
North Carolina VIPER Counties Verified

From The RadioReference Wiki

NC Counties VIPER Status Page


County Notes
Alamance 100% VIPER, Burlington PD & FD on Guilford System
Alexander VHF With Viper Patches
Alleghany VHF patch of Sheriff to VIPER
Anson EMS and Sheriff on VIPER
Ashe Most county agencies on VHF. Sheriff, Fire and Rescue/EMS dispatch channels patch to VIPER.
Avery Most county agencies on VHF, LE occasionally on VIPER. Beech Mountain PD heard using their VIPER talk groups more has a late 2022.
Beaufort Sheriff and EMS on VIPER, VHF Fire is patched to VIPER
Bertie Sheriff, Windsor PD, EMS on VIPER. VHF FD and EMS is patched
Bladen 100% VIPER
Brunswick 100% VIPER
Buncombe Backup to the county P25 system. Used primarily by Mission Hospital RTS & MAMA.
Burke 100% VIPER
Cabarrus 100% UASI
Caldwell Law Enforcement, EMS and Emergency Management 100% VIPER. Fire departments still mostly use VHF.
Camden Sheriff on VIPER. EMS IS ON VIPER. FD is dispatched by Pasquotank County on VHF hi band
Carteret Law Enforcement and EMS, Atlantic Beach PD 100% VIPER, VHF is patched fulltime to VIPER
Caswell Sheriff and Fire on UHF, EMS on VIPER.
Catawba 100% VIPER, Hickory PD are on their own system however will be moving to VIPER around 2025.
Chatham County Trunked System
Cherokee Sheriff on VIPER
Cherokee Tribal Indian Reservation Used some by EMS.
Chowan Sheriff and EMS on VIPER, Edenton Police left VIPER using its own repeater. VHF Fire is patched to VIPER. EMS is patched to VHF hi band
Clay Sheriff on VIPER
Cleveland County Trunked System
Columbus 100% VIPER
Craven Craven FD & Sheriff fully patched VIPER. Select New Bern radios have access. Havelock has TGs assigned but not used. MCAS Cherry Point has access.
Cumberland 100% VIPER, City of Fayetteville on their stand alone system.
Currituck County is on its conventional P25 system but uses VIPER in bad signal area like FD/EMS stations.
Dare Has it's own P25 system but is deeply integrated with VIPER (including patched talkgroups)

all radios have access. Dare MedFlight uses VIPER TG 14502 ( Dare EMS ).
14502 is patched to TG 14618 on Dare's P25 system. Fire Department is paged on VHF hi band

Davidson 100% VIPER. Thomasville is on the High Point TRS.
Davie 100% VIPER
Duplin 100% VIPER, County Fire Dispatch (VHF) and County Fire Ops 1 (VHF) are Hard Patched with thier respective VIPER TG.
Durham County Trunked System
Edgecombe 100% VIPER
Forsyth County Trunked System
Franklin Sheriff & EMS patched to VIPER
Gaston 100% VIPER, Gastonia PD & FD on UASI Site 10
Gates Sheriff & EMS on VIPER but EMS still uses some radios on VHF 154.10 Fire is on VHF patched to VIPER
Graham Sheriff on VIPER
Granville 100% VIPER
Greene 100% VIPER
Guilford County Trunked System
Halifax Sheriff using VIPER, so is Roanoke Rapids PD and Fire
Harnett 100% VIPER
Haywood EMS 100% VIPER
Henderson Used as an occasional backup & for hospital reports to Pardee/Park Ridge
Hertford Sheriff is using VHF hi band NXDN patched to VIPER, however EMS and Fire on VIPER are patched to VHF for paging
Hoke 100% VIPER
Hyde 100% VIPER, FD is paged on VHF hi band
Iredell 100% VIPER. The City of Statesville uses a standalone P25 System. Mooresville PD and public works use Site 9 of UASI
Jackson Used by EMS for hospital comms
Johnston Primary operations are on the Johnston County P25 TRS. 911 center has the ability to patch county system with VIPER as needed.
Jones FD and Sheriff patched to VIPER. Primary on TRS. Patched activated when keyed. All radios have access to VIPER.
Lee VHF/UHF conventional. EMS and Fire are patched to the NXDN system... law enforcement may be as well, but this has not yet been confirmed. EMS has also been confirmed to be patched to VIPER
Lenoir Primary operations are on the Lenoir County P25 TRS. Has ability to patch with VIPER as needed.
Lincoln 100% VIPER, Fire paged on VHF-Hi
Macon Traffic on VIPER, paging on legacy county analog system
Madison EMS on VIPER
Martin Law Enforcement on VIPER. Williamston FD and EMS on VIPER patched to VHF, rest of the county FD and EMS are on VHF patched to VIPER
McDowell Law Enforcement, Rescue Squad, FD on VIPER. Fire and Rescue VHF patched to VIPER, most units on VIPER side of patch.
Mecklenburg 100% UASI
Mitchell Law enforcement fully VIPER, EMS patched to VIPER, Fire/Rescue VHF Dispatch and TAC

channels patched into VIPER at E911 center.

Montgomery EMS, LEO active on VIPER
Moore 100% VIPER
Nash 100% VIPER, Rocky Mount uses their own system
New Hanover New Hanover County P25
Onslow 100% Onslow/Jacksonville System
Orange 100% VIPER
Pamlico 100% VIPER
Pasquotank 100% VIPER, Fire/ EMS Dispatch on VHF. Eliz. City State University is on VIPER.
Pender 100% VIPER
Perquimans Sheriff and EMS on VIPER, Fire Patched to VIPER. Some Fire units have VIPER radios installed
Person 100% VIPER
Pitt 80% VIPER - Greenville Fire, Pitt Sheriff's Office, and others have migrated off of VIPER and onto a local Phase 2 system.
Polk Not used-no foreseeable plans for switching.
Randolph 100% VIPER
Richmond Sheriff on VIPER
Robeson 100% VIPER
Rockingham 100% VIPER
Rowan County Trunked System
Rutherford Lake Lure PD/FD on VIPER. Rutherford FD/PD/EMS on Viper. Forest City on VIPER. Rutherford Co. Sheriff mixed, VHF and VIPER.
Scotland EMS on VIPER.
Sampson 100% VIPER
Stanly 100% UASI
Stokes 100% VIPER see Radio Reference NC VIPER PAGE for talkgroups
Surry Sheriff and EMS on VIPER. Fire on both VIPER and VHF
Transylvania Backup. Some EM usage.
Tyrrell Sheriff on VIPER, Washington EMS is shared with Tyrrell and is on VIPER patched to VHF
Union 100% UASI
Vance 100% VIPER

Cary, Apex, & Morrisville PD/FD/Public Works on Site 1 of Cary/Wake TRS.
Wake EMS uses Viper for EMS to hospital.
Wake Co PD's, Fire, and EMS using Site 2 of Cary/Wake TRS for all communications.
Raleigh Fire, Wake Fire, and Wake EMS Locution alerts are still simulcast on conventional frequencies.
Wake Co Public Safety has backup talkgroups on viper.

Warren 100% VIPER
Washington Sheriff and EMS on VIPER (EMS is patched to VHF). VHF FD is patched to VIPER
Watauga Most county agencies on VHF. Boone PD, App State PD and Emergency Management 100% VIPER, use VHF as backup in low coverage areas. County Fire VHF & VIPER patched as of Fall 2023.
Wayne Primary operations are on the Wayne County P25 Simulcast System. 911 center has the ability to patch the county system with VIPER as needed.
Wilkes All county agencies on VHF. Sheriff and fire patch to VIPER.
Wilson City of Wilson as well as County EMS and S.O. are on VIPER. County Fire is on Conventional VHF frequencies.
Yadkin Sheriff, Fire/EMS Dispatch patched to VIPER. Slowly transitioning as of 2024
Yancey EMS, Law Enforcement on VIPER
  • Keep in mind too that EVERY county and the EBCI have a minimum of 20 radios and a control station in the 911 center. They all have at least six talk groups, LE, FD, EMS, EM, Tac and Mutual Aid
  • Note - NCSHP is 100% VIPER, though may be patched to other systems
  • Note - NC Forest Service mostly on VHF, has VIPER capabilities. Some districts have a hard patch between VHF and VIPER on thier District Operations Channels.
  • Note - Many federal agencies (including FBI, DHS, ICE, and DEA) are also using VIPER either alone or in conjunction with local city/county agencies for investigations, both on Statewide Events and their own assigned TGs.

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