

From The RadioReference Wiki

Many retail stores in malls and strip malls use simplex radios to conduct their business. In a busy shopping district making sense of all the frequencies heard on a scanner can be confusing. For a detailed guide to scanning stores and shopping centers, see this page. This list is also compiled from the US-Nationwide Businesses-Retail page.

Some but not all store frequencies in use are FCC licensed (either national, regional or local licenses). Fortunately, mainly retail stores use the same frequency/tone combinations nationwide. Scanning known common frequencies/tones will help identify these same stores when you are in their vicinity. Sources for the list below include frequencies found on and other regional frequency pages and scanner forums.

NOTE: the letters after a store's name are simply present to distinguish which frequency you are hearing when the scanner stops on that channel. Only when there are numbers in the description do they actually denote channel numbers.

469.4875 Abercrombie & Fitch 1 546
467.8500 Abercrombie & Fitch 2 412
467.8500 Abercrombie & Fitch 3 546
464.5500 Ace Hardware 67.0
467.8500 Aeropostale 203.5
467.8750 Aldi 612
467.7625 American Eagle Outfitters G 179.9
467.8125 American Eagle Outfitters H 71.9
464.5625 Ann Taylor 94.8
466.0375 Ann Taylor Loft 94.8
At Home DMR
461.1125 Auntie Anne's 606
158.4000 Banana Republic X 74.4
151.8350 Banana Republic Y 74.4
467.8500 Banana Republic Z 032
468.4125 Barnes & Noble 412
464.5000 Bass Pro Shop A 466
469.6000 Bass Pro Shop B 606
468.9375 Bass Pro Shop C 703
469.8875 Bass Pro Shop D 703
451.5875 Bass Pro Shop E 073
461.0625 Bath & Body Works X 632
461.0375 Bath & Body Works Y 734
467.9000 Bath & Body Works Z 632
467.8500 Bed Bath & Beyond X 67.0
467.8750 Bed Bath & Beyond Y 67.0
467.9250 Bed Bath & Beyond Z 67.0
467.9250 Best Buy A 506
467.9000 Best Buy B 743
461.2375 Big Lots 346
467.8750 Big Lots 265
467.8500 Burlington Coat Factory 351
154.5275 Charlotte Russe X 186.2
467.8500 Charlotte Russe Y 173.8
461.0375 Charlotte Russe Z 186.2
468.2625 Chico's 192.8
467.8500 Children's Place 712
467.9250 Chuckie Cheese 031
462.9375 Coach 1 703
464.9875 Coach 2 464
154.6000 Costco 82.5
Varies Costco DLR - Unscannable
467.9250 Crate & Barrel X 91.5
467.8750 Crate & Barrel Y 77.0
467.7625 Crate & Barrel Z 74.4
467.8250 Dave & Buster's 1 131
467.9000 Dave & Buster's 2 043
467.8750 Dick's Sporting Goods 1 85.4
467.8750 Dick's Sporting Goods 2 94.8
467.8750 Disney Store 712
464.5000 DSW 023
467.9000 Express 118.8
467.8750 Express 71.9
467.9000 Express Men 136.5
461.0375 Foot Locker 74.4
154.5150 Gap VHF X 172
154.6000 Gap VHF Y 624
154.6000 Gap VHF Z 74.4
154.5700 Gap or Old Navy 74.4
467.9250 Gander Outdoors 205
467.8750 Guess 723
467.1375 H&M V 155
469.0000 H&M W 103.5
468.8375 H&M X 155
466.2875 H&M Y 155
469.7625 H&M Z 155
467.8500 Harbor Freight Tools 1 631
467.8750 Harbor Freight Tools 2 411
467.9000 Harbor Freight Tools 3 346
467.9250 Harbor Freight Tools 4 343
467.8500 Harris Teeter 146.2
469.2625 Hobby Lobby 186.2
466.1875 Hollister 506
467.7625 Home Depot 1 065
467.8500 Home Depot 2 331
467.8375 Home Depot 3 263
467.8750 Home Depot 4 413
467.9000 Home Depot 5 466
469.4875 Home Goods 210.7
451.2375 JC Penny 365
461.9375 JC Penney Q 732
467.2250 JC Penney X 365
466.9625 JC Penney Y 85.4
461.7125 JC Penney Z 365
467.9000 J Crew X 88.5
467.9250 J Crew Y 88.5
461.9000 Jo Ann Fabric 371
467.9000 Jo Ann Fabric 731
467.8500 Kohl's X 023
466.3375 Kohl's Z 612
467.8500 Kroger 100.0
466.0375 Loft 94.8
462.9125 Macy's 162.2
467.8750 Macy's 173.8
461.2375 Marshall's 1 100.0
467.8750 Marshall's 2 100.0
464.6250 Meijer 136.5
154.5700 Menards VHF 1 179.9
154.6000 Menards VHF 2 179.9
464.4875 Menards UHF-W 031
469.5625 Menards UHF-X 023
467.8875 Menards UHF-Y 065
466.0375 Menards UHF-Z 025
467.8500 Micheal's 532
464.5750 Neiman Marcus 127.3
457.5250 New Balance 071
466.0250 Nike 1 371
467.3750 Nike 2 223
468.2625 Nike 3 343
463.5625 Nordstrom A 506
463.8375 Nordstrom B 146.2
467.9000 Office Depot X 131
467.9250 Office Depot Y 131
464.5500 Office Max 79.7
Varies Old Navy DLR - Unscannable
154.6000 Old Navy A 85.4
154.6000 Old Navy B 331
151.6250 Old Navy X 74.4
151.7750 Old Navy Y 77.0
151.8050 Old Navy Z 77.0
467.8500 Old Navy-UHF Q 047
467.9250 Old Navy-UHF R 311
151.9550 Old Navy-VHF 74.4
464.5500 Olive Garden 67.0
469.5625 Party City 67.0
464.5000 Pet Smart 162.2
464.5500 Pet Smart 162.2
151.7000 Pottery Barn A 79.7
151.7000 Pottery Barn D 71.9
151.6250 Pottery Barn E 97.4
461.3125 Pottery Barn Kids 74.4
467.9250 Ross 271
151.9400 Sams Club 131
464.5250 Sears Q 131.8
468.4875 Sears X 103.5
464.5500 Sears Y 118.8
461.1625 Sears Z 413
467.9250 Sephora V 412
464.5500 Sephora W 412
461.1125 Sephora X 412
467.7625 Sephora Y 412
461.0875 Sephora Z 466
467.8750 Shoe Depot Encore 072
467.9000 Staples 225.7
467.1875 Target F 306
467.5125 Target G 165
467.4625 Target G 244
467.4875 Target H 072
467.5125 Target I 115
467.8750 Target J 244
467.7500 Target U-1 115
467.7750 Target U-2 072
467.9250 Target U-3 155
467.9000 Target U-4 205
461.0375 Target UHF 1 026
466.2875 Target UHF 2 032
469.4875 Target UHF 3 047
469.4875 Target UHF 3B 065
462.9125 Target UHF 4 065
467.4875 Target UHF L 072
467.5125 Target UHF M 115
151.6250 Target VHF 1 179.9
151.9550 Target VHF 2 179.9
151.9250 Target VHF 3 506
151.8950 Target VHF 4 506
467.925 Texas Roadhouse 67
467.8750 TJ Maxx 1 100.0
461.2375 TJ Maxx 2 100.0
464.4875 Tilly's 67.0
467.9000 Tommy Hilfiger 503
467.9250 Under Armour 311
467.9250 Urban Outfitters 218.1
467.9250 Victoria's Secret X 743
469.5375 Victoria's Secret Y 743
Varies Walmart DLR - Unscannable
467.7500 Walmart - Glens Falls, NY
467.8125 WalMart UHF A 179.9
154.5700 WalMart VHF A CSQ
154.6000 WalMart VHF B CSQ
154.6000 WalMart VHF B1 71.9
451.8000 WaWa 1 506
451.8125 WaWa 2 506
456.8125 WaWa 3 506

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