
Deepwater Horizon / BP Oil Spill

From The RadioReference Wiki


Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC) information

WNYA617 IG:Industrial/Business Pool frequencies
Frequency Mode Type Tone/NAC Channel/Name Notes
25.0400 FM BM
25.0800 FM BM
36.2500 FM BM
122.8500 AM Flight Ops
150.9800 FM RM 103.5 PL Active, Boom laying related traffic, simplex mode it seems.
150.9875 NFM RM 103.5 PL Active, Boom laying related traffic
152.2700 FM RM
152.3000 FM RM
152.3300 FM RM
152.3600 FM RM
152.3900 FM RM
152.4200 FM RM
158.4450 FM M
159.4800 FM RM Bleedover CWID from WQCN261 159.4725
159.4875 NFM M Possible Input for 150.9875 ?
454.0000 FM RM
459.0000 FM M Likely input for 454.0000

There are many more frequencies on this license. This list only includes the highest power ones. (~75-100 watts ERP). The full list of frequencies may be viewed here

Stennis International Airport

  • MSRC has a full time presence at Stennis International Airport (HSA), located in Harrison County, MS, with a single C-130 and other resources permanantly stationed there. In response to this event they have brought in a 2nd C-130 and are currently flying 9 missions per day dispensing oil disperant chemicals. They also are utlizing a King Air aircraft for spotting during these missions.[1]
Stennis International Airport (HSA)
Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
123.00000  BM  CSQ  HSA Unicom Unicom  AM  Aircraft 
124.60000  BM  CSQ  GPT TRACON Approach/Departure (provided by Gulfport TRACON)  AM  Aircraft 
121.72500  BM  CSQ  HSA GrndCtrl Ground control  AM  Aircraft 
127.15000  BM  CSQ  HSA Tower Control Tower  AM  Aircraft 
118.37500  CSQ  HSA ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)  AM  Aircraft 
132.60000  BM  CSQ  ZHU Aproach1 Approach/Departure (Mobile RCAG provided by Houston ARTCC)   AM  Aircraft 
387.05000  BM  CSQ  ZHU Aproach2 Approach/Departure (Mobile RCAG provided by Houston ARTCC)   AM  Aircraft 

British Petroleum Company (BP)

BP America Headquarters (Houston)

FCC license WQLX443 for Special Temporary Authority was issued on May 18, 2010. From the STA request: "BP will use the frequencies to operate a low power base station with portable units to link audio from ships in the Gulf back to BP's personnel in the engineering control room of the Westlake office building. BP will rely on the frequencies to distribute the ship’s audio communications to portable units in the control room to permit BP's personnel to coordinate its Environmental Response."

452.1625  WQLX443  BM  usage is not confirmed
452.4250  WQLX443  BM  usage is not confirmed

Possible security/maintenance frequencies for the headquarters office complex in Houston:

451.1875  WPCP354  M   usage is not confirmed
452.0625  WPCP354  M   usage is not confirmed
456.1875  WPCP354  M   usage is not confirmed
457.0625  WPCP354  M   usage is not confirmed
461.8625  WQDX582  R   usage is not confirmed
463.5875  WQDX582  BM  usage is not confirmed
463.6625  WQDX582  BM  usage is not confirmed
466.8625  WQDX582  M   usage is not confirmed
936.425   WNYP399  R   usage is not confirmed, licensed trunked
936.4625  WNYP399  R   usage is not confirmed, licensed trunked
936.475   WNYP399  R   usage is not confirmed, licensed trunked

Gulf of Mexico Operations

FCC callsign WQLU578 Special Temporary Authority Issued 4/28/2010
451.975 FB2 7K60FXE (TRBO) Schriever, LA (Terrebonne Parish)

17 staging areas are in place and ready to protect sensitive shorelines. These areas include:

  • Dauphin Island, Ala.
  • Orange Beach, Ala.
  • Theodore, Ala.
  • Panama City, Fla.
  • Pensacola, Fla.
  • Port St. Joe, Fla.
  • St. Marks, Fla.
  • Amelia, La.
  • Cocodrie, La.
  • Grand Isle, La.
  • Shell Beach, La.
  • Slidell, La.
  • St. Mary, La.
  • Venice, La.
  • Biloxi, Miss.
  • Pascagoula, Miss.
    • BP radio system on air in Jackson County, MS[2]
      • CH 86: Output=157.30625 MHz Input=161.90625 MHz
      • CH 88: Output=157.33125 MHz Input=161.93125 MHz
  • Pass Christian, Miss.

Other business participants

  • National Response Corporation (NRC)
    • WQBK438 Same frequencies as MSRC for the most part.
  • Unidentified
    • Boom deployment operations: 25.18 MHz and 25.16 MHz FM[3]

103.5 466.0625 TX General Land Office Ch.1 (oil spills)?

103.5 466.0875 TX General Land Office Ch.2 (oil spills)?

Federal Agencies

United States Coast Guard

5320.0 USB - The US Coast Guard Cutter RESOLUTE is operating as net control on this frequency for numerous Coast Guard cutter and air assets related to the spill.

US Coast Guard Gulf Operations
Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
345.00000  BM  CSQ  CG Air Ops 1 Air Operatons Primary  AM  Federal 
162.32500  BM  293 NAC  CG 111 CG 111 - Sector Mobile   P25  Federal 
164.30000  BM  CSQ  CG Mob Mtce Mobile Flightline Maintenance  FMN  Federal 
163.05000  BM  293 NAC  CG 112 CG 112 - Sector New Orleans   P25  Federal 

United States Secret Service

  • President Obama has visited the affected areas on 4 separate occasions thus far.

These United States Secret Service frequencies are in use nationwide. Usage may vary slightly depending on operational needs.

Channel Frequency Description Type Tone
Baker 165.7875 Nationwide Commandpost BM 103.5 PL
Charlie 165.3750 Nationwide Primary/Commandpost RM P25
Mike 165.2125 Foreign Heads of State BM 103.5 PL
Oscar 164.8875 President Protection BM P25
Papa 164.4000 Technical Services Division BM 103.5 PL
Sierra 166.5125 Presidential Security BM P25
Tango 164.6500 Vice President Protection BM 103.5 PL
  • Encrypted traffic was heard on channels OSCAR and SIERRA in Jackson County, MS during the Mississippi/Alabama/Florida trip.

United States Air Force

  • Two C-130's from the 910th Airlift Wing stationed at Youngstown Air Reserve Station in Ohio join the oil dispersant chemical dispensing efforts. They are flying out of Stennis International Airport.[4][5][6]

From the Trumbull County, Ohio Aviation frequencies database

Frequency  Type  Tag          Description                         Mode
138.32500  R     910AW ACM 1  Aircraft Maintenance CH 1           P25
141.21500  R     910AW ACM 2  Aircraft Maintenance CH 2           P25
238.82500  B     910AW CP     910th AW Command Post "BATTLESTAR"  AM
384.70000  B     910AW CP     910th AW Command Post "VADER OPS"   AM
  • Regional Airspace Management Plan (RAMP)[7]
    • ATC East of 89 degree line - Primary 132.6000, Secondary 123.4500
    • ATC West of 89 degree line - Primary 126.4000, Secondary 123.4500
    • Primary surface to air frequency is 122.9000. Secondary is 123.4500
      • A command and control (C2) platform (P3) is providing traffic advisories to support aircraft on both VHF frequencies 132.6000 and 126.4000 where ATC services are not available.
  • Callsigns[8]
    • P-3 Aircraft - OMAHA 99
    • 601 Air Operations Center (AOC) - BLUECRAB
    • Western Air Defense Sector (WADS) - BIGFOOT
    • Modular Aerial Spray System (MASS) Team - SPRAY05, SPRAY07

Dispersant flight operations frequencies

  • Air to air (spotter to dispersant aircraft, spotter to agency recon aircraft)
  • Company frequencies (if multiple companies aircraft are in use)
  • Military frequencies (how best to communicate)
  • Air to Ground frequencies (aircraft to ships in the field)
  • Air to SMART team boat.
Operation               Frequency            Remarks
Air to Air - Civilian   122.9200             IAR and Lynden
Company Frequencies     122.8500             MSRC
Air to Air - Military   122.9000             Air Force
Air to Ground           122.9200             Dynamic/MSRC Base Ops
Air to SMART team       127.8500 or CH 81A   Channel 81A - preferred
Omaha 99/MC252 Common   123.4500

Alabama National Guard

150.5000 85.4 PL   Believed to be Alabama ARNG. 
Callsigns "Pale Horse" and "Charlie" heard.

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans

  • Air Force C-17 crewmembers, from Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, Alaska, are scheduled to deliver oil spill containment boom to Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Belle Chasse, Louisiana.[9]
Frequency  Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
121.60000  BM  CSQ  NBG Ground V Ground  AM  Aircraft 
123.80000  BM  CSQ  NBG Twr VHF Tower  AM  Aircraft 
134.10000  BM  CSQ  NBG GCA Ground Controlled Approach  AM  Aircraft 
279.55000    NBG ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)  AM  Aircraft 
340.20000  BM    NBG Twr/CTAF Tower (CTAF when tower closed)  AM  Aircraft 
284.60000  BM    NBG Tower Tower (1300-0500Z Mon-Sat, 1600-2300Z Sun)  AM  Aircraft 
270.35000  BM    NBG Ground U Ground  AM  Aircraft 
265.80000  BM    NBG PMSV Pilot to Metro Service (PMSV)  AM  Aircraft 

Civil Air Patrol

  • Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi wings of the Civil Air Patrol are flying various recon missions along coastal areas.[10]
Alabama Federal Agencies

A large amount, if not all, CAP traffic can be heard on the R-44 repeater below.

Frequency  Input   
Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  114.8 PL  CAP R-44 R-44 - Baldwin Primary Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  47C NAC  CAP R-44P R-44P - Baldwin Primary Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000      RM  146.2 PL  CAP R-26 R-26 - Mt Cheaha  FMN  Military 
148.12500      RM  146.2 PL  CAP R-27 R-27 - Oak Mtn / Birmingham  FMN  Military 
148.12500      RM  131.8 PL  CAP R-49 R-49 - Huntsville  FMN  Military 
148.12500      RM  123.0 PL  CAP R-11 R-11 - Montgomery  FMN  Military 
148.12500      RM  127.3 PL  CAP R-61 R-61 - Crooked Oak / Muscle Shoals  FMN  Military 
148.15000      RM  131.8 PL  CAP R-48 R-48 - Phillips Mtn / Tuscaloosa  FMN  Military 

Florida Federal Agencies
Frequency  Input   
Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  110.9 PL  CAP R01-A R01 Ocala - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  455 NAC  CAP R01-D R01 Ocala - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  156.7 PL  CAP R09-A R09 Jacksonville - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  61F NAC  CAP R09-D R09 Jacksonville - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  173.8 PL  CAP R12-A R12 Live Oak - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  6CA NAC  CAP R12-D R12 Live Oak - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  91.5 PL  CAP R13-A R13 Miami - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  393 NAC  CAP R13-D R13 Miami - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  167.9 PL  CAP R14-A R14 Marathon - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  68F NAC  CAP R14-D R14 Marathon - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  88.5 PL  CAP R18-A R18 Lake Placid - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  375 NAC  CAP R18-D R18 Lake Placid - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  141.3 PL  CAP R21-A R21 West Palm Beach - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  585 NAC  CAP R21-D R21 West Palm Beach - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  107.2 PL  CAP R25-A R25 Orlando - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  430 NAC  CAP R25-D R25 Orlando - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  114.8 PL  CAP R31-A R31 Marco Island - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  47C NAC  CAP R31-D R31 Marco Island - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  110.9 PL  CAP R32-A R32 Tampa - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  455 NAC  CAP R32-D R32 Tampa - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  88.5 PL  CAP R33-A R33 Crestview - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  375 NAC  CAP R33-D R33 Crestview - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  91.5 PL  CAP R34-A R34 Oakland Park - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  393 NAC  CAP R34-D R34 Oakland Park - Digital  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  162.2 PL  CAP R39-A R39 Tallahassee - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  656 NAC  CAP R39-A R39 Tallahassee - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  114.8 PL  CAP R44-A R44 Fort Myers - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  47C NAC  CAP R44-D R44 Fort Myers - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  151.4 PL  CAP R46-A R46 Pensacola - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  5EA NAC  CAP R46-D R46 Pensacola - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  103.5 PL  CAP R50-A R50 Gainesville / Fort Pierce - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  40B NAC  CAP R50-D R50 Gainesville / Fort Pierce - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  107.2 PL  CAP R56-A R56 Daytona - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  430 NAC  CAP R56-D R56 Daytona - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  118.8 PL  CAP R58-A R58 Cape Canaveral - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  4A4 NAC  CAP R58-D R58 Cape Canaveral - Digital  P25  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  186.2 PL  CAP R62-A R62 Marianna - Analog  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  746 NAC  CAP R62-D R62 Marianna - Digital  P25  Military 
148.13750  143.62500   RM  203.5 PL  CAP R67 Tactical R67 Tactical  FMN  Military 

Mississippi Federal Agencies
Frequency  Input   
Type  Tone  Alpha Tag  Description  Mode  Tag 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  127.3 PL  CAP R-61 R-61 Biloxi  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  4F9 NAC  CAP R-61P R-61P Biloxi  P25  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  110.9 PL  CAP R-01 R-01 Starkville  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  85.4 PL  CAP R-07 R-07 Jackson  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  91.5 PL  CAP R-13 R-13 Geenwood  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  146.2 PL  CAP R-27 R-27 Hattiesburg  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  156.7 PL  CAP R-28 R-28 Tupelo  FMN  Military 
148.12500  143.55000   RM  74.4 PL  CAP R-43 R-43 Meridian  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  131.8 PL  CAP R-48 R-48 Stennis  FMN  Military 
148.15000  143.70000   RM  118.8 PL  CAP R-58 R-58 Oxford  FMN  Military 

State Agencies


Mississippi Wireless Integrated Network (MSWIN)

  • 5/20/10 - The Mississippi Wireless Communications Commission (MWCC) is expanding the MSWIN into the Gulf of Mexico to establish communcations pathways to the on scene command and operations. The MWCC build to order site contractor Towers of Mississippi (ToM), along with others, has been working on building tower sites on Horn Island, MS and a undetermined site location 20 miles south of Horn Island this week. Radio traffic related to these construction activities can be heard on the Special Events talkgroups listed below.

Jackson County Public Safety, and MSWIN Live feed

  • MS National Guard, MS Department of Marine Resources, and other agencies' oil spill related traffic can be heard here.
  • The Jackson County Sheriff's Department and the Pascagoula Police Department are providing security and access control to the MSRC property/BP Staging area and surrounding properties located at the northern end of Bayou Cassotte on channel A TAC E of the Jackson County TRS.

Mississippi Wireless Integrated Network (MSWIN)

017 (11) Harrison County770.193750 770.443750 770.693750 770.943750 771.681250 772.331250 772.731250 773.068750a
    773.318750a 773.568750a 773.818750c 774.631250        

018 (12) Vancleave769.168750 769.418750 769.668750 769.918750 770.168750a 770.418750a 770.668750a 770.918750c

022 (16) Hancock County772.231250 772.906250 774.056250 774.306250a 774.556250a 774.806250c

044 (2C) Fountainbleau 769.456250 769.706250 769.956250 774.043750 774.293750 774.543750a 774.793750c

Gulf Coast Interoperability

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
10311  2847  GULFWIN 1 LWIN  Gulf Coast Interoperability Ch.1 MSWIN LWIN Link 
10312  2848  GULFWIN 2 LWIN  Gulf Coast Interoperability Ch.2 MSWIN LWIN Link 
10313  2849  GULFWIN 3  Gulf Coast Interoperability Ch.3 
10314  284a  GULFWIN 4  Gulf Coast Interoperability Ch.4 
10315  284b  GULFWIN 5  Gulf Coast Interoperability Ch.5 

Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (DMR)

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
21800  5528  DMR OPS  Primary Operations (Ch.1) 
21801  5529  DMR TAC 1  Tactical-1 (Ch.2) 
21802  552a  DMR TAC 2  Tactical-2 (Ch.3) 
21803  552b  DMR TAC 3  Tactical-3 (Ch.4) 

Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
21840  5550  MEMA D7 TAC  District 7 Tactical 
21843  5553  MEMA D8 TAC  District 8 Tactical 
21846  5556  MEMA D9 TAC  District 9 Tactical 
22840  5938  MEMA PRIMARY  Primary Net 
22843  593b  MEMA COMMAND  Command Net 
22846  593e  MEMA TAC  Tactical Net 
22849  5941  MEMA D4 TAC  District 4 Tactical 
22852  5944  MEMA D5 TAC  District 5 Tactical 
22855  5947  MEMA D6 TAC  District 6 Tactical 
22856  5948  MEMA SAR CMD  Search And Rescue - Command 
22857  5949  MEMA SAR TAC 1  Search And Rescue - Tactical 1 
22858  594a  MEMA SAR TAC 2  Search and Rescue - Tactical 2 
22859  594b  MEMA INTERNAL  Internal Communications 
22924  598c  MEMA RESPONSE  Response 
23840  5d20  MEMA D1 TAC  District 1 Tactical 
23843  5d23  MEMA D2 TAC  District 2 Tactical 
23846  5d26  MEMA D3 TAC  District 3 Tactical 

Mississippi National Guard

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
12583  3127  MMD Z1 12583  MMD Zone 1 12583 
12584  3128  MMD Z1 12584  MMD Zone 1 12584 
12585  3129  MMD Z1 ICC  MMD Zone 1 Incident Command Center 
12586  312a  MMD Z1 12586  MMD Zone 1 12586 
12587  312b  MMD Z1 12587  MMD Zone 1 12587 
13581  350d  MMD CMD  MMD Command 
13582  350e  MMD Z2 OPS  MMD Zone 2 Operations 
13583  350f  MMD Z2 OPS  MMD Zone 2 Operations 
13584  3510  172ND FIRE CRSH  MMD-MSANG 172nd Fire Crash 
13585  3511  172ND BASE EOC  MMD-MSANG 172nd Base EOC 
13586  3512  172ND SECURITY  MMD-MSANG 172nd Security Forces 
13587  3513  MMD Z2 Tac 1  MMD Zone 2 Tactical 1 
13588  3514  MMD Z2 13588  MMD Zone 2 13588 
13589  3515  MMD Z2 Tac 2  MMD Zone 2 Tactical 2 
13591  3517  MMD Z2 Tac 3  MMD Zone 2 Tactical 3 
13595  351b  MMD Z2 13595  MMD Zone 2 13595 
13597  351d  MMD Z2 13597  MMD Zone 2 13597  
13598  351e  MMD ANG A-G  MMD Air National Guard - Air to Ground 
13599  351f  MMD ANG A-A  MMD Air National Guard - Air to Air 
13658  355a  114TH SnS A2A  MMD-114th Security & Support Air to Air 
13659  355b  114TH SnS A2G  MMD-114th Security & Support Air to Ground 
13660  355c  151ST MED A2A  MMD-151st Medical Air to Air 
13661  355d  151ST MED A2G  MMD-151st Medical Air to Ground 
13662  355e  111TH A2A  MMD-111th Air to Air 
13663  355f  111TH A2G  MMD-111th Air to Ground 
13664  3560  185TH A2A  MMD-185th Air to Air 
13665  3561  185TH A2G  MMD-185th Air to Ground 
13666  3562  168TH MED A2A  MMD-168th Medical Air to Air 
13667  3563  168TH MED A2G  MMD-168th Medical Air to Ground 
13668  3564  185TH ECAB A2A  MMD-185th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Air to Air 
13669  3565  185TH ECAB A2G  MMD-185th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade Air to Ground 
13695  357f  238TH ASOS  MMD-238th Air Support Operations Squadron 
13696  3580  248TH ATCS  MMD-248th Air Traffic Control Squadron 
31163  79bb  CSJTC FIRE 1  Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center - Fire Dispatch 

State and Regional Interoperability

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
10501  2905  ST SE CMN  State Special Event Common 
10502  2906  ST SE 1  State Special Event 1 
10503  2907  ST SE 2  State Special Event 2 
10504  2908  ST SE 3  State Special Event 3 
22920  5988  ST OFFICIALS  State Officials Interop 
22926  598e  Unified Cmd  Unified Command 
DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description
10701  29cd  R2 SE CMN  Region 2 Special Event Common 
10702  29ce  R2 SE 1  Region 2 Special Event 1 
10703  29cf  R2 SE 2  Region 2 Special Event 2 
10704  29d0  R2 SE 3  Region 2 Special Event 3 
10710  29d6  R3 SE CMN  Region 3 Special Event Common 
10711  29d7  R3 SE 1  Region 3 Special Event 1 
10712  29d8  R3 SE 2  Region 3 Special Event 2 
10713  29d9  R3 SE 3  Region 3 Special Event 3 
10720  29e0  R4 SE CMN  Region 4 Special Event Common 
10721  29e1  R4 SE 1  Region 4 Special Event 1 
10722  29e2  R4 SE 2  Region 4 Special Event 2 
10723  29e3  R4 SE 3  Region 4 Special Event 3 


1. WLOX-TV video segment

2. Deepwater Horizon Response Official Unified Command website - Current Operations and Ongoing Response May 18, 2010

3. - BP radio system goes on air in Jackson County for Gulf oil spill response

4. RR Forums Post

5. Youngstown AFRC News - 910th Airmen stand by to support Gulf oil spill clean-up

6. Deepwater Horizon Response Official Unified Command website - PHOTO RELEASE: U.S. Air Force prepares C-130s for spill response

7. Deepwater Horizon Response Official Unified Command website - PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE: Oil dispersants released from aircraft



10. Deepwater Horizon Response Official Unified Command website - Media Advisory: Air Force to deliver boom to Belle Chase, La.

11. DEEPWATER HORIZON SPILL CRASS (Contingency Response Air Support Schedule)

External Links

Marine Spill Response Corporation Home Page

National Response Corporation Home Page

Deepwater Horizon Response - The official site of the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command

WLOX-TV - Frequently updated news and information on this story


DEEPWATER HORIZON SPILL Contingency Response Air Support Schedule - Aircraft types and tail numbers included

Florida Interactive Response Map for Response Teams

Texas General Land Office Oil Spill Division

GeoPlatform - Gulf Response

Restore the Gulf - Deepwater Horizon Response

USGS Responds to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Google Crisis Response - Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill