Stephenson County (IL)
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Stephenson County Government
- Highway Department (new 4/14) 151.2425 Repeater with 155.3525 input, 153.8525 mobiles (NFM) WQTU813
- 854.9625 809.9625 WPWH676 RM Highway Department [Expired 11/22} FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Stephenson County Senior Center WEB
- 158.805 155.970 WNIN531 RM Senior Citizens Center [Expired 5/22] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Stephenson County Sheriff
Former Use, before STARCOM21
- 453.1375 WPCG855 M Sheriff: Receive Link for 154.875 FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 453.1625 WPCG855 M Sheriff: Receive Link for 154.875 FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 453.5875 WPCG855 M Sheriff: Receive Link for 154.875 FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 453.9375 WPCG855 M Sheriff: Receive Link for 154.875 FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 453.9875 WPCG855 M Sheriff: Receive Link for 154.875 FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 156.150 KSA467 M Sheriff: Portables FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 465.3875 KSA467 M 123.0 PL Sheriff: Mobile Extenders (to 154.875) FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
- 465.3875 KSA467 M 97.4 PL Sheriff: Mobile Extenders (to 154.875) FMN Deprecated 1/25//25
Stephenson County 911
- 46.1 CSQ Fire: Old Dispatch Net -- unknown if still any use
Municipalities and Districts
Townships and Water Districts
- Loran Township (Peach City) Water on 157.5435 Mobiles (NFM) WQPW637
- Waddams Township (McConnell) 156.075 Mobiles (NFM) KNBW236
- 151.115 KNBW236 BM Township Road Maintenance B (Multiple Twp) [Expired 1/21] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 151.130 KNDN547 BM Township Road Maintenance C (Multiple Twp) [Expired 8/22] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 461.975 WPWZ268 F Otter Creek Lake Utility District (Davis) [Expired 2/23] Telm Deprecated 1/25/25
Dakota Fire Protection District
- Dispatched with Rock City on 155.7 (WQQP813 NFM)(Local 155.7R 159.135 NFM WQQP813)
- 154.325 M Fireground FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- EMS by Tri-District
Davis Fire Protection District
- Dispatched on 151.325
Freeport (City) WEB FB
Freeport Police Department WEB
- 158.91 M Freeport ERT [No License] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Freeport Fire Department WEB
- Central Fire Station: 1650 S. Walnut Ave.
- Fire Station #1: 904 S. Park Blvd.
- Fire Station #2: 507 S. Adams Ave.
- Consolidated Grain and Barge (300 S Hancock) (EAST) - 453.2375 FXO
- Central Fire Station (1650 S Walnut) CENTRAL - 458.2375 FXO
- Highway Dept (295 W Lamm Rd) SOUTH - 453.7875 FXO 1-10W (NFM) 11/24 FCC Application 0011346784
- 465.5375 WPAR302 M Fire: Mobile Extenders [Expired 4/23] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 465.5875 WPAR302 M Fire: Mobile Extenders [Expired 4/23] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Freeport Public Works
- 453.950 458.950 WQTD700 RM Public Works [Expired 1/24] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 453.975 458.975 WPNR587 RM Public Works [Expired 5/14] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 453.3875 WPJK628 M Freeport Housing Authority [Expired 7/11] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Freeport Water and Sewer Commission
- 956.34375 Itron Water Data 8K85A1D 20KKA2D WPUT807
German Valley-Ridott
German Valley-Ridott Fire Protection District
- 154.19 Base/150 Pagers/50 mobiles, 154.13 Bases/50 Mobiles; 50-50W mobiles on 155.16, 155.34, 155.4 WSDR967 Issued 7/24
Lena Fire Protection District
- EMS by Leamon's Ambulance
Orangeville Fire Protection District
- EMS by Leamon's Ambulance
Pearl City
- 155.0025 159.0925 WRCL650 RM Pearl City Fire Fire FMN Fire Dispatch
Rock City
Rock City Fire Protection District
- EMS by Tri-District
- 154.325 KKC521 BM Fire: Local [Expired 5/21] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Winslow Fire Protection District
- 158.835 WNZL342 BM Fire: Local [Expired 8/15] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Otter Creek Lake Utility District
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Leamons Ambulance Service
Tri-District Emergency Ambulance Service
FHN Memorial Hospital
- 461.225 466.225 WNST225 RM Freeport Communications Center [Expired 7/05] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 461.2625 WPCH850 M Operations [Expired 6/13] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 463.4875 WPCH850 M Operations [Expired 6/13] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 463.6625 WPCH850 M Operations [Expired 6/13] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 464.2875 WPCH850 M Operations [Expired 6/13] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
- 200s Sheriff
- 300s Police
- 700s Shannon Fire
- 1300 Pecatonica Fire
- 3000 Freeport Fire
- 3100 Freeport Rural Fire
- 3200 Cedarville Fire
- 3300 Orangeville Fire
- 3400 Dakota Fire
- 3500 Rock City Fire
- 3600 Davis Fire
- 3700 German Valley Fire
- 3800 Pearl City Fire
- 3900 Lena Fire
- 4000 Winslow Fire
- 1B12 Pearl City Ambulance
- 1B13 Freeport Rural Ambulance
- 1B14 German Valley Ambulance
- 1B15 Leamons Ambulance, Lena
- 1B18 Tri-District Ambulance (Davis, Dakota, Rock City)
- 1B23?? Shannon Ambulance
- 1C21 Pecatonica Ambulance
- 1C42 Pecatonica Ambulance
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Freeport City Fire/Ambulance Tone: 975/1259
Freeport Rural Fire/Ambulance: 703/581
Orangeville Fire: 2362/1230
Lena Fire: 874/797
Pearl City Fire/Ambulance: 583 (Long Tone)
Tri District Ambulance: 651/729
Davis Fire: 1133/729
Dakota School District
- 461.4375 Repeater + other mobile frequencies (NFM, DMR) WRDC459
Freeport School District 145
- 464.025 469.025 WPFZ209 RM HQ/Admin (w/Phone Patch) [Expired 11/24] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
- 155.265 WQQF967 BM Buses [Expired 11/22] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Lena-Winslow Community Unit District 202
Orangeville Community Unit District 203
- 155.205 WNAL588 BM Buses [Expired 10/24] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Pearl City Community Schools
- 464.825 469.825 WPZN667 RM PrlCity Sch1 Maintenance [Expired 2/24] FMN Deprecated 1/25/25
Highland Community College (Freeport)
- 463.725 468.725 WQKP238 RM Emergency Call Boxes [Canceled 6/10] (CSQ) Telm Deprecated 1/25/25
- 464.8125 469.8125 WQKF749 RM Emergency Call Boxes [Expired 5/19] DMR Deprecated 1/25/25
Albertus Airport (Freeport) [FEP/KFEP]
Ronald K. Dornink Airport (Freeport) [C86]
Related Pages
- Businesses Database page and Businesses, Attractions and Recreation Stephenson County (IL) WIKI