Wayne County (IL)
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Wayne County Government
Wayne County: Communication System Details Fairfield City Police, Fairfield Ambulance, Wayne County Highway Dept, North Wayne Ambulance, & Fairfield City Service are standard conventional repeaters. Each of these repeaters are located in Fairfield, IL. Except for N. Wayne Ambulance (whose repeater is located on their own tower in Cisne)
The Sheriff's repeater has a voting system. The repeater's transmitter is on the county's tower next to the courthouse in Fairfield. Remote receivers are located in Wayne City, Orchardville, and Mt. Erie. They are linked to the Fairfield site via 450mhz links. The links transmit a sample tone 24/7.
Fire department communications take place on simplex using 154.43, and a PL of 77.0. All fire dept's are toned by the new 911 center located inside the Fairfield City Police Department. There is a remote base located 2 miles north of Fairfield on Enterprise Road. Dispatch uses a 450mhz link to use the remote base. Pager Tests are done at 6pm every night.
- Informational Note: EMA and City Police have started buying Icom NXDN radios. Fairfield Police is licensed for 6.25 digital and Wide and Narrowband Analog. EMA is still only licensed for Analog Wideband
154.43 77.0 PL Agencies Dispatched: Fairfield City Fire, Fairfield Rural Fire, Gelf Fire, Orchardsville Fire, Cisne Fire, Wayne City Fire, Wayne City Ambulance,
Dispatched on ? Litton Ambulance??, Xenia Fire, Wayne County Ambulance Service, North Wayne County Ambulance Service
Wayne County Sheriff
NEW NXDN System in use. Dispatch is in the clear, mobiles are encrypted.
Formerly used, please advise if in use
- 151.430 156.2025 RM CC 7 TG 5000 SL 1 Sheriff/Law: Dispatch (Johnsonville) DMRE WRHT739
- 155.535 153.800 RM 131.8 PL (OLD) Sheriff: Dispatch [Ch 1] FMN WSL593
- 458.2625 F CSQ (OLD) Sheriff: Remote Link - Mt Erie FMN WRCA326
- 458.3375 F (OLD) Sheriff: Remote Link - Wayne City FMN WRCA326
- 458.475 F CSQ (OLD) Sheriff: Remote Link - Fairfield FMN WRCA326
- 458.8375 F CSQ (OLD) Sheriff: Remote Link - Johnsonville FMN WRCA326
- 154.860 BM 85.4 PL (OLD) Sheriff: Operations [Ch 2] FMN KNIK563
Old Frequencies, appear to no longer be in use
- 155.31 Repeater/155.64 162.2 PL Sheriff: Old Repeater (was licensed on WSL593, reported in use) WSL593
- 155.64 M 77.0 PL Sheriff: reported in use (was licensed) WSL593
- 156.00 M unknown use KA47994 [Expired]
- 154.43 BM 151.4 PL Fire/EMS: Countywide Dispatch [Ch 1] KDX393
Wayne County Emergency Management
- EMA uses simplex, 156.18 131.8 PL; a simplex repeater is available on this frequency.
- EMA is dispatched from their own Operations Center in Fairfield.
- 2-Tone paging is used on this ham repeater 442.625 to alert Skywarn and ARES members to emergency situations. These tones are: 2073 hz. - 1 second/ 731 hz. - 3 seconds
North Wayne Ambulance
- Dispatched by Fairfield Police on 154.19, use 155.22 Clay Co Hosp. / 155.34 Fairfield
Municipalities and Districts
Townships and Water Districts
- 153.740 WPKE702 M Keith Township: Road Maintenance [Expired 10/02] FMN Deprecated 12/24
155.145 WPCB561 BM Orchard Township: Road Maintenance [Expired 4/13] FMN Deprecated 12.24
Western Wayne Water District
- 956.43125 for Intersys Meter Data 12K WPWD868
- 159.84 Water Data (NFM at Wayne City, Zenia, Johnsonville) WQVI453
Cisne (Village)
- 158.835 BM Government Services FMN KNDH480 [Expired 8/12]
- Fire uses N Wayne Ambulance 154.19 Repeater for Paging / Dispatch / Ops (5/15)
Bedford Township Fire Protection District (Cisne)
Fairfield (City)
- 155.925 BM City Services FMN KRV924 [Expired]
452.350 WNYW370 F Fairfield PW WDD Public Works: Water Distribution Data [Expired 3/22] Telm Deprecated 12/24
Fairfield Police
- 151.415 Repeater/158.97 162 DPL Police: Dispatch (was D261, D732) FMN Deprecated WQCG936
Fairfield City Fire Fairfield Rural Fire Protection District
Geff (Village) / Lamard Township
Lamard Township Fire Protection District (Geff)
Golden Gate (Village)
Johnsonville (Village)
Keenes (Village)
Orchardville Fire Protection District
- Dispatched CSQ by Salem PD/Marion County. ESDA - uses 155.025, ID's are 16-xx, 16R-xx is a youth member in reserves.
Heard on 154.430 calling their chief then changed it to 2700, I am assuming this to be their MABAS number. Near Wayne/Marion County line.
Mt Erie (Village)
Sims (Village)
Wayne City (Village)
Wayne City Ambulance
Wayne City Fire Department
Wayne Fire Protection District #1
- 154.010 WNYH747 BM Fire: Ops / Fireground [Expired 2/22] FMN Deprecated 12/24
158.745 KIB245 BM Utilities [Expired 12/21] FMN Deprecated 12/24
- Located in Clay County, but some of the Rural Fire Protection District (which used to be part of the Orchardsville FPD is in Northern Wayne County)
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Fairfield Memorial Hospital WEB
- 460.3125, 466.3125 Mobiles for Maintenance FMN WPKT216 [Expired]
North Wayne County Ambulance Service
- Serves: Zenith, Johnsonville, Orchardville, Cisne and Rinard. Units: 5J14 Under medical direction from Fairfield Memorial Hospital.
- North Wayne Ambulance Shutting Down To Restructure May 2023 Link
- While in restructuring phase, Wayne County Ambulance, Carle, Wayne City and Clay County will be covering North Wayne Ambulance Service area.
Wayne County Ambulance Service (Fairfield) Facebook
- North Wayne EMS is toned out on 155.805 and dispatched on 155.220; Wayne City EMS is toned out and dispatched on 154.43.
154.190 - N Wayne Ambulance
154.430 - Wayne City Ambulance
151.370 - Wayne County Ambulance
155.340 - Fairfield Memorial Hospital MERCI
159.940 - Fairfield Memorial Hospital Operations
460.3125 - Fairfield Memorial Hospital Maintenance
155.3925 - Wayne County Health Department (Base/Mobile)
154.1675 - Wayne County Health Department (Mobile)
Unit Numbers
- Units: "WC" (heard WC-3); Fairfeld C-3
WC-1 Wayne City Police (DB: Wayne Co Sheriff 155.535)
96-1 Sheriff (DB: Wayne Co Sheriff 155.535)
96-2 Chief Deputy
96-3 thru 96-12 Sheriff's Deputies
96-9 - K9 Unit
C-1 Fairfield Police Chief (DB Fairfield PD 151.415 NEXEDGE)
C-2 - C-13 Fairfield Police units
1601 - 1630 Wayne County EMA Officers (156.180)
786 - EMA Tan Ford Pickup
787- EMA Red Jeep Cheerokee
EMS Units
- 5J10 Wayne City Ambulance stationed at Wayne City Firehouse
- 5J13 Wayne City Ambulance stationed at Wayne City Firehouse
- 5J14 North Wayne Ambulance at Cisne
- 5J15 Wayne Co. Ambulances (at Fairfield)
- 5J16 Wayne Co. Ambulances (at Fairfield)
- 5J17 Wayne Co. Ambulances (at Fairfield)
- 5J18 Wayne Co. Ambulances (at Fairfield)
- EMS Units: 5J10, 5J13, 5J14, 5J16, 5J17, Litton 3
Fire Units
Cisne (Bedford Twp Fire)
Orchardville Fire is 154.430
Fairfield Rural Fire Department
Wayne City Fire
Wayne Fire Protection District #1
- 24T1 Tanker 1 - New 2022
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Fairfield Ambulance 834 hz. - 1 second/ 747 hz. - 3 seconds Wayne City Ambulance 539 hz. - 3 seconds/ 1131 hz. - 1 second Wayne City Fire 539 hz. - 3 seconds/ 1037 hz. - 1 second N. Wayne Ambulance 779 hz. - 1 second/ 739 hz. - 2 seconds Fairfield Rural Fire 321 hz. - 1 second/ 340 hz. - 3 seconds Fairfield City Fire 2073 hz. - 1 second/ 731 hz. - 3 seconds Geff Fire 554 hz. - 1 second/ 617 hz. - 3 seconds< Orchardville Fire 1433 hz. - 1 second/ 379 hz. - 3 seconds Cisne Fire 1404 hz. - 2.5 seconds/ 1180 hz. - 0.1 second Wayne Co. EMA 539 hz. - 1 second/ 349 hz. - 2 seconds Wayne Co. Skywarn/ARES 2073 hz. - 1 second/ 731 hz. - 3 seconds
155.565 - Wayne Co Sheriff
151.415 - Fairfield Police (Icom IDAS Digital, 100% Encrypted)
156.180 - Wayne Co Emergency Management Agency
Fire Departments
154.430 - Bedford Township Fire (Cisne)
154.430 - Fairfield City/Rural Fire
154.385 - Fairfield City/Rural Fire Operations
154.430 - Geff (Lamard Township) Fire
154.430 - Orchardville Fire (Salem PD/ Centralia PD can dispatch also)
154.430 - Wayne City Fire / Ambulance, Wayne Fire Dist #1
154.010 - Wayne City Fire / Ambulance, Wayne Fire Dist #1 Operations
153.740 - Keith Township Road
155.145 - Orchard Township Road
Utilities / Public Works
153.635 - Wayne-White Electric Coop
155.835 - Fairfield Public Works
158.835 - Cisne Public Works/Govt Services
158.745 - Wayne City Utilities
Schools and Colleges
North Wayne Community Unit School District 200
- 155.295 WQH275 BM NWayn SchBus Buses [Expired 9/21] FMN Deprecated 12/24
- Atwood Farms 152.405 Repeater with 157.665 input (Fairfield) 5/23 Application 0010539079 Dismissed 5/3/23
- Atwood Farms 153.485 Repeater with 158.43 input (Fairfield) New 6/23 WRMA628
- Weaver Farms 153.3275 Repeater with 158.3775 input (NFM at Fairfield) WQNV411
- Matthews and Sons Contracting 153.185 Base/Mobile (NFM at Fairfield) WQPD712
- Brandon Warren Farms 153.455 50W Base with 5-50W Mobiles (DMR/NFM) WSBR811
Wayne City
- Harrell Farms 151.865 Base/Mobile (Wayne City) WPZU500
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