Sheriff/Jail/Courts/Warrants/Detention Center: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Corrections | ||
453.58750 | KNNS796 | M | Peo Shrf Jail 3 | Sheriff/Jail/Courts/Warrants/Detention Center | FMN | Corrections | ||
458.18750 | KNNS796 | M | Peo Shrf Jail 5 | Sheriff/Jail/Courts/Warrants/Detention Center | FMN | Corrections | ||
458.58750 | KNNS796 | M | Peo Shrf Jail 6 | Sheriff/Jail/Courts/Warrants/Detention Center: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Corrections | ||
458.01250 | KNNS796 | M | Peo Shrf Jail 4 | Sheriff/Jail/Courts/Warrants/Detention Center: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Corrections | ||
460.27500 | KSH226 | BM | CSQ | PeoCo Shrf U2U | Sheriff: Unit-to-Unit | FMN | Law Tac | |
465.55000 | KSH226 | M | Peo Sheriff MX2 | (Old) Sheriff: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Law Tac | ||
158.79000 | KSH226 | M | 186.2 PL | Peo Sheriff c2c3 | Sheriff: Car-to-Car [Ch 3] | FMN | Law Talk | |
156.03000 | KSH226 | M | 186.2 PL | Peo Sheriff Tac | Sheriff: Tactical | FMN | Law Tac | |
851.21250 | 806.21250 | WQNC750 | RM | Peo SheriffJailA | Jail Ops | FMN | Corrections | |
853.11250 | 808.11250 | WQNC750 | RM | 186.2 PL | Peo SheriffJailB | Jail Ops | FMN | Corrections |
460.27500 | KSH276 | M | 186.2 PL | Peo Sheriff MobX | Sheriff: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Law Tac | |
859.26250 | 814.26250 | WQYD494 | RM | Peo Sherif B/U B | Back-Up to P25 | FMN | Multi-Dispatch | |
858.26250 | 813.26250 | WQYD494 | RM | Peo Sherif B/U A | Back-Up to P25 | FMN | Multi-Dispatch | |
855.23750 | 810.23750 | WQYD494 | RM | Peo Sherif B/U C | Back-Up to P25 | FMN | Multi-Dispatch | |
858.98750 | 813.98750 | WQYD494 | RM | Peo Sherif B/U D | Back-Up to P25 | FMN | Multi-Dispatch | |
155.04000 | 158.85000 | WQVI307 | RM | 146.2 PL | Peo ISPERN 3 | Sheriff: ISPERN 3 (167.9 in) <b>[Expires 2/25] | FMN | Law Tac |
155.59500 | 156.03000 | WQVI307 | RM | 91.5 PL | Peo ISPERN 4 | Sheriff: ISPERN 4 (186.2 in) <b>[Expires 2/25] | FMN | Law Tac |
769.25625 | 799.25625 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 1 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
769.55625 | 799.55625 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 4 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
769.80625 | 799.80625 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 7 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
770.25625 | 800.25625 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 5 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
770.53125 | 800.53125 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 3 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
770.89375 | 800.89375 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 6 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
774.50625 | 804.50625 | WQRM379 | RM | Peo Vehic Rpt 2 | Vehicular Repeaters | FMN | Law Tac | |
155.37000 | WQVI310 | BM | 186.2 PL | Peo Point-to-Pt | Police: Point-to-Point<b>[Expires 2/25] | FMN | Law Tac |
- 155.055 Base/Mobile 156 DPL IREACH WQVI310
VHF Still in use
- 158.73 186.2 153.8000 156.7 input Sheriff Dispatch F1 (simulcast of STARCOM21 6701)
- 158.73 186.2 153.8000 110.9 input Sheriff Dispatch F2
- 158.79 186.2 Sheriff F3 VHF Car-to-Car
- 158.79 186.2 154.7700 94.8 input Sheriff Operations F4
- 158.79 186.2 154.7700 186.2 input Sheriff Operations F5
Unit IDs:
Sam: Normal Patrol/District Cars
Sam-Adam: Sheriff's Auxiliary Units
Sam-Boy: Special Assignment
Sam-Charles: Command Units
Sam-David: Detectives
Sam-Ida: Investigation/Lab Units
K9: K9 Cars
Sam-Ocean: Off-Duty/Special Assignment
Sam-Paul: Process Servers
Sam-Robert: School Resource Deputies
Sam-William: Inmate Transport
Peoria County Fire/Rescue
- 154.265 Mobiles 210.7 PL IFERN Fire: Statewide Mutual Aid (MABAS) [Ch 2] WQVI307
Can contact TazCom/Tazewell County dispatch on 155.37 186.2 PL
Peoria County has access to the following state and adjacent county frequencies (not listed in the database under Peoria County)
- 154.13 WQVI307 BM 151.4 PL Fulton County Fire
- 154.265 WQVI307 BM 210.7 PL IFERN: Statewide Fire
- 154.3025 WQVI307 BM 67.0 PL IFERN 2: Statewide Fire 2
Peoria County (IL) Fire/Rescue WIKI, needs to be added into other pages.
Peoria County EMA
Underwater Rescue/Weather Spotters/Civil Defense
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.29500 | 153.75500 | KNBH431 | RM | 186.2 PL | PeoCo ESDA W | ESDA: Operations - West Tower | FMN | Emergency Ops |
453.40000 | 458.40000 | KTH434 | RM | 136.5 PL | PeoCoHighway | Highway Department (Brimfield) | FMN | Public Works |
154.29500 | 153.75500 | KNBH431 | RM | 186.2 PL | PeoCo ESDA E | ESDA: Operations - East Tower [100.0 in] | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Amateur Radio/SKYWARN
- (OLD) 8/4/08 - We got our coordination letters from the Illinois Repeater Assn today for the D-STAR repeater. We will start installation soon. The frequency pairs are; 2m - 145.105 transmit 144.505 receive; 70cm - 443.46875 transmit 448.46875 receive; 23cm - 1292.400 transmit 1272.400 receive
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
146.85000 | 146.25000 | K9PEO | RM | 103.5 PL | K9PEO | Peoria County ARES Back-Up (Central Illinois All Hazards Net) | FM | Ham |
147.07500 | W9UVI | RM | 156.7 PL | W9UVI | Peoria County ARES | FM | Ham | |
145.10500 | 144.05000 | W9UVI | RM | W9UVI | W9UVI D-STAR | D-STAR | Ham | |
442.20000 | 447.20000 | KB9YVN | RM | KB9YVN DMR | Brandmeister DMR Network (server 3102) | DMR | Ham | |
442.50000 | 447.50000 | WX9PIA | RM | WX9PIA | BrandMeister DMR network (server 3102) (Peoria) | DMR | Ham | |
442.10000 | 447.10000 | KT9Y | RM | KT9Y DMR | 3102 | DMR | Ham | |
444.55000 | 448.55000 | RM | 103.5 PL | 444.55 | Repeater (Groveland) | FMN | Ham | |
444.55000 | 448.55000 | RM | 444.55 Fusion | Repeater (Groveland) | YSF | Ham | ||
146.67000 | W9TAZ | RM | 103.5 PL | W9TAZ | Repeater (Groveland) | FMN | Ham | |
146.67000 | W9TAZ | RM | W9TAZ Fusion | Repeater (Groveland) | YSF | Ham |
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
147.33000 | 147.93000 | WX9PIA | RM | 103.5 PL | WX9PIA-VHF | Central Illinois All-Hazards Net | FM | Ham |
444.05000 | 449.05000 | WX9PIA | RM | 103.5 PL | WX9PIA-UHF | Central Illinois All-Hazards Net (Echolink 629244) | FM | Ham |
== EMS Agencies ==
Akron-Princeville Ambulance (APA)
- Serves Akron-Princeville Fire District and a small part of Brimfield Fire District. Paged out on 154.37 (formerly 155.22, as of 6/15)
Brimfield-Yates City-Elmwood Ambulance (BYE)
BYE serves a large portion of Brimfield Fire District (shared with AMT), all of Elmwood Fire District and all of Yates City Fire District district in Knox County." They have also been serving Williamsfield Ambulance District but its unknown if that's permanent or temporary.
BYE is now paged-out on 154.37 instead of 155.22 (as of 6/15)
Rescue 33 Ambulance, Ltd. (Chillicothe)
- No longer in service
Units: 1-U-11, 1-U-16, 1-U-104
Caterpillar North Campus (Mossville) Ambulance
- Units: 1-U-22, 1-U-29
Advanced Medical Transport of Central Illinois - AMT (Peoria) WEB1 WEB2
See Peoria County
Fleet of 25 ALS Ambulances Serves Peoria, Woodford and Tazewell Counties -- over 300,000 residents in 22 communities. (Peoria, Dunlap, Bartonville, Bellevue, Farmington, Trivoli, Limestone, Hanna City, Kickapoo, Mapleton, Pekin, North Pekin, South Pekin, Marquette Heights, Tuscarora, Timber / Holiis, Green Valley, Groveland, Schaeferville, Glasford, Alta, Kingston Mines Mutual Aid/Intercepts: Peoria Heights, W Peoria, E Peoria, Morton, Chillicothe, Delavan, Tremont, Mackinaw, Lacon, Sparland, Roanoke, Forest City, Manito, Washington, Bradford).
Operations between AMT Dispatch and ambulances are now on a TRS. AMT is still dispatched in Peoria County through C-MED Dispatch, with actual operations on the TRS.
152.0075 WPVW318 B AMT EMS PG EMS: Personnel Paging (E Peo) [Expired 8/22] Telm Data
- 155.865 Base/Mobile at Peoria (NFM) KA76091
Frequency | License | Type | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.68500 | KA76091 | BM | AMT EMS Local | EMS: Local | FMN | EMS-Tac |
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
001 (1) | East Peoria | 854.137500 | 854.412500 | 854.737500 | 855.087500c | 855.287500 | 855.587500 | 855.762500 | 856.112500c |
856.512500c | 856.687500 | 857.112500c | 857.512500 | 857.687500 | 857.787500 | 858.112500 | 858.512500 | ||
858.687500 | 859.112500 | 859.512500 | 859.687500 | 860.112500 | 860.512500 |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
57328 | dff | A | AMT Peoria2 | EMS: Peoria 2 |
Municipalities and Districts
Peoria (City)
Peoria Police, Fire, Housing Authority
- Migrated mid-2015 to Peoria County Illinois ETSB (P25)
- They still (as of July 2015) carry the old radios and on occasion they will key up on the old UHF freqs. Please note the repeaters are not shut off and they use these as a fallback to the TRS.
Peoria Police Department WEB MAP
- Divisions: Patrol, Neighborhood Enhancement Action Team, Traffic Unit, DUI Enforcement Campaign, Criminal Investigations, Juvenile Unit, Computer Crimes
- Prep 1 - Primary Dispatch; Prep 2 - Records/Information requests; Prep 3 - Events
- The police now carry the Harris P7300.
- Shifts: 1st:7AM-3 PM, 2nd: 3 PM-11 PM, 3rd: 11 PM-7 AM
- 12/23 ENCRYPTION reported to occur by JUNE 2025. NEWS25 Link
- In FY2024, the Peoria PD plans to spend $3.32 million from the city’s budget to upgrade its nine-year-old radios. With that upgrade, Chief Eric Echevarria is asking for equipment capable of encryption. That means only those with capable radios will be able to hear what’s going on. FORUM POST
Peoria Fire Department WEB MAP
- Fire in mid-2015 migrated to the Peoria County Illinois ETSB (P25). The fire uses the Harris P7100IP.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.14500 | KZZ351 | BM | 100.0 PL | PeoriaCity Fire1 | Fire: Paging / Tone Outs | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
460.25000 | 465.25000 | KTE551 | RM | 173.8 PL | Peo PREP 2 | (BACKUP) Police: Interop/Events [PREP 2] | FMN | Law Tac |
155.04000 | KCJ417 | BM | Peo ESDA PG | ESDA: Paging | FMN | Emergency Ops | ||
158.88000 | KNDJ429 | BM | 100.0 PL | Peoria Parks | Park District | FMN | Public Works | |
460.15000 | 465.15000 | WXL707 | M | Peo Law RF1 | Police: Remote Links | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
460.20000 | 465.20000 | WXL707 | M | 100.0 PL | Peo Shrf Prep 1 | Police: Simulcast of Prep 1 460.05 | FMN | Law Dispatch |
460.42500 | 465.42500 | WXL707 | M | Peo Law RF2 | Police: Remote Links | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
465.00000 | WXL707 | B | Peo Law RF3 | Police: Remote Link (Temp Base - Tazewell) | FMN | Law Dispatch | ||
453.50000 | KNAT718 | BM | Peo ESDA Sirens | ESDA: Siren Control (Peoria, Brimfield) | Telm | Data | ||
460.05000 | 465.05000 | KTE551 | RM | 100.0 PL | Peo PREP 1 | (BACKUP) Police: Dispatch [PREP 1] (Simulcast of TG 451) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
460.37500 | 465.37500 | KTE551 | RM | 100.0 PL | Peo Police Alert | Police: Alerts | FMN | Law Dispatch |
151.18250 | 154.86000 | WRBL222 | RM | 371 DPL | Peoria Zoo | Zoo Ops | FMN | Public Works |
Peoria Public Works and some other specialty groups are dispatched through the Ragan Communications TRS.
Site | Name | |||||||
004 (4) | Creve Coeur | 01 860.012500c | 02 854.062500 | 03 854.312500 | 04 858.587500 | 05 856.587500 | 06 859.587500 | 07 857.587500 |
08 860.587500 | 09 855.687500 | 10 855.137500 |
Site | Name | ||||
005 (5) | Pekin | 01 860.712500c | 02 857.262500 | 03 859.712500 | 04 856.737500 |
DEC | AFS | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
531 | 04-023 | A | Peo OEM ECRT | Office of Emergency Management (Emergency Communications Response Team) |
545 | 04-041 | A | PAWS Shelter | Animal Shelter/Miscellaneous |
547 | 04-043 | A | PAWS Control | Animal Control |
563 | 04-063 | A | Peo Zone/Par | Code Enforcement (Zoning/Health?)/Parking Meter Enforcement |
577 | 04-081 | A | Peo Roads | Road Maintenance / Snow Plows |
581 | 04-085 | A | Peoria Ops | Operations (talk about writing tickets for snow plows) |
CityLink/Greater Peoria Mass Transit District
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.32500 | 458.32500 | KXZ268 | RM | 173.8 PL | Citylink Bus A | Peoria CityLink (Transit Buses) (Peoria Heights) | FMN | Transportation |
453.75000 | 458.75000 | KXZ268 | RM | 173.8 PL | Citylink Bus B | CityLink Buses (Peoria Heights) | FMN | Transportation |
Other Operations
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
001 (1) | East Peoria | 854.137500 | 854.412500 | 854.737500 | 855.087500c | 855.287500 | 855.587500 | 855.762500 | 856.112500c |
856.512500c | 856.687500 | 857.112500c | 857.512500 | 857.687500 | 857.787500 | 858.112500 | 858.512500 | ||
858.687500 | 859.112500 | 859.512500 | 859.687500 | 860.112500 | 860.512500 |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
272 | 011 | A | taxi 272 | taxi company |
528 | 021 | A | trucking528 | trucking company |
720 | 02d | A | trucking720 | trucking company |
2064 | 081 | A | ag 2064 | agricultural plant ops |
4176 | 105 | A | Peoria City | Peoria City - private use (possibly city manager) |
25664 | 644 | A | trash 25664 | garbage company |
27712 | 6c4 | A | snow 27712 | snow plows |
35025 | 88d | A | trash 35025 | garbage company |
35040 | 88e | A | trash 35040 | garbage company |
35104 | 892 | A | trash 35104 | garbage company |
35120 | 893 | A | trash 35120 | garbage company |
35168 | 896 | A | trash 35168 | garbage company |
35184 | 897 | A | trash 35814 | garbage company |
49424 | c11 | A | Am Peo/Pek 1 | Ameren: Peoria/Pekin |
50064 | c39 | A | Am Peo/Pek 2 | Ameren: Peoria/Pekin |
50096 | c3b | A | Am Peo/Pek 3 | Ameren: Peoria/Pekin |
Townships and Water Districts
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.95500 | KZV871 | BM | ChilctheTwp Road | Chillicothe Township Highway Department | FMN | Public Works | |
156.16500 | WPJS830 | BM | PLP Water Dist | Pleasant Valley Public Water District [Expired 10/24] | FMN | Utilities | |
451.92500 | WQYS294 | F | PVP WD Data | Pleasant Valley Public Water District: Data (CSQ) | Telm | Data | |
151.02500 | KNIN942 | BM | 167.9 PL | MedinaTwp Roads | Medina Township Roads (patched to S21 TG 6784) | FMN | Public Works |
Trivoli Township
- Road district ops (Elmwood area), Mobiles on 156.0525 and all VTAC/VCALL frequencies (NFM) WQNG453
- 151.025 KNIN942 BM Mossville Township Road Maintenance [Expired 1/04] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
- 453.625 KNFL520 BM Limestone Township Road Maintenance [Expired 5/12] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
Akron-Princeville Ambulance WEB
- Provides BLS Transport services to the Princeville, Edelstein, Monica, and Laura area
- Units: 1-U-18, 1-U-20
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.34000 | WRWR865 | BM | 82.5 PL | MERCI1 UPMethdst | Patient Reports (UnityPoint Methodist) | FMN | Hospital |
155.34000 | WQEN997 | BM | 167.9 PL | MERCI1 StFrancis | Patient Reports (OSF St Francis) | FMN | Hospital |
159.51000 | WPXK935 | BM | 88.5 PL | Lifeflight Peo | EMS: Lifeflight - Dispatch (St Francis) [Expired 4/23] | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
155.34000 | WRWN376 | BM | 023 DPL | MERCI UPProctor | Patient Reports (UnityPoint Proctor) [Terminated] | FMN | Hospital |
Akron-Princeville Fire Protection District WEB
- Serves Fire and BLS non-transport services to the Princville, Edelstein, and Monica areas
- Units: Engine 81 (Pumper/Tender), Engine 82 (Primary Pumper), Brush 83 (Brush Truck), Tender 84 (Tender), Rescue 85 (Heavy Rescue), Engine 86 (Pumper/Tender), Brush 87 (Brush Truck)
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.26500 | WPCH274 | BM | AP EMS/Rsq33 | EMS: Local / Rescue 33 Ambulance | FMN | EMS-Tac | ||
154.41500 | KSE279 | M | CSQ | Toulon Fire | {Link to} Toulon/Stark County Fire Dispatch | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
154.44500 | 150.80500 | WPLX478 | RM | CSQ | Wyoming Fire | {Link to} Wyoming Fire Dispatch/Stark County | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Bartonville (Village)
Bartonville Police Department WEB
- Police Communications Center is the back up for the City of Peoria E911 center.
Bartonville Volunteer Fire Department WEB'
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.95000 | KNBY462 | M | 167.9 PL | BartonvileFG | Fireground/Ops [Ch 2] | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
151.02500 | WPHI870 | BM | Bartonvl PW | Public Works (123.0?) [Expires 5/25 | FMN | Public Works | ||
154.10000 | KNBW723 | BM | 167.9 PL | Bartnvl Fire | Fire: Paging / Tone-Outs (DB: TAZCOM) | FMN | Fire Dispatch | |
460.10000 | 465.10000 | WPKF842 | RM | 203.5 PL | BrtnvlPolice | Police: Back-Up to P25 | FMN | Law Dispatch |
159.21000 | WPKF842 | B | 167.9 PL | Bv/Dn Police | Police: Bartonville [Ch 2] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
Brimfield Community Fire Protection District WEB
- Provides rescue squad and fire suppression services. EMS transport is split between AMT and BYE depending on location of the call.
Chillicothe (City)
- 465.525 KSB568 F (OLD) Police: Remote Link [Expired 9/23] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
Chillicothe Fire Department WEB
- There are actually two separate entities staffed by the same people. The City of Chillicothe Fire Department is a municipal department. The Chillicothe Community Fire Department serves a large area (60 sq mi), from the Village of Hopewell in Marshall County on the north to the Heart of Illinois Horse Arena on the south (the arena is just north of Detweiller Park on IL Route 29), and from Arrowhead Country Club on the west to the Illinois River as the eastern border.
There are two fire stations in Chillicothe (Stations 1 and 2), one in Rome (Station 4), and one in Mossville (Station 5).
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.67000 | KSB568 | BM | 186.2 PL | Chil Police | Police: Dispatch (Multicast of P25 TG 413) [Expired 9/23] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
155.95500 | WPDI624 | M | CSQ | Chil Sanitary 2 | Sanitary District: City Public Works [Expired 10/13] | FMN | Public Works |
154.08500 | WPDI624 | BM | 186.2 PL | Chil Sanitary 1 | Sanitary District / Police [Ch 2] [Expired 10/13] | FMN | Public Works |
154.32500 | WQVI310 | BM | 186.2 PL | Chil Fire Paging | Fire: Paging / Tone-Outs [Ch 1] | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
159.44250 | WPVP778 | M | Chil Fire MX | Fire: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
155.97000 | KSB568 | M | 186.2 PL | Chil Police2 | (OLD) Police: Secondary [Expired 9/23] | FMN | Law Tac |
Dunlap (Village)
- 460.275 KSO416 M Police: Portables [Expired 8/15] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
- 462.9625 KAJ202 M EMS: Mobile Extenders (Rescue Squad) [Expired 7/14] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
Dunlap Community Fire Protection District WEB
- 2 stations serving 8000 people 52 square miles.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.11500 | KNBC439 | BM | 167.9 PL | Dunlap Fire | Fire: Ops - Tac 5 | FMN | Fire-Tac |
460.60000 | KFV554 | F | 114.8 PL | Dnlp FireRF1 | Fire: Remote Receive Link | FMN | Fire-Tac |
465.61250 | KFV554 | F | Dnlp FireRF3 | Fire: Remote Receive Link | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
465.57500 | KFV554 | F | 114.8 PL | Dnlp FireRF2 | Fire: Remote Receive Link | FMN | Fire-Tac |
465.62500 | KFV554 | F | Dnlp FireRF5 | Fire: Remote Receive Link | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
465.60000 | KFV554 | F | Dnlp FireRF4 | Fire: Remote Receive Link | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
460.61250 | KFV554 | F | 67.0 PL | Peo Fire RF1 | Fire: Remote Link (for Peo City Fire) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Elmwood (City)
Elmwood Police Department
- Dispatched by the the County Sheriff's dispatcher in the Peoria Emergency Communications Center on 158.730, 186.2 PL. Will be moving to the County ETSB's P25 system in 2015.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.80500 | KVM479 | BM | 203.5 PL | Elmwood Local | Police: Local / Public Works <b>[Expired 1/25] | FMN | Multi-Tac |
Limestone Township Fire Protection District] (Bellevue) WEB FB
- 4 stations, 14 pcs of equipment
- Serves 36 sq miles SW of Peoria, including 6 miles on I-474; Bartonville, Bellevue, Elmwood, Norwood, West Peoria
Glassford (Village)
- 158.820 WNVZ631 BM Village Hall [Expired 4/11] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
Logan-Trivoli Fire Protection District (Hanna City) WEB
- Basic Life Support Non-Transporting Website Works with Advance Medical Transport
- 3 Stations: Hannah City, Trivoli, Lake Camelot (Mapleton)
- Units: Engines 431,441,451; Brush 434; Attack 444; Rescue 430,440,450; Tanker 432
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.37000 | KSE428 | BM | 203.5 PL | LT Fire Ops4 | Fireground/Ops [Ch 4] | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
151.80500 | WNPH306 | M | 100.0 PL | LT Fire Ops5 | Fireground/Ops [Ch 5?] [Expired 5/04] | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
460.02500 | 465.02500 | WQUZ569 | RM | 114.8 PL | LoganTrivFDpage | Fire: UHF Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Peoria Heights (Village)
The Peoria Heights Fire Department uses the County Fire Frequency, 154.37
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.71500 | 158.93250 | WQVI310 | RM | 167.9 PL | PeoHts PubWorks | Public Works / Police: Peoria Heights [Ch 2] <b>[Expired 2/25] |
FMN | Multi-Tac |
460.52500 | 465.52500 | WNDS205 | RM | 131.8 PL | PeoHts Police | Police: Dispatch | FMN | Law Dispatch |
460.27500 | WNDS205 | M | PeoHts PD MX | Police: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Law Tac | ||
156.09000 | WNDS205 | M | 186.2 PL | PeoHts PD TA | Police: Talk-Around | FMN | Law Tac |
Princeville (Village)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.77500 | WQDN222 | BM | 031 DPL | Princeville Ops | Village Ops | FMN | Public Works |
Timber-Hollis Fire Protection District (Glasford)
- Provides Fire & EMS to 2 townships in southern Peoria County
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.40000 | KSE293 | BM | 167.9 PL | T-H FireOps4 | Fireground / Ops [Ch 4] | FMN | Fire-Tac |
460.56250 | KSE293 | M | 192.8 PL | T-H Fire RF | Fire: Remote Receive Link | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Tuscarora Fire Protection District WEB
- Units: Engine 731, Attack 721, Tanker 741
West Peoria Fire Protection District
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.26500 | KSE413 | BM | CSQ | WPeo FG/Ops | Fireground/Ops [Ch 4] | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
460.63750 | 465.63750 | KSE413 | M | WPeo Fire MX | Fire: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
453.61250 | 458.61250 | KF2549 | M | WPeo EMS MX | EMS: Mobile Extenders | FMN | EMS-Tac | |
464.05000 | 469.05000 | WPOD991 | RM | 123.0 PL | WPeo PublicWorks | Public Works [Expired 7/24] | FMN | Public Works |
Dunlap Schools
Dunlap School District 323
- 453.375 Repeater (in use)(at Dunlap High School); 6/23 add 460.1875 Repeater at Bus Garage WRXV557
Glasford Schools
Illini Bluffs Middle School - Glasford
Hollis Consolidated School District 328
- 5613 West Tuscarora Rd, Peoria
- Maintenance, Safety, Transportation - 462.1 5-30W mobiles/30-5W portables (NFM/DMR) 10/23 FCC Application 0010715727
Peoria Schools
Peoria Board of Education
Peoria Notre Dame High School
Frequency | License | Type | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.31250 | WQHG426 | M | PND School | Operations | FMN | Schools |
District 150 Peoria Public School District 150 WEB
- Richwoods High School currently uses the Kenwood TK-3360,and a Motorola CP200. They will carry their analog radio and a Harris P7300.
- They use the Motorola CDM750 for all the school buses. The freq range is 450-512MHZ or range 2 of the UHF band. The security has the 452.625 RM for Richwoods programmed as channel 6 in the CP200. Also in the CP200 there is a retail freq in there.
- 461.325 Repeater 114 DPL Buses [Ch 1] in use 8/13 FMN WQBR969 heard in use 2019/2020
- 466.325 BM 114 DPL Buses [Ch 2 - Backup to Repeater] FMN WQBR969
- 452.625 RM 103.5 PL Richwoods High School [Ch 1] in use 8/13 FM WPOX983
- 453.300 and 453.800 are used districtwide at various schools:
- 453.300 146.2 PL Lindbergh Middle School [Ch1 Admin/Security]
- 453.800 146.2 PL Kellar Primary School, Roosevelt Magnet School, Richwoods High School [Ch 2] (HVAC Ops for RHS)
- 453.3 Repeater 71.9, heard in Tazewell County, talk about Grade School, High School, Buses (1/13); 453.3 71.9 R heard 3/13 School Buses in Minier area (License is for 453 mobiles only)
- 453.8R is also Main ops during home football games (2014)
Richwoods High School
- 467.6875 M MCA Group, formerly FRS Radios (5/13)
- 452.625R Also used to let football players out for home games / heard counselor call "REL". Don't know what a "REL" is. (2014)
- For 2015, Richwoods HS using districtwide 453.800 (146.2)
- 462.575 M 156.7PL unidentified School - in use 5/13 Peoria County
Daarul Uloom Association WEB
- 4125 W Charter Oak Rd.: 462.775 25W Base with 95 pagers for GPS based clocks (assumed) 8/24 FCC Application 0011221928
St Vincent De Paul School
Princeville Schools WEB
- Buses (licensed to radio provider) 460.900 465.900 WPLF831 RM 107.2 PL Buses (also 114.8?)
- Princeville Jr/Sr High School: 451.675 110W Repeater with 75-40W mobiles (DMR, NFM) [1] 10/24 Application 0011291991
Colleges and Universities
Bradley University (Peoria) WEB Campus Map | PD WEB
- add Mobiles on 467.9, 461.0375, 462.7625, 464.4825, 456.0325. WQMD371
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.22500 | 468.22500 | KNFF287 | RM | 100.0 PL | BU Shuttle Vans | Shuttle Vans | FMN | Transportation |
464.72500 | WPKP382 | M | 123.0 PL | BU Maintnce | Maintenance | FMN | Schools | |
464.50000 | WPLP204 | M | BU Athletics 2 | Athletic Department | FMN | Schools | ||
467.81250 | WPLP204 | M | 114 DPL | BU Athletics 1 | Athletic Department | FMN | Schools | |
464.77500 | 469.77500 | WPKP382 | RM | 123.0 PL | BU Maint HVAC | Maintenance - HVAC | FMN | Schools |
461.03750 | WQMD371 | M | 250.3 PL | BU Athletics 3 | Athletic Department | FMN | Schools | |
466.03750 | WQMD371 | M | 606 DPL | BU Athletics 5 | Athletic Department | FMN | Schools | |
464.55000 | M | 532 DPL | BU Athletics 4 | Athletic Department | FMN | Schools | ||
463.77500 | WPLL287 | M | 192.8 PL | BU Engineering | Engineering | FMN | Schools |
- 154.490 WQMD371 M Police: Operations FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
- 154.515 WQMD371 M Police: Operations FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
- 451.325 WPNZ515 M Student Activities Coordination [Expired 8/24] FMN Deprecated 1/11/25
Illinois Central College WEB
- Repeaters at 4 locations: 461.6375, 462.0125, 463.4125, 463.8875 NFM/NXDN (Located in Tazewell Co) WQNI592 Using Icom Nexedge radios
- See Tazewell County
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
452.07500 | WQFJ893 | M | 136.5 PL | ICC Pek Ops 3 | Ops | FMN | Schools |
458.97500 | KUU388 | M | 167.9 PL | ICC Pek EmgCBox | Emergency Call Boxes [Expired 3/25] | FMN | Schools |
University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria
Law/EMS/Fire Unit IDs
100s - Brimfield Community Fire Protection District (BCFPD)
- 197 F350 4x4 2 door Pickup
300s - Limestone Township Fire Protection District
- 321 1987 Pierce Rescue Pumper, 1000gpm, 750gal (previously E5/347?)
- 322 1986 Pierce Pumper, 1000gpm, 1000gal (previously E?/351?)
- 324 2005 Alexis Rescue Pumper, 1500gpm, 1000gal (E3)
- 325 2008 Pierce Rescue Pumper, 1500gpm, 1000gal (E1)
- 326 2016 Pierce Rescue Pumper, 1500gpm, 750gal (w/ EMS equipment)
- 333 Rescue 1 - 4 door Ford
- 344 Aerial truck
- 3?? Engine 3
- 3?? Ford Explorer - Chief? Truck
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Central Medical Emergency Dispatch (C MED) 155.22
- 321.7Hz/1153.4 C MED Alert Tones Hz 1sec/3sec QCII
Air Guard Fire Dept. (Peoria IL International Airport) 154.3700
- 517.8Hz/1006.9Hz (1sec/3sec Plectron/QCII)
Peoria Fire 154.145
All are Quick Call 2 (1 second/3 second) format
569.1Hz/1153.4Hz Station 1 (Engine 1, Truck 1,Rescue 1)
569.1Hz/1217.8Hz Station 3 (Engine 3, Truck 3)
569.1Hz/1251.4Hz Station 4 (Engine 4, Truck 4)
569.1Hz/1395.0Hz Station 8 (Engine 2)
600.9Hz/1122.5Hz Station 10 (Engine 10)
600.9Hz/1153.4Hz Station 11 (Rescue 2)
600.9Hz/1185.2Hz Station 12 (Engine 12)
600.9Hz/1217.8Hz Station 13 (Engine 13)
600.9Hz/1285.8Hz Station 15 (Engine 15)
600.9Hz/1321.2Hz Station 16 (Engine 16, Truck 14)
600.9Hz/1433.4Hz Station 19 (Engine 19)
634.5Hz/1122.5Hz Station 20 (Engine 20)
634.5Hz/1153.4Hz Battalion 1
634.5Hz/1217.8Hz Battalion 3
Illinois State
Hanna City Camp K-13-300
- CLOSED 2003
- 164.550 CSQ M FBI or DEA? Federal
- 168.040 M Federal Ops P25 Federal
- 418.625 RM DEA (CW-ID)Federal
- 418.950 M DEA Ops 2 Federal
Postal Service
- 169.650 BM Trucks? Federal
- 163.625 RM Unknown ops P25 Federal
Federal Protective Service
- 406.700 RM Ops 1 P25 Federal
US Customs
- 165.2375 RM A.1 Ops Possible 301 NAC P25 PIA? Federal
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- Railroads in Peoria Co
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- Peoria Prairie Air Show Peoria County (IL)
- Peoria County Illinois ETSB (P25)
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