Pierce County (WI)
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Welcome to the Pierce County Wisconsin collaboration article. This is where you, the user, may index any articles you develop for scanning related topics for your area.
Unit Numbering
Law Enforcement
2200's -- Ellsworth Police Dept 2300's -- Spring Valley Police Dept 2400's -- Prescott Police Dept 2500's -- River Falls Police Dept 2600's -- University of Wisconsin River Falls Security 2700's -- Sheriffs Department 2800's -- Elmwood Police Dept 27xx Sheriffs Department --------- ------------------- 2700-2705 Sheriffs Admin 2710 Dispatch 2712-2716 Investigations 2717-2739 Sheriffs Patrol 2750-2765 Sheriffs Dept Jail 2770-2789 Sheriffs Reserve Units 2790-2794 Coroner 2795 Emergency Management Director
Fire and EMS
6200's -- Ellsworth EMS and First Responders 6300's -- Spring Valley EMS and First Responders 6400's -- Prescott EMS and First Responders 6500's -- River Falls EMS and First Responders 6800's -- Elmwood EMS and First Responders 6900's -- Maiden Rock, Plum City, and Stockholm EMS and First Responders
9200-9249 -- Ellsworth Fire Dept, Ellsworth Station 9251-9255 -- Ellsworth Fire Dept, South Station at Red Wing Airport 9300's -- Spring Valley Fire 9400's -- Prescott Fire 9500's -- River Falls Fire 9800's -- Elmwood Fire 9900's -- Plum City Fire
P25 Radio ID's
WISCOM (State of Wisconsin Trunked Radio System)/Conventional Radio IDs: 10X Pierce County Conventional PSAP 48901 Pierce County WISCOM PSAP 480040X Prescott PD mobiles 480220X Ellsworth PD mobiles 480230X Spring Valley PD mobiles 480240X ? 480258X River Falls PD mobiles 480269X UW River Falls PD mobiles 48027XX Pierce County SO mobiles 480280X Elmwood PD mobiles 481220X Ellworth PD portables 481230X Spring Valley PD portables 48124XX Prescott PD portables 48125XX River Falls PD portables 481260X UW River Falls PD portables 48127XX Pierce County SO portables 481280X Elmwood PD portables 48192XX ? 4830001 Pierce County PSAP 48327XX Pierce County SO 4892710 Pierce County PSAP "2710" (on WISCOM) 81006XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81066XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81106XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81166XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81206XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81266XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81606XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81666XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR 9901109 National Weather Service-Twin Cities/Chanhassen Weather Forecasting Office ??????? National Park Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?) ??????? River Falls Area Hospital ??????? US Fish & Wildlife Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?) ??????? Wisconsin DNR Ellsworth Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR Kinnickinnic State Park Office Pierce County also uses TG 3418 on the ARMER (State of Minnesota Trunked Radio System) for coordination purposes. Radio IDs: 1063XX's Allina Ambulance Dispatch 509000 Pierce County PSAP
Pager Tones
River Falls Fire Calls 483.5 330.5 River Falls Fire - MABAS (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) Division 143; St. Croix County 1122.5 1153.4 River Falls Fire - MABAS (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) Division 156; Pierce County 1285.8 1153.4