
Getting Started with your GRE/RS Object Oriented Scanner

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Revision as of 22:45, 23 March 2015 by Ka3jjz (talk | contribs)

I got the GRE PSR-500, PSR-600, RS Pro-106, Pro-197, Pro-651, or Pro-652 scanner. I want to change the programming and I dont know how to do it

Whether you're a newcomer or experienced scannist with lots of bank-oriented scanners, the thought of moving to object oriented programming can be rather daunting. We have a lot of resources to help you over the hump, but before we get to that, let's talk about some of the basics first. Let's get started; anything in blue is a link.

The Nuts and Bolts

  • If you're a newcomer, you've probably already discovered that there's a huge amount of terms that seem unfamiliar to you. Our Glossary has lots of these terms, along with definitions. Just click on the term you wish to view.
  • When looking at frequencies in our database, float your mouse over the column header, and you should get a balloon with a brief description of the terms and abbreviations that are used there.
  • The biggest hurdle for many is the concept of trunking. Our Trunking Basics article will get you started, as well as this PDF file written by UPMan. Note that you will need Adobe Acrobat or a compatible reader (such as Foxit) to read it.

Onto the Real Question

  1. If you find the supplied manual hard to understand, download the Easier to Read manual. Scanner Master also sells a printed version.
  2. Our GRE/RS Object Oriented Scanners FAQ addresses many of the concepts (and some of the more common error messages) you'll encounter using these scanners.
  3. If you'd like to try your hand at programming your radio manually, see the Programming_Shortcut_PSR-500/600_RS_Pro-106/197 article.
  4. Many folks prefer using software to program. There are 3 packages that are popular (no freeware, unfortunately)-ARC500, PSREdit500 and Win500. See the Object Oriented Scanner Software article for the links and additional information.
  5. You will need a USB-serial converter to connect the PC and scanner. See the Connecting scanners via USB article for the 2 models that are compatible, along with an explanation on how to use Windoze Device Manager to diagnose connection issues.
    1. Note that while the PSR-500 and PSR-600 come with a USB cable, the PRO-106 and 197 do not. You must buy this seperately if you purchase a RS model.
  6. Lastly you need data. If you purchase a premium subscription you can download data from our database. Alternately you can go to your state's forum and ask for a file. Be specific as to what software you are using, as not all formats are compatible with one another.

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