Sangamon County (IL) Municipalities
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- 1 Townships and Water Districts
- 2 Law Enforcement on Starcom21
- 3 Fire/EMS on Starcom21
- 4 MABAS Primary Division 48
- 5 Auburn (City) WEB [ FB]
- 6 Buffalo (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 7 Chatham (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 8 Divernon (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 9 Glenarm (Unincorporated)
- 10 Grandview (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 11 lliopolis (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 12 Jerome (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 13 Leland Grove (City) WEB FB
- 14 Loami (Village) WEB FB
- 15 Mechanicsburg (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 16 New Berlin (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 17 Pawnee (Village) WEB FB
- 18 Pleasant Plains (Village) WEB FB
- 19 Riverton (Village) WEB FB
- 20 Rochester (Village) WEB] FB
- 21 Sherman (Village) WEB
- 22 Southern View (Village) WEB FB
- 23 Spaulding (Village) WEB Police FB
- 24 Thayer (Village) WEB [ FB]
- 25 Virden (City)
- 26 Williamsville (Village) WEB [ FB]
Townships and Water Districts
Rochester Township
- 151.025 Base/Mobile (NFM) WQPG860
Mechanicsburg Township
- 151.1075 Repeater with 155.04 mobiles for Highway Maintenance (NFM at Buffalo) (DMR/NFM) WRZQ813 Issued 12/23
- 453.25 Repeater 229.1 PL Road Maintenance (Buffalo) [Expired 7/20] KNGR693
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.02500 | WPXN377 | M | 77.0 PL | AuburnTwp Roads | Auburn Township Road District: Road Maintenance [Expired 5/23] | FMN | Public Works | |
151.02500 | KKT452 | M | 127.3 PL | SangTwpRoads 127 | Cartwright Township: Road Maintenance (TX PL) [Expired 8/14] | FMN | Public Works | |
453.25000 | WNGN263 | BM | ClearLake TS | Clear Lake Township: Road Maintenance [Expired 7/11] | FMN | Public Works | ||
453.45000 | 458.45000 | KNCE959 | RM | Illiopolis Twp | Illiopolis Township Road District: Road Maintenance (not 167.9) [Expired 9/12] |
FMN | Public Works | |
453.25000 | 458.25000 | KNGR693 | RM | 229.1 PL | Mechnsbrg Twp | Mechanicsburg Township: Road Maintenance (Buffalo) [Expired 7/20] | FMN | Public Works |
151.02500 | WPEX809 | BM | 233.6 PL | SangTwpRoads 233 | Woodside Township: Roads/Plows | FMN | Public Works | |
151.02500 | KNDW418 | BM | 233.6 PL | SangTwpRoads 233 | Cotton Hill Township: Road Maintenance [Expired] | FMN | Public Works | |
159.51750 | WQAK419 | BM | CSQ | CG Twp WatrB | Curran Gardner Township Public Water Dist: Ops | FMN | Utilities | |
173.26750 | KNHR281 | F | CG Twp WatrA | Curran Gardner Township Public Water Dist: Data (CSQ) | Telm | Data | ||
159.92250 | WPYG320 | BM | Wlmsvl Water | Williamsville Water Company (CSQ) | Telm | Utilities | ||
151.79000 | WPYF830 | BM | AppleCreek Water | Apple Creek Water Co (CSQ,Waverly) | FMN | Utilities | ||
154.84500 | WQPZ733 | BM | 606 DPL | Ball Twp Roads | Ball Township Roads (Glenarm) | FMN | Public Works | |
154.04750 | 159.31500 | WRHS832 | RM | 454 DPL | ChthmTwp Roads A | Chatham Township Roads and Bridges | FMN | Public Works |
460.95000 | 465.95000 | WNST475 | RM | 97.4 PL | SCSWCD Ops | Sangamon County Soil and Water Conservation District [Expired 7/05] |
FMN | Public Works |
154.04750 | 159.31500 | WRHS832 | RM | 271 DPL | ChthmTwp Roads B | Chatham Township Roads and Bridges | FMN | Public Works |
Law Enforcement on Starcom21
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
017 (11) | Chatham | 851.212500 | 851.400000 | 851.575000 | 851.925000c | 852.450000a | 852.850000 | 852.975000a | 853.862500 |
855.187500 |
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
030 (1E) | Springfield | 851.112500 | 851.487500 | 852.075000 | 852.325000a | 852.675000 | 852.850000c | 853.375000a | 857.362500 |
858.212500 |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
4901 | 1325 | D | SG Sheriff 1 | Sheriff: Dispatch-Primary [SCSO 1] |
4902 | 1326 | D | SG Sheriff 4 | Sheriff: Dispatch-Secondary 4 [SCSO 4] |
4903 | 1327 | D | SG Sheriff 5 | Sheriff: Dispatch-Secondary 4 [SCSO 5] |
4904 | 1328 | D | SG Courts | Sheriff: Court Security [COURT SECURITY] |
4905 | 1329 | D | SG Sheriff Aux2 | Sheriff: Auxillary 2 [AUX 2] |
4906 | 132a | D | Grandview PD Tac | Grandview Police: Tac |
4907 | 132b | D | SG Sheriff 3 | Sheriff: Car-to-Car/Talk-Around [SCSO 3 TA] |
4908 | 132c | D | SG Sheriff 4908 | Sheriff: Special Units/Alcohol Stings/Traffic; POTUS |
4909 | 132d | D | SG Jail Booking | Sheriff: Jail Booking [SCSO BOOKING] |
4910 | 132e | D | Auburn Police | Auburn Police: Dispatch [AUBURN] |
4911 | 132f | D | Chathm Police | Chatham Police: Dispatch |
4912 | 1330 | D | LG/Jerome PDtac2 | Leland Grove/Jerome Police: Tac-2 [LG/JEROME TAC 2] |
4913 | 1331 | D | SG Law West c2c | Rural Police: Car-to-Car West [LOAMI/NB/PP] |
4914 | 1332 | D | Pawnee Police | Pawnee Police: Dispatch [PAWNEE] |
4915 | 1333 | D | RivSpauld PD Tac | Riverton/Spaulding Police: Tac [RIVERTON] |
4916 | 1334 | D | SG Shrf Det CO6 | Sheriff: Detectives Bureau 1 [DET. BUREAU 1] |
4917 | 1335 | D | SG Shrf Det CO7 | Sheriff: Detectives Bureau 2 [DET. BUREAU 2] |
4918 | 1336 | D | SG Sheriff SDT1 | Sheriff: Special Detail 1 [SPEC DT 1] |
4919 | 1337 | D | SG Sheriff SDT2 | Sheriff: Special Detail 2 [SPEC DT 2] |
4920 | 1338 | D | SG Shrf Ops1 | Sheriff: Operations 1 [OPS 1] |
4921 | 1339 | D | SG Sheriff Cmnd | Sheriff: Command Unit [ADMIN CH-16] |
4922 | 133a | D | Rochester Police | Rochester Police [ROCHESTER] |
4923 | 133b | D | Shmn/Wilmsv PD | Sherman/Williamsville Police [SHRMN/WIL] |
4924 | 133c | D | Aubrn/Divern PD | Auburn/Divernon Police [AUBURN/DIVERNON] |
4925 | 133d | D | SG RuralLaw 4925 | Rural Law |
4926 | 133e | D | Riverton PD Tac | Riverton Police: Tac [RIVERNTON TAC] |
4927 | 133f | D | Buff/Mech Police | Buffalo/Mechanicsburg Police: Tac [BUFF/MECH] |
4930 | 1342 | D | SG Law 4930 | Law |
4931 | 1343 | D | Sherman PD Tac | Sherman Police: Tac [SHERMAN TAC] |
4932 | 1344 | D | Williamsv PD Tac | Williamsville Police: Tac [WILLIAMSVILLE TAC] |
4933 | 1345 | D | SG Law 4333 | Sheriff: Testing |
4934 | 1346 | D | SthrnView Police | Southern View Police: Local |
4935 | 1347 | D | Jerome PD Tac-6 | Jerome Police: Tac-6 [JEROME TAC CH-6] |
4936 | 1348 | D | SG Law Tac 1 | Law: Tac-1 [SANGAMON TAC 1] |
4937 | 1349 | D | SG Law Tac 2 | Law: Tac-2 [SANGAMON TAC 2] |
4939 | 134b | D | SG Law 4939 | Law |
4940 | 134c | D | LLCC Security | Lincoln Land Community College Security [LLCC PD] |
4941 | 134d | D | SG AnimalControl | County Animal County [ANIMAL CONTROL] |
4944 | 1350 | D | UIS Police Disp | University Illinois Springfield Police: Dispatch |
8381 | 20bd | D | SIU SoM Police | SIU School of Medicine Police (Springfield) |
Fire/EMS on Starcom21
Site | Name | Freqs | ||||||
063 (3F) | Sangamon Co Simulcast | 771.581250 | 771.981250 | 772.231250 | 772.806250c | 773.231250c | 773.481250c | 773.981250c |
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
017 (11) | Chatham | 851.212500 | 851.400000 | 851.575000 | 851.925000c | 852.450000a | 852.850000 | 852.975000a | 853.862500 |
855.187500 |
Site | Name | Freqs | |||||||
030 (1E) | Springfield | 851.112500 | 851.487500 | 852.075000 | 852.325000a | 852.675000 | 852.850000c | 853.375000a | 857.362500 |
858.212500 |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description |
4946 | 1352 | D | SG/Spfld C-MED | Central Medical Emergency Dispatch (C-MED) |
4949 | 1355 | D | Sangamon OEM | Office of Emergency Management (OEM) |
5824 | 16c0 | D | MedicsFirst EMS | AMT MedicsFirst EMS Springfield |
37531 | 929b | T | SG Rural Fire 1 | Rural Fire 1 [2024 Testing] [RF1] |
37532 | 929c | T | SG Rural Fire 2 | Rural Fire 2 (Simulcasting VHF as of 8/24) [RF2] |
37536 | 92a0 | T | SG Fire PG RF6 | Rural Fire 6: Paging (also on 158.82 clear) [RF6] |
37575 | 92c7 | T | SG Fire 37575 | Fire: Ops |
37591 | 92d7 | T | SG Fire 37591 | Fire: Ops |
37620 | 92f4 | T | Mech Fire Local | Mechanicsburg Fire: Local |
37856 | 93e0 | T | Rvrtn Fire Local | Riverton Fire: Local |
MABAS Primary Division 48
Auburn (City) WEB [ FB]
- Police dispatched by Sangamon County (as of 1/18]
- Police possibly using 774.91875 CSQ (or 177.x) for Mobile Extenders (3/9/15); 6 full time officer including the police chief
Auburn Fire Protection District / Emergency Squad WEB FB
- FPD & Emergency Squad merged on Jan 1, 2007; serves 50 square miles with 4317 people.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.81500 | 158.98500 | WPLZ783 | RM | 229.1 PL | Auburn Local | Fire / Public Works / Local [Expired 4/23] | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
Buffalo (Village) WEB [ FB]
Buffalo-Mechanicsburg Police WEB [ FB]
- Joint Police Department also serves Dawson (Tri-Cities)
- Unit numbers: 610-619, dispatch by Sangamon County Sheriff on STARCOM21
Chatham (Village) WEB [ FB]
Chatham Police Department WEB [ FB]
- Has 15 officers (2009)
- Dispatched on STARCOM21 talkgroup 4911
Chatham Fire Protection District/EMS WEB [ FB]
- Serves 15,500 people in 75 sq mi.; 18 volunteer and 13 full time firefighters providing fire, rescue and medical services. (1350 calls 2011; 1104 calls 2007, 70% medical)
- EMS also serves Loami and Divernon
Chatham Public Works/Parks
- Units: C4,C14,C15
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.34000 | 156.01500 | WPWF848 | RM | 225.7 PL | Chatham FireTac | Fireground / Tac / Local | FMN | Fire-Tac |
155.67000 | 159.01500 | WPKC965 | RM | 156.7 PL | Chatham EMA | CEMA: Ops | FMN | Emergency Ops |
155.88000 | WPBB579 | BM | CSQ | Chatham ESDA F3 | ESDA / Weather Spotters | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
153.30500 | 158.41500 | WPOZ759 | RM | 203.5 PL | Chatham PubWrks | Street / Water / Electric | FMN | Public Works |
451.58750 | WPGU746 | M | Chatham WDD | Water Distribution Data (CSQ) | Telm | Data | ||
155.42250 | WQGJ668 | BM | ChtmWarningSiren | ESDA: Warning Siren Activation | Telm | Data | ||
173.22500 | WQLW759 | M | Chatham EMS MX | EMS: Mobile Extenders | FMN | EMS-Tac |
Chatham Electric Department WEB [ FB]
- Unknown frequency/radio usage.
Divernon (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Public Works - maintains it's own gas, water, wastewater, streets and parks (Gas also serves Glenarm)
Divernon Police [ WEB] FB
- Police Dispatched on 155.535R 146.2 PL (Sheriff)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.40000 | WNKW607 | BM | 143 DPL | Divernon FG | Fireground | FMN | Fire-Tac |
155.86500 | WNLA337 | BM | 074 DPL | Divernon PW | Public Works / Police: Local | FMN | Public Works |
Divernon Fire Protection District [ WEB] [ FB]
- 159.4425 Mobile Extenders (NFM) WNKW607
Glenarm (Unincorporated)
- Police patrol by Sheriff's Department
- Fire by Pawnee
- EMS by Springfield C-MED, Chatham or Auburn.
- Gas - Served by Divernon Public Works
- School by Ball-Chatham School District
Grandview (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Police units: 640-649 (Heard 643) (created in 1952. Police Chief, 1 full time and 1 part time officer)
- EMS dispatched by C-MED for Lifestar, America or MedicsFirst
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.71500 | WNLL698 | BM | CSQ | Grandview LG | Public Works / Police Tac [Expired 4/23] | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
lliopolis (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Police Units: 650-659; Dispatched on STARCOM21 with Sheriff
Old Frequencies
- 155.05500 M CSQ I-REACH Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid (F-3) [Expired] KB61721
- 453.45000 RM Police: Old [Expired] KNCE959
- 453.41250 F Water Distribution Data [IG] WQIZ719
458.41250 M Water Distribution Data [Expired] KB28046
Jerome (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Police Units: 660-669 (4 full time officers, dispatched by Sheriff on STARCOM21)
- Fire by Springfield Fire
- EMS dispatched by C-MED for Lifestar, America or MedicsFirst
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.01000 | KH7557 | BM | CSQ | Jerome Local | Streets / Police Tac-1 (w/ Leland Grove) [Expired 6/13] | FM | Multi-Tac |
Leland Grove (City) WEB FB
- 1.5 sq.mi; 1900 residents
- Police Units: 670-679; 6 full time and 4 part-time officers, dispatched by Sheriff on STARCOM21
- EMS dispatched by C-MED for Lifestar, America or MedicsFirst
Old Information
- 460.47500 WNAK400 RM Police: Old Repeater (F-1) [Expired]
460.50000 WNAK400 M Old Car-to-Car (F-2) [Expired]
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.80750 | WQAC881 | M | CSQ | LGrv Police Tac | Police: Tac [Expired 5/24] | FMN | Law Tac |
153.80750 | WQAC881 | M | 664 DPL | LGrv PubWrks | Public Works / Snow Plows <b>[Expired 5/24] | FMN | Public Works |
Loami (Village) WEB FB
- Police Units: 680-689 (Now patrolled by Sheriff?)
Mechanicsburg (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Electricity by AmerenIL and Menard Electric
Buffalo-Mechanicsburg Police Dispatched by Sheriff on STARCOM21 (See Buffalo)
Mechanicsburg Fire / EMS [ WEB] FB
Buffalo-Dawson-Mechanicsburg Sewer Commission
Mechanicsburg-Buffalo Water Commission
New Berlin (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Police dispatched by Sheriff on STARCOM21
New Berlin-Island Grove Fire Protection District
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.86500 | KS6048 | M | CSQ | NBIG Fire 3 | Fireground [Expired] | FMN | Fire-Tac |
151.31000 | WQCF874 | BM | CSQ | NBIG Fire 2 | Fireground | FMN | Fire-Tac |
173.39000 | WQCF874 | M | NBIG Fire MX | Fire: Mobile Extenders (to 151.31) | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Pawnee (Village) WEB FB
- 2700 residents
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.22000 | WNHU816 | BM | 225.7 PL | Pawn Fireground2 | EMS / Fireground [Ch 2] | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
153.25250 | WQCT365 | BM | Pawnee WDD | Water Department: Ops/Data [Expired 5/15] | Telm | Public Works | ||
158.89500 | M | 205 DPL | Pawn Police MX | Police: Dispatch (Rebroadcast/Extender?) | FMN | Law Dispatch | ||
774.91875 | 804.91875 | WQPQ364 | RM | CSQ | Pawn Police MX-O | Police: Mobile Extenders to SC21 (All) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
774.91875 | 804.91875 | WQPQ364 | RM | 110.9 PL | Pawn Police MX-A | Police: Mobile Extenders to SC21 (unit 4?) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
774.91875 | 804.91875 | WQPQ364 | RM | 183.5 PL | Pawn Police MX-C | Police: Mobile Extenders to SC21 | FMN | Law Dispatch |
774.91875 | 804.91875 | WQPQ364 | RM | 67.0 PL | Pawn Police MX-B | Police: Mobile Extenders to SC21 | FMN | Law Dispatch |
Pawnee Fire Protection District WEB FB
- Serves 110 square miles in Sangamon, Montgomery and Christian Counties
Pleasant Plains (Village) WEB FB
- 1.34 sq mi with 806 residents
Pleasant Plains Police [ WEB] FB
- Police dispatched with Sheriff on STARCOM21.
- EMS by C-MED (Rescue by FPD)
Pleasant Plains Rural Fire Protection District (PPFPD) WEB [ FB]
- Serves 100 sq.mi. with 3000 residents
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.77500 | WRFE603 | BM | 225.7 PL | PlPl Fire Local | Fire: Local | FMN | Fire-Tac |
173.36250 | WRFE603 | M | 118.8 PL | PlPl Fire MX | Fire: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Riverton (Village) WEB FB
- Police, Units: SG 730-739
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.77500 | KNCK634 | BM | RAFPD Fireground | Fireground (poss 85.4 ?) | FMN | Fire-Tac | ||
154.29500 | 150.80500 | KZZ914 | RM | 146.2 PL | Riv Police Tac5 | Police: Tactical 5 (Back-up to SC21) | FMN | Law Tac |
151.36250 | KNCK634 | M | Riv Fire MX | Fire: Mobile Extenders (to 158.82) | FMN | Fire-Tac | ||
155.88000 | KNCK634 | M | RAFPD 155.88 | Fire: Local | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Riverton Area Fire Protection District WEB [ FB]
- Provides ALS (Paramedic) Non-transport services 24/7 as well as fire suppression and rescue services including water rescue and recovery.
Rochester (Village) WEB] FB
- Public Works
Rochester Area Fire Protection District WEB [ FB]
- 151.0475 Repeater with 155.6325 (NFM) WRDM861
- Base Stations at Rochester & Barry; serves over 100 Square miles.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.79000 | 153.78500 | KNAS935 | RM | 146.2 PL | Roch PubWrks | Public Works/City Ops | FMN | Public Works |
451.31250 | WPMZ801 | M | Rochester WDD | Water Conservation Metering (CSQ) | Telm | Data | ||
159.15000 | 156.03000 | KNAS935 | RM | 146.2 PL | Rochester Police | Police: Tac/Local (Back-Up to SC21; in use) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
151.26500 | WQOY709 | BM | RochstrFPD Local | Fire : Local (in use) | FMN | Fire-Tac |
- See unit numbers on the unit number wiki page
Sherman (Village) WEB
- 4/24 - 155.055, 156.015 13-110W Mobiles (NFM) WSCK367 Issued 4/24, replacing expired KBxxxxx expired 2/4]
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.94000 | KAY883 | M | Sherman FG | Fireground | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
156.01500 | WSCK367 | M | CSQ | Sherman Village | Public Works / Police: Car-to-Car | FMN | Public Works |
155.14500 | KCI454 | BM | CSQ | Sherman Police | Police [Expired] | FMN | Law Tac |
154.96500 | WQHV351 | BM | Sherman EMA Wx | EMA/Outdoor Wx Warning System (Sirens) (Voice/Data) | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Sherman EMA EMA WEB [ FB]
- 151.16 Base/Mobile and 155.595 Base/Mobile (not 131.8) (NFM Voice/Data) (never heard in use 1/20) WQHV351
- 154.965 Outdoor Warning Sirens (Voice/Data at 5 Locations) (former ALC Airport was 131.8 PL)
Sherman Fire Protection District
Southern View (Village) WEB FB
- 398 acres with 1600 residents on the south side of Springfield
- Police units: 760-769; dispatched by Sangamon County Sheriff on STARCOM21
- EMS dispatched by C-MED
Spaulding (Village) WEB Police FB
- Police Units 770-779
- Fire/EMS by Riverton VFD.
Thayer (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Police Units: SG 780-789 (heard 790,788,789)
- Part of the Virden Fire Protection District, Station #2
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.41500 | WNPF754 | M | 146.2 PL | Thayer PD C2C | Police: Car-to-Car (155.535 extender?) [Expired] | FMN | Law Tac |
Virden (City)
- Mostly located in Macoupin County
Williamsville (Village) WEB [ FB]
- Police units SG 790-799; dispatched by Sheriff on 155.535R
Williamsville Volunteer Fire/EMS WEB [ FB]
- Also Provides service to Elkhart in Logan County
- Units: Tanker 5
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
458.55000 | WQPK230 | M | 186.2 PL | Wmvl PubWrks | Public Works / Village Ops | FMN | Public Works |
- Illinois Fire Services
- Illinois Fire Services Frequencies
- Illinois Ground Transportation
- Illinois Ground Transportation Frequencies
- Illinois Law Enforcement
- Illinois Law Enforcement Frequencies
- Illinois Medical
- Illinois Medical Frequencies
- Illinois Trunking Information
- Illinois Utilities
- Illinois Utilities Frequencies