Clinton County (IL)
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Also patrolled by and part of Illinois State Police Troop 8 WEB FB
- 1 Clinton County Government WEB [ FB]
- 2 EMS Agencies
- 3 Municipalities and Districts
- 4 NEW/UNVERIFIED USAGE -- Frequencies/tones - Please monitor and submit!
- 5 Schools
- 6 Law Unit Numbers
- 7 Fire/EMS Unit Numbers
- 7.1 New Baden Ambulance Service
- 7.2 4100s - New Baden Fire Protection District (NBFPD)
- 7.3 5200s - Keyesport Fire Protection District Fire
- 7.4 7200s - Huey-Ferrin-Boulder Fire Protection District
- 7.5 7300s - Hoffman Fire
- 7.6 7400s - Wheatfield Township Fire Protection District (Carlyle)
- 7.7 7600s - Bartelso Fire-Rescue
- 7.8 7700s - Beckemeyer Fire-Rescue
- 7.9 8100s - Breese Fire
- 7.10 8200s - Carlyle Fire
- 7.11 8300s - Clin-Clair Fire Rescue (Albers)
- 7.12 8400s - Germantown Fire
- 7.13 8500s -
- 7.14 8600 - Aviston Fire Protection District
- 7.15 8700s - Sugar Creek Fire Protection District (Trenton)
- 7.16 8800s - Sugar Creek Ambulance Service (Trenton)
- 7.17 EMS
- 8 Fire/EMS Pager Tones
- 9 Related Wiki Pages
Clinton County Government WEB [ FB]
Located less than an hour from St. Louis MO, leading the state of Illinois in dairy farming and pork, wheat and egg production. Carlyle Lake – the largest man-made lake in Illinois, over 26,000 acres filled with outdoor recreation opportunities. Country roads wind past acres of farmland, across the Kaskaskia River and through villages and towns established in the 1800s.
Clinton County ETSB / Clinton County 911 Communications
Agencies Dispatched: Albers Fire/EMS, Aviston First Responders/Fire, Beckemeyer Fire, Breese Fire (KSG450), Carlyle (KDG411 City), ClinClair First Repsonders [WNJI250], Germantown First Responders, Hoffman First Responders, Huey-Ferrin-Boulder Fire, Keyesport Fire, St Rose Fire (also 6pm Test page)[KSG450], Sugar Creek Fire (154.205), Wheatfield Township FPD Sugar Creek Dispatched on 154.205 then repeats on 154.19
- Test Page Saturday 9am - Agencies may be dispatched by Carlyle or Greenville PSAPs Breese EMS on 154.755 210.7 PL is linked through one of the RF Links
- 159.465 heard call sign and dispatch for St Libory (did not catch PL tone) (7/08)
- Dispatch Center PIC
- 458.5125 FX1 at Carlyle, 453.5125 FX2 at Trenton (along with 151.415 B, 155.7225 B) WPTL203
- 155.400 WPTL203 M 911: Future FMN
- 159.465 WPTL203 BM 911: Dispatch (Breese, Carlyle)
Description |
5/24 - The County has applied for VHF Simulcast P25 sites trunked system
- Application 0011080410 WSDA253
- 6 sites
1 at Dam West Beach, Carlyle Lake; 2 southeast of Germantown on IL161 near Shoal Creek; 3 at Centralia Correctional Center (NW of town); 4 at Bullfrog Lane SW of Keysport; 5 at Trenton - Sugar Creek Township Shed (south side town)
- 155.13, 155.3175, 155.4375, 155.5575, 155.805, 155.9475, 156.165 FB8 (Repeaters, 50W with varying lower power ERPs)
- 155.13 is a currently licensed Clinton Sheriff
- 155.805, would have went with another frequency to not interfere with Jersey County (But is a decent distance away)
- 155.9475 is close to 155.94 used by Mt Vernon IL Public Works DMR system. Would have went with 155.955 or 155.9625* instead. (*currently licensed to Aviston Fire)
- 156.165 would have chosen 156.1575. 156.165 is close to Bethalto/Wood River FX1
- Inputs (1000-50W Mobiles, 10-50W (100W ERP FX1s) on 153.755, 153.815, 153.875, 153.89, 153.92, 153.995, 154.025
- 154.025 is used both in Belleville and Staunton, both as Repeaters with regular use. Also Salem Township in neighboring Marion County.
Extended Implementation Request - FCC 12/17/24
- Buildout to start in about 6 months and testing in about a year after (8/26), fully on air by 12/26
Clinton County Sheriff WEB FB
- Located in Carlyle (approx 50 mi. E of St. Louis), population of 38,000 and covers 506 sq mi. Consists of a 911 Dispatch Center, Deputy Sheriffs and a Jail Complex
- Areas: West Access Marina, "CSA", Rangers; State Conservation units often in Carlyle Lake area
- May also use 159.03 127.3 PL for ??? 8/08
- 155.61 input tone may be 186.2 PL (for 154.875) (often heard in area, though sounds like repeater)
South Central Illinois Transit (SCT) (Breese) [WEB [ FB]
- Shuttle transportation serving Clinton, Franklin, Jefferson, Marion, Perry, and Washington Counties
EMS Agencies
MedStar Ambulance (Carlyle) [ WEB] [ FB]
- 462.950, 462.975 repeaters (NFM) WSDS830
- For more information, see the statewide EMS Page
Sugar Creek Ambulance Service (Aviston/Trenton) WEB FB
- Established 1980; 2 BLS units serving 6200 people in 40sqm., in Sugar Creek Township
- Mutual Aid for New Baden Ambulance in Clinton Co, Highland in Madison County
- 467.9375 Fixed Remote Link WNZN430 [Expired 10/02]
Municipalities and Districts
Townships and Water Districts
- 15 Townships
Wheatfield Township Road Maintenance
- 159.165 156.060 RM (Carlyle) WPXF302 [Expired 3/23]
- 30-45W mobiles on 159.165 (no longer a repeater) (NFM/DMR) WRYR693
Albers (Village) WEB FB
Aviston Fire Protection District [ WEB] FB
- (May be remotely dispatched - "Beep" on end of tx)
- Serves the Royal Lake Resort, south of Caryle
Sante Fire Fire Protection District
Beckemeyer-Wade Township Fire Protection District [ WEB] FB
- Protects 1800 people living in an area of 36 square miles. Serves Wade Township in Beckemeyer.
- 1 central station that protects a primarily rural area. ISO rating of 5 City / 8 Rural. 30 volunteer on-call members
Breese (City) WEB [ FB]
- Electric service for the citizens of Breese is supplied by a municipally owned utility which was originally built in 1906. Public Works/Street and Drainage Department Water Treatment Plant Supplies the City of Breese, St. Rose, Germantown and the North Water District. Sewage Treatment Plant
- 154.755 Breese Ambulance - beep on end of transmission from County "WPTL202" RF Link)
Breese Fire Protection District [ WEB] FB
- 15-100w mobiles on 155.055 (IREACH) (NFM) Issued 6/23 WRXQ544
Carlyle Fire Department [ WEB] FB
Wheatfield Township Fire Protection District (Carlyle) [ WEB] FB
NEW/UNVERIFIED USAGE -- Frequencies/tones - Please monitor and submit!
- Public Works/Streets/Public Utilities - 151.175 75W Repeater with 156.09 30-45W mobiles (NXDN) WSEL263
- Most of Centralia is in Marion County
Clin-Clair Fire Protection District (Albers) WEB FB
- Established 1954, Serves Albers/New Baden/Damiansville - Lookingglass Township plus two miles into St. Clair county minus the city of New Baden.
Elsie (Village)
- 956.44375 for Microwave Link at Duplain WQLI364
Germantown [ WEB] [ FB]
Germantown Rural Fire Department [ WEB] FB
- Established 1892
Huey-Ferrin-Boulder Fire Protection District [ WEB] FB
Keyesport [ WEB] [ FB]
Keyesport Fire Protection District [ WEB] FB
- Established 1964
New Baden [ WEB] [ FB]
- STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois --- Project 25 Phase II Police are dispatched by Clinton County Sheriff on talkgroup 7901 and use 8016 for local/car-to-car. Fire/EMS on county fire talkgroup and 8015 Citywide used for fireground, etc
- 154.040 155.985 KYB919 RM 203.5 PL Police: Dispatch [Expired 8/21] FMN Deprecated 12/25/24 Reported no longer use
- 154.040 155.985 KYB919 RM 186.2 PL Fire: Dispatch [Expired 8/21] FMN Fire Dispatch 12/25/24 Reported still on air
- 154.040 155.985 KYB919 RM 192.8 PL EMS: Dispatch [Expired 8/21] FMN EMS Dispatch Reported still on air
- 154.040 155.985 KYB919 RM 167.9 PL Public Works / City Hall [Expired 8/21] FMN Deprecated 12/25/24 Reported no longer use
New Baden Public Safety WEB
- (Old - On border of St. Clair and Clinton Counties Repeater is shared by Police/Fire/EMS, PL's are confirmed. Dispatch appears to be by Clinton County. Frequency appears to be monitored in CSQ as units different tones were talking to each other. )
New Baden Fire Protection District [ WEB] FB
- Serves New Baden and the western parts of the Clin-Clair Fire Protection District
New Baden Ambulance Service
- 4D11,4D12 (ALS)
Saint Rose [ WEB] [ FB]
Saint Rose Fire Protection District [ WEB] [ FB]
Serviced by Highland EMS (See Madison County);Units: 8511- As of 5/1/24, EMS service will be by RuralMed (No longer using Highland EMS), See Madison County for more information.
Trenton [ WEB] [ FB]
Sugar Creek Fire Protection District (Trenton) [ WEB] FB
- Serves Trenton and Sugar Creek Township west of creek plus 2 miles into St. Clair county (Lebanon Twp.)
- Aviston FPD serves east of Sugar Creek. Sugar Creek Ambulance covers both.
- Pages first on 154.205 then it repeats on 154.19 (KDG411 - Carlyle)
Bartelso CSD 57 [ WEB] [ FB]
- 159.5775 Base/Mobile/FX1 at Barelso Elementary School (NFM) WQRG525
Breese Schools
- Elementary SD#12 WEB [ FB]
- Central Community High School - Located 1 mile west of Breese [ WEB] [ FB]
- Mater Dei Catholic High School - 455 students (2013) [ WEB] [ FB]
St Rose Elementary School District 14-15
- 153.3375 Base/Mobile (in addition to 155.385) WPGW537
WesClin CUSD 3 (Trenton) [ WEB] [ FB]
- St Marys Elementary School in Trenton, IL Trenton Elementary School in Trenton, IL, Wesclin Jr High School in Trenton, IL Wesclin Sr High School in Trenton, IL
- 464.15 203.5 PL seems(ed) to have the same dispatcher that was on 461.625 203.5 unknown user.
Law Unit Numbers
Units heard on 154.875 (210.7pL)
- Animal Control - 79 (Pound in Carlyle)
- Albers: 1,2,3,4,6
- Beckemeyer: 313, 346
- Breese: Breese 3, Breese 7, PD, B1, B5
- Carlyle: "Carl" 5, 9 "Carlyle Car"
- Centralia (Not dispatched by county)? 358, 427
- CR-1, CR8 (1/10) CR4 (12/24)
- David: (Deputy)? D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D9,D10,D11,? (County Units?)?,D15, D20, D26, D30,4D30, 4D31, D32, D39,D40?? (also ? "County"? 2,9,12,13)
Units 61 car, 65 car, 69 van
- Charles (Carlye) 3, 6 (830-5339);
- David Robert: DR1,D12 (from Carlyle)
- Germantown: 2, G2
- Henry - Henry 7 (12/24)
- Keyesport: "Car",K-35????
- New Baden: "New Baden 2", ? 3, 5, N-54, "NB-7" heard 12/24
- Ranger: 1,3,8, 9
- Sheriff - Sam 1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 47
- Trenton: "TR-" 1,2,3,4,5,8,17
- Also heard: 23-1,13-I-105,4F32, 105 Todd (County Unit?), Van 65 (Med/Sr ?), 982? "on Mutual Aid"?
Fire/EMS Unit Numbers
New Baden Ambulance Service
- 4D11
- 4D12 SC21 RID 27896 (2013)
4100s - New Baden Fire Protection District (NBFPD)
- 4100 Fire Chief ? (2013)
- 4111 Engine (white)
- 4112 Engine (white)
- 4113 Engine (red)
- 4117 Tender/Tanker (M 187 474) *red)
- 4118 Ford F550 4 dr Brush Truck (white) (12/22)
5200s - Keyesport Fire Protection District Fire
- 5200 Chief (RID 706099 TG7908)
- 5260 Tender/Tanker
- 5270 Tanker/Tender - 2021 Midwest (former Old Ford Engine)
- 5275 (heard in the past)
- 5281 Brush Truck - 2020 Midwest Ford F550
7200s - Huey-Ferrin-Boulder Fire Protection District
- 7210 2020 Ford 4dr Pumper/Rescue? Sentinel (12/22)
- 7212 (12/22)
- 7219 Chevy 3500 4x4 2dr Pickup (FV 69-7219)
- 7220 (12/22)
7300s - Hoffman Fire
- 7380 heard on Patch (4/16)
7400s - Wheatfield Township Fire Protection District (Carlyle)
- 7401 Chief (herad responding on SC21
- 7481 Brush - Ford Extended Cab PIC
- 7482 Tender - E-ONE International white/red PIC
- 7483 unit on TG7908 RID707026 (going to FG Blue) (9/12)
- 7484 unit on TG7908 Patch
7600s - Bartelso Fire-Rescue
- 7611 (1/29/25)
- 7612 (1/29/25)
7700s - Beckemeyer Fire-Rescue
- 7700 (12/22)
- 7701 (12/22)
- 7710 Ford 4dr Mini-Pumper/Brush
- 7715 Engine (12/22)
- 7717 Mack Engine (12/22)
- 2 Engine, 1 Ford 4dr 4x4 Brush
8100s - Breese Fire
- 8100 (heard on SC21 TG7908 Fire patch 10/23)
- 8101
- 8102 (heard on sheriff dispatch 1/10)
- 8104
- 8105 (2022)
- 8111 Engine
- 8113 Engine
- 8119 Tower 19 (100ft?)
8200s - Carlyle Fire
- 8200 (12/22)
- 8212 Mini-Pumper (seen 2/21)
- 8213 Engine -
- 8218 Ford 4dr - Sentinel Rescue (former 1976 Chevy Brush Truck)
- 8219 Aerial (12/22)
8300s - Clin-Clair Fire Rescue (Albers)
- 8300
- 8305 (8305 heard on I-REACH with ARCH 2007)
- 8311 Engine/Pumper
- 8312 American LaFrance Rescue? Pumper?
- 8317 Freightliner FL80 Engine? Crewcab Ladder Truck (Large)
- 8318 Brush Truck - 2022 Ford F550 Crew Cab 4x4 (was GMC)
8400s - Germantown Fire
- 8411 Engine
- 8412 Engine?
- 8417 Tender/Tanker
- unit 43
- unit 45
8500s -
- 8500, 8510 - TG7908 Simulcast/patch SC21 (7/15/11)
8600 - Aviston Fire Protection District
- 8601 Chief
- 8611 Pumper
- 8612 Rescue/Pumper - 2019? KME
- 8690 White Van/Rescue (Bread Truck)
- Units: 471, 477
8700s - Sugar Creek Fire Protection District (Trenton)
- 43, 47, 50, 51 Firefighters
- 8707 Captain
- 8711 Engine - E-One Typhoon (white/red stripe)
- 8712 Pumper - 2008 Crimson/Spartan (white)
- 8713 Tanker/Pumper - 1968 Ford (white)
- 8717 Tender/Tanker - 1995 Ford L8000, 3000gal (white)
- 8718 Brush - 1994 Ford F350 (white)
- 8728 Brush?Rescue? - Ford F 4dr
8800s - Sugar Creek Ambulance Service (Trenton)
- 8818 4-D-18 4 014 01 Ford white box (heard SC21 9/18) (formerly unit 98)
- 8820 4-D-20 4 014 02 Ford white box (formerly unit 99)
- 9100/9200s (see Marion County/Centralia)
- Units
- 4-D-11 New Baden EMS
- 4-D-12 New Baden EMS (7/21) 4 784 02
- 5-E-10 (heard 155.34 127.3 with St Marys 11/20) Marion County unit, possibly Centralia area
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Related Wiki Pages
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