MOSWIN Radio IDs 2 (MO)
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- 1 100xxx Stoddard County
- 2 101xxx
- 3 102xxx
- 4 103xxx
- 5 107xxx
- 6 109xxxx
- 7 112xxx Reynolds County
- 8 114xxx Laclede
- 9 115xxx Osage/Gasconade
- 10 121xxx
- 11 200xxx
- 12 204xxx SLC Dispatch
- 13 2105xx
- 14 206xxx
- 15 207xxx Gateway Transportation Center
- 16 208xxx
- 17 209xxx
- 18 210xxx St Louis Fire Department
- 19 211xxx St Louis City EMS / Abbott EMS portables
- 20 212xxx St Louis City Fire
- 21 213xxx
- 22 214xxx
- 23 215xxx Metro Transit
- 24 216xxx Metro Transit
- 25 217xxx Metro Transit
- 26 218xxx Metro Dispatch Consoles (?)
- 27 219xxx ??
- 28 220xxx Lambert Airport Police
- 29 221xxx Lambert Airport Fire
- 30 222xxx ??
- 31 223xxx American's Center/Dome
- 32 224xxx
- 33 225xxx
- 34 226xxx
- 35 227xxx
- 36 228xxx
- 37 229xxx
- 38 230xxx
- 39 231xxx
- 40 232xxx City Fire/EMS/Hospital ??
- 41 233xxx SLMPD Covert / City Sheriff Patch (not ENC)
- 42 234xxx ???
- 43 3009xx Mercy Hospitals/Lifeline/EMS "MercyCom"
- 44 302xxx Hospitals
- 45 351xxx St Francois County
- 46 702xxx
- 47 790xxx
- 48 900xxx Federal Govt ??
- 49 901xxx Federal Govt ??
- 50 902xxx FBI ?
- 51 903xxx TG3376 FBI ?
- 52 910xxx 3390 Fed Govt
- 53 914xxx
- 54 923xxx Fed Govt / ARCH?
- 55 925xxx Federal Govt ???
100xxx Stoddard County
- 100004 Stoddard County EMS 505
- 100006 Stoddard County EMS 506
- 100008 Stoddard County EMS 507
- 100010 Stoddard County EMS 508 (4/24)
- 100012 Stoddard County EMS 510
- 100014 Stoddard County EMS 510
- 100016 Stoddard County EMS 511
- 100018 Stoddard County EMS 514
- 100210 MO Hospital Assn 2 TG 3955
- 100497 Stoddard County EMS Dispatch 1
- 100498 Stoddard County EMS Dispatch 2 (Stoddard County Ambulance District: Dispatch TG7303 (4/18)) 4/24
- 100499 Stoddard County EMS Dispatch 3
- 100050 Stoddard County Sheriff Dispatch
- 100192 unit on TG 7302 (1/24)
- 100498 Dispatch on TG 7302 (Stoddard Co (StL 1/14/17) (1/24)
- 100524 Mississippi County Department of Health
- 101000 Wayne County Sheriff 1353
- 101002 Wayne County Sheriff 332
- 101003 Wayne County Sheriff 337
- 101007 Wayne County Sheriff 339
- 101008 Wayne County Sheriff 334 // 101008 Crawford County Sheriff 722 ??
- 101011 Wayne County Sheriff 326
- 101012 Wayne County Sheriff 335
- 101013 Wayne County Sheriff 333
- 101014 Dunklin County Emergency Management Agency
- 101578 Mississippi County Sheriff 200
- 102704 Howell County 911 Dispatch
- 103640 Howell County Department of Health
- 103575 Howell County Emergency Management
- 107000 Carter County Sheriff Office 1
- 107001 Carter County Sheriff Office 6
- 107002 Carter County Sheriff Office 4
- 107003 Carter County Sheriff Office 3
- 107004 Carter County Sheriff Office 5
- 107013 Van Buren Police Department 1
- 107014 Van Buren Police Department 2
- 109152 Howell County Sheriff 214
112xxx Reynolds County
- 112001 Reynolds County Sheriff 5508
- 112003 Reynolds County Sheriff 5503
- 112005 Reynolds County Sheriff 5501
- 112007 Reynolds County Sheriff 5507
- 112009 Reynolds County Sheriff 5504
- 112013 Reynolds County Sheriff 5506
- 112015 Reynolds County Sheriff 5507
- 112021 Reynolds County Sheriff 5505
- 112023 Reynolds County Sheriff 5510
- 112024 Reynolds County 550
- 112026 Reynolds County Sheriff 5525
- 112027 Reynolds County EMS Base
- 112029 Reynolds County EMS - Medic 1
- 112030 Reynolds County EMS - Medic 2
- 112031 Reynolds County EMS - Medic 3
- 112032 Reynolds County EMS - Medic 4
- 112034 Ellington Police 900 (Reynolds Co)
- 112035 Ellington Police 904 (Reynolds Co)
- 112036 Ellington Police 905 (Reynolds Co)
- 112040 Ellington Police 994 (Reynolds Co)
- 112045 Reynolds County EMS - Medic 201
- 112053 Reynolds County Sheriff Dispatch
- 112054 Reynolds County Sheriff Dispatch 2
114xxx Laclede
- 114200 Laclede County EMS Dispatch
115xxx Osage/Gasconade
- 115000 Osage County Sheriff 801
- 115001 Osage County Sheriff 802
- 115002 Osage County Sheriff 803
- 117209 Gasconade County 911 Dispatch
- 121003 Crawford County 911/Sheriff Dispatch
- 121004 Sullivan Police (Crawford Co) // Sullivan Police 618 (Oregon) ??????
- 121011 Crawford County Sheriff 900
- 122000 Dent County Sheriff Dispatch
- 123007 Laclede County Sheriff 660 Car 14
- 123011 Laclede County Emergency Management
- 123204 Laclede County Sheriff
- 123218 Laclede County Sheriff Dispatch
- 123435 Lebanon PD
- 123449 Lebanon PD
- 123451 Lebanon PD
- 123477 Lebanon PD
- 123484 Lebanon PD
- 123706 Laclede County Sheriff
- 123732 Laclede County Sheriff
- 123781 Laclede County Sheriff
- 202348 Dent County Dispatch
204xxx SLC Dispatch
- 204106 St Louis Metro Police Dispatch
- 204113 unit on TG10232 ???? EMS (4/24)
- 204114 City EMS Dispatcher (6/24)
- 204971 unit on TG 101000, assumed to be a City Government talkgroup (4/24)
- 206206 unit on TG10133 Courtroom Ops (6/24)
- 206215 unit on TG10133 Courtroom Ops "Foreman bring up to the courtroom" (6/24) sink mens restroom stopped up (1/24)
- 206216 unit on TG10133 Courtroom Ops (6/24)
- 206220 unit on TG10133 Courtroom Ops (6/24)
- 206787 unit on 10312 City Tac, Emergency Button Pushes (4/24)
- 206974 unit on 10312 City Tac, Emergency Button Pushes (4/24)
207xxx Gateway Transportation Center
- 207126 unit on SLC Gateway (4/24)
- 207134 unit on SLC Gateway (4/24) talk about the Amtrak station
210xxx St Louis Fire Department
- 210032 ALS/Medic 32 on StL City Fire Dispatch
- 210216 unit on TG SL RegionTac 2 (testing 2/25)
- 210600 unit on TG010203 (4/24)
- 210863 SLFD 26? (4/24)
- 210924 SLFD Truck 10 (4/24)
- 210925 SLFD Squad 2 (4/24)
211xxx St Louis City EMS / Abbott EMS portables
- 211047 Fire Pumper 6 (6/24)
- 211052 testing on new talkgroup 10232 6/10/24 9:12AM
- 211106 Medic 31 (?) on TG 10229 STL EMS Dispatcher Training (4/24)
- 211113 Fire unit on TG10227 (2/25)
- 211170 SLU Hospital EMC (4/24)
- 211197 unit on 10227 on SLFD FMO Ops 2 (4/24)
- 211210 ??unit 827 (4/24) TG10223 Fire (4/24)
- 211217 Dispatch/Command on 10227 on SLFD FMO Ops 2 (4/24)
- 211264 unit on TG SL RegionTac 2 (testing 2/25)
- 211278 unit on 10231 EMS (4/24) // Rover 2 on 10227 on SLFD FMO Ops 2 (4/24)
- 211279 Abbott EMS (105 on City Radio) (6/24)
- 211356 TG10232 EMS (4/24)
- 211387 Homer G Phillips Hospital (on radio checks) (4/24)
- 211417 unit on Lambert Airport Fire TG10582 (4/24)
- 211442 unit on Lambert Airport Fire Admin (4/24)
- 211448 unit on Lambert Airport Fire TG10582 (4/24)
- 211474 unit on Lambert Airport Fire TG10587 (4/24)
- 211475 unit on Lambert Airport Fire TG10587 (4/24) TG10582
- 211529 Abbott EMS 136 (on StL City Fire Dispatch)
- 211543 Ranger 7 (4/24)
- 211544 Ranger 8 (4/24)
- 211546 Ranger 7 (4/24)
- 211552 Ranger 10 (4/24)
- 211917 Rover 1 on 10227 on SLFD FMO Ops 2 (4/24)
212xxx St Louis City Fire
- 212459 unit on new 10213 Fire, Dispatch? (6/24) "Fire Alarm Dispatch"
- 212460 unit on new 10213 Fire, Dispatch? (6/24) "Fire Alarm Dispatch"
- 212461 on 10227 on SLFD FMO Ops 2 (4/24)
- 212463 unit on StLCity Fire 10201 Dispatch?
- 213563 Medic 128 - StL City Fire
215xxx Metro Transit
- 215351 Training unit on TG 10409 (4/24)
- 215374 Northbound Trips Buses Alarms TG 10411 (4/24)
- 215410 unit 245 "Ofallon" IL ???????? (4/24)
- 215492 unit 832 on TG10409 (4/24)
- 215735 Train 108 (4/24)
- 215739 TG 10426 Admin/Event? (Calling OCC en route to scene of fatal car vs metrolink accident) (4/24)
- 215740 Train 105
- 215775 unit 1862 walking the yard for substation maintenance (1/24)
- 215815 Train 114 (4/24)
- 215831 unit calling OCC (4/24)
- 215866 Train 103 (4/24)
- 215872 Train 112? TG10402 (4/24)
- 215888 Train 116 (4/24)
- 215892 Train 101 (4/24)
- 215907 Metro Call-A-Ride: 191 (4/24)
- 215910 Train 1?? (6/24)
- 215916 Train 111 (4/24)
- 215994 Dispatcher on TG10458 (TG 10458)
- 215997 Dispatcher ? w/ 215999 talking about leaving shop onto main track (TG10458 6/3/23)
- 215998 Dispatcher on TG 10458 "passenger seat window/shuttle" (6/24)
- 215999 Dispatcher on TG10458 (6/3/23)
216xxx Metro Transit
- 216009 ENC??? (4/24)
- 216056 TSM 741 (4/24)
- 216074 TSM 733 (4/24)
- 216084 TSM 711 (4/24)
- 216086 TSM 712 (424)
- 216087 TSM 7?? (4/24) unit 6820 ? 213 ? (4/24)
- 216568 on TG10433, on the tracks (ROW) doing maintenance, possible contractors (5/24)
- 216569 on TG10433, on the tracks (ROW) doing maintenance, possible contractors (5/24)
- 216580 Special Operations with 932 Cicil TG 10433 (4/24)
- 216672 unit on unid TG 10454 (6/24)
- 216713 unit on unid TG 10454 (6/24)
- 216743 unit on TG 10406 LRV Maintenance Ch 4 (1/24)
- 216760 unit on TG 10446 "Train on 2" tracks (4/24) // unit on TG10445 talking about putting bond down on platform (2/25)
- 216766 unit on TG 10446 (859.4625 11/21)
- 216767 unit on TG 10446 "Train on 2" tracks (4/24)
- 216768 unit on TG 10446
- 216777 unit on TG10445 talking about putting "???" down on platform (2/25)
- 216922 unit on unid TG 10454 (6/24) unit on new unid TG 10443 (4/24)
- 216923 TG10432 Denied on T206 (4/24)
- 216913 unit on 10440 Metro (Shop?) (6/24)
- 216936 unit on 10440 Metro (Shop?) (6/24) unit on new unid TG 10440 (4/24)
217xxx Metro Transit
- 217046 907 Security ? (4/240
- 217051 PS Dispatch ???? (4/24)
- 217053 912 Security (4/24)
- 217059 ?? (4/24)
- 217070 9305 Security (4/24) 948?
- 217076 9200 Security (4/24)
- 217083 9101 Security (4/24)
- 217084 9104 Security (4/24)
- 217087 9300 Security (4/24)
- 217090 9305 Security ? (4/24)
- 217094 9308 Security (4/24)
- 217105 9??? Security (4/24)
- 217106 9202 Security (4/24)
- 217107 ? (4/24)
- 217118 ? (4/24)
- 217119 9302/9302 Security (4/24)
- 217131 906 Security (4/24)
- 217139 9202 Security (4/24) or 9302
- 217144 ??52 Security (4/24)
- 217152 932 Security (4/24)
- 217153 918 Security (4/24)
- 217154 930 Security (4/24)
- 217155 955 Security (4/24)
- 217158 9401 Security (4/24)
- 217170 unit on TG 10459 unid (4/24)
- 217172 unit on TG 10459 unid (4/24)
- 217201 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 76xx (4/24)
- 217203 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 7653 (4/24)
- 217207 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 7658 (4/24)
- 217208 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 76?? (4/24)
- 217211 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 76?? (4/24) DSN 255
- 217217 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 7656 (4/24)
- 217218 St Clair County Sheriff MetroLink unit 7653 (4/24)
- 217211 St Clair County IL Sheriff unit on Metro Security (1/24)
- 217513 unit on 10456 Metro (Shop?) (6/24)
- 217523 unit on 10456 Metro (Shop?) (6/24)
- 217529 ?? (6/24)
- 217619 Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217653 unit on Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217661 unit 281 - Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217662 Metro Call-A-Ride: 158 (4/24)
- 217671 unit on Metro Call-A-Ride (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 217674 Metro Call-A-Ride: Unit 130 (4/24)
- 217680 unit on Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217699 Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217713 Metro Call-A-Ride: 224 Van (4/24)
- 217719 Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24): 221? (4/24)
- 217722 unit on Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217729 Metro Call-A-Ride: 165 (4/24)
- 217731 Metro Call-A-Ride: 418 Van (4/24)
- 217736 unit on Metro Call-A-Ride (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 217748 unit 132 - Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217757 unit 165 - Metro Call-A-Ride (4/24)
- 217758 Metro Call-A-Ride: 191 (4/24)
- 217761 unit on Metro Call-A-Ride (Denied on T206) (4/24)
218xxx Metro Dispatch Consoles (?)
- 218003 9404 Security (6/24)
- 218005 OCC Dispatch? (4/24)
- 218012 Train Dispatcher (4/24)
- 218025 9307 Security (6/24)
- 218030 unit on TG 10406 LRV Maintenance Ch 4 (1/24)
- 218035 Dispatcher on TG 10412 (4/24) TSM talkgroup
- 218036 Dispatcher on TG ???? (4/24)
- 218037 unit on unid TG 10414 (4/24)
219xxx ??
220xxx Lambert Airport Police
- 220272 unit on 10503 Lambert All call (4/24) "lightening is over" (5/8/21?)
- 220951 unit on TG10550 LA Police (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 220957 unit on TG10550 LA Police (Denied on T206) (4/24)
221xxx Lambert Airport Fire
- 221724 unit on TG10558 LA Fire (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 221801 TG10582 LA Fire (1/24)
- 221808 unit on LA Fire (4/24) talk about Elevator Terminal 1 Metrolink // truck 49 unit on Lambert Airport Fire Admin (4/24)
- 221962 TG10582 LA Fire (1/24)
222xxx ??
223xxx American's Center/Dome
- 223010 Security unit (4/24)
- 223221 Security: Dispatch/Operations "Attn All guest Services" (4/24)
- 223240 Security unit 57 (4/24)
232xxx City Fire/EMS/Hospital ??
- 232820 unit on new TG 10318 (4/24)
- 232878 unit on TG10305 SL Region Tac 2, partial ENC (6/24)
233xxx SLMPD Covert / City Sheriff Patch (not ENC)
- 233302 unit on TG10037 SLMPD Covert Operations (4/24) DENIED on T206
- 233903 unit on 10037 Law (4/24) no enc
- 233907 unit on 10037 Law (4/24) no enc
234xxx ???
- 234224 sn w/ RID 73918 on unid TG3695 (4/24)
- 234378 unit on TG10037 SLMPD Covert Operations (4/24) DENIED on T206
- 234410 unit on TG10039 (6/24)
- 234416 unit on TG10039 (6/24)
- 234482 unit on TG10039 (6/24)
3009xx Mercy Hospitals/Lifeline/EMS "MercyCom"
- 300990 Mercy Lifeline-Dispatcher (TG23996 5/23)
- 300991 Mercy Lifeline 2 (TG23996 4/24)
- 300992 Mercy Lifeline 2 (TG23996 6/24)
- 300993 Mercy Jasper (TG23998 9/23)
- 300994 unit on Mercy Lifeline (TG23996 5/23)
- 300995 Mercy Jasper (TG23998 2/23)
- 300997 Heard on TG 3956 Mo Hospital Assn 2 8/23
- 300999 Heard on TG 3956 Mo Hospital Assn 2 4/23
302xxx Hospitals
- 302002 heard on TG 10313 Mo Interop Call
- 302009 St Francis Hospital
- 302019 heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/23
- 302023 heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 11/23
- 302024 "Northwest Liaison" heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/23
- 302026 St Mary's Hospital (ST LOUIS CO)
- 302031 Cox Hospital Springfield heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/23
- 302044 Mosiac Life Care, St Joseph Mo (Ex Heartland Hospital) heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/23
- 302045 Phelps County Health Dept & Phelps-Maries COunty heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/23
- 302049 Pershing Memorial Hospitals (Linn County)
- 302053 Cox Hospital South, Springfield heard on TG 23519 Region D IO 4
- 302055 Freeman Hospital - Neosho heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/23
- 302066 heard on TG 3955 Mo Hospital Assn 1 5/24
- 302075 Cox Hospital - Monett heard on TG 23519 Region D IO 4
351xxx St Francois County
- 351576 on TG49004 (424)
- 702724 unit on TG3367 (6/24) with 902xxx units Federal Govt
- 790131 unit 3603 ???? (4/24)
900xxx Federal Govt ??
Note: 1900xxx appear to be related to these 900xxx TGs
- 900030 unit on TG 3305 (4/24)
- 900034 unit on TG 3302 (STL 4/24)
- 900037 unit on TG 3303 (STL 4/24)
- 900052 unit on TG 3302 (STL 4/24)
- 900065 unit on TG 3301 with 1900xxx TGs (4/24)
- 900067 unit on TG 3302 (STL 4/24)
- 900073 unit on TG 3302 (STL 4/24)
901xxx Federal Govt ??
These appear to be related to TGs1901xxx
- 901054 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901056 TG 3332 (STL 12/3/16)
- 901061 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901067 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901070 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901163 unit on TG3332 (STL 4/24)
- 901085 unit on TG3332 (STL 4/24)
- 901168 unit on TG3332 (STL 4/24)
- 901193 unit on TG3332 (STL 4/24)
- 901205 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901208 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901212 TG 3332 (STL 12/3/16)
- 901333 Encrypted unit on TG 23345 Springfield DEA 5
- 901343 Encrypted unit on TG 23345 Springfield DEA 5
- 901344 Encrypted unit on TG 23345 Springfield DEA 5
- 901361 Encrypted unit on TG 23345 Springfield DEA 5
- 901395 unit on TG3327 (6/2)
- 901402 unit on TG3326 (STL 4/24)
- 901416 Encrypted unit on TG 23345 Springfield DEA 5
- 901534 DEA unit on TG23326 DEA Travel with 1901465 (home 6/7/23)
902xxx FBI ?
902xxx seen on 3332, 3361, 3367, 3368 // Also seen on RIDs 1902xxx
- 902606 unit on TG23372 (6/24)
- 902676 unit on TG3368 (6/24)
- 902680 unit on TG3367 (6/24)
- 902685 unit on TG3367 (6/24)
- 902689 unit on TG3367 (6/24)
- 902698 unit on TG3367 (6/24)
- 902713 unit on TG3367 (6/24)
- 902719 unit on TG3361 (6/24)
903xxx TG3376 FBI ?
- 903005 unit on unid TG 3376 talking about "eyes on houses". can only heard one side of convo. (STL 6/23) (6/24)
- 903008 heard on TG 3376 (6/24)
- 903022 heard on TG 3376 (6/24)
- 903024 heard on TG 3376 (6/24)
- 903026 heard on TG 3376 2-006
- 903028 heard on TG 3376 2-006 (6/24)
- 903037 heard on TG 3376 (6/24)
- 903061 heard on REG C LAW 1 with 79559 doing a bust or more (STL 6/24)
- 903082 unit on unid TG 3376 (6/24)
- 903113 unit on unid TG 3376 (6/24)
- 903155 unit on ENC 3376 (4/24) staging at Redmond & Ferguson (no ENC) (1/24)
- 903156 unit 4431, dispatch Encrypted unit on TG 3376 (4/24) in st louis county
910xxx 3390 Fed Govt
These RIDs are often seen with 1910xxx RIDs
TG3390 is ENC
- 910134 TG 3390 site 206
- 910136 unit on TG3390 (4/24)
- 910138 TG 3390 site 206 (4/24)
- 910139 TG 23371 "got the car" (3/24)
- 910145 TG 3390 site 206
- 910146 unit on TG 3390 STL (4/24)
- 910151 TG 3390 site 206
- 910157 TG 3390 site 206 // TG23371 Federal Law: Surveillance (STL) // TG 3622 (4/24)
- 910177 unit on TG 3390 (4/24)
- 910180 unit on TG 3390 STL (4/24)
- 910183 unit on TG 3390 (4/24)
- 910263 unit on TG 3390 (4/24)
- 910265 unit on TG3305 (4/24)
- 910269 unit on TG 3390 STL (4/24)
- 910271 unit on TG 3390 STL (4/24)
- 910275 unit on TG 3390 STL (4/24)
- 910278 unit on TG 3390 STL (4/24)
- 914002 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 11/21)
- 914010 unit on TG 23090 Statewide Net (MOCAP NET) (4/24)
- 914015 unit 69 on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 11/21) (4/24)
- 914039 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 04/23)
- 914031 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 04/23)
- 914018 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 04/23)
- 914013 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 04/23)
- 914010 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 04/23)
- 914009 unit on MOCAP S/W Net (Weldon Spring 04/23)
923xxx Fed Govt / ARCH?
These appear to be related to 1923xxx RIDs
- 923038 unit on TG 23101, talk about Ozark Scenic National Riverway (4/24)
- 923051 unit on TG 10721 (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 923057 unit on TG 10721 (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 923076 heard on TG 10721, unit 832, going on duty at 1200 5/27/24 with dispatch "Arrowhead" which is usually the Arch. Did NOT hear dispatch respond, but unit acted like she heard them
- 923078 unit on TG 10721 (Denied on T206) (4/24) unit 832F // 820 (4/24)
- 923079 unit on TG 10721 (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 923082 unit on TG 10721 (1/24)
- 923088 unit on TG 10721 "utilizing LES for delivery tomorrow" "Hotel 2 Lima" ???? (4/24) running 10-27
- 923095 unit on TG 10721 (Denied on T206) (4/24)
- 923109 Dispatch on TG 10721 (1/24)
- 923113 unit on TG 10721 ENC T201 (4/24)
- 923114 unit on TG 3101 NPS Ozark Scenic National Riverway (4/24)
- 923120 unit on TG 10721 "make sure she leaves the property (4/24)
- 923144 Dispatch? on TG23101 NPS Ozark Scenic National Riverway Campground Ops; Big Spring etc (4/24)
- 923237 unit on NPS Ozark Scenic National Riverway Campground Ops; Big Spring TG 23101
- 923253 unit on NPS Ozark Scenic National Riverway Campground Ops; Big Spring "462 clear" "pole" TG 23101
- 923275 Dispatch on TG 23390 (4/24)
925xxx Federal Govt ???
These appear to be related to RIDs 1925xxx
- 925006 unit on TG3151 (STL 4/24)
- 925036 unit on TG3151 (STL 4/24)
- 925039 unit on TG3151 (STL 4/24)
- 925063 unit on TG23142 NPS? (STL 4/24)
- 926001 Missouri Highway Patrol SS 2277
See Page 3