Wisconsin Interoperable System for Communications (WISCOM) Technical (WI)
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System Overview
The Wisconsin Interoperable System for Communications (WISCOM) is a 9600 baud Project 25 (P25) Phase 1 digital VHF Trunked Radio System (TRS) that will provide interoperable communications to public safety in the State of Wisconsin.
The initial build-out will commence during the first half of 2010, with completion by the end of the year as stipulated by the federal Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) grant being used to build the system.
The RF site equipment will be supplied by EF Johnson Technologies Inc. (EFJ) of Irving, TX. Each site will have five (5) frequencies using EFJ 3800 series digital repeaters. This equipment is part of EFJ's IP25 technology and each repeater contains its own trunking controller.
The EFJ system will be a distributed network with de-centralized call routing, meaning there is no "central controller" overseeing PTT requests and TG access. Each site handles these needs on its own. There will be some "central" servers with a user database and the like, but it's up to each site to grant system access.
Subscriber units
Since the WISCOM radio system is a 9600 baud P25 digital TRS, subscriber equipment can come from any vendor that sells compatible equipment. As long as a vendor's VHF radio supports P25 9600 baud trunking, it can in theory be used on the WISCOM system.
The SSMG has put out a list of authorized subscriber radios that they will allow on the WISCOM system.
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