Piatt County (IL)
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Piatt County WEB
- A small county in Central Illinois consisting of approximately 440 square miles and a population of 16,700.
Piatt County Public Safety Building
- Is the home of the Piatt County Sheriff’s Office and the Piatt County Jail. Opened in 2004 at a cost of approximately $7.3 million, replacing the 110 year old building.. The state-of-the-art facility contains the Sheriff’s personal office, as well as offices for the Chief Deputy, Investigations, Sergeants and patrol deputies. The Piatt County Jail is contained inside the Public Safety Building. The Piatt County Jail has the capability of housing 76 inmates.
- Home of the Piatt County Emergency 911 system (PSAP – Public Service Answering Point) and the Emergency 911 Director. Consists of 3 terminals capable of receiving emergency and non-emergency calls, radio transmissions with area law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medical services (EMS). The PSAP provides backup services for DeWitt and Ford Counties. In the event there is a major interruption of services in DeWitt or Ford County, the Piatt County PSAP has the ability to receive their 911 emergency calls, communicate with their law enforcement officers via radio and dispatch/page/communicate with their fire departments and EMS.
Efforts are underway by 18 fire districts and departments in Macon, DeWitt and Piatt counties to obtain a $600,000 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for new digital radios and pagers.
2/09 - Area fire departments receive FEMA grants NIANTIC - The Niantic Fire Protection District has received a $503,397 Assistance to Firefighters Grant which will be used to upgrade communications equipment among 24 fire departments in DeWitt, Macon, Moultrie and Piatt counties. The funds come from the U.S Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency. For more of this story, see: LINK
Piatt County Sheriff WEB FB
- Sheriff patrols: Cisco, Deland, Hammond, Ivesdale* (*also patrolled by Champaign County Sheriff)
- Agencies dispatched by Sheriff - Cerro Gordo, Bement, Monticello Police
- Consists of a Patrols and Investigations Division, a K-9 unit, a Court Security Division and a Corrections Division that operates a jail with a capacity of seventy-six inmates.
- Deputies can use Dewitt Co Sheriff 155.685R when needed.
- Sheriff 151.1975 is NXDN4800, in the clear (not encrypted), using no TG and appears to be simulcast across all 3 towers (11/19)
- 3/24 modification to KCO839, adding: 151.4675R (100W) at Bement, Monticello, Mansfield, with 158.8275 32-60W mobiles (P25 only) (assumed new countywide simulcast for Sheriff)
- 3/24 New Application 0010976104 WSBW799 for 151.4675R (100W) at Cerro Gordo, Cisco, White Heath with 158.8275 32-60W mobiles (P25 only)
- 3/23 Modification to WRAF921, adding NFM (Simulcast?) towers on 151.1975 at Cerro Gordo, Cisco and White Heath
- 72.9 RF Links (Bement, Cerro Gordo, Cisco, Deland, Hammond, Mansfield) [Expired 9/05]
- 72.9 F Remote Receive Links to 155.595R (see notes) WPQF692
- 154.785 M Sheriff: Car-to-Car FM KCO839
- 151.82 BM Sheriff: (Reported in use) MURS
155.595 NXDN RIDs
- 1000 [CONTROL]
- 1006 [T APPERS...]
- 1111 [74-11]
- 2001 [C20]
- 2750
Emergency Management FB
- All storm sirens are owned and maintained by the City, Village or Municipality. They are set off by 911.
- 173.2626 mobile extenders (P25/NFM) WRAP729
Piatt County 911 FB
- 3/23 Modification to WRAF921, adding NFM (Simulcast?) towers on 151.1975 at Cerro Gordo, Cisco and White Heath
Engine 174 - attack pumper-tanker, Truck 178 - small field and structure fires, Engine 179 - rescue pumper.
Arrow Ambulance
- Operated by District EMT volunteers.
- Provides ILS EMS Services and Fire protection to 650 people in 40 sq.mi area extending 10 miles from the Monticello Road to the south Champaign County line.
- Automatic joint response with the Ivesdale FPD and mutual aid with fire districts/dept's in Champaign and Piatt Counties.
Municipalities and Districts
- 151.0550 BM Unity Township Road District (Hammond): Road Maintenance KXX889 [Expired 4/04]
- 151.0550 Repeater/159.0 Blue Ridge Township: Road Maintenance KNCS333
- 156.2250 BM Monticello Township Road District: Highway Maintenance KLA532
- 154.7250 D023, D251, D217 all heard in area (4/13); 154.725 and 158.88 D411 heard Roads in Farmer City (full scale) (7/13); 154.725 DCS023 snow plows mentioned Farmer City rds (12/13); 154.725 D271 snow plows heard from Urbana (12/13)
- 154.7250 D023 - heard in Logan County, hard-to-hear repeater (12/18/13)
- 154.7250 D031 - Repeater, heard in use (roads) in Cerro Gordo/Argenta area (8/13) Monticello area (10/13); snow plows heard from Urbana (12/13) heard roads (Farmer City 6/14); heard 2/16
Cerro Gordo Township
- 154.7250 D271 - snow plows heard in use in Monticello, saying at "Sangamon Park" which is in Mansfield (in Blue Ridge Township) (also heard Full Scale mobiles? in Cisco) (1/14)
- 151.3775 Base/Mobile (NFM) for Roads WQVP684
- 173.3625 mobile extenders (P25) for Police WQYA901
Bement (Village)
- 151.7900 M Auxillary Police (handhelds) WQDD873
Cerro Gordo
Cerro Gordo Fire Protection District]]]
- 154.4000 BM 103.5 PL Fire/EMS: Dispatch [Expired 7/05] KWO669
- 154.9800 BM Fireground [Expired 7/05] KYN237
Deland Fire Protection District
- 154.4000 BM 103.5 PL Fire/EMS: Dispatch [Expired 2/06] WNFJ551
- 154.3100 M Fireground [Expired 2/06] WNFJ551
Mansfield (Village)
- 155.8050 BM Public Works KNHK411
Mid-Piatt Fire Protection District FB
- EMS Fire Rescue; established 1946
- Fire Station 1 - 1220 East Old Route 47, White Heath
- Fire Station 2 - 1201 Raymond Road, Monticello
Monticello (City)
- 158.7300 BM Police: (may not be in use) WNLE410
- 453.3750 BM Water Department KRM878
- 451.3875 F Water Distribution Data Telm WPWK708
Northern Piatt County Fire Protection District 1 WEB FB
- Mansfield
- fire, medical, and rescue assistance to parts of Piatt, Dewitt, Champaign, and McLean Counties.
Unit IDs and Pager Tones
Public Safety Units
Law Enforcement
- 4513 Bement Police unit
- 7400s units are Sheriff units
- 7436 unid unit on Piatt 911 (2021)
- CG units are Cerro Gordo Police
- Paul units are Monticello Police
Pager Tones
Kirby EMS/Mattoon Rescue (2021) | 151.1975 D143 | 1034.7 | Long |
- 155.2200 Base/Mobile (Birch, Donald): School Buses WPHZ698
- 152.3450 Repeater/157.605 RM Mont Schools Monticello Community Unit School District #25: School Ops WQFM606
Cerro Gordo Community Unit District 100
154.5400 M Operations KD24973 [Expired 3/13] FMN Deprecated 1/1/25
Deland-Weldon Schools
Piatt County Airport (Monticello) [2K0] DB
- 132.8500 for Champaign Approach/Departure
Related Pages
- Businesses Database page and Businesses,_Media,_Attractions_and_Recreation_Piatt_County_(IL) WIKI
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- Illinois Education Frequencies
- Illinois Fire Services
- Illinois Fire Services Frequencies
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- Illinois Ground Transportation Frequencies
- Illinois Law Enforcement
- Illinois Law Enforcement Frequencies
- Illinois Medical
- Illinois Medical Frequencies
- Illinois Station IDs
- Illinois Utilities
- Illinois Utilities Frequencies