
World Wide Technology Raceway (Madison) St. Clair County (IL)

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The City of Madison is mostly located in Madison County, however the racetrack is located in St Clair County
Also see Madison County IL Database page Madison County IL WIKI

WWTR Course Configuration

World Wide Technology Raceway (WWTR Madison) WEB FB

former Gateway Motorsports Park/Gateway International Raceway; located on IL-203 at I-55/70, in NW St Clair County.

The home of NASCAR, INDYCAR, and NHRA racing in St. Louis’ Metro East region. Located just five minutes from downtown St. Louis and covering nearly 700 acres, WWTR is the largest outdoor entertainment facility in the area. WWTR’s facilities include a 1.25-mile superspeedway; 1/4-mile drag strip; 2.0-mile road course; the Gateway Kartplex state-of-the-art karting facility; and the adjacent Gateway National Golf Links.

EMS Provided by MedStar, Fire/Rescue by City of Madison Fire, Police by Madison city and St Clair County Sheriff (Madison County Sheriff may assist)
During large events (such as NASCAR), STARCOM21 is utilized, including these talkgroups

  • A Site-on-Wheels (SOW) was used in 2022, but hasn't been used in 2023 or 2024
  • 30331 ITTF Incident 1
  • 30332 ITTF Incident 2 "requesting extra security at Kenny Wallace stage" (6/2/24) told to switch to Incident 3
  • 30334 ITTF Incident 3 Security (same as 30332) (6/2/24)
  • 30340 ITTF Incident 4 Med-Carts (6/2/224)
  • 7016 St Clair County EMS Common
  • 7087 St Clair County Special Emergency Services (SCC SCSES) Security type ops? (6/1/24)
  • Any of MedStar EMS talkgroups (especially their Event talkgroups)

  • New NXDN license issued 3/23 WRWP630
  • Repeaters on 461.7875*, 462.7375*, 461.7875, 462.7375 (ALL in use 6/23); possible LP repeater on 463/468.375
  • 300-4wt portables on 461.925, 452.5, 457.625, 463.9, 464.7125, 464.8125, 469.3625, 469.825, 469.875

  • Raceway Safety Services; 6-110W mobiles 155.055, 155.16, 155.34 WRCC378
  • WPKS642 License expired in 2012. FCC License
  • Low-power 2W repeaters on 461.4125, 463.7625, 464.7125; 40W mobiles on 457.5625, 462.1735, 464.6875, 467.1375, 469.6875 (and mobiles related the repeaters)

Heard 5/3 - 5/5 2024

  • 461.18750 CC14 TG8701 SL1 RID: 16640, 16616 "DMR BS" simplex, heard I-55/black lane, possible race track (5/6/24)


  • Campbell Security in use 6/1/24, possibly 461.275 NAC293 TG1800

Former Frequency use
Formerly licensed repeaters do not appear to be in use during race 6/3/23 (except 464.7125 D365 was heard)
Former license: WQQC424 also repeaters on 462.4, 464.975 (expired 10/22) FCC License
35W repeaters on 461.4125, 463.7625, 464.7125 (NFM/DMR/NXDN) with 200-4W portables
200-4W portables on, 462.1375, 464.6875, 467.1735, 469.6875 (NFM/DMR/NXDN) (same as below)
35W repeaters on 462.4, 464.975 (not on old license, not on new 2023 license)
464.7125 RM 365 DPL Ops (LP R) FMN WQQC424 (was heard on portables 2023)
462.1375 RM 464 DPL Ops (LP R) [Expired 10/22] FMN WQQC424
464.6875 RM 244 DPL Ops (LP R) [Expired 10/22] FMN WQQC424
464.975 RM 146.2 PL Restroom Maintenance [Expired 10/22] FMN WQQC424
452.625 RM 731 DPL Ops [No License?] FMN Deprecated
457.5625 M Ops 200-4W portables [Expired 10/22] FMN WQQC424

NASCAR License

  • 6W Itinerant Repeaters, on 462.2125, 462.2875, 462.3625, 462.4375, 463.2625 WRFN221 DMR; along with 700-6W portables on input frequencies FCC License. The former license, expired in 2021, WQJX697 had the same frequencies, but 463.2625 was 20W
  • 6-4W portables (nationwide) for the Members Program on 461.25 (FM) WQCZ731 Expired 6/15 FCC License

Related Businesses

  • Volume Services America: Food Service 463.375, 464.9 MobilesWPSY953 [Expired 8/11] FMN
  • 461.35 Repeater, 192.8 PL, was formerly in use by Abbott EMS at the raceway, when they had the EMS contract (license expired 6/11)

Media FOX Sports

NASCAR Illinois 300 Event 6/2/24 Frequencies observed

  • 450.1625, 450.2625, 450.3375, 450.425 All CSQ with the same traffic Race/Announcer Audio
  • 450.6375 CSQ Open Carrier, no voice
  • 450.6875, 450.7375 CSQ Stage Mics (welcome Kenny Wallace up to the stand....)
  • 454.000 CSQ Open Carrier, no voice RACEceiver (assumed)
  • 455.900 CSQ Data of some kind (no decode on DSD+)
  • 460.000 CSQ Open Carrier, no voice (heard for multiple days before race)
  • 476.100, 476.25, 476.325, 476.3625, 476.475, 476.5125, 476.55, 476.5875, 476.625, 476.6625 151.4 on all, all with the same race traffic
  • 942-944 lots of data 945.5875


  • 461.2 Reported (not heard)
  • 463.2625 468.2625 RM CC 15 TG 10888888 SL 1 Operations (RIDs: 18444, 23001, 23003, 21315, 23036)

WWTR Frequencies'

  • 461.4125 D365
  • 461.7875 D134 talk about red course, med cart 2
  • 462.7375 D351 repeater
  • 463.7625 D365 "command from Infield Hospital"