
Emission Designator

From The RadioReference Wiki

An emission designator is a code associated with a frequency that gives information about the frequency's bandwidth and the nature of the signal on the frequency.

For scanner users, it can be useful for determining whether a frequency is analog or digital, and even whether the frequency transmits voice and/or data.

Identified Emission Designators

  • Default sort order is by bandwidth.
Designator Description
60H0J2B PSK31.
100HN0N Speed Radar (10525 MHz X band; 24150 MHz K band, 33800 MHz/34700 MHz/35500 MHz Ka band).
150HA1A Continuous Wave Telegraphy (manually read Morse Code).
500HJ2D MT63-500 50 WPM.
500HXXA Dual carrier NDB (non-directional beacon) with 400 Hz modulation.
800HA2A Single carrier NDB (non-directional beacon) with 400 Hz modulation.
1K00J2D MT63-1000 100 WPM.
1K12XXA Dual carrier NDB (non-directional beacon) with 1020 Hz modulation.
2K00J2D MT63-2000 200 WPM.
2K04A3A Single carrier NDB (non-directional beacon) with 1020 Hz modulation.
2K80J2B HF RTTY (Radio Teletype).
2K80J3E Amplitude modulated (AM) analog 2.8 kHz voice, single sideband suppressed
carrier (USB or LSB, not at the same time) (SSB mode in Database).
2K90J3E Amplitude modulated (AM) analog 2.9 kHz voice, single sideband suppressed
carrier (USB or LSB, not at the same time) (SSB mode in Database).
3K00H2B HF ALE MIL-STD-188-141A/FED-STD-1045.
3K00J3E Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier) 3.0 kHz voice.
3K30F1D 6.25 kHz SCADA link (CalAmp Viper SC – 173 MHz).
3K50J3E Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier) 3.5 kHz voice.
4K00F1D NXDN 6.25 kHz data (IDAS, NEXEDGE).
4K00F1E NXDN 6.25 kHz digital voice (IDAS, NEXEDGE).
4K00F1W NXDN 6.25 kHz digital voice and data (IDAS, NEXEDGE).
4K00F2D NXDN 6.25 kHz analog FM CW ID (IDAS, NEXEDGE).
4K00F7WDT NXDN 6.25 kHz digital voice and data (IDAS, NEXEDGE). (Canada)
4K00J1D Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier).
4K00J2D Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier).
4K00J3E Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier) 4.0 kHz voice.
4K50J3E Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier) 4.5 kHz voice.
5K00J3E Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier) 5.0 kHz voice.
5K60G1D NASA BPSK half-rate data for link forwarding and command links.
5K76G1E P25 CQPSK voice (typically used for simulcast systems – this is NOT P25 Phase II).
6K00A3E Amplitude modulated (AM) analog voice, double sideband
full carrier (AM mode in Database).
6K00F1D SCADA Carrier Frequency Shift Keying.
6K00F2D SCADA Audio Frequency Shift Keying.
6K00F3D SCADA Analog data that is not AFSK (variable tone, DTMF, etc.).
6K00J3E Amplitude Compandored Sideband (eSSB) (pilot tone/carrier) 6.0 kHz voice.
6K50F1D SCADA/Data 4.8 GFSK in 12.5 kHz channelspace
(LMR use by CalFire for AVL).
7K34FXDJN 2-slot DMR (Motorola MOTOTRBO) TDMA data. (Canada)
7K60F7WDT 2-slot DMR (Motorola MotoTRBO and Various Tier 3) TDMA data + voice. (Canada)
7K60FXD 2-slot DMR (Motorola MOTOTRBO) TDMA data.
7K60FXDJN 2-slot DMR (Motorola MOTOTRBO) TDMA data. (Canada)
7K60FXE 2-slot DMR (Motorola MOTOTRBO) TDMA voice.
7K60FXW 2-slot DMR (Motorola MOTOTRBO) TDMA data + voice.
8K00F1D P25 Phase I C4FM data.
8K10DXW P25 Phase II 4 Level H-CPM Data/Voice
(Harmonized Continuous Phase Modulation – H-CPM).
8K10F1D P25 Phase I C4FM data.
8K10F1E P25 Phase I C4FM voice (P25 mode in Database).
8K10F1W P25 Phase II subscriber units
(Harmonized Continuous Phase Modulation – H-CPM).
8K30F1D NXDN 12.5 kHz data (Wide IDAS, NEXEDGE).
8K30F1E NXDN 12.5 kHz digital voice (Wide IDAS, NEXEDGE).
8K30F1W P25 Phase I C4FM hybridized voice and data applications
(most commonly seen on trunked licenses).
8K30F7W NXDN 12.5 kHz digital voice and data (Wide IDAS, NEXEDGE).
8K40F1D P25 Phase I (4 Level C4FM Data).
8K40F1E P25 Phase I (4 Level C4FM Voice).
8K40F9W Harris OpenSky (NPSPAC - 4 slot Data/Voice).
8K50F9W Harris OpenSky (2 slot narrowband).
8K70D1W P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation ASTRO
(9.6 kbps in 12.5 kHz channel spacing).
9K20F2D Zetron-based alphanumeric paging/alerting system
(seen in practice using Daniels base stations).
9K30F1D SCADA / Remote Control.
9K36F7W Yaesu System Fusion C4FM (Voice Wide * Voice Narrow + Data * Data Wide)
9K70D1W P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation “WCQPSK” voice (per Harris MASTR-V literature).
9K70F1D P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation “WCQPSK” data (per Harris MASTR-V literature).
9K70F1E P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation “WCQPSK” voice (per Harris MASTR-V literature).
9K80D7W P25 Phase II fixed-end 2-slot TDMA
(Harmonized Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulation – H-DQPSK),
per Motorola literature.
9K80F1D P25 Phase II fixed-end 2-slot TDMA H-DQPSK data,
per Harris MASTR-V literature.
9K80F1E P25 Phase II fixed-end 2-slot TDMA H-DQPSK voice
(interpolation of MASTR-V literature).
10K0F1D LTI Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system - LT6 Radio Modem.
10K0F1D * Motorola Widepulse ASTRO simulcast control channel.
10K0F1D * Motorola Widepulse ASTRO simulcast data.
10K0F1D RD-LAP 9.6 kbps data on narrowband channel.
10K0F1E * Motorola Widepulse ASTRO simulcast voice.
10K1F3E Frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation analog voice,
"narrowband 12.5 kHz" (FMN mode in Database).
Commonly used as a designator in Australia and Canada, identical to 11K2F3E.
11K0F1D Narrowband frequency modulated data.
11K0F3E Narrowband frequency modulated analog voice, considered by the FCC to be identical to 11K2F3E.
11K2F1D Narrowband frequency modulated data, POCSAG paging (Swissphone alerting).
11K2F2D Frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation
audio frequency shift keying within a 12.5 kHz channel spacing.
Commonly used for 1.2 kbps packet, FFSK station alerting, and AFSK outdoor warning siren signaling.
11K2F3D Frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation DTMF or
other audible, non-frequency shift signaling, such as Whelen
outdoor warning sirens or “Knox-Box®” activation.
11K2F3E Frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation analog voice,
"narrowband 12.5 kHz" (FMN mode in Database)
- may also be 11K0 and 11K3 bandwidth in the United States, may also be 10K1 or 12K5 bandwidth in Australia or Canada.
11K2F9W Formerly and incorrectly used as a catch-all narrowband emission for analog and digital use. Each appropriate emission
should be listed discretely.
12K1F9W Harris OpenSky (NPSPAC - 4 slot Data/Voice).
12K5F2D AX.25 audio frequency-shift keying data link layer protocol
includes amateur radio APRS and packet.
12K5F2E Frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation analog voice,
"narrowband 12.5 kHz" (FMN mode in Database)
commonly used as a designator in Australia and Canada, identical to 11K2F3E.
13K1F9W Harris OpenSky (SMR - 4 slot).
13K6F3E Frequency modulated (FM) analog voice,
3.8 kHz deviation (900 MHz).
13K6W7W Motorola iDEN (900 MHz).
14K0F1D Motorola 3600 baud trunked control channel (NPSPAC).
14K0F3E EDACS Analog Voice (NPSPAC).
15K4F9W Harris OpenSky (SMR - 4 slot Data/Voice).
16K0F1D * Motorola 3600 baud trunked control channel;
also used for RD-LAP 9.6kbps data.
16K0F1D RD-LAP 9.6 data on wideband channel (NPSPAC).
16K0F2D * 4 kHz deviation FM audio frequency shift keying (72 MHz fire alarm boxes).
16K0F3E * Frequency modulated (FM) analog voice,
4 kHz deviation (NPSPAC); (FM mode in Database).
16K0G1D EPIRB (406 MHz).
16K8F1E * Encrypted Quantized Voice (Motorola DVP, DES, DES-XL on NPSPAC).
17K7D7D Motorola HPD High Performance Data – “Astro 25" suite,
as Motorola HAI (High performance data Air Interface),
700/800 MHz, requires 25 kHz channel spacing.
20K0D1E Reduced power TETRA – PowerTrunk 4/TDMA fixed-end (voice).
20K0D1W Reduced power TETRA – PowerTrunk 4/TDMA fixed-end
(simultaneous mixed modes).
20K0D7D Reduced power TETRA (data).
20K0D7E Reduced power TETRA (voice).
20K0D7W Reduced power TETRA (simultaneous mixed modes).
20K0F1D RD-LAP 19.2 kbps within a wideband channel
(2013 compliant, meets data throughput requirement).
20K0F1E * Encrypted Quantized Voice (Motorola DVP, DES, DES-XL
20K0F3D * Frequency modulated (FM) 5 kHz deviation DTMF
or other audible, non-frequency shift signaling, such as Whelen
outdoor warning sirens or “Knox-Box®” activation.
20K0F3E * Frequency modulated (FM) analog voice,
5 kHz deviation; "wideband 25 kHz" (FM mode in Database).
20K0F9W A "catch-all" designator originally intended for a number of
simultaneous emissions, but has been misused as a single
designator to indicate multiple types of operation.
20K0G7W Motorola iDEN (800 MHz).
20K0W7W Motorola iDEN (800 MHz).
20K1D1D Reduced power TETRA – PowerTrunk 4/TDMA fixed-end (data).
21K0D1W TETRA ETS 300 392 Standard.
22K0D7D TETRA TMO (data).
22K0D7E TETRA TMO (voice).
22K0D7W TETRA TMO (simultaneous mixed modes).
22K0DXW TETRA Subscriber Units (mobiles and control stations).
25K0D7W TETRA (voice, data, or simultaneous mixed modes in Australia).
30K0DXW TDMA-136 Cellular (North America).
40K0F8W AMPS Cellular.
41K7Q7W Iridium satellite terminals (1.616-1.626 GHz).
41K7V7W Iridium satellite terminals (1.616-1.626 GHz).
55K0P0N CODAR oceanographic RADAR
(swooping signals on HF with approx. 1 second sweep time) 3.5 - 5 MHz.
100KC3F ReconRobotics surveillance robot video (430-450 MHz).
100KP0N CODAR oceanographic RADAR
(swooping signals on HF with approx. 1 second sweep time) 12 - 14 MHz.
170KP0N CODAR oceanographic RADAR above 24 MHz.
200KF8E Broadcast FM with Subsidiary Communications Subcarrier.
200KF8EHF Broadcast FM with Subsidiary Communications Subcarrier and Frequency-Division Multiplexing (Australia).
250KF3E Television Broadcast Audio (NTSC analog).
250KF8W Broadcast Radio Analog Studio to Transmitter Link (250Khz BW). Two or more analog channels.
300KG7W EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution).
300KGXW GSM Cellular.
500KD7W Broadcast Radio Digital Studio to Transmitter Link (500Khz BW). 2048 kbps 32 QAM.
500KF8W Broadcast Radio Analog Studio to Transmitter Link (500Khz BW). Two or more analog channels.
500KF9W Broadcast Radio Digital/Analog Studio to Transmitter Link (500Khz BW). Composite (one or more digital channel, one or more analog).
1M25F9W CDMA Cellular.
2M40W7D Remote Control Video (digital, non-NTSC).
3M00W7W SouthernLinc LTE (all four emissions used) 3 MHz bandwidth.
3M81F1D NASA PCM/FM ground downlink data.
4M00G7F Compressed digital video with associated audio via satellite or microwave.
4M15G1D NASA International Space Station SQPN/SQPSK C2V2 (Common Communications for Visiting Vehicles) return data.
4M15G1D NASA International Space Station SSS-BPSK for C2V2 (Common Communications for Visiting Vehicles) link forwarding.
4M31G1D NASA/SpaceX SS-BPSK Dragon ground uplink data.
4M80G1D NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellites SS-SOQPSK return data.
5M00D7D Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 5 MHz bandwidth.
5M00G2D Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 5 MHz bandwidth.
5M00G7D Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 5 MHz bandwidth.
5M00W7W Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 5 MHz bandwidth.
5M75C3F Television, NTSC analog video (with 250K0F3E aural carrier).
6M00C7W Television, ATSC Digital TV (video and audio).
6M00F3F Compressed analog video with associated audio via satellite or microwave.
6M00F3F QPSK modulated digital video with associated audio via satellite or microwave.
10M0D7D Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 10 MHz bandwidth.
10M0G2D Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 10 MHz bandwidth.
10M0G7D Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 10 MHz bandwidth.
10M0W7W Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 10 MHz bandwidth.
20M0X2D INMARSAT BGAN, FleetBroadband and SwiftBroadband satellite broadband terminals.
24M0G7F Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulation digital video with digital audio/data via satellite or microwave.
30M0D7W Microwave Link Transmitter using 2048 QAM in 30 MHz bandwidth .
36M0F3F Compressed analog video with associated audio via satellite or microwave.
36M0F3F Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulated digital video with associated audio via satellite or microwave.
42M6D7W Microwave Link Transmitter Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulation.
45M2D7W Microwave Link Transmitter 16 QAM 45 MHz.
45M8D7W Microwave Link Transmitter 32 QAM 45 MHz.
45M8D7W Microwave Link Transmitter 64 QAM 45 MHz.
47M1D7W Microwave Link Transmitter 256 QAM 47 MHz.
47M8D7W Microwave Link Transmitter 128 QAM 47 MHz.

Important Note

An emission designator identifies the characteristics of the signal and is not unique to only one type of technology or manufacturer. More than one type of deployed technology may use the same emission designator.

The editors of this Wiki caution all readers that this guide should not be used by any party as the sole means to qualify or disqualify a license application, or to set a mode for monitoring a frequency not identified in the Radioreference Database. There are no right or official emission designators specified by many relevant national regulatory agencies. The reader should not construe that because an emission designator is not on this list that it is wrong, or that an emissions designator on this list is used exclusively for the shown use. This Wiki is a reference document and not a directing document.

Notes (Australia)

Emission designators 10K1F3E and 12K5F2E are used interchangeably by the Australian Communications and Media Authority for standard frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation, 12.5 kHz analog voice (FMN mode in Database).

The ACMA license database can be found here: ACMA Register of Radiocommunications Licences

Notes (Canada)

Emission designators 10K1F3E and 12K5F2E are used interchangeably by Industry Canada for standard frequency modulated (FM) 2.5 kHz deviation, 12.5 kHz analog voice (FMN mode in Database).

The Industry Canada license database can be searched here: IC Technical and Administrative Frequency List

Notes (United States of America)

* When used between 136 - 470 MHz in Part 90 use, this technology is not compliant with 2013 narrowbanding requirements and must be discontinued by January 1, 2013. As of January 1, 2011, this emission may no longer be applied for between 136 - 470 MHz in Part 90 use, unless it fits within the existing contours of an already licensed system. These emissions may not appear on a new license or be used to extend the footprint of an already licensed wideband system beyond what existed prior to January 1, 2011.

VHF Low Band has not been required to narrowband. A 20K0 emission bandwidth continues to be acceptable for nearly all uses.

The FCC license database can be found here: FCC Universal Licensing System

Use of F9W Suffix

Some license application preparers have used the suffix F9W to indicate that multiple different emissions within the specified bandwidth are possible. This simplifies filling information into the FCC 601 form and many foreign agencies' forms, but does not reflect each specific modulation type. For example, 11K2F9W may indicate that the system toggles between narrowband analog voice and P25 (or some other) digital emission, but not at the same time. A strict interpretation of ITU emissions indicates that the F9W suffix is both analog and digital simultaneously, and is therefore incorrect. A properly completed form should itemize each discrete emission intended so the technologies used may be easily identified.

The exception to using F9W is Harris OpenSky, which has been certificated by the FCC in the United States as F9W, although F7W may be a more appropriate description.

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