
Silke Communications FleetNet Channel Plan

From The RadioReference Wiki

NXDN NEXEDGE uses the same channel plan within the same system across all sites. As confirmed channel numbers are found, they can be added to this list which can be used for LCN research related to the "Silke Communications FleetNet" system. LCNs can be used across different sites, so this list can help identify unknown channel numbers. This channel plan is only for the California system, not the Oregon-Washington system.

Note: According to the NEXEDGE system planner, channel numbers can only be between 1 and 1023.

51 454.32500
52 454.33125
109 461.05000
113 461.07500
121 461.12500
141 461.25000
164 461.39375
172 461.44375
177 461.47500
189 461.55000
205 461.65000
207 461.66250
218 461.73125
219 461.73750
221 461.75000
224 461.76875
229 461.80000
230 461.80625
237 461.85000
248 461.91875
249 461.92500
253 461.95000
263 462.01250
265 462.02500
266 462.03125
269 462.05000
274 462.08125
277 462.10000
280 462.11875
282 462.13125
284 462.14375
288 462.16875
301 462.25000
330 462.43125
337 462.47500
347 462.53750
379 462.73750
415 451.16250
424 451.84375
426 452.24375
431 452.45625
454 463.20625
456 463.21875
461 463.25000
466 463.28125
467 463.28750
479 463.36250
494 463.45625
495 463.46250
499 463.48750
511 463.56250
515 463.58750
537 463.72500
541 463.75000
545 463.77500
555 463.83750
559 463.86250
588 464.04375
590 464.05625
603 464.13750
617 464.22500
621 464.25000
632 464.31875
633 464.32500
635 464.33750
649 464.42500
656 464.46875
689 464.67500
699 464.73750
703 464.76250
710 464.80625
719 464.86250
721 464.87500
725 464.90000
745 452.62500
746 460.65000
749 460.66875
758 460.72500
770 460.80000
774 460.82500
782 460.87500
786 460.90000
794 460.95000
802 482.40000
803 482.57500
804 482.60000
806 482.90000
807 483.00000
808 483.07500
811 483.22500
812 483.33750
813 483.35000
814 483.52500
815 483.57500
818 483.70000
819 483.87500
820 484.05000
821 484.07500
822 484.10000
823 484.12500
826 484.45000
827 484.52500
828 484.55000
829 484.57500
831 484.77500
833 484.90000
835 484.95000
836 484.97500
837 488.45000
839 488.67500
842 489.22500
843 489.47500
844 489.62500
845 489.80000
850 490.17500
851 490.30000
854 490.55000
855 490.67500
861 451.68750
862 451.77500
863 451.79375
864 451.87500
868 451.98750
871 452.08750
874 452.28750
881 452.74375
882 483.36250
883 483.46250
889 483.91250
891 484.27500
892 484.31250
894 484.43750
900 489.38750
906 489.93750
914 490.21250
923 451.01875
925 452.48125
927 451.95000
929 482.55000
946 451.26875
947 452.33125
950 451.10625
955 451.33750
964 451.78125
991 482.67500
992 482.95000
993 483.72500