Kendall County (IL)
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Police and Fire Unit IDs in Cook, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties Wiki Page (thanks to !)
1/14/03 - Dispatch News Network New World Systems has signed on Kendall County (Ill.) for an $800,000 public safety software system that includes the company's multi-jurisdictional Aegis Records Management, Corrections Management, Business Office, Field Reporting, Imaging and Data Management and Retrieval tools, and other modules. Sheriff's officials said they selected New World Systems in part because they can implement--and pay for--the system in phases: they'll initially implement records management, then move to mobile data and CAD. Phase 3 involves consolidated dispatching for 23 agencies. The county sheriff has 100 deputies handling 50,000 incidents a year from 65,000 residents.
Kendall County Sheriff WEB
- The patrol division is staffed by over 30 deputies and several sergeants who work diligently to provide continuous, effective police coverage 24 hours a day, every day of the year. All deputies receive additional training to provide the citizens of Kendall County with the highest quality law enforcement services. Deputies also become specialists in certain areas such as evidence technician, juvenile officer, traffic enforcement deputy, or detective.
- Channels 2 and 4 are simplex talk channels using the same frequencies as dispatch. Channel 5 is used for tactical ops.
- Aurora Police has access to Kendall County / KenCom radio operations.
- 453.475R RM 156.7 PL Sheriff / Oswego Police: Dispatch [Ch 1/2] (D411 in) WQNC297
- 453.575R RM 156.7 PL Police: Dispatch - Plano, Montgomery, Yorkville [Ch 3/4] (D423 in) WQNC297
- 453.225R RM 731 NAC Sheriff/Police: Ch 5 P25E WQNC297
- 453.325R RM Sheriff/Police: Ch 7 (was 74.4/D244 in) WQNC297
Unit numbers are normally said as -ex- 1-Ocean-234. However units can remove the first 2 parts of the unit number and just say 234 for faster conversations.
- Sheriff plates are "S 47-xx" <<<<<<<<<move to UNIT IDs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- KenCom Dispatchers/Radio Tech - 500s (rarely used)
Police Dispatch Channel 1
- Kendall County Sheriff
- 700s, 800s, 900s
- #-King-###
- D-995 - Inmate Transports
- Oswego Police
- #-Ocean-###
- 100s, 200s
Police Dispatch Channel 3
- Montgomery Police
- 30s, 40s, 70s
- #-Mary-##
- Yorkville Police
- 300s, 400s
- #-Zebra-###
- Plano Police
- 500s, 600s
- #-Paul-###
- Old Alternates: 39.5, 39.46, 39.68, 127.3 PL (probably no longer in use)
- Units: David = Corrections, Zebra=Yorkville, Paul = Plano, Ocean = Oswego, King=Kendall County Sheriff
- Heard on UHF: Sugar Grove FPD w/Bristol-Kendall & CENCOM, Samonauk Ambulance calling Sandwich FPD (year?)
- 155.54250 153.86750 RM 167.9 PL Fire: Dispatch [Ch 1](D205 in) FMN WQNN991
- 154.15250 159.06750 RM 162.2 PL Fire: Backup [Ch 2](D223 in) FMN WQNN991
- 154.40750 159.03750 RM NAC 611 Fire: High Risk Ops P25e WRHV827
- Kendall County (IL) Fire and EMS Pager Tones
Formerly used freqs
- 462.975 RM 127.3 PL Fire - Alternate [Ch 2/4] FM Deprecated WNXD763
- 458.800 M 127.3 PL Fireground [Ch 5] FM Deprecated WPWW497
- 458.775 M 127.3 PL Fireground [Ch 6] FM Deprecated WPWW497
- 458.450 M 127.3 PL Fireground [Ch 7] FM Deprecated WPWW497
- 458.325 M 127.3 PL Fireground [Ch 8] FM Deprecated WPWW497
458.275 M 127.3 PL Fireground [Ch 9] FM Deprecated WPWW497
Municipalities and Districts
- All township highway departments use the county repeater.
Seward Township Highway Department A-Beep LLC - VHF (Kendall Co) - LTR Standard uses talkgroup 0-18-100 on this system, with a home channel of 152.8875 (still ???)
- 45.84 BM Little Rock Township Road Maintenance (Plano) [Expired] KYT964
- 158.82 BM Kendall Township Road Maintenance [Expired] KNDT237
Fox Metro Water Reclamation District
- 154.115 BM Water/Electric/Sewer Ops (Oswego) (NFM Voice/Data) KYX872
Bristol-Kendall Fire Protection District/EMS WEB
- Covers 81 sq. mi. with 40,000 people. The district is unique because it encompasses everything from urban subdivisions to farm communities.
- FirstNet connects ambulances at the network’s edge with HPUE (11/20/23)
- HPUE is useful for EMS operations because it provides: Greater range in the ambulance, Better video quality, Reliable, secure transmission for 12-leads, medical records, and other data
- 4940.0 F B-K Fire Data Data and VoIP communication between fire stations and units WQDM412
Combined Agency Response Team
- 155.1675, 155.2125, 155.2725, 155.30250 Mobiles CART M/A 4 Mutual Aid FMN Interop WPPY924
Little Rock-Fox Fire Protection District
- 300-series units. Serves a population of 9,400 residents in Little Rock & Fox townships including Plano and Millbrook and and the county areas from Sandwich on the west to Yorkville on east, north and south from Big Rock to Newark.
- The "Citywide" channels are for local use only.
- add DMR to all frequencies (9/2019) WNVE268
Oswego Fire Protection District
- Serves the northeast region of Kendall County.
Oswego Public Works
- 155.580 159.030 WNVE268 RM 114 DPL Public Works FMN Deprecated, now DMR ENC 1/5/25
Oswego Park District
- Fox Bend Golf Course: 451.5625, 456.5625 portables (DMR) WRMF505
Oswegoland Park District
- 457.2, 466.1, 466.125, 466.175, 466.25 portables (NFM) WROD352 (Have not been confirmed in use, removed from DB 1/24/25)
Fox Metro Water District
- 154.115 Base/Mobile (NFM) KYX872
Oswego Township Road District
- 458.55, Repeat & Portable (NFM) KenCom (licensed) WQNC297
Plainfield (Village)
- Water Meter Reading - 1431.025 1431.075 1431.125 1431.175 1431.225 WQFU769
- Formerly licensed for 46.38 KNIE480 BM for Fire (also KTP986/KG4431)
- 859.21250 814.21250 RM Plano Police Police [Expired] KNJU714
- 453.7125 M Police: Car-to-Car [Expired] WNAV765
- 453.4125 B Warning Siren Activation (Digital, at Plano, low power B@Yorkville) WQGM894
- 154.04 BM 127.3 PL Public Works / Former Fire Dispatch? [Expired] KRX713
- 158.76 BM Public Works ? [Expired] KRX713
Plattville / Lisbon-Seward
- Lisbon Seward Fire Protection District (Townships????)
- Formerly used F1 46.38, F2 46.16
Yorkville (United City)
- Public Works - 451.025 repeater (CC3, TG 1122, Slot 1?); 456.125, 457.15, 457.35 mobiles (NFM/DMR) WRDB502
- Water Meter Reading - 1431.275 1431.325 1431.375 1431.425 1431.475 WQFU642
Public Safety Unit IDs
Schools and Colleges
Oswego Community Unit School District #308 WEB
- 10/24 - Bus dispatch will be moving to LTE; Former Bus Dispatch reported on 463.2 Repeater, but no license.
- Base/Pagers on 464.6 WQPQ755
- Long Beach Elementary: 461.5375 Repeater (DMR) WRWF748
- Bednarcik Junior High School in Aurora (WILL): Staff/Deans/Maintenance 452.15 Repeater D155 (licensed as DMR) WRWF752
- 464.1 Repeater Oswego Admin Administration WNST523
- 33.04 Base/Mobiles BM Buses (in use?) [Expired] KVM535
- Oswego East High School: Security/Maintenance/Engineering/Staff: 464.35 Repeater WQBI303
- Oswego East High School: Security/Deans/Staff: 463.2375 Repeater D503 (NFM) WQBI303
- GOAL/Eastview Academy, Staff/Deans/Maintenance: 452.8375 Repeater D043 (NFM) WQBI303
- Traughber Jr. High School: Security/Maintenance/Engineering/Staff: 452.8375 Repeater WQBI303
- Traughber Junior High School: Staff/Deans/Maintenance: 451.6875 Repeater WQBI303
- Ops (26923 W Grande Park Blvd-Plainfield): 451.7125 Repeater WQBI303
- 462.875 Base/Pagers WQQW618
- East High School (OEHS): Custodians / Maintenance 464.35 Repeater D411 (NFM) WQBI303
- East High School OEHS, Physical Ed Operations: 464.3125 Repeater D043 (NFM) WQBI303
- trabler JHS?: 452.8875 Repeater WQBI303
- Oswego HS: 463.5375 Repeater; 451.9 Repeater D346 Engineering/Maintenance/Athletic Training Ops WQBI303
- Traughber JHS: 451.6785 Repeater; mobiles on 451.6875, 456.6875 WQBI303
- Grande Park Elementary-Plainfield: 451.7125 Repeater; mobiles on 451.7125, 456.7125 WQBI303
- Old Post Elementary: 452.05, 463.875 100 watt repeater with portables (DMR, NFM) WSEZ265 Issued 10/24
- High School/District Office: 452.175, 464.6 100 watt repeater with portables (DMR, NFM) WSEZ265 Issued 10/24
Plano Community Unit School District 88 WEB
- Plano High School - 464.825 repeater; 466.150, 466.175, 466.200, 466.225, 466.250 portables (NFM, DMR) WREP375
- 464.775 BM Plano Buses Bus Transportation [Expired 1/03] WPBM408
- Buses at Bristol, 463.2 Repeater (NFM) WQNV444
Sandwich Community Unit School District #430
- 463.225 Repeater School Ops WPFC911
Waubonsee Community College Innovation and Design Center (Plano)
- 152.300 and 152.465 repeaters, 157.560 and 157.725 inputs (NFM/DMR) KZZ870
Yorkville CUSD #115
- Bristol Bay Elementary - 464.025 Repeater (NFM/DMR). WQVN607
- Grande Reserve Elementary - 461.4 Repeater (NFM/DMR). WQVN607
- Jane Adams Middle School - 461.6 Repeater (NFM/DMR). WQVN607
- Yorkville Middle School - 452.075 Repeater (NFM/DMR). WQVN607
- Yorkville High School - 451.4 Repeater (NFM/DMR). WQVN607
- Yorkville Intermediate School - 462.0125 Repeater (NFM/DMR). WQVN607
- portables on 451.3125, 452.8625, 456.3125, 457.0375, 457.4875, 457.6375 (all NFM/DMR). WQVN607
Cushing Field (Newark) [0C8]
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