Montgomery County (IL) Unit Designators
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- 1 Law Enforcement
- 2 EMA
- 3 Fire/Rescue Departments
- 3.1 100s Coffeen
- 3.2 200s Shoal Creek Fire and Rescue (Panama)
- 3.3 300s Witt Fire
- 3.4 400s Taylor Springs
- 3.5 500s Raymond/Harvel Fire
- 3.6 600s Hillsboro Fire
- 3.7 700s Nokomis-Witt Fire
- 3.8 800s Litchfield Fire/EMS
- 3.9 900s Hillsboro EMS
- 3.10 1100s Fillmore Fire
- 3.11 1300s ??
- 3.12 1600s Haz-Mat ???
- 3.13 5400s ??
- 3.14 5500s Shoal Creek (Panama) (also in Bond County)
- 3.15 8300s ?
- 3.16 ???s Nokomis-Witt Ambulance
- 3.17 ???s Farmersville-Waggoner Ambulance
- 3.18 ???s Farmersville-Waggoner Fire (FPD)
- 3.19 Fillmore Ambulance
- 3.20 MABAS Primary Division 56
- 4 EMS/Ambulances by IDPH Call Sign
- 5 Public Works Unit Numbers
Law Enforcement
68-xx Sheriff
- 68-1 Sheriff
- 68-2 Undersheriff
- 68-3 through 68-14 Deputies
- 68-11 *heard through SC21 simulcast on D18 ISPERN Patch (10/27/07)
- 68-12 ??
- 68-20 Jail Admin.
- 68-30 Paper Service (part time)
- 68-40 Parole
- 68-50 911 coordinator
- 68-51 through 68-57 911 dispatchers
- 68-79 Coroner
- 68-93 (2018 Responding to Nokomis) (heard 5/7/21)
- 68-94 ?? (heard 5/7/21 coming on duty after 69-93 went off duty)
- 68-95 (2016) (2/25)
- 68-98 (2018)
- 68-99C Corrections Transport (4/18)
- 68-100 (heard 2/25 on ENC on 151.325)
Municipal Police Units
- 68-100 Coffeen Police
- 68-200 Donnellson Police
- 68-300 Farmersville Police
- 68-400 Fillmore Police
- 68-500 Irving Police
- 68-600 Panama Police
- 68-700 Raymond Police (former 597)
- 68-800 Taylor Springs Police (uses old 599B and dispatches through Hillsboro PD)
- 68-900 Witt Police
- Old: Police Units: 595 ?, 597 Raymond Police, 603 Witt Police, 93A Fillmore (593A), Coffeen 594), 893 (6893?) (on 151.325)
- 95-20 heard on Mont Co Sheriff (3/25)
Hillsboro Police
- Car 6, K-9
Litchfield Police
- Dispatched Local during day, by Sheriff "Montgomery" on weekends and evenings?/overnights?
- "LC Units": 126 (10/25/07)
- 141 (4/16/22)
- EPA 1 on 151.46R, "will be out of town" (1/25)
Fire/Rescue Departments
- For EMS units, see list below
100s Coffeen
- 101
- 102 (3/25)
- 116 (3/25)
- 120
- 130 (3/25)
- 139 Rescue or EMS (11/07)
- 150
- 159
- 199 "Coffeen 101" 9/2/07
200s Shoal Creek Fire and Rescue (Panama)
- Unit: 242 (heard)
300s Witt Fire
- Uses "IamResponding"
- Engine? 301 (3/25)
- Engine 302 (3/25)
- 303 Squad (2/25) Nokomis-Witt Fire ?
- Engine 304 (3/25)
- Squad 305 (Rescue/First Responder)
- 306 (heard 3/25)
- 310
- 314 (12/24)
- 319 (12/24)
- 329 (1/25)
- 336 (personnel)
- 342 (heard from 548)
400s Taylor Springs
- Uses "IamResponding"
- 403
- 412
- 450 FMC? Engine (sn 2020) (3/25)
- 460 (151.46 3/25)
- 470 (151.46 / 159.8325)
- 480 unit (1/25)
- 490 (heard 3/25)
500s Raymond/Harvel Fire
- 520 Chief (11/07); Personnel: 529 (11/07), 531, 536, 548, 552 (12/07), 593 (12/07)
- 501 Raymond Squad
- 502 Raymond Engine/Tender (heard 3/25)
- 503 Raymond Engine (heard 2/25)
- 504 Harvel Squad
- 505 Harvel Engine/Tender (*heard)
- 506 Harvel Mini-Engine (*heard 9/30/07 151.46)
- 508 Raymond unit with, or just the Hummer (3/25)
- 534 unit (heard 2/25)
- 536 unit (1/25)
- 537 Unit (1/25)`
- 543 (3/25)
- 551 Unit (1/25) (3/25)
- 566 Raymond?/Ambulance? or personnel (2/18)
- 574 unit EMS unit? (2/25)
- 576 unit (heard 2/18)
- 577 unit (heard 1/23) (heard 2/25)
- 581 unit (heard 12/24) (heard 2/25)
- 589 Raymond Harvel EMS personnel (heard 2024)
- 3L51 Ambulance (at Raymond Firehouse) (heard 1/23)
- 3L42 Ambulance (at Raymond Firehouse)
600s Hillsboro Fire
- 601 unit (1/25)
- 603 (2/25 151.46R)
- 604
700s Nokomis-Witt Fire
- 701 Engine
- 702 (3/25)
- 703 Engine (5/22) (3/25)
- 704 Water truck
- 705
- 707 (1/25)
- 714
- 716
- 719
- 724 (EMA),
- 728 (5/22)(1/25)
- 729 possible ground contacts for ARCH on I-REACH?) (also 159.8325 D162)(1/25)
- 3L63 N-W EMS (5/22)(1/25)
800s Litchfield Fire/EMS
- Personnel: 821, 826, 866, 974, 877
- 800 Chief's Car (Truck 800?)
- 801 1960 LaFrance Pumper (Engine 801) (3/25)
- 802 2002 KME Pumper (Engine 802)
- 803 2007 KME 105" Platform Aerial Truck "AerialCat" (8/22)
- 804 1968 GMC Brush Truck (*) (3/25)
- 805 2002 KME Heavy Rescue (Squad 805) (heard 8/12) Heavy Rescue (8/22)
- 806 formerly heard (*)
- 807 1974 Seagrave Pumper (Engine 807)
- 808 Tanker (Tanker 808)
- 809 Engine 809 (Westside, heard 10/31/07)
- 810 Brush Truck (en route to brush fire on I-55 12/13/24)
- 810 Dive Squad (Squad 810)
- 812 Dive Boat (3/25)
- 816 EMS unit ? (12/24)
- 817 EMS unit (12/13/24)
- 818 EMS unit (12/13/24)
- 839 (3/25)
- 891 (3/25)
900s Hillsboro EMS
(151.4600 R Paging Tests)
- 914, 916, 934, 943, 944, 948
1100s Fillmore Fire
(151.46 R 159.8375 R)
- 1103 (1/8/08)
- 1110 Engine
- 1110
- 1118 (3/25)
- 1122 (1/8/08)
- 1124, 1125, 1126
- 1128 (heard 2/25)
- 1130 Engine (11/5/07) (3/25)
- 1140 Truck (11/5/07)
- 1150 unit (1/25) (3/25)
- 1155, truck? 1160, 1170,
- 1180 Brush (3/25)
1300s ??
- 1300 (12/5/07)
- 1301 (11/7/07)
1600s Haz-Mat ???
- 1609 heard unit on 154.445 Hillsboro Fire (7/2/25)
- 1650 (responded to SE Sector HazMat Call?)
5400s ??
- 5400, 5429
5500s Shoal Creek (Panama) (also in Bond County)
- 5500
- 5503 (1/25)
- 5504 (1/25)
- 5506
- 5508
- 5519
- 5525
- 5532 (1/25)
- 5540
- 5551 (1/25)
- 5552 (1/25)
- 5553 (3/25)
- 5554 (1/25)
- 5571
- 5574 (1/25)
- 5581 (1/25)
- 5590 (1/25)
8300s ?
? (heard dispatcher saying 8300 requesting Litchfield Fire)
???s Nokomis-Witt Ambulance
- Units: (Mobile units were NOT being heard on the repeater)
- 346???
- Rescue 27 - NWAS Rescue Members (heard 151.4600 R 11/24/06)
- Rescue 32 (heard 11/07)
???s Farmersville-Waggoner Ambulance
???s Farmersville-Waggoner Fire (FPD)
- Engine 1 - 1998 Freightliner FL 80 / Pierce (SN#EB146)(1/25)
- Engine 2 (1/25)
- Engine 3 (Waggoner)
- Tender 1 (2/25)
- Tender 2
- unit 11?
- brush truck?
- possibly heard 2401, 2502, 2508 (2007)
- units 11, 22, 37, 40
- Ambulance Base (heard "37 to FW Amb Base")
- 2008 Kenworth T300 / Ferrara pumper/tanker (1000/1250/30F) (SN#H-3719)
- 2003 Freightliner FL 80 / Pierce pumper (SN#13832)
Fillmore Ambulance
MABAS Primary Division 56
- Fillmore Fire Protection District Montgomery
- NAFD Nokomis Fire Protection Distirct Montgomery
- Litchfield Fire Department Montgomery
- Coffeen Fire Protection District Montgomery
- Raymond/Harvel Fire Protection District Montgomery
- Hillsboro Fire Department Montgomery
- Taylor Springs Fire Department Montgomery
EMS/Ambulances by IDPH Call Sign
- 3L17 3 427 03 Litchfield Ambulance (2006 Medtec ALS)
- 3L18 Hillsboro Fire Dept Rescue Squad
- 3L26 3 614 01 Litchfield Fire Department (2004 BLS Ambulance) (formerly Nokomis)
- 3L27 3 427 01 Litchfield Fire Department (2000 Medtec Ambulance)
- 3L29 3 022 02 Hillsboro Area Ambulance Service (Montgomery County EMS)
- (ALS-St. Francis 155.34)(also on 154.995 with MG Co)(heard responding w/ Shoal Creek) (151.4600 R 11/06)
- 3L31 Nokomis (Montgomery County)(heard w/ Mont Co on 154.325 2/22/06)
- 3L35 3 022 01 Hillsboro (Montgomery County) (3013014???) (head 154.955 11/14)
- 3L36 3 614 01 Montgomery County EMS [Nokomis/Witt]
- 3L37? 3 022 03 Montgomery County EMS-Hillsboro (seen at oil change 5/20/01) -was 3L37 3 022 02 Montgomery County EMS (BLS) Hillsboro
- 3L41 3 450 02 Farmersville/Waggoner Ambulance (hd base to 3L41 on 154.265 12/02)
- 3L42 3 609 02 Montgomery County EMS [Raymond/Harvel] (11/06)
- 3L48 Litchfield Fire Department (heard) (recently new?)
- 3L51 Raymond-Harvel Ambulance (Montgomery County EMS) (11/06)
- 3L52 possibly Hillsboro EMS ? (3/25)
- 3L53 3 450 01 Farmersville/Waggoner Ambulance (heard 154.325 MG 911)
- 3L56 Nokomis-Witt Ambulance Service (6/18)
- 3L57 (heard 154.325 requesting Nokomis Witt Ambulance 11/05)
- 3L63 Nokomis-Witt Ambulance - Montgomery County Ambulance (1/25)
Heard on: 159.7125: Fillmore Rescue 160.0500: Farmersville-Waggoner Fire / Witt Fire 159.8325: units 705, 704, possibly Nokomis 151.4600: unit 506
Public Works Unit Numbers
- 7, 13
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