
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois-RID 31

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STARCOM21 - State Radio Communications for the 21st Century Radio Identification (RIDs/UIDs)
Illinois wiki SC21 Database Main wiki Unk. Talkgroups Facebook page Facebook group
00001-19999 20000-22999 23000-25999 26xxx-27999 28000-32999 33000-37999
38000-79000 80000-89999 90000-99000 100xxx-139999 140xxx-199xxx 200xxx-299xxx
200xxx-299xxx 300xxx-349xxx 350xxx-361xxx 362xxx-390xxx 400xxx-409xxx 410xxx-410xxx
411xxx-412xxx 413xxx-416xxx 417xxx-427xxx 428xxx-433xxx 434xxx-497xxx 500xxx-650xxx
651xxx-699xxx 700xxx-759xxx 762xxx-840xxx 100xxxx-109xxxx 110xxxx-1109999 111xxxx-199xxxx
200xxxx-299xxxx 300xxxx-399xxxx 400xxxx-587xxxx Future Use Future Use Future Use
Future Use 600xxxx-689xxxx 700xxxx-70063xx 70064xx-7343xxx 1000xxxx-1005xxxx


200xxxx Illinois State Police (ISP) "M" mobiles

  • 2000001 EPU? - TG9083 ENC T325 (8/17) Spfld unid TG (5/15)
  • 2000002 EPU 21A (4/10)
  • 2000167 8-59
  • 2002452 X-24 (*)
  • 2002649 13071 ENC (assumed)
  • 2003088 9-1
  • 2003188 9-24 (*)
  • 2003214 X-60
  • 2003324 9-??
  • 2003325 X-62 (4/17)
  • 2003356 X-67 (4/17)
  • 2003512 6-20 F
  • 2003590 X-13
  • 2003620 9-?? (D9A)
  • 2003655 8-15
  • 2003672 D11 Disp A
  • 2003697 TG13007
  • 2003664 X-4
  • 2003710 X-47
  • 2003762 9-xx
  • 2003791 TG9083 ENC
  • 2003821 (11/12)
  • 2003999 X-27
  • 2004034 Z2 Forensic 13070 D9
  • 2004068 X-70 (*)
  • 2004070 X-12 (*)
  • 2004073 ISP EPU
  • 2004155 LINCOLN 5? (pilot)
  • 2004175 X-80
  • 2004155 L?-10? D18 (unit on D18A)
  • 2004204 9-7
  • 2004276 14-12
  • 2004302 D9 TG13004
  • 2004310 X-82
  • 2004312 9-MARY-12 F (*)
  • 2004317 X-7
  • 2004322 HENRY-2 D9 (assumed)
  • 2004323 9-17 (*)
  • 2004345 X-28
  • 2004356 X-67 (*)
  • 2004358 8-??
  • 2004385 9-16
  • 2004388 unit on ISP Training Academy A (T325 2/12), X-4 (11/14)
  • 2004470 X-25
  • 2004477 D11/13004
  • 2004481 14-2
  • 2004488 9-48 (10/18)
  • 2004513 14-4 (11/17)
  • 2004542 H-16 (10/18)
  • 2004552 9-9 (10/18)
  • 2004523
  • 2004527 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T101, 8/16)
  • 2004528 hit
  • 2004566 20-54
  • 2004573 14-41
  • 2004575 X-69
  • 2004591 14-24 ? D11
  • 2004618 D8A
  • 2004621 TG13004
  • 2004625 X-17 D9
  • 2004627 X-01 (10/18)
  • 2004630 H-23 (10/18)
  • 2004637 14-22
  • 2004643 D9 Dispatch 9
  • 2004650 9-3 (Master Sergeant Torrey Points, retired June 2020)
  • 2004668 8-58 (4/17)
  • 2004672 TG9083 / EPU-Z1 ISP (T325 1/12)
  • 2004676 8-30 (4/18)
  • 2004673 (assumed) TG 13069 ENC
  • 2004678 ENC 13071
  • 2004679 unit on D6 I-REACH Patch
  • 2004684 X-49
  • 2004685 9-43
  • 2004688 8-58
  • 2004690 9-18
  • 2004702 6-35 F
  • 2004717
  • 2004721 OCEAN 89 (4/18)
  • 2004725 9-42 (*), 9-14 (5/15)
  • 2004726 X-35
  • 2004731 X-9
  • 2004735 Aircraft PAUL 1(?) / Pilot? LINCOLN 1 (7/13)
  • 2004738 5-IDA-4
  • 2004752 20-2 (TG13011 - 6/18) 14-23 ???
  • 2004754 8-2 (6/18)
  • 2005749 H-08 (10/18)
  • 2004765 6-K9-1
  • 2004772 9-? F
  • 2004786 X-08 (10/18)
  • 2004791 25-68 (assumed) TG 13069 ENC
  • 2004795 20-4
  • 2004804 (11/12)
  • 2004811 TG 14012 tactical ops in Chicago (T102, 10/11/19)
  • 2004821 14-41 (2/19)
  • 2004826 Air Ops unit - "2" (Lincoln? Paul?) (10/14)
  • 2004830 HENRY-45 D18
  • 2004838 (12/12)
  • 2004840 H-08 (10/18)
  • 2004843 7-IDA-31 F
  • 2004861 X-18 (Z3 Special Events)
  • 2004864 10-xx (assumed) TG 13069 ENC, SWAT team memeber? (5/21/14)
  • 2004871 (assumed) TG 13069 ENC
  • 2004880 9-VICTOR-1 (*)
  • 2004894 9-67 (10/18)
  • 2004918 9-21 (10/18)
  • 2004919 D9 unit
  • 2004925 9-V-1 (10/18)
  • 2004939 OCEAN 1? (7/2018)
  • 2004948 X-10
  • 2004964 14-5
  • 2004974 8-44 (6/14)
  • 2004895 9-34 (10/18)
  • 2004992 9-2 (10/18)
  • 2004994 ISP Z3 OSCA

2005xxx Illinois State Police (ISP) "M" mobiles

  • 2005002 6-17
  • 2005003 Car 15 D9 (10/18)
  • 2005013 9-15/9-33 (10/18)
  • 2005018 6-2? (4/18)
  • 2005025 14-37 D9
  • 2005037 unit on D11 Disp A
  • 2005042 25-61 D9
  • 2005050 20-11
  • 2005059 14-19
  • 2005062 20-5
  • 2005068 Adam-27 D9 (10/18)
  • 2005066 9-??
  • 2005068 HENRY-24 D9
  • 2005077 5-IDA-56 Drug Task Force Unit ??, X-61 (4/17)
  • 2005078 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T101, 8/16)
  • 2005080 9-19
  • 2005086 X-55
  • 2005101 (11/12)
  • 2005117 20-4
  • 2005139 7-K9-5 // Ocean-205 // OCEAN-35 (OLD)
  • 2005143 14-21
  • 2005165 9-32 // 9-19 (OLD)
  • 2005168 6-26
  • 2005183 X-81
  • 2005128 H-50 (D11)
  • 2005139 OCEAN 205 (K9 unit?) (3/17)
  • 2005165 9-19 (3/22) (was 9-32 10/18)
  • 2005186 H-5 (10/18)
  • 2005207 20-33 (TG13011, 6/18)
  • 2005209 9-8 (10/18)
  • 2005212 (11/12)
  • 2005213 X-71 Trooper Todd Hanneken EOW 3/25/21 RETIRED NUMBER
  • 2005215 9-6 (OLD)
  • 2005239 20-3
  • 2005254 8?-37?
  • 2005256 6-11 (5/19)
  • 2005260 14-SAM-1
  • 2005276 6-53 (was 9-63/9-67 (*) 9-53 (2/22))
  • 2005282 9-?? (10/18)
  • 2005291 7-IDA-59 (10/18)
  • 2005296 E-49 Executive Protection (2024)
  • 2005297 20-SAM-1
  • 2005300 X-39
  • 2005313 9-SAM-1 (10/18)
  • 2005322 X-88
  • 2005328 EPU Z1A
  • 2005335 16-40 (6/12) / 14-10 (12/14) / 14-5 (5/17)
  • 2005360 OCEAN-180 (10/18)
  • 2005361 9-58 (10/18)
  • 2005393 9-7 (10/18)
  • 2005395 14-39 (4/18)
  • 2005396 9-MARY-38 D9
  • 2005398 20-14 (TG13011, 5/17)
  • 2005413 9-64 (10/18)
  • 2005416 ISP EPU TG9083 (5/18)
  • 2005418 X-89, X-K9-1 (7/14)
  • 2005425 20-48 / 20-VICTOR-1
  • 2005429 OCEAN-77 (10/18)
  • 2005438 (assumed) TG 13069 ENC ISP Z3 OSCA - unit 25-1? (11/13/15)
  • 2005446 X-K9-1 TG9088
  • 2005450 TG 13071 ENC (Bloomington area 1/20/15)
  • 2005452 X-24
  • 2005453 X-83
  • 2005458 9-98 (2/15)
  • 2005459 9-44 (10/18)
  • 2005466 X-K9-1, X-16, O-44 (6/14)
  • 2005468 TG13071 ISP OSC Z2A (1/5/15)
  • 2005486 ISP Z3 OSCA
  • 2005488 9-MARY-16 // NORA-46 Investigations D9 (OLD)
  • 2005491 9-21 (10/18)
  • 2005535 X-40
  • 2005539 9-44
  • 2005553 9-63 (4/18)
  • 2005557 unk unit on TG13106 (5/18)
  • 2005560 9-??(10/18)
  • 2005579 X-05 (10/18)
  • 2005591 OCEAN 200? (5/18)
  • 2005602 M-44 D9
  • 2005605 9-36 (10/18)
  • 2005606 OCEAN-47 (10/18)
  • 2005619 7-25
  • 2005625 14-29
  • 2005632 14-3
  • 2005654 OCEAN 202 (K9 unit) (11/17)
  • 2005667 X-50 (*)
  • 2005687 9-69 (10/18)
  • 2005691 9-52 (10/18)
  • 2005705 X-3 ?
  • 2005712 h-45 (10/18)
  • 20053713 HENRY-14 (6/24)
  • 2005718 6-K9-1 (2/16) Trooper Ryan Albin EOW 6/28/17
  • 2005720 20-28
  • 2005729 9-??
  • 2005737 4-42 (6/24) (was 14-43 (TG13011, 6/18))
  • 2005743 6-46
  • 2005761 8-52 F
  • 2005768 8-53 F
  • 2005781 on ISP EPPU Z1 TG9083
  • 2005782 20-29 (TG13011, 6/18)
  • 2005784 20-??
  • 2005798 (12/12)
  • 2005800 9-46
  • 2005807 9-49 (10/18)
  • 2005813 9-1 (10/18)
  • 2005818 Mary-50 ISP Dist 10 Motor (cycle) Unit
  • 2005822 6-22 mobile
  • 2005825 ISP Z3 OSCA
  • 2005837 HENRY-55 (D9 11/22)
  • 2005842 9-64 F
  • 2005851 Ocean-36 (10/18)
  • 2005858 6-24
  • 2005862 6-22 (TG13000)
  • 2005864 M-64 D9 (?)
  • 2005882 9-86 (OLD)
  • 2005833 Edward 38 (10/18)
  • 2005882 9-86 (OLD)
  • 2005902 X-32
  • 2005907 14-35
  • 2005919 8-xx
  • 2005921 X-40
  • 2005936 OCEAN 75 (6/1/23)
  • 2005939 9-87
  • 2005940 8-??
  • 2005954 (11/12)
  • 2005956 (12/12)
  • 2005963 9-K9-2 // 9-40 (OLD)
  • 2005977 4-43 (Trp8)(6/24) (first 12/12)
  • 2005987 8-??
  • 2005989 (11/12)
  • 2005960 X-51
  • 2005993 TG9083 D21 ISPERN
  • 2006002 H-52 (3/17)
  • 2006012 X-41
  • 2006016 14-34
  • 2006021 6-25
  • 2006033 X-38 (6/14)
  • 2006037 9-56 (OLD)
  • 2006051 9-71
  • 2006054 9-K9-1 (10/18)
  • 2006072 9-72 (2021) (OLD)
  • 2006075 TG13071 ISP OSC Z2A (1/5/15)
  • 2006104 D10
  • 2006108 EPU TG9083 (5/18)
  • 2006111 9-49
  • 2006113 8-??
  • 2006114 9-83 (OLD)
  • 2006117 OCEAN-205 D9 (2/22) (was 9-K9-3 10/18)
  • 2006119 H-60 (10/18)
  • 2006129 9-??
  • 2006133 8-51 F
  • 2006136 9-50 (10/18) / 9-62 (?)
  • 2006138 6-32
  • 2006140 20-49 (10/17)
  • 2006164 9-54 (10/18)
  • 2006171 9-95
  • 2006196 9-?? (10/18)
  • 2006201 9-41 // 9-33 (OLD)
  • 2006230 (9/12)
  • 2006249 20-46
  • 2006257 9-35 (10/18)
  • 2006264 H-50 (10/18)
  • 2006266 8-43
  • 2006268 20-37
  • 2006271 (12/12)
  • 2006291 9-62 (10/18)
  • 2006299 9-16 (10/18)
  • 2006301 20-K9-1 (11/17)
  • 2006309 (12/12)
  • 2006319 25-57 (10/18)
  • 2006339 EPU? TG9083 (T102, 11/23/16)
  • 2006346 14-44 (7/13)
  • 2006349 X-58 (6/14)
  • 2006392 K-43 Accident Reconstruction Officer (2/21)
  • 2006405 14-31
  • 2006411 14-38
  • 2006421 6-36 Trp6 (6/24)
  • 2006424 20-32
  • 2006439 9-81 (10/18)
  • 2006461 14-46
  • 2006466 11-K9-6 (?)
  • 2006469 EPU TG9083 (5/18)
  • 2006479 20-35
  • 2006489 6-33 (5/19)
  • 2006491 20-43
  • 2006541 20-41
  • 2006549 20-51 (11/17)
  • 2006580 14-37
  • 2006613 9-57 (10/18)
  • 2006614 9-39 (10/18)
  • 2006625 ??-39 (11/22 D9)
  • 2006651 X-55 (10/18)
  • 2006652 9-32 // 9-37 (OLD)
  • 2006654 NORA-44 D9 (2021)
  • 2006668 OCEAN-7 (Trp8) (was 9-K9-6 (9/21))
  • 2006678
  • 2006692 9-68 (11/22)
  • 2006695 X-MARY-27(Squad) (10/18)
  • 2006706 9-K9-2 (11/22)
  • 2006758 X-24 (10/18)
  • 2006771 OCEAN-228 (Trp8) (6/24) (was 6-53 (5/19))
  • 2006781 X-?? (10/18)
  • 2006783 9-48 (2/22) (11/22)
  • 2006792 K-42 Accident Reconstruction Officer (2/21)
  • 2006835 X-84 (10/18)
  • 2006880 9-K9-5 (OLD)
  • 2006904 XRAY-79 (6/24)
  • 2008493 unit on TG9082 ENC
  • 2009001 9-46
  • 2009005 9-xx
  • 2024701 LINCOLN(?) or PAUL(?)"9", "LINCOLN 1" on ISP AIR OPS TG13105
  • 2051050 TG 13004 11/13/23
  • 2051251 motor unit? (8/24)
  • 2051263 motor unit? (8/24)
  • 2052794
  • 2052795 5-66 02/29/2024
  • 2052797 unk (6/26) (was 7-46 12/24/2023)
  • 2052800 5-64 motorcycle unit
  • 2052808 TG 9013 6/13/23
  • 2052867 TG 13004 10/2/23
  • 2053826 TG 13004 10/13/23
  • 2055678 TG 13004 9/6/23
  • 2055791 7-63 03/06/24
  • 2056538 TG 13004 10/11/23
  • 2061277 7-46 03/13/24
  • 2061278 4-60 03/13/24, motor unit? (8/24)
  • 2061283 7-56 03/13/24
  • 2061286 7-37 02/02/24
  • 2061287 7-56 03/13/24
  • 2061289 TG 17009 5/15/23
  • 2061290 TG 13007 6/11/23
  • 2061291 TG 13004 4/6/23
  • 2061293 TG 17009 5/15/23
  • 2061294 7-11 (6/24)
  • 2061295 6-40 (6/24)
  • 2091298 XRAY-98' (6/24)

210xxxx ISP "M" Portables

  • 2102146 unit on TG-9083 (Executive security)
    • have heard a few times in Madison County, once with ID 1103351
  • 2102491 6-41 or X-41
  • 2102649 13071 ENC (2/10)
  • 2103158 unit on D11 Disp A
  • 2103188 9-24 (assumed 1/10)
  • 2103214 X-60
  • 2103251 20-46
  • 2103312 EPU 21A
  • 2103315 EPU 21A
  • 2103559 9-44 (possible ID)
  • 2103571 8-11
  • 2103590 X-13
  • 2103664 X-4
  • 2103710 X-47
  • 2103762 9-?? (2/10)
  • 2103683 unit on Z3B SpecEvnt
  • 2103821 (11/12)
  • 2103960 8-1 (6/14)
  • 2103999 X-27
  • 2104034 (assumed) Z2 Forensic 13070
  • 2104057 D9 (1/12)
  • 2104068 X-70
  • 2104070 X-12
  • 2104126 TG9083 ENC
  • 2104151 OCEAN-4 D18
  • 2104155 unit working ISP aircraft on ISP Special Events Z2A TG13063 (T101, 7/15)
  • 2104175 X-80
  • 2104185 EPU 21A
  • 2104204 9-?? / PvtData
  • 2104302 9-23
  • 2104310 X-82
  • 2104317 X-7
  • 2104322 HENRY-2 D9
  • 2104345 X-28
  • 2104356 X-67
  • 2104358 unit on ISP Training Academy A (T325 2/12)
  • 2104402 9-??
  • 2104470 X-25
  • 2104488 9-48 (10/18)
  • 2104497 unit on ISP Training Academy
  • 2104526 4-IDA-6 (1/11/15)
  • 2104528 EPU 21A
  • 2104542 H-16 (10/18)
  • 2104545 EPU 21A
  • 2104552 9-9 (10/18)
  • 2104555 (11/12)
  • 2104575 X-69
  • 2104625 X-17 (*)
  • 2104626 X-14
  • 2104627 X-1 (10/18)
  • 2104630 H-23
  • 2104650 9-3 (10/18)
  • 2104672 TG9083 ENC T325
  • 2104673 TG 13069 ENC (2/10)
  • 2104679 unit on D6 ISPERN Patch
  • 2104681 X-18
  • 2104684 X-49
  • 2104685 Z3SpecEvent A
  • 2104702 (11/12)
  • 2104717 X-45 (4/17)
  • 2104719 8-3 (5/15)
  • 2104721 Z3SpecEvent A
  • 2104726 X-35
  • 2104731 X-9
  • 2104735 Lincoln 1 on ISP Air Ops TG13105 (5/12)(2018)
  • 204742 9-??
  • 2104749 4-I-12 (? heard Quincy area 2/15)
  • 2104759 H-08 (10/18)
  • 2104768 unit on D9 Disp A
  • 2104772 F-29 (10/18)
  • 2104775
  • 2104779 9-67 F
  • 2104786 X-8 (10/18)
  • 2104791 25-68 (D9 Disp A) ISP Z3 OSCA
  • 2104795 ?-25
  • 2104799 120xx
  • 2104806 TG 13052
  • 2104826 ISP Aviation Unit Lincoln 2? (6/12)
  • 2104830 unit on ISP Training Academy A (T325 2/12)
  • 2104838 (12/12)
  • 2104840 H-8 (10/18)
  • 2104843
  • 2104864 25-13 (10/18)
  • 2104871 TG 13069 ENC
  • 2104872 (11/12)
  • 2104880 9-VICTOR-1
  • 2104894 9-67 (10/18)
  • 2104925 9-VITCOR-1 (10/18)
  • 2104940 9-xx
  • 2104948 X-10
  • 2104973 unit on D18 Dispatch A, with RID 720002
  • 2104974 17-106 on TG13106 (wrong TG) (7/14)
  • 2104978 ENC 13071
  • 2104985 9-34 (10/18)
  • 2104988 12-2 (OLD)
  • 2104992 9-2 (10/18)
  • 2104994 IDA 17088 D11
  • 2104996 8-SAM-1 (Z3 Special Events) ID: 4996
  • 2105003 unit on ISP Training Academy A
  • 2105013 9-15/9-33 (10/18)
  • 2105018 (4/18)
  • 2105025 14-37 (assumed
  • 2105037
  • 2105050 20-11
  • 2105059 14-10 (assumed)
  • 2105068 HENRY-25 D9 (assumed)
  • 2105071 TG 14012 tactical ops in Chicago (T102, 10/11/19)
  • 2105076 D6A
  • 2105086 X-55
  • 2105090 E-32 ??? (D18 Disp A)
  • 2105117 20-12
  • 2105128 D9 Dispatch C
  • 2105139 OCEAN-205 (10/18)
  • 2105143 unk. ISP unit, Illinois Incident Management Team (IMT) unit IMT 57 (3/16) 14-2 (11/17)
  • 2105165 9-19 (3/22) (was 9-32 10/18)
  • 2105166 unit on ISP Training Academy A
  • 2105169 9083 ENC
  • 2105183 X-81
  • 2105186 H-5 (10/18)
  • 2105209 9-8 (10/18)
  • 2105213 X-71
  • 2105215 9-6 (10/18)(2/22)
  • 2105239 IMT 43 (12/1/15) 20-3 (11/17)
  • 2105260 14-SAM-1 (*)
  • 2105276 9-63 (10/18) 9-53 (2/22)
  • 2105266 5-IDA-63
  • 2105276 9-53 (assumed)
  • 2105291 4-IDA-59 (10/18)
  • 2105296 E-49 Executive Protection (2024)
  • 2105300 X-39
  • 2105313 9-SAM-1 (10/18)
  • 2105322 X-88 (date?), ZEBRA 44 (10/18)
  • 2105324 D11Z T325
  • 2105339 O-84
  • 2105350 OCEAN-180 (10/18)
  • 2105360 X-31
  • 2105361 9-58 (10/18) / 9-K9-1
  • 2105387 9-2
  • 2105393 9-7/9-14 (10/18)
  • 2105413 9-64 (10/18)
  • 2105418 X-89, X-K9-1 (7/14)
  • 2105429 OCEAN-77 (10/18)
  • 2105433 TG 13105 Air Ops Unit?
  • 2105438 TG 13069 ENC
  • 2105452 X-24
  • 2105453 X-83
  • 2105459 9-44 (10/18)
  • 2105466 X-K9-1, OCEAN 44? (10/14)
  • 2105478 8-81 or 8-35
  • 2105486 25-53
  • 2105488 MARY-16 // NORA-46 Investigative (OLD)
  • 2105491 9-21 (10/18)
  • 2105535 MARY-40 D13
  • 2105539 9-44 (assumed), affiliated w/TG 9147 (T149, 2/17)
  • 2105572 Henry-26 (@ State Fair, 8/12)
  • 2105579 X-5 (10/18)
  • 2105591 6-K9-2
  • 2105605 9-36 (10/18)
  • 2105606 OCEAN-47 (10/18)
  • 2105619 25-40
  • 2105632 8-60
  • 2105644 Air Ops?
  • 2105648
  • 2105654 OCEAN-202 (10/18)
  • 2106654 NORA-44 D9 (2021) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • 2105667 X-50
  • 2105687 9-69 (10/18)
  • 2105691 9-52 (10/18)
  • 2105701 D11/D18
  • 2105713 H-45 (10/18)
  • 2105716 LINCOLN-2 (Air Ops unit, 3/23)
  • 2105743 FRANK-69 (D9)
  • 2105744 D20 Dispatch A
  • 2105761 8-52 F (Z3 Special Events)
  • 2105768 TG 14012 tactical ops in Chicago (T102, 10/11/19)
  • 2105771 TG9083
  • 2105782 (10/12)
  • 2105807 9-49 (10/18)
  • 2105813 9-1 (10/18)
  • 2105798 ISP Training Academy A
  • 2105800 (4/18)
  • 2105807 9-MARY-49
  • 2105810 ?
  • 2105813 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T101, 8/16)
  • 2105818 TG 9083 (10/18)
  • 2105827 affiliated w/TG 9088 (8/18)
  • 2105842 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A
  • 2105852 (11/12)
  • 2105853 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A
  • 2105856 TG17076/PvtData
  • 2105882 9-86 (2021)
  • 2105902 X-32
  • 2105907 14-35
  • 2105908 D18A 17009 (1/12)
  • 2105917 (10/12)
  • 2105919 TG 13069 ENC
  • 2105921 X-40 (Z3 Special Events)
  • 2105936 OCEAN 75 (6//23)
  • 2105962 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (12/18)
  • 2105977 4-43 (6/24) (was 8-46 (6/14))
  • 2105945 D9A
  • 2105960 X-51
  • 2105963 9-K9-2 // 9-40 // 9-45(OLD)
  • 2106002 HENRY 52 (3/17)
  • 2106012 X-41
  • 2106037 9-56 (2021)
  • 2106054 9-K9-1 (10/18)
  • 2106062 TG9083 (10/18)
  • 2106072 9-72 / 9-12 (OLD)
  • 2106082 6-43 (6/24)
  • 2106086 motor unit?
  • 2106104 10-
  • 2106114 9-83 // 9-3 (OLD)
  • 2106117 OCEAN-205 D9 (2/22) (was 9-K9-3 10/18)
  • 2106119 H-60 (10/18)
  • 2106129 8-??
  • 2106140 20-49
  • 2106134 affiliated w/TG 9147 (T101, 8/31/17), Z1 EPU TG 9083 (9/7/17)
  • 2106136 9-50 (10/18)
  • 2106137 TG 30301 (7/18)
  • 2106145 8-32
  • 2106146 ISP Training Academy A, affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T102, 11/16)
  • 2106164 9-54 (10/18)
  • 2106198 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T102, 11/16)
  • 2106201 9-41 (2021)
  • 2106227 4-IDA-40
  • 2106257 9-35 (10/18)
  • 2106264 H-50 (10/18)
  • 2106291 9-62 (10/18)
  • 2106293 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T101, 8/16)
  • 2106299 9-16 (10/18)
  • 2106319 25-57 (10/18)
  • 2106322 (4/18)
  • 2106323
  • 2106332 HENRY-15 (8/24)
  • 2106339 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A
  • 2106349 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A
  • 2106362 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T102, 12/16)
  • 2106349 9-81 (10/18)
  • 2106392 K-43 (Accident Reconstruction Officer, 2/21)
  • 2106461 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T102, 8/17)
  • 2106362
  • 2106339 5-I-39 (8/24)
  • 2106421 9-37 (2/22)
  • 2106469 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T102, 2/18)
  • 2106506 IDA 55 (5/20)
  • 2106549 20-51
  • 2106608 unknown K9 unit (10/14)
  • 2106613 9-57 (10/18)
  • 2106614 9-MARY-39 (10/18)
  • 2106622 14-40 on TG13011 (6/15)
  • 2106648 X-49 (10/18)
  • 2106651 X-55 (10/18)
  • 2106652 9-32 (2021)
  • 2106668 9-K9-6 // 9-35 (OLD)
  • 2106678
  • 2106692 9-?? (2021)
  • 2106695 X-MARY-27 (10/18)
  • 2107018 7-37 (6/24)
  • 2106725 X-60 (6/18)
  • 2106758 X-24 (10/18)
  • 2106783 9-48 (2/22)
  • 2106835 X-84 (10/18)
  • 2106880 9-K9-5 (2/22)
  • 2106906 unit on D9A, 13119 DCI T301 (7/5/21)
  • 2106997 E-43 (EPU)
  • 2107181 XRAY-92 (6/24)
  • 2108493 TG 9082 ENC
  • 2109419 9-25

211xxxx ISP (Radio Techs, Others)

  • 2111696 Illinois National Guard unit on IEMA (2011 Flooding)
  • 2112173 unit on D18/30328
  • 2112994 ISP Training Academy A
  • 2113142 Adam-??? (Radio tech on 17102 with 3110580)
  • 2114492 ISP Training Acadamy A
  • 2114994 ISP Training Acadamy A, ITTF R2B (3/20)
  • 2115588 unit on 17000
  • 2115888 unit on ISP TRT Z2C? (2/12)
  • 2119041 unit on ISP Academy A TG during Democratic National Convention (8/24)
  • 2119057 units on Z2B Spec Event (July 2016, state fair maintenance, fuse, PA)
  • 2119061 units on Z2B Spec Event (July 2016, state fair maintenance, fuse, PA)

212xxxx ???

  • 2120740 OCEAN? 90, motorcycle unit (McHenry County, TG 30305, 7/24)

214xxxx ???

  • 2145450 Z3 TRT C

22xxxxx unidentified

  • 2204185 Executive Security ? TG9083 ENC

23xxxxx ISP "M" Special Units (Air, admin, weigh stations, etc)

  • 2300661 Fixed-wing aircraft AIR 6 (Springfield Airport, formerly PAUL 6), LINCOLN units (pilots)
  • 2300721 IDOT helo HENRY-9 (*)
  • 2304131 LINCOLN 5 (Air Ops), LINCOLN 2 (Air Ops) (5/13), AIR 6 (2/24), AIR 5/AIR 7/AIR 9 - portable? (6/24)
  • 2308203 8-47 / D12A
  • 2308206 TG 14012 tactical ops in Chicago (T102, 10/11/19)
  • 2309203 D09 Utility Radio 9-56 (10/18)
  • 2309205 D09 Utility Radio (10/18)
  • 2309206 D09 Utility Radio (10/18)
  • 2309209 D09 Utility Radio (10/18)
  • 2309110 D09 Utility Radio 9-MARY-16 (10/18)
  • 2309212 D09 Utility Radio 9-14 (10/18)
  • 2309213
  • 2309228
  • 2309405 TG9088, TG9091
  • 2309422 ISP TRT Bearcat?

231xxxx ISP

  • 2310002 X-33
  • 2310003 X-9
  • 2310010 TG 30332 (7/18)
  • 2310202 7-6 (1/23)
  • 2310204 X-58
  • 2314200 ISP TG 13106
  • 2314202 ISP D9 Dispatch A TG 13004
  • 2319999 denied T101 (6/17/21)

232xxxx ISP

  • 2322231 ISP Training Academy (Springfield) - recruit training
  • 2322232 ISP Training Academy (Springfield) - recruit training
  • 2322233 ISP Training Academy (Springfield) - recruit training
  • 2322234 ISP Training Academy (Springfield) - recruit training
  • 2322234 ISP Training Academy (Springfield) - recruit training
  • 2322287 Surveillance ops on ITTF R3A TG30305 (10/14)
  • 2322288 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322290 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322291 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322293 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322294 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322295 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322296
  • 2322297 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2322298 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137, TG 13136
  • 2322299 ISP Headquarters (Springfield) - maintenance and engineers TG 13137
  • 2324703 unit with data every 30 minutes ???
  • 2324705 unit on 17076 Z3 OSC / TG17074 (T301 5/8/15)
  • 2324718 Z3 TRT-C
  • 2327204 "Command Post" at Chicago Cubs World Series game 9 detail, Wrigley Field (11/2/16)
  • 2327205 "Command Vehicle" (5/15), "Command Post" at Chicago Cubs World Series game 9 detail, Wrigley Field (11/2/16)
  • 2328003 unit on DCI Investigate TG13116 (new found TG 10/9/21)
  • 2328010 unit on TG10016 T301 after Dupo Shooting 2/26/23 (possibly MOSWIN TG 10016)

2336xxx ISP Cache radios? Related to 13367xx units?

  • 2336712 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?
  • 2336715 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?
  • 2336712 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?
  • 2336716 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?
  • 2336730 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?
  • 2336738 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?
  • 2336739 unknown unit during Hell's Angels Rockford rally 7/13 on ITTF North A TG30300 - ISP cache radio?

2337xxx ISP Executive Protection units

  • 2337823 EDWARD 99 SOUTH (Springfield Governor's Mansion) (8/24)
  • 2337824 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A (T101, 8/16)
  • 2337825 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A
  • 2337826 TG 9083 (T101 9/16)
  • 2337827 affiliated w/TG 9083 EPU Z1A

234xxxx ISP

  • 2347301 unit on ISP Training Academy A (T325 2/12) ISP dispatch at IL State Fair (8/14) (2022) Z3 SpecEvent
  • 2347302 ISP dispatch at IL State Fair - ISP Command Vehicle? (8/14)

237xxxx ISP

  • 2372024 unit on D6A (2013)
  • 2374115 unit on D11A

240xxxx ISP "M" Motorcycles

  • 2401137 6-34 (7/2018) (or 6137?)
  • 2402132 MARY-12 F D9
  • 2402840 9-??
  • 2403516 MARY-10 D12
  • 2404312 9-MARY-12 F
  • 2404449 xx-19 17006 D13
  • 2404772 TG 9083 ENC
  • 2404840 9-5
  • 2405107 MARY-32 D12
  • 2405488 9-MARY-16 (10/18)
  • 2405535 MARY-40 Motor Unit D10/D11
  • 2405602 MARY-43 D9 / M-44 D9
  • 2405606 MARY-45 D9 / unit on ISP Trainting Acadamy A (T325 2/12)
  • 2405807 9-MARY-49 (4/13)
  • 2406009 20-MARY-26 (TG13011, 6/18)
  • 2406086 MARY-86 (D8)
  • 2406614 9-MARY-39 (10/18)
  • 2406625 9-MARY-39 (2/22)

260xxxx ISP

  • 2601114 6-48
  • 2609263 Pontiac? Dispatch on 90xx


  • 2710101 ISP District 10 Dispatcher A
  • 2713563 affiliation attempt (refused) w/TG 1670 (T101, 8/23)

273xxxx ???

  • 2739457 "10-4" heard on TG 11829 (11/22)

280xxxx ISP "M" Backup Dispatch

  • 2800007 B-7 Illinois National Guard unit on IEMA (2011 Flooding)

29ddxxx ISP "M" dispatch centers (where 'dd' is the district nr)

  • 2902202 D2 Dispatch
  • 2906101 D6A Dispatch
  • 2906201 D6A Dispatch (*)
  • 2906291 D6 Dispatch (Pontiac)
  • 2906292 D6 Dispatch (Pontiac)
  • 2906293 D6 Dispatch (Pontiac)
  • 2906295 D6 Dispatch (Pontiac)
  • 2906296 D6 Dispatch (Pontiac)
  • 2906297 D6 Dispatch (Pontiac) (6/24)
  • 2908101 D8A Dispatch
  • 2908102 D8A Dispatch
  • 2908201 D8A Dispatch (*)
  • 2909101 D9A Dispatch (*)
  • 2909102 D9B Dispatch
  • 2909128 D9 ISPERN Dispatch
  • 2909201 D9A Dispatch (*)
  • 2909202 D9B Dispatch
  • 2909301 D9A Dispatch
  • 2909228 D9 ISPERN Dispatch
  • 2909331 D18 ISPERN Dispatch
  • 2909381 20-31 TG13011 (1/12)
  • 2909400 D09 Dispatch (10/18)
  • 2909401 D14 TG 13011 (by D9 Dispatcher ) (12/30/14)
  • 2909402 D09 Dispatch (10/18)
  • 2909403 D09 Dispatch (10/18)
  • 2909404 D09 Dispatch (OLD)
  • 2909405 D09 Dispatch (10/18)
  • 2910201 D10A Dispatch
  • 2310102 D10B Dispatch
  • 2910201 D10A Disptach
  • 2910202 D10B Dispatch
  • 2910101 D10A Dispatch
  • 2914101 D14A Dispatch
  • 2920101 D20A Dispatch (*)
  • 2920231 D20 ISPERN Dispatch