Washburn County (WI)
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Analog to Digital
Washburn County has gone fully P25 Digital as of March 30th, 2010. Analog channel will still be used as backup channel.
Unit Numbering
117,118 Minong Ambulance 110,120 Birchwood Ambulance 100s Fire Personal (Eg: Spooner 113, Shell Lake 101) 33xs Spooner PD 34xs Spooner PD 352 Spooner PD 44xs Shell Lake PD 55xs Minong PD 561 Minong Township Constable 681-683 Birchwood PD 700s State Patrol 800s Sheriffs Dept 900s Emergency Management 920 & 921 Jail Transports 5107, 5108, 5109 North Memorial Ambulance (Spooner Station) CAxx- DNR Conservation Aircraft Pilots C2xx- DNR Conservation Wardens NPS 57x- National Park Service Rangers North Spooner Ranger - Wildland Fire Protection South Spooner Ranger - Wildland Fire Protection Minong Ranger - Wildland Fire Protection
P25 Radio ID's
56510 WBSCAN patch 817XX Wisconsin State Patrol Spooner Post dispatchers 66008XX Washburn County Sheriff mobiles 66009XX Washburn County EMA 660092X Washburn County Sheriff Jail Transport mobiles 66013XX ??? 66108XX Washburn County Sheriff portables 66109XX Washburn County EMA 661400X ??? 663000X Washburn County PSAP 669000X ??? (Medcom?) 79012XX North Memorial Air Care 79013XX Life Link III 79113XX Life Link III 81007XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81077XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81107XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81177XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81207XX Wisconsin State Patrol squad radios 81277XX Wisconsin State Patrol squad radios 81607XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81677XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR 8200168 Wisconsin DNR "Spooner" 822066X Wisconsin DNR-Spooner Dispatch (KSB76) 9901110 National Weather Service-Duluth Weather Forecasting Office ??????? Birchwood FD ??????? Birchwood PD ??????? Chicog FD ??????? Indianhead Medical Center ??????? Minong FD ??????? Minong PD ??????? National Park Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?) ??????? National Park Service-Namekagon River Ranger Station/Visitor Center ??????? North Ambulance ??????? North Memorial Ambulance ??????? Shell Lake FD ??????? Shell Lake PD ??????? Spooner Health System ??????? Spooner FD ??????? Spooner PD ??????? US Fish & Wildlife Service (possibly 95XXXXX ?) ??????? Wisconsin DNR Governor Tommy G. Thompson Fish Hatchery ??????? Wisconsin DNR Minong Ranger Station ??????? Wisconsin DNR Spooner Service Center
Pager Tones
- Standard timing 1 sec, 3 sec
Birchwood Amb & Fire 707.3 788.5 Chicog Fire 368.5 389.0 Long Lake First Responders 553.9 726.8 Minong Ambulance 832.5 600.9 Minong Fire 788.5 600.9 Shell Lake Fire 358.6 569.1 5109, 5108, & 5107 Ambulances 553.9 617.4 Spooner Fire 569.1 600.9 Spooner DNR 569.1 634.5