
Grundy County (IL)

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Grundy County

  • Neighboring Counties: Livingston, Ford, Kankakee, Will, Kendall, LaSalle

Grundy County switches to FirstNet to prioritize communication

  • April 25, 2024 FirstNet Article
  • Situated about 45 minutes south of Chicago, a county of 50,000 residents spread out over 430 square miles. The rural county is also home to two major interstate highways, three nuclear power plants, and several large events that attract thousands of visitors each year.
  • The primary reason Grundy County Sheriff’s Office made the switch to FirstNet was for the consolidation. “We have so many connected devices now that are in our squad cars,” said Bogard. “We wanted to get away from having a cellular device in the laptop and go with mobile office setup in our squad cars. With FirstNet, we have connected dash cameras, body worn cameras, K9 environmental monitoring, laptops, and drone equipment with one data device instead of several, saving us money and streamlining operations” The best solution for the department was deploying ruggedized modems and switching to FirstNet. This solution provides wired ports as well as Wi-Fi in the car for all the devices needing connectivity. “With FirstNet, responders operating on the network used a single reliable connection on all necessary devices.” Since 2021, the county has requested a FirstNet deployable to connect a mobile surveillance trailer, allowing agencies to collect and share information with their public safety partners at the festival. The FirstNet deployable provides the necessary bandwidth to stream video footage to the incident command center, the 911 operations center, and to fellow officers.

Grundy County Sheriff/911/ETSB

  • These below have been modified from Repeaters to mobile units, call sign WQMH855
769.00625 799.06250 RM GrdyInterop1 Interop (Temporary Repeaters)
769.01875 799.01875 RM GrdyInterop2 Interop (Temporary Repeaters)
769.03125 799.03125 RM GrdyInterop3 Interop (Temporary Repeaters)
769.04375 799.04375 RM GrdyInterop4 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
769.05625 799.05625 RM GrdyInterop5 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
769.06875 799.06875 RM GrdyInterop6 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
774.93125 804.93125 RM GrdyInterop7 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
774.94375 804.94375 RM GrdyInterop8 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
774.95625 804.95625 RM GrdyInterop9 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
774.96875 804.96875 RM GrdyIntrop10 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
774.98125 804.98125 RM GrdyIntrop11 Interop (Temporary Repeaters) 
774.99375 804.99375 RM GrdyIntrop12 Interop (Temporary Repeaters)  
  • Grundy County ETSB (P25 Conventional Public Safety, 8/17) WQZX330
  • 769.85625 799.85625 RM Temporary Repeater, Mobile Simplex
  • 772.78125 802.78125 RM Temporary Repeater, Mobile Simplex
  • 773.41875 803.41875 RM Temporary Repeater, Mobile Simplex, Mobile Extenders
  • 774.23125 804.23125 RM Repeaters in Morris(2), Gardner, Minooka and Seneca
  • 155.685 Repeater/ 158.97 94.8 PL Grundy VHF All Talk KEW840
  • 154.89 M Grundy FG-1 Fireground
  • 156.0525 M Grundy FG-2 Fireground FMN WPMH798
  • 159.0075 M Grundy FG-3 Fireground FMN WPMH798
  • 151.13 M {Link to} Ransom Fire [F-9]
  • 154.19 M Mazon FD FG8 {Link to} Seneca, Mazon Fire [F-8] KRB443
  • Fire South - Coal City, Gardner, Braceville and South Wilmington
  • Fire North - Mazon Fire, Verona Fire, and MVK Ambulance (Mazon, Verona, Kinsman)
  • 453.2625 Repeater (TRBO/P25/NFM) for Animal Control at Morris WQQC622

Grundy County Highway Department

Old - 45.72 BM 131.8 PL Highway Department (OLD) FM Deprecated KGL514

Grundy County Emergency Management Agency (EMA)

Most traffic is on 2 meter repeater, also uses TG 1296 and 816 on TRS. Inputs (not id'd to repeaters yet): 153.8525, 153.9125, 153.9275, 156.0525, 159.0075. The agency uses 3600-series unit numbers. In June of 2016, Unit 3602 was heard on STARCOM21 talkgroup 3406, and on talkgroup 3408 with Unit 3601. The agency's Mobile Command Center is Unit 3688.

Grundy County Fire/EMS Pager Tones (Tone-Outs)

Agency / Updated
Tone A
Tone B
Morris EMS and Duty Crew 979.9 1153.4
Morris Fire General Alarm 1153.4 1185.2

Western Will County Communications Center

  • South System - "Minooka" Troy FPD, Channahon, Minooka, Wilmington (Seward Township-Grundy)

Municipalities and Districts

Townships and Water Districts

  • 151.13000 WNZU587 BM Vienna Township Road Maintenance (Verona) [Expired] (also F9 Ransmon Fire)
  • 156.10500 KNHK523 BM Srtg TS Road Saratoga, Township
  • 156.10500 KNGX672 BM Nttl TS Road Nettlecreek Township Road Maintenance (Morris) [Expired 2/04]
  • 453.77500 458.77500 WPMG880 RM Gslk TS Road Gooselake Township


Braceville Volunteer Fire Department (3200-series units)

  • Serves: Braceville, Godley


Braidwood Fire Protection District


Coal City

  • also 453.6875 Repeater (with Pagers) WRE646
  • Coal City PD (900-series units)
  • Coal City EMA (980-series units)

Coal City Fire Protection District (3100-series units)

  • Serves: Carbon Hill, Diamond


  • Fire by Braceville VFD

Mazon-Verona-Kinsman Ambulance Squad

  • 155.34 M MERCI-1 Ambulance-to-Hospital Comms WQFQ273


Mazon Police Department (MZ x units?) Mazon Fire Protection District (3400-series units)


  • Police Officers and Public Works personnel now have access to new capabilities and reliable network access with FirstNet. The network provides responders with interoperability and connectivity in the field. Info (3/15/22)

Morris Fire Protection and Ambulance District (2300-series units)


South Wilmington

South Wilmington Fire Protection District (3300-series units)

  • Serves: South Wilmington, East Brooklyn
  • 155.34 25-50W mobiles for EMS Patient Reports (NFM) WSAV265 Issued 2/24


Verona-Kinsman Fire Protection District (3800-series units) Actual Radio Layout - No licenses found. All other licenses for Grundy County ETSB

  • 151.13 M CSQ Ransom FD FG Ransom Fire [Ch 9] FMN
  • 151.145 M CSQ Senenca FD F Seneca Fireground [Ch 11] FMN
  • 153.83 M CSQ MABAS Red MABAS Fireground Red [Ch 4] FMN WPOY799
  • 153.83 M CSQ Grnd FD SE F Southeast Fireground [Ch 12] FMN WPOY799
  • 154.01 158.985 RM 114.8 PL Seneca FD Al Seneca Fire Alternate [Ch 14] FMN KNEJ802
  • 154.265 M CSQ IFERN Fire: Statewide Mutual Aid (MABAS) [Ch 3] FMN WPOY799
  • 154.28 M CSQ Morris FD FG Morris Fireground [Ch 10] FMN


BMW Of North America - Parts Distribution Warehouse (Minooka)

  • 451.6875, 452.0625, 456.6625, 456.6875, 457.0625 portables (DMR) WRED997

Hospitals and EMS Agencies

Med Care Ambulance

  • 155.34 M MERCI-1 Ambulance-to-Hospital Comms WPFR997

Morris Hospital and Health Care Centers WEB

  • 464.725, 462.1 40W-Repeaters - Security / Operations (NFM/DMR) WPYT671 10/23 moved from Morris/Grundy to Ottawa/La Salle
  • 463.275, 463.975, 464.1, 464.275, 464.575, 464.95 50-4W Mobiles (NFM/DMR) Security / Operations WPYT671
  • 155.28 B IDPH Hospital Statewide Disaster Coordination KNHL624
  • 157.45 BP Hospital Paging Telm KNHL624

School Buses

  • 452.1 Repeater Olsen Bus Service (Morris) [Terminated] WPSH882

Illinois-Central School Bus

  • Has multiple frequencies, see [1]


Grundy County Special Education Cooperative (GCSEC) WEB FB

  • 725 School Street (Shabbona Middle School) - Morris - 461.8125 160W ERP Repeater with 100-5W portables (NFM) WSFX533 Issued 11/24
   Mazon-Verona-Kinsman District #2C
   Nettle Creek District #24C
   Morris Elementary District #54
   Saratoga School District #60C
   Gardner District #72C
   Gardner/South Wilmington District #73
   South Wilmington District #74
   Braceville District #75
   Morris High School District #101
   Minooka High School District #111
   Minooka Elementary District #201

Braceville Elementary School District 75 (BES 75) WEB

  • 20-4W 466.1, 457.2, 456.325, 466.175, 466.3 (NFM for Security, Housekeeping, Engineering, Support) WRAN298

Coal City Community Unit School District 1

  • 451.9 Repeater Operations WQCV973
  • 461.9125 Repeater Operations WQCV973
  • 464.225 Mobiles Operations (in use?)

Gardner District #72C WEB

Gardner-South Wilmington Township High School WEB

  • Modification 11/13 deleting 151.685, changing 151.655 to 151.7, changing 151.715 to 151.76. Returned 3/13 for failure to meet itinerant and narrowbanding requirements, dismissed 5/13 for no response. Please advise if any of these frequencies are still in use (5/15) WQIV753
  • 151.655, 151.685, 151.715 Mobiles WQIV753

Grundy County Special Education Cooperative (725 School St., Morris)

  • 461.8125 repeater (NFM, 160w ERP) WSFX533

Mazon-Verona-Kinsman District 2C WEB =

Minooka Schools Districts High School 111 / Elementary 201 111 WEB 201 WEB

  • 152.4425 Repeater with 157.7025 input WRER965
  • 153.4325 Repeats 158.1525 (NFM/NXDN) - buses? D071?? WQYJ761
  • 152.3075 Repeater 157.5675 Operations WQVB724
  • 152.4275 Repeater 157.6875 Operations WQJA559
  • 155.235 Base/Mobile Buses WNQO208

Morris Elementary District #54 WEB

Morris Community High School District 101 WEB

  • 463.25 Repeater, Mobiles on 457.8375, 457.7875, 457.8625, 456.7125 (NFM) WQNZ921

Nettle Creek District 24C WEB

Reed-Custer Unit School District #255

  • 451.3 Repeater for Operations (Diamond) (10 FX-1s) WPOX272

Saratoga School District #60C WEB

South Wilmington Grade School District 74 FB

Private Schools

Immaculate Conception Catholic School (ICS) (Morris) WEB FB

  • Preschool through 8th grade Parish FB
  • 462.75 25W-Base w/ 95 pagers (NFM Data) WRYY866