
Bloomington-Normal McLean County (IL)

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McLean County Scanner - Quick Reference

Bloomington Fire Starcom21 TRS TG 4999 & 4995 P25 digital
Bloomington Police Starcom21 TRS TG 30378 P25 digital
ISU Police Starcom21 TRS TG 4025 P25 digital
Normal Fire Starcom21 TRS TG 30372 P25 digital
Normal Police Starcom21 TRS TG 30366 P25 digital
McLean County Emergency Management Agency (ESDA) Starcom21 TRS TG 30357 and
UHF repeater 453.7000 (103.5)
McLean County Rural Fire VHF simplex Analog
McLean County Sheriff/Rural PDs Starcom21 TRS TG 30358 P25 digital
Illinois State Police Starcom21 TRS TG 13000 P25 digital

METCOM-911 Center dispatches for all the police and fire agencies in McLean County, except for Bloomington PD/FD, ISU PD, and the Illinois State Police who all self-dispatched.

IMPORTANT: If you want to listen to the following agencies, they are using the Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS. You will need a digital scanner capable of monitoring APCO25 trunked systems to monitor the following departments:

  • Bloomington Police [TG 30378]
  • Bloomington Fire [TG 4999 and 4995]
  • Normal Police [TG 30366]
  • Normal Fire [TG 30372]
  • ISU PD [TG 4025]
  • McLean County Sheriff and rural PD's (Bellflower PD, Chenoa PD, Colfax PD, Danvers PD, Downs PD, Ellsworth PD, Hudson PD, Heyworth PD, Lake Bloomington PD {"LB"}, Leroy PD, Lexington PD {“LX”} , Village of McLean PD {“MC”}, and Stanford PD) [TG 30358]
  • County Animal Control [TG 30373]
  • County Coroner [TG 30358] {"Edward units"}
  • County Juvenile Detention Center [TG 30377] {"JDC units'}
  • Illinois State Police [TG 13000]

County Fire and EMS are on VHF except Towanda and Dale Twp fire who are on Starcom21.

No public safety activity remains on the McLean County (METCOM) EF Johnson Multi-Net II TRS. The frequencies have been recycled to Starcom21.

Starcom21 in McLean County

  • The majority of the talkgroups listed for McLean County will always be carried on Site 229 so if you are in range of that site, it's the best one to monitor. On the rural sites listed below, you will usually hear the McLean County Sheriff Dispatch TG, but Normal PD/FD, Bloomington PD, and ISU PD are generally only heard on Site 229

Starcom21 - Site 229 (Normal) frequencies:

029 (1D) Normal852.875000 853.400000c 853.975000 854.287500 856.762500 857.762500c 858.762500 859.762500

Starcom21 - Site 202 (Leroy) frequencies:

002 (2) Dawson Lake (LeRoy)851.350000 851.875000c 854.612500a 858.937500 859.937500

Starcom21 - Site 231 (Congerville) frequencies:

031 (1F) Congerville851.325000 851.850000c 852.900000a 853.452000 854.037500 858.237500 859.237500

Starcom21 - Site 207 (Pontiac) frequencies:

007 (7) Pontiac851.487500 851.962500a 852.325000c 852.850000a 855.712500 856.712500 857.312500 857.712500

McLean County Starcom21 Talkgroups:

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
30350  768e  McL Law Tac-1  Law Tac-1/Patches 
30351  768f  McL Law Tac-2  Law Tac-2/Patches 
30352  7690  McL Law Tac-3  Law Tac-3/Patches 
30353  7691  McL Law Tac-4  Law Tac-4/Patches (Redbird EMS) 
30354  7692  McL Law Tac-5  Law Tac-5/Patches 
30355  7693  McL Law Tac-6  Law Tac-6/Patches 
30356  7694  McL Law Common  Law Enforcement: Common 
30358  7696  McL Shrf/Rur Law  Sheriff / Rural Municipalities Dispatch 
30359  7697  McL Sheriff 3  Sheriff: Ops (Ch 3) 
30360  7698  McL Sheriff 4  Sheriff: Courthouse Security (Ch 4) 
30361  7699  McL Shrf CID  Sheriff: Criminal Investigation Department (CID) 
30362  769a  McL Shrf c2c 5  Sheriff: Car-to-Car (Ch 5) 
30365  769d  METCOM  METCOM Staff/Admin 
30377  76a9  McL Juv Det Cntr  Juvenile Detention Center 
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
30357  7695  McL WX/MutAid  Mutual Aid/County Weather Spotters 
30364  769c  McL EMA Admin  Emergency Management Operations (Admin Ops) 
30373  76a5  McL Health  Health Department 
30375  76a7  McL Co InterOp  Multi-Agency Police/Fire/EMS/Schools Response 
30386  76b2  McL AnimalCntl  Animal Control 
30390  76b6  McL EMA OpsTeam  Emergency Management Agency (Ops Team Channel) 
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
4976  1370  Blmngtn Police 2  Police: Details [Ch 2] 
4977  1371  Blmngtn Police 3  Police: Alternate [Ch 3] 
4978  1372  Blmngtn Police A  Police: Ops  
4979  1373  Blmngtn Police B  Police  
4980  1374  Blmngtn Police C  Police  
4981  1375  Blmngtn Police D  Police 
4983  1377  Blmngtn Police E  Police 
4984  1378  Blmngtn Police F  Police 
4985  1379  Blmngtn PD Surv  Police: Surveillance 
4992  1380  BlmngtnPolicec2c  Police: Car-to-Car "Channel 2" 
4995  1383  Blmngtn Fire/EMS  Fire/EMS: Dispatch 
4996  1384  Blmngtn Firegrnd  Fireground 
4999  1387  Blmngtn FD Alert  Fire: Station Alerting (simulcasts 154.16) 
30378  76aa  Blmngtn Police  Police: Dispatch 
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
30366  769e  Normal Police 1  Police: Dispatch [Ch 1] 
30367  769f  Normal Police 2  Police: Car-to-Car [Ch 2] 
30368  76a0  Normal Police 3  Police: Ops [Ch 3] 
30369  76a1  Normal Police A  Police: Ops 
30370  76a2  Normal PoliceCSI  Police: Detectives (CSI) 
30371  76a3  Normal Police B  Police: Ops 
30372  76a4  Normal Fire  Fire: Dispatch 

Bloomington PD

Bloomington PD is dispatched by Bloomington Dispatch on Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS Site 229 TG 30378. BPD uses full-time encryption.

BPD Starcom21 talkgroup notes:

  • 30378--BPD Dispatch (encrypted)
  • 4976--BPD ch 2 - details
  • 4977--BPD ch 3 - alternate dispatch when 10-33 traffic on ch 1
  • 4978--BPD "ENC 1" (dispatch P25 clear, mobiles Encrypted)
  • 4980--encrypted
  • 4981--encrypted
  • 4983--encrypted
  • 4984--encrypted
  • 4985--
  • 4992--BPD car-car "2" or "Ch 2", encrypted

Note: BPD reportedly has a separate channel (unknown TG#) for Crisis Negotiation Unit (CNU).

Old system information:
BPD units use TG 4992 (encrypted) for car-car TG 4992 appears to be only used from their car mobile radios, not the portables. TG 4992 is referred to as Ch2 (not to be confused with 4976 which is ch2 in the portables).

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
463.35000  468.35000   WPTX400   RM  107.2 PL  BPD MetroEx Metro Explorers [*Expired, correct freq?/license?]  FMN  Law Tac 

Related links:

Bloomington Fire

Dispatched by Bloomington Dispatch on 154.16 (97.4) repeater which is simulcast on Starcom21 TG 4999.

As of March 2015, it appears Bloomington Fire exclusively uses Starcom21 for it's operations (listen to Site 229).

Their VHF frequencies were:

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.19000      KSD332   173.8 PL  METCOM Fire Fire: Countywide Dispatch  FMN  Fire Dispatch 
156.24000  159.00750   KSD332   RM  100.0 PL  BlmngtnFDtac Fire: Tac   FMN  Fire-Tac 
154.16000  151.22000   KSD332   RM  97.4 PL  Blmngtn Fire Fire: Paging Only (ops on Starcom21)  FMN  Fire Dispatch 
159.43500  151.22000   KD4839   CSQ  BlmngtnFD MX Fire: Mobile Extenders  FMN  Fire-Tac 
159.43500      KD4839   293 NAC  Blm Fire P25 Fire: Data Bursts (Phase 1)  P25  Fire-Tac 
159.43500  151.22000   KD4839   RM  156.7 PL  Blm Fire MX Fire: Mobile Extenders (to SC21 TG-4995)  FMN  Fire Dispatch 

Normal PD

Normal PD currently uses Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS Site 229. All Normal PD is full-time encrypted.

  • Talkgroups
    • 30366 Normal PD ch1 - Dispatch
    • 30367 Normal PD ch2 - often used for Car-Car and details, & serves as alternate dispatch channel when ch1 has "10-33" traffic
    • 30368 Normal PD ch3 (very rarely used)
    • 30350 County TAC-1 (used on rare occasion for Normal PD drills)
    • Note: NPD does have three encrypted talkgroups on Starcom21
    • NPD has ISU PD TG 4025 in their radios.

-Normal PD Sub-Beat Map
-Normal PD Staff Directory

  • Normal PD started using the Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS on February 21, 2006. The old UHF channels are no longer used by NPD, but are included for historical purposes:
    • 460.0250 (103.5) old Normal PD 1 (dispatch)
    • 453.9500 (103.5) old Normal PD 2 (alternate, car-car, events)
    • 453.7750 (103.5) old Normal PD 3 (car-car simplex, very rarely used)
    • 453.9250 (127.3) old Normal PD 4 (Bloomington PD 2 {'proactive' gang unit})
    • 453.9000 (103.5) old Normal PD 6 (old ISU PD dispatch)

Normal Fire

Normal Fire is paged by METCOM and operates on Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS Site 229
talkgroup 30372. If you are close to a fire and without a P25 capable scanner, you can monitor the Normal Fire mobile extender repeater on 159.0525 (100.0). Look for fireground communication to be on 153.8300 (69.3) MABAS Fireground Red.

  • Normal has three fire stations (see this link for station addresses and equipment inventory).

McLean County Sheriff

McLean County Sheriff ("Paul units") is dispatched by METCOM on Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS Site 229, Site 202, and Site 231 talkgroup 30358 (often TG 30358 can be heard on Site 207 Pontiac). All McLean Co Shf radio traffic is encrypted.

TG 30359 ch3 is used when ch 1 has emergency traffic. Courthouse security uses TG 30360 ch 4. Rural PD's occasionally use 30362 "ch5" for car-car communications.

Other departments using Starcom21 TG 30358 include: Bellflower PD, Chenoa PD, Colfax PD, Danvers PD, Downs PD, Ellsworth PD, Hudson PD, Heyworth PD, Lake Bloomington PD {"LB"}, Leroy PD, Lexington PD {“LX”}, Village of McLean PD {“MC”}, Stanford PD, and McLean County Coroner ("Edward").

McLean County Fire and EMS

All fire departments (except for Bloomington and Normal Fire) are paged by METCOM on 156.21 (94.8). Most rural fire departments using Starcom2: dispatched on TG 30392 and respond on TG 30379.

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.19000      KDQ349   BM  173.8 PL  METCOM Fire Fire/EMS: Countywide Dispatch (En Route, etc) (except Bloomington
and Normal FDs) [Ch 1] 
FMN  Fire Dispatch 
154.81500  159.03000   KCW420   RM  173.8 PL  METCOM EMS EMS: Countywide Dispatch (en route, etc) (except Bloomington FD)   FMN  EMS Dispatch 
154.23500      KDQ349   BM  CSQ  METC FD FG-S Fireground: South County Rural (South of Route 9)  FMN  Fire-Tac 
155.16000      KLS630   BM  173.8 PL  McLn Rescue McLean County Rescue Squad [Expired]  FMN  Fire-Tac 
156.21000      KCW420   94.8 PL  METC Fire PG Fire/EMS: Countywide Paging (no reciever) (except Bloomington,
Normal FD) 
FMN  Fire Dispatch 
856.48750  811.48750   WQGC851   RM  CSQ  METC Sirens Outdoor Warning Sirens (*see notes)  FMN  Data 
460.20000      WQBJ611   91.5 PL  METC FD RFA Fire/EMS: Link (to 156.21 West Tower - Bloomington)  FMN  Fire Dispatch 
460.20000      WQBJ611   82.5 PL  METC FD RFB Fire/EMS: Link (to 156.21 South Tower - Downs)  FMN  Fire Dispatch 
460.20000      WQBJ611   67.0 PL  METC FD RFC Fire/EMS: Link (to 156.21 South-East Tower - Arrowsmith)  FMN  Fire Dispatch 
460.20000      WQBJ611   74.4 PL  METC FD RFD Fire/EMS: Link (to 156.21 North Tower - Lexington)  FMN  Fire Dispatch 

McLean County EMS radio identifiers

McLean County Fire radio identifiers

McLean County EMA

The main talkgroup to monitor when storms approach is TG 30357 on Starcom21. McLean County EMA does have an administrative talkgroup (TG 30364) on Starcom21. The village EMA centers use radio identifiers (see map) to report storm updates to the EOC. Since 2013 EMA has mostly abandoned using 453.7000 (103.5) for regular usage due to the FCC narrowbanding mandate. For damage assessment, 453.6750 (173.8) has been utilized in the past.

To get a regional perspective on the storm's progress, McLean County EMA gives and receives updates from Lincoln WX on Starcom21 TG 30324.

Other frequencies are used locally to report storm conditions.

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
153.24500      WPMH871   BM  173.8 PL  Gridley ESDA1 Gridley ESDA [Expired 7/23]  FMN  Emergency Ops 
154.05500      KFK864   BM  131.8 PL  Eureka ESDA Eureka ESDA (West Township)  FMN  Emergency Ops 
154.08500      KSO911   BM  CSQ  Carlk/Danvr ESDA Carlock, Danvers ESDA [Expired 11/23]  FMN  Emergency Ops 
154.96500      WPRR691   BM  CSQ  McLean Co ESDA ESDA: Colfax, Anchor, Cooksville  FMN  Emergency Ops 
155.10000        BM  CSQ  Hudson ESDA Hudson ESDA [No License?]  FMN  Emergency Ops 
155.79000  153.87500   WQOT809   RM  306 DPL  Leroy ESDA Leroy ESDA   FMN  Emergency Ops 
157.62000        BM  103.5 PL  McL EMA Maint EMA: Maintenance [No License?]  FMN  Emergency Ops 
159.10500      WPCR931   BM  186.2 PL  Gridley ESDA2 Gridley ESDA  FMN  Emergency Ops 
453.45000      KZV881   BM  103.5 PL  Lexington ESDA Lexington ESDA  FMN  Emergency Ops 
453.70000  458.70000   KWB763   RM  103.5 PL  McLean EMA 1 EMA: Main Operations (Normal)  FMN  Emergency Ops 

Illinois State Police

Bloomington-Normal is located within ISP District 6. Pontiac, IL is the district HQ. Patrol units are 600's, matching their patrol car's license plate in most cases.

As of August 13, 2007 - ISP D6 is now using Starcom21

ISP District 6 Starcom21 Trunked System


002 (2) Dawson Lake (LeRoy)851.350000 851.875000c 854.612500a 858.937500 859.937500

007 (7) Pontiac851.487500 851.962500a 852.325000c 852.850000a 855.712500 856.712500 857.312500 857.712500

029 (1D) Normal852.875000 853.400000c 853.975000 854.287500 856.762500 857.762500c 858.762500 859.762500


DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
13013  32d5  D6 Detail A  Detail A 
13014  32d6  D6 Detail B  Detail B 
13026  32e2  D6 IREACH  IREACH Patch 
13038  32ee  D6 Local Patch  Local Patch 
13050  32fa  D6 DCI Ops  Division of Criminal Investigation 
13073  3311  D6 Intercom  Intercom 

Statewide ISP frequencies formerly used around Bloomington-Normal.
Some of these may still be active even though regular ops are now on Starcom21.

  • 155.475 HF-1 ISPERN - Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network
  • 155.055 HF-3 IREACH -- Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid
    * 155.505 ISP Mobile Extenders
  • 155.46 HF-4 Used extensively in Bloomington-Normal area for base-to-car and car-to-base as an alternate to 42.52 / 42.72
  • 42.5 CSQ LF-2 Statewide car-car (ex. radar details)
  • 154.905 ISP DCI HF-2 occasionally troopers will make traffic stops on this channel (mobiles tx PL 110.9)

ISP District 6 Pontiac Conventional Frequencies: NOW TROOP XX
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< These will be used less frequently due to the fact that ISP D6 switched to using Starcom21 on 8/13/2007.

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.68000  KSA776   BM  CSQ  ISP D6 HF-2 Dispatch (Old)  FMN  Law Dispatch 
764.16875  WPTZ798   155 DPL  ISP D6 MX-O Vehicular Repeater/Mobile Extender - Out (to SC21)  FMN  Law Dispatch 
794.16875  WPTZ798   412 DPL  ISP D6 MX-I Vehicular Repeater/Mobile Extender - In (to SC21)  FMN  Law Dispatch 

ISU - Illinois State University

ISU Police

As of October 2006, ISU PD now uses Starcom21 Motorola P25 TRS Site 229 for dispatch and operations.

ISU Starcom21 Talkgroups
4025 - ISU PD (dispatch)
4026 - ISU PD (ch 2)

  • Previously, ch1 453.9000 (103.5) was ISU PD and ch2 453.6500 (103.5) was Parking Services/Housing. Housing has inherited the old ISU PD 453.900 repeater while parking remains on 453.650 [4/7/07].
  • ISU PD units are in the "100's" series and are self dispatched. Post is "Illinois". Along with the standard 10-codes, ISU PD uses its own radio code system which is outlined here
  • Fire Department response to ISU is from Normal Fire Department's Fire Station #2 604 N Adelaide St (see 'Normal Fire' on this page).
  • ISU Environmental Health/Safety officers use 453.200 (103.5). This repeater is not usually very active except for emergencies (ex. science lab chemical spill).

ISU Facilities

Most ISU operations are now on the Clear Talk Connect Plus TRBO system. Avideo about their radios can be found here.


015 (F) Normal / Bloomington (LCN)856.537500 857.537500 858.537500c 859.537500 860.537500

ISU PD monitors Special Events A (ch 1) 24 hrs a day and can be used to contact PD in emergencies. Radio channels 15 and 16 are simplex channels.

DEC Mode Alpha Tag Description
110  ISU Spec Event A  Special Events A 
111  ISU Spec Event B  Special Events B 
112  ISU Spec Event C  Special Events C 
113  ISU Spec Event D  Special Events D 
114  ISU Facility A  Facilities A 
115  ISU Facility B  Facilities B 
116  ISU Facility C  Facilities C 
117  ISU Housing  Housing 
118  ISU Athletic  Athletics 
119  ISU Parking  Parking 
120  ISU ClientSrvcs  Client Services 
121  ISU Safety/Sch  Safety / Schools 
122  ISU Bone/BradenA  Bone / Braden A 
123  ISU Bone/BradenB  Bone / Braden B 
  • Ch 15 Special Events - Low Power (simplex)
  • Ch 16 Campus Dining (simplex)

ISU still uses 453.65 (103.5) for the G4s Wackenhut security on campus. 453.9 (103.5) repeater is still on the air (as of Mar 2015) and seems to have been donated to the athletics dept for usage by their athletic trainers. 453.2000 (103.5) is still on the air as of (as of Mar 2015)--heard a repeater keyup.

ISU Redbirds Athletics/Events

Before the switch to Clear Talk TRBO system 453.8125 (151.4) was the arena/athletics repeater. They now have a talkgroup on the ClearTalk TRBO system.

Hancock Stadium - (Men's Football)
Frequencies as of October 2013

  • Starcom21 TG 30353 McLean Co Tac 4 - EMS units
  • Starcom21 TG 30354 McLean Co Tac 5 - ISU PD (some Normal PD heard)
  • 461.8375 DCS612 Concessions
  • 464.5 DCS125 video production
  • 453.9 (103.5) athletic trainers repeater

Frequencies as of November 2010

  • 453.8125 151.4 Redbird Arena/ISU athletics repeater
  • 461.8375 DCS612 Concessions
  • 462.6875 85.4 athletic trainers
  • 453.65 103.5 ISU Parking
  • { {DB|s|2324|Starcom21}} TG 4026 ISU PD 2 - ISU PD at the game

Redbird Arena – (Men’s/Women’ Basketball, Women’s Volleyball)
frequencies as of 2011-2012

  • 453.8125 (151.4) ISU Athletics/Redbird Arena
  • 461.8375 (DCS612) ISU Redbird Arena Concessions
  • Starcom21 TG 4025 ISU PD
  • 453.6500 (103.5) ISU Parking
  • 72.9 WFM - Assisted Listening Devices

If Normal Fire is needed at an athletic event:

  • Starcom21 TG 30372 Normal Fire Dispatch
  • 159.0525 (100.0) Fire mobile extenders (repeats TG 30372)
  • 153.83 (69.3) Fireground (MABAS fireground Red)

The ISU Homecoming Parade frequencies are listed here.

Bone Student Center/Braden Auditorium had two channels prior to switching to Clear Talk TRBO system

  • 453.3 (151.4) simplex
  • 458.3 (CSQ) simplex

The new Rec Center used 453.875 (210.7) simplex

Snow Plow Frequencies

City, State, and County Highway Departments

  • 453.150 DCS331 Bloomington Public Works since early 2013.-->December 2016 reportedly now using Starcom21 encrypted talkgroups (source)
  • Normal Public Works uses Verizon PTT (source)
  • 151.0100 (141.3) McLean County Highway Department
  • Starcom21 Site 229 TG 5664 - IDOT Bloomington and TG 5665 Towanda and Leroy Yards (as of Dec. 2013)
  • 453.6000 (131.8) ISU Grounds (snow removal on campus) Using ClearTalk MOTOTRBO Connect Plus TRS (as of early 2013)

Township Highway Departments

Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
45.32000        BM  CSQ  Allen Twp Hwy Allen Township Highway Department  FM  Public Works 
151.02500        BM  CSQ  WapelloTwp Roads Wapella Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
151.08500      WNBU776   BM  110.9 PL  Dale Twp Roads Dale Township Highway Department  FMN  Public Works 
151.08500      WNBU776   BM  192.8 PL  Waldo Twp Road Waldo Township Highway [Expired 1/15]  FMN  Public Works 
151.13000      WQRA438   BM  CSQ  Hudso nTwp Roads Hudson Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
151.13000      WNQU290   BM  179.9 PL  Gridley Twp Road Gridley Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
151.13000      WNDH652   BM  CSQ  Martin Twp Roads Martin Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
151.52000        BM  151.4 PL  RandTwp Roads 2 Randolph Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
153.24500  159.49500   WPMH871   RM  141.3 PL  BlmnTwp Roads Bloomington Township Highway (Tucci Rentals)/Storm spotting  FMN  Public Works 
154.04000      KTO388   BM  CSQ  BMndTwp Roads Blue Mound Township Highway [Expired 6/03]  FMN  Public Works 
154.05500      KFK864   BM  CSQ  West Twp Roads West Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
155.95500      KVW835   BM  173.8 PL  Empire Twp Roads Empire Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
453.30000  458.30000   WPWE530   RM  107.2 PL  RandTwp Roads 1 Randolph Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
461.55000  466.55000     RM  413 DPL  Lexngtn Twp Hwy Lexington Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
461.97500  466.97500     BM  107.2 PL  RandTwp Roads 3 Randolph Township Highway   FMN  Public Works 
151.01000  156.04500   KKE915   RM  CSQ  Downs Twp Roads Downs Township [Expired 9/15]  FMN  Public Works 
154.51500        BM  CSQ  Danvers Twp Rds2 Danvers Township  FMN  Public Works 
155.94000      KNDQ282   BM  CSQ  DryGrvTwp Road 2 Dry Grove Township [Expired 1/02]  FMN  Public Works 
155.98500        BM  CSQ  ChGrove TwpRds1 Cheney's Grove Township  FMN  Public Works 
157.62000        BM  203.5 PL  Arrwsmth Twp Rds Arrowsmith Township  FMN  Public Works 
158.88000      KNNV685   BM  CSQ  ChGrove TwpRds2 Cheney's Grove Township [Expired 5/11]  FMN  Public Works 
158.94000      WPEQ674   151.4 PL  Danvers Twp Rds1 Danvers Township  FMN  Public Works 
453.77500  458.77500     100.0 PL  WG/Knox Twp Rds Knox/Walnut Grove Township  FMN  Public Works 
463.35000  468.35000     RM  156.7 PL  DryGrvTwp Road 1 Dry Grove Township  FMN  Public Works 
153.92000      WQRB833   BM  CSQ  WOakTwp Roads White Oak Township Road Maintenance (Carlock) [Expired 4/23]  FMN  Public Works 
156.13500      WPVC468     Cropsey TwpRoads Cropsey Township Road Maintenance [Expired 6/22]  FMN  Public Works 
158.74500      WPGI341   BM    Old Twp Roads 2 Old Town Township Highway Maintenance  FMN  Public Works 
151.01000      WQU339   BM  CSQ  Old Twp Roads 1 Old Town Township (Downs) [Expired 10/15]  FMN  Public Works 
155.38500  158.83500   WQEK977   RM    MtHope Twp Roads Mt. Hope Township Road Maintenance/Snow Plows (McLean) (71.9?)  FMN  Public Works 

Also worth monitoring to get updates on road conditions...

  • 453.7 (103.5) McLean County EMA (rescues people stranded in their cars), although Starcom21 TG 30364 EMA ADMIN was used for this purpose in December 2008 and in 2013 but in 2012 and 2014 this was on TG 30357 MUTUAL AID
  • 453.6750 (173.8) County damage assessment officers have used this repeater in the passed to report tornado damage
  • 453.4250 (141.3) BNPTS - transit buses
  • 155.235 (DCS432) McLean County Unit 5 school buses (Normal)
  • 463.3625 (DCS 051) Bloomington District 87 school buses
  • 156.21 (94.8) McLean County Rural Fire paging
  • 154.19 (173.8) McLean County Rural Fire
  • {DB|s|2324|Starcom21}} TG 13000 -- ISP D6 DISP A
  • Starcom21 TG 13044 -- ISP D6 CAR-CAR
  • Starcom21 Ameren talkgroups
  • Cleartalk CornBelt talkgroups

State IDOT (adjacent jurisdictions)
You're likely to hear activity from these IDOT Yards on Starcom21 TRS (TG Yard):

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
4478  117e  DT4 Operations A  Operations A 
4479  117f  DT4 Operations B  Operations B 
4486  1186  DT4 Operations C  Operations C  
4487  1187  DT4 Operations D  Operations D / Signs 
5637  1605  DT4 Ops 5637  Operations (Stark Co line) 
5651  1613  DT4 Ops 5651  Operations 
5652  1614  DT4 Ops 5652  Operations 
5653  1615  DT4 Ops 5653  Operations 
5654  1616  DT4 ElPso/Wenona  El Paso, Wenona Yards [Woodford, Marshall] 
5655  1617  DT4 Peoria West  Peoria West Yard [Peoria] 
5656  1618  DT4 Morton  Morton Yard [Tazewell] 
5657  1619  DT4 Knxvl/Wyomng  Knoxville, Wyoming Yards [Knox, Stark] 
5658  161a  DT4 Macmb/Lwstwn  Macomb, Lewistown Yards [McDonough, Fulton] 
5659  161b  DT4 Mnmt/Aled/Bg  Monmouth, Aledo, and Biggsville Yards 
5660  161c  DT4 SignShp?5660  Operations (Sign Shop?) 
5661  161d  DT4 Ops 5661  Operations (Bridge Yard?) 
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
4480  1180  DT5 Operations A  Operations A 
4481  1181  DT5 Operations B  Operations B 
4488  1188  DT5 Operations C  Operations C 
4489  1189  DT5 Operations D  Operations D  
5662  161e  DT5 MonticElo Yd  Monticello Yard [Piatt] 
5663  161f  DT5 Clinton Yard  Clinton Yard [DeWitt] 
5664  1620  DT5 Bloomington  Bloomington Yard [McLean] 
5665  1621  DT5 Townda/LeRoy  Towanda / Leroy Yards [McLean] 
5666  1622  DT5 Paris Yard  Paris Yard [Edgar] 
5667  1623  DT5 Tuscola Yard  Tuscola Yard [Douglas] 
5668  1624  DT5 Fithian Yard  Fithian Yard [FN-Vermilion] 
5669  1625  DT5 Danvile Yard  Danville Yard [Vermilion] 
5670  1626  DT5 Champaign Yd  Champaign Yard [Champaign] 
5671  1627  DT5 Leverett Yd  Leverett Yard [Champaign] 
5672  1628  DT5 Signs/Brdges  Sign Shop / Bridge Yard (Ridgway?) 


Grossinger Motors Arena - Bloomington, IL

Home of the Bloomington Thunder hockey team and the Bloomington Edge indoor football team. Formerly known as the US Cellular Coliseum.

US Cellular Coliseum forum thread

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
464.55000    174 DPL  GMA GstSvc Guest Services  FM  Business 
467.90000  WPAM358   271 DPL  GMA Scoreb Scoreboard/Contests (Hill Radio) [Expired 9/12]  FMN  Business 
467.92500  WPAM358   143 DPL  GMA Maint Building Maintenance (Hill Radio) [Expired 9/12]  FMN  Business 
462.56250    67.0 PL  GMA LuxSuit Luxury Suite Staff?  FM  Business 
462.63750    67.0 PL  GMA IceAren Pepsi Ice Arena?  FMN  Business 
464.50000    311 DPL  GMA Concess Concessions  FM  Business 
461.11250    331 DPL  GMA Ops Stadium Ops  FMN  Business 

The following is prior to BPD switching to Starcom21

BPD units at the Coliseum often use the "Baker" radio ids, such as "Baker 1", and usually use the 453.15 repeater. Once or twice I heard some units at the Coliseum on 453.925.

During the 1/26/08 Kid Rock concert, the BPD units at the Coliseum used 453.925. Quite a few patrol units had to respond, so there was some activity on 453.15 (the regular dispatch channel). Bloomington Fire/Rescue had to respond a few times and they used 154.16.

Corn Crib - Normal, IL

Home of the Normal CornBelters baseball team.

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
464.55000  67.0 PL  CornCrib Ops Corn Crib: Operations  FMN  Business 
  • { {Thread|illinois-radio-discussion-forum|182235-corn-crib-normal.html| Forum Thread: "Corn Crib - Normal"|}} - discusses frequencies used at the stadium during the CornBelters' games.

ISU Sporting Events - Normal, IL

For scanner frequencies for ISU Redbirds sporting events, see the ISU section of this webpage

Fourth of July Fireworks - Bloomington-Normal, IL

Music that accompanies the fireworks at both parks is heard on 1230 AM WJBC

Bloomington Miller Park

  • Bloomington PD uses BPD 2 Starcom21 TG 4976 for the Miller Park detail (as of 2014)
  • 453.1000 (118.8) Bloomington Park District [repeater] (2014 may not be in use?)
  • 453.1000 (110.9) Miller Park Zoo [repeater] (2014 may not be in use?)
  • 154.1600 (97.4) Bloomington Fire [simplex]

Normal Fairview Park

  • Normal PD uses NPD 2 Starcom21 TG 30367 for traffic control (as of 2014)
  • Normal Fire uses Starcom21 TG 30372 for responding to fireworks related fires
  • Normal PD channel 1 Starcom21 TG 30366

McLean County Fair WEB Forum Thread: "McLean County Fair" Thread

2014 McLean County Fair frequencies:

  • Starcom21 TG 30352 Mclean Co Tac 3 - main Bloomington PD talkgroup
  • Starcom21 TG 30390 BPD Explorers
  • Starcom21 TG 30379 briefly heard a unit mentioning being out at the fairgrounds, appeared to be Bloomington Fire

2010 McLean County Fair frequencies:

  • 453.9250 (127.3) Bloomington PD

2008 McLean County Fair frequencies:

  • 453.9250 (127.3) was all that I heard used. It's possible there may have been some simplex or low-power repeater frequencies used but none that I could receive from home.

2007 McLean County Fair frequencies:

  • 453.9250 (127.3) was all that I heard used. It's possible there may have been some simplex or low-power repeater frequencies used but none that I could receive from home.

2006 McLean County Fair frequencies:

  • Bloomington PD 'Proactive' units used ch2 453.9250 (127.3) for the fair detail. In the pre-METCOM days, I used to hear deputies at the fair on 453.675 but now BPD covers the fair since the Interstate Center now within the corporate limits.
  • McLean County EMA was using Starcom21 TG 30364 at the fair.

Interstate Center frequencies:

Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
461.08750  606 DPL  McLCo Fair 1 McLean County Fair 2011 [Ch 1]  FM  Business 
462.76250  315 DPL  McLCo Fair 2 McLean County Fair 2011 [Ch 2]  FMN  Business 
461.31250  054 DPL  McLCo Fair 3 McLean County Fair 2011 [Ch 3]  FMN  Business 
461.16250    McLCo Fair4 McLean County Fair 2011 [Ch 4]  FMN  Business 

I wasn't close enough to hear if any of the above simplex freqs were used by fair staff. In my notes archive, I had noted hearing Fair ops on a 461.150 repeater ten or so years ago (the only license for this freq is for Supreme Communications so possibly they were using rental radios). In addition to the database frequencies listed above, the Interstate Center holds license WPLR462 for a repeater on 452.1250 DPL 251.

Taste of Country Fair - Lexington, IL

Event no longer held
  • 853.4875 DCS703 Fair Ops (simplex)
  • Lexington PD uses the Starcom21 TRS
  • 156.2100 (94.8) Lexington FD/Ambulance paging
  • 154.1900 (173.8) Lexington Fire Response
  • 154.8150 (173.8) Lexington Ambulance Response, En-Route (input is 159.030)

Special Olympics Illinois Summer Games - Normal, IL (ISU) WEB

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
456.80000  WQNG463   465 DPL  ILSpcOlympics B Operations  FMN  Business 
469.50000  WQNG463   065 DPL  ILSpcOlympics D Operations  FMN  Business 
451.80000  WQNG463   251 DPL  ILSpcOlympics A Operations  FMN  Business 
464.55000  WQNG463   156 DPL  ILSpcOlympics C Operations  FMN  Business 

Confirmed in 2017:

  • 469.5 DCS065 (at Shirk Center 3/19/17)

Confirmed in 2013:

  • 456.8 DCS465 event staff
  • 469.5 DCS065 event staff
  • NPD: Starcom21 TG 30367 (parade on Friday)

Other frequencies I heard by ISU baseball field on Friday that are not familiar to me for Bloomington-Normal:

  • 467.9 DCS734
  • 467.85 DCS754 fieldhouse and gymnastics mentioned
  • 469.55 DCS205 mentioned going to the dorm

Confirmed in 2009:

  • 464.6  WQBL564   M  051 DPL IL Special Olympics
  • 464.55  WQBL564   M  251 DPL IL Special Olympics
  • 464.65  WQBL564   M  065 DPL IL Special Olympics
  • 453.8125 (151.4) ISU Athletics Department
  • I SU PD: Starcom21 TG 4025
  • ISP D6: Starcom21 TG 13044 D6 CAR-CAR (parade on Friday)
  • NPD: Starcom21 TG 30367 (parade on Friday)
  • McLean County EMA: Starcom21 TG 30350 McLean Co Tac 1 -- providing medical support at ISU residence halls (Watterson Towers mentioned)
  • Normal Fire: Starcom21 TG 30372; or listen to 159.0525 (100.0) for fire/ems responses
  • 453.6 (131.8) ISU Facilities Management

Confirmed in 2008:

  • 464.6 051 DPL Illinois Special Olympics 
  • 464.55 251 DPL Illinois Special Olympics 
  • 453.8125 (151.4) ISU Athletics Department
  • I SU PD: Starcom21 TG 4025
  • I SP D6: Starcom21 TG 13044 D6 CAR-CAR
  • Normal Fire: Starcom21 TG 30372; or listen to 159.0525 (100.0) for fire/ems responses

Confirmed in 2007:

  • ISU PD: Starcom21 TG 4025
  • ISP D6: Starcom21 TG 13044 and TG 13063
  • ISU Facilities Management: 453.600 (131.8)
*NPD:  Starcom21 TG 30367 (parade on Friday)

Unconfirmed but possible usage:

  • 453.9 (103.5) formerly ISU Housing
  • 453.65 103.5) formerly ISU Parking
  • NPD: Starcom21 TG 30366 NPD DISPATCH

Special Olympics Illinois
[90 - Applicant is a tax exempt Non-Profit organization that that works with intellectually disabled persons. Frequencies will be used to coordinate activities safely.]
1-Nationwide Itinerant portables on 451.8, 456.8, 46.5, 464.55, 469.5, 496.55

[radios will be used by the staff to organize, maintain and provide security of Olympic games for the physically challenged throughout the state of Illinois.]
ctrl pt 1 - 605 E. WILLOW NORMAL IL 309-888-2551
11/01/04 License Issued
1 - IL Statewide
464.5000 MOI 95x4e
464.5500 MOI 95x4e
2 - IL Statewide
461.1000 MO 95x4e
462.1250 MO 95x4e
462.3750 MO 95x4e
462.4000 MO 95x4e
464.6000 MO 95x4e
464.6500 MO 95x4e
464.7000 MO 95x4e
464.7500 MO 95x4e
NOTE: 461.1000 and 464.6500 have near constant data in the Bloomington-Normal area

ISU Homecoming Parade/Game - Normal, IL

ISU Homecoming website
Confirmed 2013 frequencies:

  • Starcom21 TG 30350 McLean Co Tac 1 - ISU PD inside Hancock Stadium during the game
  • Starcom21 TG 30351 McLean Co Tac 2 - Normal PD during the parade
  • Starcom21 TG 30353 McLean Co Tac 4 - EMS units
  • Starcom21 TG 30354 McLean Co Tac 5 - ISU PD outside Hancock Stadium (tailgating lots)
  • 464.5000 DCS125 video during football game
  • 461.8375 DCS612 Hancock Stadium concessions

Confirmed 2011 frequencies:

  • Normal PD used TG 30367 "Channel 2" on Starcom 21 TRS for traffic control
  • ISU PD used TG 4025 on Starcom 21 TRS. The units at the football game later that day used ISU PD's ch 2 TG 4026
  • 453.650 (103.5) ISU Parking
  • 453.200 (103.5) ISU Safety - seemed to be parade coordination

Confirmed 2007 frequencies:

  • Normal PD used TG 30367 "Channel 2" on Starcom 21 TRS for traffic control
  • ISU PD used TG 4025 on Starcom 21 TRS
  • 453.600 (131.8) ISU Facilities (used by parade staff as well as ISU Grounds)
  • 453.650 (103.5) ISU Parking
  • a few radio station Marti units were heard in the 450-451 MHz range
  • for the football game frequencies, see this section

ISU Move-In Day each August - Normal, IL (ISU)

ISU Move-In website
Crowded day around ISU as the freshmen move in to the dorms.

  • 453.900 (103.5) ISU Housing
  • Starcom21 TG 4025 - ISU PD
  • 453.650 (103.5) ISU Parking
  • 453.600 (131.8) ISU Facilities Management

Related frequencies

  • 453.425 (141.3) Bloomington-Normal Transit buses and ISU Redbird Express
  • Starcom21 TG 30366 - Normal PD

St Patrick's Day Parade - Downtown Normal

  • Parade 3/16/13 and 3/15/14, Normal PD used Starcom21 TG 30351 Tac 2
  • ISU PD on Starcom21 TG 4025 briefly mentioned about the 2013 parade

Hearts at Home Conference - Normal, IL (ISU)

Hearts at Home is a yearly national conference held that was held at ISU in the spring.

  • 453.900 (103.5) Hearts at Home ops (2014) [repeater]
  • 462.075 (218.1) Hearts at Home ops (2007) [repeater]
  • 461.250 (91.5) Hearts at Home ops (2005 and 2006 conferences, not used in 2007) [repeater]
  • For other possible frequencies, check the ISU section of this webpage


Eastland Mall - Bloomington, IL
Eastland Mall website

  • 461.6375 (DCS114) Mall security/maintenance (F1 repeater/F2 ?talkaround)
Frequency  Input   
License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
461.63750  466.63750   KD38958   RM  114 DPL  Eastland Mall Mall - Security/Maintenance   FMN  Security 
467.92500      WPYX853   743 DPL  VictriaSecret EM Victoria's Secret  FMN  Business 
467.90000      WQEB375   632 DPL  BathBody EM Bath and Body Works  FMN  Business 

Freqs/tones heard near Eastland Mall. Channel descriptions are assumed based on these being common nationwide store freq/PL combination.

  • 467.7625 (71.9) American Eagle Outfitters or Gap?
  • 151.955 (74.4) Gap or Old Navy (heard in March 2005)
  • 467.925 (67.0) mentioned "aisle 1" Bed Bath & Beyond based on tone (heard Black Friday 2008 at Empire and Veterans)
  • 467.875 (110.9) store, probably The Limited based on freq/tone (heard from Empire and Veterans Jan 2011)
  • 467.9 (67.0) store (heard from Empire and Veterans Jan 2011)
  • 466.3375 (82.5) heard by Kohls and JC Penney (2014)
  • 467.85 (67.0) faintly heard (2014)
  • 151.625 (210.7) heard by Macy's and JC Penney (2014)
  • 467.225 (close call hit by JC Penney, 5 bars) (2014)
  • 467.8125 (67.0) (2014)
  • 154.57 (74.4) 5 bars by JC Penney/Macy's (2014)

Other stores in Bloomington-Normal:

Frequency  License  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
154.60000    CSQ  Sams Club Sam's Club (Normal)   FM  Business 
467.90000  WQFQ912   131 DPL  Office Depot Office Depot (Normal)  FMN  Business 
467.92500  WQFU432   506 DPL  Best Buy Best Buy (Bloomington)  FMN  Business 
467.76250  WQHD876   065 DPL  HmDepot N-A Home Depot (Normal)  FMN  Business 
467.90000  WQEB375   632 DPL  BathBodyWrks Bath and Body Works (The Shoppes at College Hills - Normal)  FMN  Business 
467.85000  WQHM312   251 DPL  Toys R Us Toys R Us (Bloomington)  FMN  Business 
154.60000    CSQ  Wal-Mart 1 Wal-Mart (Bloomington)  FM  Business 
467.83750  WQHD876   263 DPL  HmDepot N-C Home Depot - Alternate (Normal)  FMN  Business 
154.60000    CSQ  Wal-Mart 2 Wal-Mart (Normal)  FM  Business 
154.57000    CSQ  Wal-Mart 3 Wal-Mart (Normal)  FM  Business 
468.41250  WQKQ994   91.5 PL  DicksSprtGds B Dick's Sporting Goods (Bloomington)  FMN  Business 
467.75000  KB82968   115 DPL  Target Ch1 Target [Ch 1]  FMN  Business 
467.77500  KB82968   072 DPL  Target Ch2 Target [Ch 2]  FMN  Business 
467.90000  KB82968   205 DPL  Target Ch4 Target [Ch 4]  FMN  Business 
467.85000  WQMK704   654 DPL  Bed Bath Bed Bath and Beyond  FMN  Business 
467.87500    100.0 PL  TJ Maxx TJ Maxx  FMN  Business 
467.92500  KB82968   155 DPL  Target Ch3 Target [Ch 3]  FMN  Business 
467.85000  WQMD882   532 DPL  Michaels Michaels Arts and Crafts  FMN  Business 
469.26250  WQMJ857   186.2 PL  Hobby Lobby Hobby Lobby  FMN  Business 
467.87500  WQHD876   413 DPL  HmDepot N-B Home Depot - Alternate (rarely used)  FMN  Business 
467.85000  WQLI581   423 DPL  BlainsFF B Blain's Farm and Fleet (Bloomington)  FMN  Business 
467.85000  WQHD876   331 DPL  HmDepot N-D Home Depot: Alternate (rarely used)  FMN  Business 
467.87500  WQLI581   331 DPL  BlainsFF A Blain's Farm and Fleet (Bloomington)  FMN  Business 
464.55000  WQOF427   67.0 PL  Loves LeRoy Love's Travel Stops (LeRoy)  FMN  Business 
467.85000  WQOL519   94.8 PL  ALDI Normal ALDI (Normal)  FMN  Business 
467.87500    67.0 PL  ShoeCarnival Shoe Carnival  FMN  Business 
154.57000    CSQ  Walmart Blm570 Walmart (Bloomington) - Operations / Security (at night)  FMN  Business 
468.56250    506 DPL  468.5625 D506 book store (near mall)  FMN  Business 
466.10000    723 DPL  Menards 1 Menards  FMN  Business 
466.07500    732 DPL  Menards 2 Menards  FMN  Business 
466.05000    754 DPL  Menards 3 Menards  FMN  Business 

Neighboring Counties:

Piatt County [southeast of McLean County]
155.595 Sheriff Dispatch (131.8 PL)
154.4 Fire Departments (103.5 PL)
155.325 Piatt County EMS (127.3 PL)
453.5 Piatt County Highway/ESDA (151.4 PL)

Champaign County [southeast of McLean Co]
MDICE TRS TG 21501 Sheriff Dispatch/Urbana PD/U of I PD
MDICE TRS TG 21500 Champaign Police
154.25 County and City Fire Departments (131.8 PL) paging only - ops are on the MDICE TRS

Woodford County: [northwest of McLean County]
453.55 Sheriff's Dispatch (100.0 PL)
155.145 County Alternate (203.5 PL)
154.43 Congerville/Secor/Eureka/Minonk/Roanoke FD (CSQ)
153.98 El Paso Fire Dispatch (CSQ)
156.12 County ESDA Dispatch/Highway Dept (114.8 PL)
155.055 IREACH (CSQ)

Livingston County [north of McLean County]
460.1 LIVCOM Sheriff (192.8 PL) Going To Starcom21 in the future.
460.6 LIVCOM FIRE/EMS (110.9 PL)
453.75 County Alternate (186.2 PL)
462.95 County ESDA (103.5 PL)

DeWitt County [south of McLean County]
155.865 Sheriff Dispatch (141.3 PL)
158.775 Farmer City PD and Ambulance (141.3 PL)
155.43 Fire Departments (141.3 PL)

Ford County [east of McLean County]
156.225 Sheriff Dispatch/Gibson City PD (179.9 PL) Simulcast dispatch only. On Starcom21. On TG#3651.
154.19 Rural Fire Departments (151.4 PL)
154.415 Gibson City Fire Department (151.4 PL)
155.415 Gibson Area Ambulance (DCS 343)

Tazewell County [west of McLean County]
800 MHz EDACS Sheriff's Dispatch
154.205 Tazewell County Fire
154.25 Tazewell County Fire
154.37 Tazewell County Fire
155.07 Tazewell County ESDA (131.8 PL)

Logan County [southwest of McLean County]
155.565 Sheriff Dispatch (186.2 PL)
158.76 County Fire/ESDA Net (110.9 PL)

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